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*Bài 1 播出日期:92 年 1 月 2 日
主題:Hello! How are you?
1 Good morning 早安 8 Fantastic 太棒了
2 Good afternoon 午安 9 Not bad.還好
3 Good evening 晚安(晚上見面) 10 So so 馬馬虎虎
4 Good night 晚安(晚上道別) 11 Not so good.不太好
5 How are you?你好嗎? 12 Terrible 糟透了
6 Fine, thanks.很好,謝謝 13 How do you do? 你好嗎?
7 Very well.很好 14 Nice to meet you.
( 很高興認識你)
對話 I:
Lina:   Good morning, Jessica.
Jessica: Good morniong, Lina. How are you?
Lina:  Fantastic. How are you?
Jessica: Terrible.
對話 II
Lina: Hi, my name is Lina. What’s your name?
Jessica: My name is Jessica. Nice to meet you.
Lina: Nice to meet you , too.
A-     apple,   ant,     add
B-     bird,    bee,     book
C-     cat,     candy,   coke

*Bài 2: 播出日期:92 年 01 月 04 日
1  what 什麼 6  my 我的
2  name 名字 7  your 你的
3  first name 名字 8  his 他的
4  last name 姓 9  her 她的
5  family name 姓 10  its 它的
對話 I:
Lina: Hi, my name is Lina. What’s your name?
Jessica: My name is Jessica. Nice to meet you.
Lina: Nice to meet you , too.
對話 II
Lina: What’s his name?
Jessica: His name is Tom.
Lina: What’s her name?
Jessica: His name is Sally.
Lina: What’s its name?
Jessica: Its name is Kitty.
D-  dog,   desk,      duck
E-  egg,   elephant,  end
F-  fish,  face,      fan
廁所 toilet , restroom, men’s room, ladies, room
上廁所 take a leak, I need to go, No1, No2, pee-pee , poo-poo
Excuse me, where is the restaurant?

*Bài 3: 播出日期:92 年 1 月 9 日
主題:Unit Three  Family (1)
1  father     爸爸 9  aunt            姨嬸

2  mother     媽媽 10  grandfather     祖父
3  brother    兄弟 11  grandmother     祖母
4  sister     姐妹 12  grandson        孫子
5  daughter   女兒 13  granddaughter   孫女
6  son        兒子 14  niece        姪女,外甥女
7  cousin   表堂兄弟姐妹 15  nephew        姪子,外甥
8  uncle      叔伯舅   

This   My father He   A businessman
That   Is My daughter She is A student

G-  girl,  game,   gift
H-  hot,   hair,   hand
I-  ink,   ill,    indian

*Bài 4: 播出日期:92 年 1 月 16 日

 1  Notebook  筆記本  11  housewife  家管

 2  Jane  珍(女子名)  12  waiter  服務生

 3  White  懷特(姓)  13  waitress  女服務生

 4  Student  學生  14  engineer  工程師

 5  Teacher  老師  15  farmer  農夫

 6  Doctor  醫師  16  vendor  小販

 7  Nurse  護士  17  driver  司機

 8  Businessman  商人  18  worker  作業員

 9  Fireman  消防員  19  coach  教練

 10  Policeman  警員  20  player  球員

對話 I:

Bill:  Hi, is this your notebook? Bill:  Hi, Jane. I’m Bill.  Are you a student?

Jane: Oh, yes! Thank you! Jane: No, I’m a teacher.  And you?

Bill:  Jane White? Bill:  I’m a student

Jane: Yes, that’s my name.


do you

What do?

your father

I am


搭訕: pick up

      pick up girls

      pick up guys


Please pick me up at 6:00 a.m..

*Bài 5: 播出日期:92 年 1 月 18 日

主題:Body Parts

 1  big  大的  12  mouth  嘴

 2  small  小的  13  ear  耳

 3  long  長的  14  face  臉

 4  short  短的,矮的  15  neck  脖子

 5  heavy, chubby  胖的  16  body  身體

 thin, skinny
 6  瘦的  17  arm  手臂
 slender, slim

 7  light  輕的,淡的  18  hand  手

 8  head  頭  19  finger  手指

 9  hair  頭髮  20  leg  腿

 10  eye  眼睛  21  foot, feet  腳(單複數)

 11  nose  鼻子  22  toe  腳趾

I have legs

has short



legs      are long



M-  milk  mouse  mango

    Mom   Tom

*Bài 6: 播出日期:92 年 1 月 23 日
主題:Who Is That Girl?
1  who  誰 7  birthday 生日
2  girl  女孩 8  present 禮物
3  boy  男孩 9  tall 高的
4  nice  好看的 10  too 也, 太
5  jacket  短外套  11  but 但是
6  look at  看      

對話 I:
Mark: Who’s that girl?
Tom:  The tall girl?
Mark: No, the short girl.
Tom:  Oh! That’s Jane.
對話 II
Miss Lin: Who’s that thin boy, Sally?
Sally :   That’s my brother.  His name is Tom,
Miss Lin: He’s tall.  My brother is short and heavy.
對話 III
Mark: That’s a nice jacket.
Tom : Thank you.  It’s a birthday present.
      But it’s too big.
Mark: No, it’s fine.  Look at my jacket.  It’s too small.
Who is
that short girl?
He Tom
She is Jane
That Mark
N -  nose  name   net
     ten   moon   can

*Bài 7: 播出日期:92 年 1 月 25 日
主題:Where Is My Pen? 
1  on 在…之上 10  highlighter  螢光筆
2  under 在…之下 11  marker  麥克筆
3  where 何處 12  color pen  彩色筆
4  chair 13  crayon  蠟筆

5  desk 書桌  14  ruler  尺

6  pen 鋼筆,原子筆 15  pencil case  鉛筆盒
7  pencil 鉛筆 16  bookbag  書包
8  eraser 橡皮擦 17  scissors  剪刀
9 liquid paper 立可白 18  glue  膠水
white-out 修正液 19  lunch box  便當
correction tape 修正帶

