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Class—VII Subject: English. Date---19.10.

Chapter---A Stormy Adventure(English Literature)
Please note: The following questions and answers need not be written
down in your classwork copies. It is just meant for studying:

1. “Knocked down by sea sickness pills, I bet!”

a. Identify the speaker.
b. What was Rohini's condition at that time?
c. Describe the scenario.
Ans: a. Vishal is the speaker.
b. Rohini was fast asleep, wedged in tightly between the pillows.
c. Bedlam seemed to have broken loose everywhere. Drawers and
books came crashing down on the ground with every lurch. Every thing
was in a state of severe disorder. Tables and chairs turned cartwheels,
the fridge had started a solitary jig across the floor. As Vishal peered
out through the porthole, gigantic waves seemed to be descending
upon them.

2. “Two loud bangs followed.”

a. What did the boy do?
b. What was Captain Kumar doing?
c. Describe the situation that followed?
Ans—a. The boy got nervous and forgot his father’s instructions. He
raced frantically up to the bridge.
b. Captain Kumar was pacing up and down, giving instructions to
reduce the speed and change the direction.
c. The Trishna veered slowly to her right, knocked by furious winds.
Vishal had to hold tight onto the rail of the bridge to keep himself from
being hurled down. There was a terrifying sound once again on the
starboard side. All of a sudden, alarms and bells ran, shrilly around and
Emergency Stations were called, people were found rushing towards
the Engine Room.

3. How was Trishna saved?

Ans—First, Vishal was reminded of a boating incident in Okhla where
the boat was tilted to expose its leak. After suggesting his father about
this, they came forward to put it to action because that was the only
option left. Down in the Engine Room water gushed in only at intervals
now. Chief Officer and his men made a wooden plug. This time five
people held it in position with all their might, blocking it in with cement
and held it tight. There was a cry of relief as pumping operations began
to dry out the Engine Room. With time, the barometer started rising
and the wind got reduced. A ray of hope finally dawned upon them.

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