20  in  在…之內
Tom:  Where’s my pen, Mary?
Mary: It’s under your book.
Tom:  And where’s my notebook?
Mary: It’s on your chair.
Where is
my ruler?
the chair
It is in
the pencil box
       It’s under
the desk
O -  ox   octopus  hot


BMW  big mouth woman  大嘴巴的女人

BMM  big mouth man     大嘴巴的男人

IBM  international big mouth 國際級大嘴巴

*Bài 8: 播出日期:92 年 1 月 30 日
主題:What Are You Doing? 
1  game boy  掌上型電動玩具 8  watch TV 看電視
2  teach  教 9  wash 洗
 teaching  washing
3  English  英語 10  cook 煮
4  listen  聽 11  eat 吃
 listening  eating
5  radio  收音機  12  kitchen 廚房
6  study  讀  13  dining room 飯廳
7  sleep  睡 14  living room 客廳
對話 I:
Dad: Where’s Bill?
Mom: He’s in his room.
Dad: What’s he doing?
Mom: He’s studying
Dad: Oh,OK.
對話 II
Mom: What are you doing, Tom?
     Are you watching TV?
Tom: No, I’m not.  I’m studying.
Mom: Where is Sally?
Tom: In her room.  She’s sleeping.
What are you

What is he
What’s she

I am studying
He is sleeping
She is watching TV
Are you

Is he
Is she

I am.
Yes, she is.
he is.
I am not.
   No, she is not.
he is not.
P-  pig    park   lip

*Bài 9: 播出日期:92 年 2 月 1 日
主題:Lunar January 1st
1 Spring Festival 春節 9 count down 倒數
2 Lantern Festival 10 Super Bowl 超級盃美式
3 lunar calendar 農曆 11 Rose Parade 玫瑰花車遊行
4 visit relatives  and friends 12 superstitious
拜年 迷信

5 pray to the gods 祭神 13 say good words 說好話

6 festival  performance 民俗表演 14 take out garbage 倒垃圾
7 lion dance and dragon dance 舞獅舞龍 15 New Year resolution 新年決心
8 celebrate 慶祝 16 New Year taboo 新年禁忌

*Bài 10: 播出日期:92 年 2 月 6 日

主題:What Can You Do?
1  can  能,會 4  basketball  籃球
2  can’t  不能 5  baseball  棒球
 cannot  不會
3  play  玩 打(球) 6  those  那些
對話 I:
Tom:  Look at those boys!  They’re very good.
Boy:  Can you play basketball?
Tom:  Yes.  Can you?
Boy:  No, I can’t.  But my sister can.
      She can play basketball and baseball.
Tom:  My brother can play baseball, too.
Q-  quiz    quit   queen
All you can eat   吃到飽

dig in            大吃特吃

pig out           大吃特吃

catnap            小睡, 假寐

sleep like a log  熟睡

dead to the world 熟睡

Singing In The Rain Let the stormy clouds chase

I’m singing in the rain Every one from the place

Just singing in the rain Come on with the rain

What a glorious feeling I’ve(got) a smile on my face

I’m happy again I’ll walk down the lane

I’m laughing at clouds With a happy refrain

So dark, up above, And singing

The sun’s in my heart Just singing in the rain

And I’m ready for love I’m dancing and singing in the rain

*Bài 11: 播出日期:92 年 2 月 8 日

主題:Yes, I can   
1  these  這些 6  cook  煮
2  new  新的 7  wash  洗
3  bicycle (bike)  腳踏車 8  dish  盤子
4  ride  騎乘 9  we  我們

5  roller-skate  穿輪鞋溜冰 10  eat  吃

對話 I:
Bill:  Are these your new bicycles?
Mary:  Yes, they are.
Bill:  They are nice.
Mary:  Thanks.
Susan: Can you ride a bike, Bill?
Bill:  No, but I can roller-skate.
對話 II:
Girl A: Can you cook?
Girl B: Yes, I can.
Girl C: I can cook, too.
Girl A: Good.
Girl A: Can you wash dishes?
Boy A& B: Yes, we can.
Girl A: What can you do ?
Boy C & Girl C:  We can eat.

What can do?


I can eat.
He can sleep.
She can cook.
listen to Magic English

Can he cook?

I can.
Yes, he can.
she can.
     No, I can’t.
she can’t.
he can’t.
R-  rose   ring   rabbit
peer teacher  小老師

*Bài 12: 播出日期:92 年 2 月 13 日

主題:Please stand up  
1  open  打開 5  picture  圖畫
2  please  請 6  spell  拼字
3  stand up  站起來 7  sit down  坐下
4  look at  看      

對話 I:
Miss C: Mary, please stand up.
        Look at this picture.
        What’s this?
Mary:   It’s a pencil.
Miss C: Spell “pencil.”
Mary:   P-E-N-C-I-L, pencil.
Miss C: Very good.  Sit down, please.

sit down.

Please stand up.

look at the picture.

Sit down,

Stand up, Please.

Look at the picture,

Please stand up, Tom.
Tom, please stand up.
Tom, stand up, please.
S-  sun   sad   snow

T-  tea   tag   toy

teacher’s pet  受老師寵愛的學生
peer teacher   小老師

*Bài 13: 播出日期:92 年 2 月 15 日

主題:What’s Your Telephone Number?  
1  zero  零 8  seven  七
2  one  一 9  eight  八
3  two  二 10  nine  九

4  three  三 11  telephone (phone)  電話

5  four  四 12  number  數字號碼

6  five  五 13  That’s right  沒錯 對的
7  six  六      
對話 I:
Mark: Tom, what’s your telephone number?
Tom:  It’s 592-3934.
Mark: 5-9-2 3-9-3-4.
Tom:  What’s your phone number?
Mark: My number is 861-3601.
Tom:  8-6-1 3-6-0-1?
Mark: That’s right.    
What is
his telephone number?

It is
BMW 520         CD 3874        995
IBM 168         DJ 2266        0564335
LKK 038         UV 1314        3854335
SPP 543         DR 5408

*Bài 14: 播出日期:92 年 2 月 20 日

主題:Sorry! You Have The Wrong Number
1  double  二倍

2  triple  三倍

3  hundred  百
4  You have the wrong number  你打錯電話了
Tony: Hello?
 Tom: Hello. Mark?
Tony: Sorry. You have the wrong number.
 Tom: Is this 861-3601?
Tony: No, it’s not.  It’s 861-3701.
 Tom: Oh, I’m sorry.
1-800-flowers (3569377)
Song: I Just Called To Say “I Love You”
V-  visa    vase   violin
have two left feet (非常笨拙, 尤其指跳舞時)

*Bài 15: 播出日期:92 年 2 月 22 日

主題:May I Speak To Tom? 
1  may  可以
5  leave a message
   take a message
2  speak  說

6  Who is this?
 hold on
3  just a moment
   just a minute    cell  phone
 just a second  7  mobile phone  行動電話
   portable phone

 8  star key  星號鍵

4  use  使用
 9  Pound key  井號鍵

1.    Hello, Lina.
2.    Hello. May I speak to Lina?
3.    Hello. Is Lina there?
4.    Hello. Is this 2388-8985?
1. Speaking.
2. This is he (she).
3. Hold on, please.
Just a moment.
Just a minute.
Just a second.
4. Sorry.  She (He) is not here.
Would you like to leave a message?
(Can I take a message?)
5. Who is this?
Song: Genie In the Bottle
W-  web   witch  winter
black sheep (害群之馬)

*Bài 16: 播出日期:92 年 2 月 27 日

主題:What Time Is It? 
1  ten  十 11  twenty 二十
2  eleven  十一 12  thirty 三十
3  twelve  十二 13  forty 四十

4  thirteen  十三 14  fifty 五十

5  fourteen  十四 15  sixty 六十

6  fifteen  十五 16  Excuse me 對不起請問
7  sixteen  十六 17  clock 鐘
8  seventeen  十七 18  time 時間
9  eighteen  十八 19  over there 在那裡
10  nineteen  十九      
對話 I:
John: Excuse me, Bill.  What time is it?
Bill: It’s 3:50.
John: Thanks.
對話 II:
Woman: What time is it , please.
Man:   I’m sorry.  I don’t have a watch.
       Look! There’s a clock over there. It’s 10:45.
Woman: Thank you.
What time is it?
It’s +數字(點鐘 分鐘)
It’s +時間 in the morning (afternoon, evening)
Song: Time After Time
X-  X-ray  fax  box
around the clock

*Bài 17: 播出日期:92 年 3 月 1 日

主題:How Old Are You?
1  seventy  七十 6  then  那麼
2  eighty  八十 7  …years old  …歲
3  ninety  九十 8  year  年

4  one hundred  一百 9  age  年齡

5  how old  幾歲 10  And  加

對話 I:
Sue:  Hi, Bob.
Bob:  Oh, hi, Sue.     
Sue:  How are you doing?
Bob:  I’m OK.  And you?
Sue:  Fine. That’s a nice dog, Bob. How old is it?
Bob:  He’s three.
對話 II:
Sue:  Hi, Jane.
Jane: Hi. Sue.
Sue:  This is my brother, David.
Jane: Hello, David.
Jane: How old is he?
Sue:  He is five years old.
      How old are your brothers, Jane?
Jane: Joe is eleven.  Sam is twelve.
Sue:  Are you thirteen, then?
Jane: No, I’m fourteen.
are you?

How old he?



What is his age?

thirteen (years old)
What is (are) A and B?
A and B is (are) C
Is (Are) A and B C?
Song:  Sixteen Going To Seventeen
Y-  year   yo-yo   yam
over the hill

*Bài 18: 播出日期:92 年 3 月 6 日

主題:What Day Is Today?
1  Sunday  週日 8  piano lesson  鋼琴課
2  Monday  週一 9  after school  放學後
3  Tuesday  週二 10  homework  家庭作業

4  Wednesday  週三 11  week  週

5  Thursday  週四 12  today  今天

6  Friday  週五 13  go to the movies  看電影
7  Saturday  週六 14  That’s too bad  真不巧
對話 I:
Sue:  Mary, can you go to the movies today?
Mary: Sorry, I can’t.  Today is Monday.
      I have a piano lesson.
Sue:  Can Ted go?
Mary: No.  This week he plays basketball after
Sue:  And Jane?
Mary: No.  She has a piano lesson, too.
Sue:  Then, can we go on Tuesday, Wednesday,
      or Thursday?
Mary: No, I have homework.
Sue:  Oh, that’s too bad.
Mary: But we can go on Saturday or Sunday.        

What day is(it) Today?

Today Sunday.

It Sunday today.

Song:  Sunday Morning
Z-  zoo   zebra   zipper
Monday blue
Every dog has its day.

* Bài 19: 播出日期:92 年 3 月 8 日

主題:Days Of The Week
1  Sunday  週日 8  piano lesson  鋼琴課
2  Monday  週一 9  after school  放學後
3  Tuesday  週二 10  homework  家庭作業

4  Wednesday  週三 11  week  週

5  Thursday  週四 12  today  今天

6  Friday  週五 13  go to the movies  看電影
7  Saturday  週六 14  That’s too bad  真不巧
對話 I:
Sue:  Mary, can you go to the movies today?
Mary: Sorry, I can’t.  Today is Monday.
      I have a piano lesson.
Sue:  Can Ted go?
Mary: No.  This week he plays basketball after
Sue:  And Jane?
Mary: No.  She has a piano lesson, too.
Sue:  Then, can we go on Tuesday, Wednesday,
      or Thursday?
Mary: No, I have homework.
Sue:  Oh, that’s too bad.
Mary: But we can go on Saturday or Sunday.        

Mary a piano lesson Wednesday.

has on
Tom homework Tuesday.

plays basketball baseball  on


I play the piano at 5 o’clock( in the   morning on Monday.)

I play the piano at 5 o’clock on Monday morning.

*Bài 20: 播出日期:92 年 3 月 13 日

主題:What Day Is Today?  
1  do  助動詞 5  Wang  王(姓)
2  does  助動詞 6  computer  電腦
3  like  喜歡 7  comic books  漫畫書

4  sport  運動     

對話 I:
Mr. Wang: Do you like sports, Jack?
    Jack: Yes, I do.
Mr. Wang: What do you like, Jane?
    Jane: I like computers and sports.
Mr. Wang: Do you like sports, too, Ted?
Ted: No, I don’t.  I like comic books.
Mr. Wang: Does Ted like sports, Mary?
    Mary: No, he doesn’t. He likes comic books.
Mr. Wang: Does Jane like sports?
    Mary: Yes, she does.  She also like computers.
Mr. Wang: Very good.

like sports?







Song: Let’s Twist

peg   cox   odd   wag   ram

wag one’s jaw 喋喋不休
He is a wag.  他是個能言善道的人
She likes wagging her jaw.  她喜歡喋喋不休

*Bài 21: 播出日期:92 年 3 月 15 日

主題:What Animals Do You Like?  
1  don’t  do not 5  cute  可愛的
2  doesn’t  does not 6  animal  動物
3  love  喜愛 7  at home  在家

4  cat  貓 8  grandmother  祖母

對話 I:
Jack: Look at these cats.
Mary: They’re cute. 
Jane: What animals do you like, Jack?
Jack: I like dogs.
Jane: Do you have a dog at home?
Jack: No.  My mother doesn’t like dogs.
      But we have two birds.  She loves birds.
Jane: Mary, what animals do you like?
Mary: I like cats.  My grandmother has ten cats.     

What animals
What sports
John and Mary  

Song:  Puppy Love

elf   imp   gremlin   goblin 
puppy love 初戀(通常指幼年時期的戀愛)
puppy 小狗 (自負的年輕人)

*Bài 22: 播出日期:92 年 3 月 20 日

主題:Can I Have A Coke? 
1  coke  可樂 11  chicken  雞肉
2  hungry  飢餓的 12  lamb  小羊肉
3  sandwich  三明治 13  mutton  羊肉

4  lettuce  生菜 14  meat  肉類

5  tomato  蕃茄 15  vegetarian  素食者

6  pork  豬肉 16  lunch  午餐
7  fish  魚肉 17  pretty soon  很快
8  seafood  海鮮 18  before  在…之前
9  beef  牛肉 19  water  水
10  milk  牛奶 20  thirsty  口渴的
對話 I:
Ted: Hi, Mom, I’m hungry. What time can we eat lunch?
Mrs.Wu: Pretty soon.
Ted: What are you cooking?
Mrs. Wu: Pork.
Ted: I’m thirsty.  Can I have a coke?
Mrs. Wu: No, not before lunch. You can have water or milk.


suntan    cabin    plump    fabric

Mutton dressed up as lamb.

*Bài 23: 播出日期:92 年 3 月 22 日

主題:Which Do You Like, Pork or Fish?  
1  which  哪一個 3  bread  麵包
2  rice  米飯 4  both  二者
對話 I:: 
 Mary: Frank, which do you like, pork or fish?
Frank: I like pork.  I don’t like fish.
 Mary: And you, Jane?
 Jane: I like pork and fish.  But I don’t like beef.
Frank: Mary, which do you like, rice or bread?
 Mary: I like both.
Frank: I like both, too.

do you

rice or bread?
Sue like, fish or beef?
  coke or water?


Song:  Brown Eyes

ce    cent
ci    city  civic
cy    cynic
dog-ear  (n) 頁角的捲折
(V) 折頁角
Don’t dog-ear my book.
*Bài 24: 播出日期:92 年 3 月 29 日
主題:What Time Does Ted Get Home?
1  there  在(家)嗎? 4  have  吃喝
2  now  現在 5  dinner  晚餐
3  get home  到家     
對話 I:: 
Mrs. Wu: Hello?
    Sue: Hello, Mrs. Wu.  This is Sue.  Is Ted there?
Mrs. Wu: Oh, hi, Sue.  Ted isn’t at home now.
    Sue: Is he playing basketball in the gym?
Mrs. Wu: No.  Today is Thursday. 
  He has a piano lesson in the afternoon.
    Sue: Oh, what time does he get home?
Mrs. Wu: He gets home about six o’clock.
         We have dinner at 6:30.
    Sue: Thank you, Mrs. Wu.  Good-bye.
Mrs. Wu: Good-bye, Sue.
Song:  Heal The World
ch -----  chat    chin    check
spring chicken  無經驗的年輕人  初生之犢

*播出日期:92 年 4 月 3 日
主題:Spring, Summer, Fall, And Winter
1  spring  春天 6  warm  溫暖的
2  summer  夏天 7  hot  炎熱的
3  fall  秋天 8  cool  涼爽的

4  autumn  秋天 9  cold  寒冷的

5  winter  冬天      

對話 I:
Jack: Do you like summer, Ted?
 Ted: No.  It’s so hot in summer. Do you like summer, Jack?
Jack: Yes, I do.  But I don’t like winter. Winter is so cold.
 Ted: Which do you like, spring or fall?
Jack: I like both.  It’s warm in spring and cool in fall
It’s warm in spring.
=Spring is warm.
Song:  April Love
sh ----- ship   shop   shack
         dish   trash  cash
fall guy (scapegoat) 容易上當的人  替死鬼

*Bài 25: 播出日期:92 年 4 月 5 日

主題:How Many Seasons Are There In A Year?
1  how many  多少 5  third  第三
2  season  季節 6  fourth  第四
3  first  第一 7  come  到來

4  second  第二 8  then  然後

對話 I:
Mr. Wang: How many seasons are there in a year, Jane?
    Jane: There are four seasons in a year.
Mr. Wang: What are they?
    Jane: They are spring, summer, fall, and winter.
Mr. Wang: Which is the first season?
    Jane: Spring is the first season.
Mr. Wang: And then?
    Jane: Summer comes after spring.
          Fall is the third season.
Mr. Wang: Very good.
          Then, summer is the second season.
in a year?
How many days  are there in a week?
in the tree?

 four seasons in a year.

There are
 seven days in a week.

 15 birds in the tree.


Ph ----- phonics  Philip  Sphinx      

         graph    Ralph

first and last  唯一的, 徹頭徹尾的
That was the first and last time I lent you books

*Bài 26: 播出日期:92 年 4 月 10 日

主題:How Many Baseball Cards Do You Have? 
1  card  卡片 2  love  喜愛
對話 I:
Jack: Jane, do you have baseball cards?
Jane: Yes, I do.  I love baseball cards.
Jack: I have eleven cards.  And you?
Jane: I have fifteen.  Look! One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten,
      eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, and fifteen.  I have fifteen cards!
Jack: Oh! Do you have basketball cards?
Jane: No. I don’t.
Jack: I have thirty.

a dog?
Do you have

Yes, do.


No, don’t.


th ----- thumb  thin  thick      

         bath   fifth 

th ----- than   there  this


thumb a ride , thumb a lift  搭便車

A: How are you going to get there?
B: I am going to thumb a ride.
first and last  唯一的, 徹頭徹尾的
That was the first and last time I lent you books

*Bài 27: 播出日期:92 年 4 月 12 日

主題:In The Park 
 1  park   公園  6  bird  鳥
 2  there is  (在..地方)有(單數)  7  dog  狗
 3  there are  (在..地方)有(複數)  8  Lassie  (狗名)
 4  tree  樹  9  catch  接(球)
 5  flower  花 10  ball  球
     This is a park.  There are trees, flowers, and birds
in the park.  Two boys and  a dog are playing under a tree.
----- This dog is big!  Is it your dog?
----- Yes.  Her name is Lassie.
----- What can she do?
----- She can sit.  She can catch a ball, too.
 There    is  a dog  in the park.
 There   are  birds  in the tree
wh-  when   which   whammy
mascot     吉祥物
Teddy bear is the mascot of the basketball team.

*Bài 28: 播出日期:92 年 4 月 17 日

主題:Cathy Was A Little Heavy Last Year 
 1  was  (am, is 的過去式)  5  dress  洋裝
 2  were  (are 的過去式)  6  white  白色的
 3  wear  穿戴  7  shoes  鞋子
 4  red  紅色的      
 Sue: Who's that girl?
Jane: Which girl?  There are five girls over there.
 Sue: The tall girl.  She is wearing a red dress and white shoes.
Jane: Oh, that's Cathy, Jack's sister.    
Sue:  She is thin.
Jane: Yes.  But she was a little heavy last year
 I am a woman.  I was a girl.
 You are a teacher.  You were a student.
 She is thin.  She was heavy
nk-      think     Frank        thank
spare tire 備胎(肚子上的游泳圈)
I am on a diet, because I have a spare tire now.

*Bài 29: 播出日期:92 年 4 月 19 日

主題:We Were In The Same Class 
1  same 相同的 3  glasses 眼鏡
2  different 不同的   
Ted: Hi, Tom.
Tom: You’re….
Ted: Ted.  We were in the same class last year.
Tom: Oh, yes.  But you’re so tall now.  You were short and heavy last year.
Ted: Well, you’re different, too, Tom.
     Your hair was long, but now it’s short.
Tom: Yes.  And I wear glasses now.
ng   字中   English  angry  hungry
girly girl  非常女性化的女生

*Bài 30: 播出日期:92 年 4 月 24 日

主題:Class Reunion 
1  class reunion  同學會 11  gray          灰色的
2  classmate      同學 12  remember      記得
3  one another    互相 13  nickname      綽號
4  excited        興奮的 14  ugly duckling 醜小鴨
5  together       一起 15  smart         聰明的
6  puppy-lovers   青梅竹馬 16  elegant       優雅的
7  angry          生氣的 17  swam          天鵝
8  hold hands     牽手 18  prince        王子
9  past tense     過去式 19  nobleman      貴族
10  strange        奇怪的 20  movie star    電影明星
11  weird          怪異的 21  got married   結婚
Honey, today is our class reunion.  All my classmates are coming.
We haven’t seen one another for a long time.
Daisy:  Honey, I’m so excited.  I miss all my girl friends. We used to play  
and study together every day.  It’s my good old days.
Don:  Yes, we were puppy-lovers.  Our teacher was so angry when he saw us
holding hands.  I wonder if our teacher Mr. Duck will come to the reunion or not.
Daisy:I hope to see Mr. Duck.  He always said that I was the best student  
in the class.  I was the Model Duck.
Don: I wonder what our old classmates would say.  They said I was so short.  They didn’t
  think I could win your love.  You were so tall and beautiful.
Daisy: What did you say?  I WAS beautiful?  I am still beautiful.
 Don’t use past tense.
Don:  But, after all.  We got married.  And we are happy.  Look at our cute babies.
Daisy: They look like me.  That’s why they are cute.
Don:   Yes!  I am tall now.  But, I am still ugly.
Daisy: Oh! Honey, it’s O.K..  You are a very good duck and a good husband, too.
Don:  Thank you.  Hey!  I remember there was a very strange duck in our class.  He was
gray,not yellow like us.  We duckling were supposed to be yellow.  But he was gray.

Daisy: And his neck was so long.  How weird.  We didn’t like him at all.  We didn’t talk
 to him or play with him.  He was all alone.
Don:  Do you remember his name?  What’s his name?
Daisy: I don’t remember.  I only remember his nickname.
Don:  What was his nickname? 
Daisy: We all called him “Ugly Duckling.”
Don: Yes, I remember it now.  Oh! My Honey, you are so amart.
Daisy: Hey! Look! Who is coming?  What a beautiful and elegant white swam!
Is he a prince?
Or he must be a nobleman!  Or is he a movie star?  I have to talk to him.
I have to know him.
Don: Honey!  Honey!   Wait…..
Daisy: Hi, nice to meet you.  My name is Daisy.  What’s your name?
Mr. Swam: I am Mr. Swam.
Don: Why do you come to our reunion?  We are all ducks.
Mr. Swam:  I was your classmate!  I was the Ugly Duckling.  And I remember you were
very bad me.
Don:   What!!  You are Ugly Duckling!
Don & Daisy:  You are so different!
ng  字尾    sing  ring  gang
tomboy  非常男性化的女生

* Bài 31: 播出日期:92 年 4 月 26 日

主題:Bob Wasn’t Home Yesterday
1  wasn’t  was not 9  beach  海灘
2  weren’t  were not 10  great  很棒
3  yesterday  昨天 11  with  和

4  classmate  同學 12  parent  雙親之一

5  together  一起 13  American  美國人

6  live  住 14  here  這裡
7  street  街道 15  Taiwan  台灣
8  ago  以前 16  teach  教書
對話 I:

Bob and Jane are classmates.  They usually go home together after school. 

They live on the same street.  Bob’s father and Jane’s father are good friends.

They were classmates twenty years ago.

Jane: You weren’t home yesterday. Where were you? 

 Bob: I was at the beach.  It was great.
Jane: Were you with friends?
 Bob: No, I wasn’t.  I was with my parents.
      Oh, Mike and his parents were at the Beach, too.
Jane: Who’s Mike?
 Bob: He’s Ted’s friend. He’s an American.
Jane: Does he go to school here in Taiwan?
 Bob: Yes.  His parents teach English here.
gh  字首  ghyll    gharry   ghastly
gh  字中  daughter  height  tight  knight
sissy   娘娘腔
Don’t be so sissy, be a man.
macho    有膽識的, 有男子氣概的
Lots of girls are crazy about macho man.

*Bài 32: 播出日期:92 年 5 月 1 日

主題:Bob Wasn’t Home Yesterday
1  wasn’t  was not 9  beach  海灘
2  weren’t  were not 10  great  很棒
3  yesterday  昨天 11  with  和

4  classmate  同學 12  parent  雙親之一

5  together  一起 13  American  美國人

6  live  住 14  here  這裡
7  street  街道 15  Taiwan  台灣
8  ago  以前 16  teach  教書
對話 I:

Bob and Jane are classmates.  They usually go home together after school. 

They live on the same street.  Bob’s father and Jane’s father are good friends.

They were classmates twenty years ago.

Jane: You weren’t home yesterday. Where were you? 

 Bob: I was at the beach.  It was great.
Jane: Were you with friends?
 Bob: No, I wasn’t.  I was with my parents.
 Oh, Mike and his parents were at the Beach, too.
Jane: Who’s Mike?
 Bob: He’s Ted’s friend. He’s an American.
Jane: Does he go to school here in Taiwan?
 Bob: Yes.  His parents teach English here.
gh  字首  ghyll    gharry   ghastly
gh  字中  daughter  height  tight  knight
sissy   娘娘腔
Don’t be so sissy, be a man.
macho    有膽識的, 有男子氣概的
Lots of girls are crazy about macho man.

*Bài 33: 播出日期:92 年 5 月 3 日

主題:The Princess And The Frog (I)
1 once upon a time 很久以前 11 near 附近
2 far away 遙遠的 12 pond 池塘
3 land 國土 13 carelessly 不小心地

4 beautiful 美麗的 14 drop(dropped) into 掉進

5 princess 公主 15 deep 深的
6 lovely 可愛的 16 begin(began) 開始
7 spoiled 寵壞的 17 frog 青蛙
8 favorite 喜愛的 18 hear(heard) 聽到
9 gold ball 金球 19 cry 哭
10 garden 花園 20 say(said) 說

Once upon a time, in a far away land, there was a very beautiful little princess.

 She was lovely but spoiled.

     One day, she was playing with her favorite gold ball in the garden near a pond.
 Carelessly, she dropped the gold ball into the pond.  Looking at the deep water, she
began to cry.
     A frog heard her and said to her, “ Why are you crying, my little princess?”  “ I want my
gold ball!  I want my gold ball!”
gh  字尾  enough    rough   tough
ask for the moon  很大的要求
 Don’t ask me to take care of your baby for a month, you are asking for the moon.
 別要求我幫你照顧寶寶一個月, 這個要求太大了!

*Bài 34: 播出日期:92 年 5 月 8 日

主題:The Princess And The Frog (II)


1  get…back  拿回 9  take(took)  拿取

2  if  假如 10  run(ran)  跑
3  promise  答應 11  palace  皇宮

4  thing  事情 12  wait  等待

5  eagerly  急切地 13  while  當 …

6  anything  任何事 14  king  國王
7  from  從 15  came(came)  來
8  jump(ed)…into  跳進 16  table  桌子
“ I can get it back for you if you can promise me one thing.”
 The prince said eagerly, “ OK. I’ll promise you anything if you can
get my ball back.”
So the frog jumped into the water and got the ball back from the pond.

 But the princess took the ball and ran back to the palace. The frog said,

 “Wait, wait, my princess, wait for me!”

   That evening, while the little princess was having dinner with her father,
 the king, the frog came to the palace and jumped on the table.
ai      mail   nail   pain
*Bài 35: 播出日期:92 年 5 月 10 日
主題:The Princess And The Frog (III)
1  ask for  要求 7  witch  女巫
2  owed  欠 8  cast a spell  下詛咒
3  true  真實的 9  turn(ed) into  變成
4  點頭 10  only way  唯一的方法
5  prince  王子 11  break  破除

6  wicked  邪惡的 12  kiss


 The king said to the frog, “Why do you come to my palace and

ask for my daughter?”  The frog said, “The princess owed me a promise.

”  The king asked the princess, “ Is this true?”  The princess nodded

her head.  Then the king asked the frog, “ Then, what do you want from

 my daughter?”  The frog said, “ I was a prince before.  A wicked witch

 cast a spell on me, so I was turned into a frog.  The only way to break

 the spell is to get a princess’ kiss.”  

ay---   clay  gay  payday
Don’t look a gift horse in the mouth.
 ex: Don’t look a gift horse in the mouth. It’s impolite.
 不要挑剔別人送的禮物, 這是不禮貌的!

*Bài 36: 播出日期:92 年 5 月 15 日

主題:The Princess And The Frog (VI)


1  I see  我懂了 6  It’s no use.  沒用的

2  have to  必須 7  finally  終於
3  help  幫助 8  really  真的

4  just like  就好像 9  marry(married)  嫁娶

 live(lived) happily
5  protest(ed)  抗議 10 從此過著幸福快樂的日子
ever after

     The king said, “I see.  My daughter, you have to help the

prince, just like he helped you.”  The princess cried and protested,

but it’s no use.  So she finally kissed the frog and the frog really

turned back into a prince.  The king liked the prince very much. 

So he married his daughter to the prince.  And they lived happily ever after.   

ee---  jeep  sweep  fee 
hunk 帥哥    babe 美女
 ex: There are hunks and babes in this movie.

*Bài 37: 播出日期:92 年 5 月 17 日

主題:Twin Brothers
1  twin  雙胞胎 5  (鈴聲)響
(ring 的過去式)
2  September  九月 6 hand  手
3  去 7 for  給…的
(go 的過去式)

4  doorbell  門鈴      


      Peter and Bill are twin brothers.  They go to the same school.

 But they are in different classes.

Yesterday was Saturday, September 3.  It was the boys’ birthday.

 Peter and his friends went to a baseball game in the afternoon.  Bill

 was at home.  At about four o’clock, the doorbell rang.  A girl was at

the door.  She had a present in her hand.

“Happy birthday, Peter.  This is for you.”

“Thanks.  But Peter’s not home.  I’m his brother. 

ea---  neat   clean   peanut 
peach 美女, 很棒的東西
  ex: She is really a peach.

* Bài 38: 播出日期:92 年 5 月 22 日

主題:Did you call our teacher?
1  助動詞 6  sick  生病的
(do 的過去式)
2  call  打電話 7  start  開始
3  our  我們的 8  test  測驗

4  看見  9  Tina  女子名
(過去式為 saw)

5  happen  發生     


    Tina and Mary are classmates.  Tina didn’t see Mary at school today.

She called Mary after school.

Mary: Hello.

Tina: Hello, Mary?

Mary: Hi, Tina.

Tina: You didn’t go to school today.  What happened?

Mary: I was sick.  But I’m OK now.

Tina: Did you call our teacher?

Mary: No, I didn’t, but my mother did.  She called

      Mr. Wu in the morning.  What did you do at school today?

Tina: We started a new English lesson.

Mary: Did you have a test?

Tina: No, we didn’t.

Mary: Too bad!

ea---   deaf   bread   sweat 
toad-eater 馬屁精
  ex:You are such a toad-eater. No wonder our teacher likes you so much.

*Bài 39: 播出日期:92 年 5 月 24 日

主題:A Trip to Kenting (I)
1  不能 5  so  所以
(can’t 的過去式)
 get  took
2  獲得 6  搭乘
(過去式為 got) (take 的過去式)
3  plane  飛機 7  train  火車

4  ticket  票  8  Kaohsiung  高雄

     Susan and her family took a trip to Kenting this summer.  It was her
first trip in Taiwan.  She was very happy.
     They couldn’t get plane tickets, so they took the train to Kaohsiung.
Then they took the bus to Kenting.
ea……  great   break   steak 
Give me a break! 饒了我吧!
  ex: Give me a break.  I don’t want to hear about it anymore.
      饒了我吧! 我不想再聽到這件事.

*Bài 40: 播出日期:92 年 5 月 29 日

主題:A Trip to Kenting (II)
1  bus  公車 3  mountain  山
2  騎, 乘     
(ride 的過去式)
     Susan and her family took a trip to Kenting this summer.  It was her
 first trip in Taiwan.  She was very happy.
     They couldn’t get plane tickets, so they took the train to Kaohsiung.
 Then they took the bus to Kenting.
     The weather was nice.  Susan and her parents watched birds in the mountains.
 They also rode bicycles to the beach and played in the water. They had a very good time.
oa……  soap   toast   goat 
have a screw loose 瘋掉了!
  ex: Leave him alone, he has a screw loose.
  別理他! 這個人瘋掉了!

*Bài 41: 播出日期:92 年 5 月 31 日

主題:She learned Some Chinese
1  learn  學 8  Taipei  台北
2  some  一些 9  U.S.  美國
3  Chinese  中文 10  speak  說
4  Green  姓氏 11  a little  一點
5  來 12  softball  壘球
(come 的過去式)
6  February  二月 13  America  美國
7 junior high school  國中     

     Susan Green came to Taiwan with her parents last February.  Now she
is going to a junior high school in Taipei.

     She learned some Chinese in the U.S., so she speaks a little Chinese.

 She played softball at her school in America, but now she plays basketball.

oo……  mood   hoodoo   noodle 
goo-goo eyes 媚眼
  ex: Don’t give me goo-goo eyes!  I don’t buy it!
  別對我拋媚眼! 我不吃這套 !

*Bài 42: 播出日期:92 年 6 月 12 日

主題:She learned Some Chinese(II)
1  America  美國 3  miss  想念
2  very much  非常 4  food  食物

  Susan Green came to Taiwan with her parents last February.  Now she is going to a junior high school in Taipei.

     She learned some Chinese in the U.S., so she speaks a little Chinese.

 She played softball at her school in America, but now she plays basketball.

     She had many good friends in America.  They studied and played softball together.  Susan misses those friends very much.

     The Green family has some Chinese friends.  Two weeks ago, they had dinner

with a Chinese family.  Susan had a good time, but she didn’t like the food very much.

oo……  book   foot   hood 
hot potato 燙手山芋
  ex: The case is really a hot potato.

*Bài 43: 播出日期:92 年 6 月 14 日

主題:She learned Some Chinese(III)

(1)        Susan came to Taiwan last February. (5)        She is going to a junior high school in Taipei.

(2)        She came to Taiwan with her parents. (6)        Mr. Green has some Chinese friends.

(3)        She played softball in America. (7)        Last week, he had dinner with a Chinese family.

(4)        Now she plays basketball. (8)        The Green family learned some Chinese, so they speak
some Chinese now.

(II) 根據課文內容, 回答下列問題

(1)        Did Susan came to Taiwan with her parents? (5)        What did Susan do with her friends in America?

(2)        Where does she go to school now? (6)        Does Susan miss her friends?

(3)        Did Susan learn Chinese in America? (7)        What did the Green family do two weeks ago?

(4)        What did she play in America? (8)        Did Susan like the food at the Chinese family?

au……  August  taught  caught
crow’s feet 魚尾紋
  ex: My goodness!  I have crow’s feet.
      天啊! 我有魚尾紋了!

*Bài 44: 播出日期:92 年 6 月 19 日

主題:Three Hamburgers  And Two Fries, Please(1)
Clerk: Hi, can I help you? Clerk: Large?

Peter: Yes. Three hamburgers and two fries, please. Peter: Yes.

Clerk: Large or small? Clerk: O.K.  Three hamburgers , two large fries, and two large
Peter: Large.
Peter: How much is it?
Clerk: Anything to drink?
Clerk: That’s $240.
Peter: Yes, coke, please.
Peter: Here’s $1,000.
Clerk: How many?
Clerk: Thank you.  Here’s your change, $760. 
Peter: Two.

aw---     law  hawk  awful
a piece of cake 輕而易舉的事
  ex: The test is just a piece of cake.

*Bài 45: 播出日期:92 年 6 月 21 日

主題:Three Hamburgers  And Two Fries, Please (2)
1  hamburger  漢堡 7  how much  多少
2  fries  薯條 8  hundred  百
3  clerk  店員 9  dollar  元
4  help  幫忙 10  here’s  這是
5  large  大的 11  thousand  千
6  Anything  to drink?  要喝什麼嗎? 12  change  零錢


oi…   boil     coin    join

*Bài 46: 播出日期:92 年 6 月 26 日

主題:Mrs. Wu Went To A Supermarket (I)

   Mrs. Wu went to a supermarket yesterday morning.  First she bought some milk and bread.

   Then she bought some rice. She also bought some pork and beef,but she didn’t buy any fish. Mr. Wang doesn’t like fish.

   There were many delicious cakes in the supermarket, but Mrs.Wang didn’t buy any. She is too heavy.

   The milk and bread were NT$145, the rice was$220, and the porkand beef were$496. How much did Mrs. Wang spend?

ow ….. bow   cow   now
couch potato 沙發馬鈴薯(整天賴在電視機前的人)

  ex: My brother watches TV all day.  He’s really a couch potato. 

  我弟弟整天看電視, 簡直就像沙發馬鈴薯

*Bài 47: 播出日期:92 年 6 月 28 日

主題:Mrs. Wu Went To A Supermarket (II)
1  supermarket  超級市場 5  many  許多(的)
2  bought (buy 的過去式)買 6  delicious  好吃的
3  buy  買 7  cake  蛋糕
4  any  任何 8  spend (過去式為 spent)花(錢)

1.  There is a very big supermarket near my house. 2.  My father bought a new car for me.
3.  I didn’t buy anything in the night market. 6.  My mother cooks delicious beef.

4.  I don’t have any money. 7.  Cheese cake is my favorite snack.

5.  How many drinks did you buy in the supermarket? 8.  Mary spent$500 buying a birthday present for


ou…. couch  found   pound
lemon   瑕疵品
ex: The watch I bought yesterday isn’t running now.  It must be a lemon.

*Bài 48: 播出日期:92 年 7 月 3 日


   1 10  ten 10 99 ninety-nine

2 20  twenty 11 100 one hundred

3 30  thrity 12 101 one hundred(and)one

4 40  forty 13 199 one hundred(and)ninety-nine

5 50  fifty 14 999 nine hundred (and)ninety-nine

6 60  sixty 15 1,000 one thousand

7 70  seventy 16 1,001 one thousand (and)one

8 80  eighty 17 1,100 one thousand one hundred

9 90  ninety      

*Bài 49: 播出日期:92 年 7 月 5 日

主題:The Independence Day
July 4th
1 7月4日
The Fourth of July

2 Independence Day 美國國慶日

3 the Declaration of Independence 獨立宣言

4 Pillow Fights 枕頭仗


   is  the book?

How much  are  the hamburgers?

 It’s $245.

 They’re $180.


A: How much is the comic book? B: They’re $60.

B: It’s $175.  A: How much is the clock?

 A: How much are the fries? B: It’s $299.


ar---   bark    lark   star

*Bài 50: 播出日期:92 年 7 月 10 日

主題:Magic Burger

Clerk:        Welcome to “Magic Burger”.     Can I take your order?

Customer:  Yes, I would like to have a six-piece nuggets, a large fries, a hot chocolate and an apple pie.

Clerk:        How would you like your nuggets, rare, medium or well-done?

Customer:   I don’t care only if the chicken is teenager.

Clerk:        Do you want ice on your chocolate?

Customer:  No, I want hot chocolate. Hot! Hot! Hot!

Clerk:        O.K. You still order an apple pie.  Do you want green Fuji apple or red Washington apple?

Customer:  Well, I want half green Fuji apple and half red Washington apple.

Clerk:        Anything else?

Customer:  That’s it.

Clerk:        For here or to go.

Customer:  To go,please.

Clerk:        O.K. you need to pay me $10 dollars for the plastic bag.  That will be $110 dollars.

Customer:  The plastic bag is too expensive. I think it only cost $2 dollars outside.

Clerk:        No, we have a special pattern on the bag.

Customer:  What pattern is so special?

Clerk:        The photos of the two hostesses of “Magic English”.

Customer:  Oh! Lina and Jessica. They’re cuter than Power Puff Girls, but it’s still too expensive. I decide to eat here.

Clerk:        No problem. You need to pay me 30% service charge. So that’s will be $130 dollars.

Customer:  Why the service charge is so high. Aren’t you a fast-food restaurant?

Clerk:        Yes, but we are “Magic Burger”. We have a special policy.  The more beautiful the higher the service     charge   is.
Customer:  My goodness! What kind of policy it is. By the way, are you the most beautiful here?

Clerk:        No, the one next to me charge 50%.

 She is a blond.

July 4th
1 7月4日
The Fourth of July

2 Independence Day 美國國慶日

3 the Declaration of Independence 獨立宣言

4 Pillow Fights 枕頭仗


   is  the book?

How much  are  the hamburgers?

 It’s $245.

 They’re $180.


A: How much is the comic book?

B: It’s $175.

A: How much are the fries?

B: They’re $60.

A: How much is the clock?

B: It’s $299.


ar     bark    lark   star

*Bài 51: 播出日期:92 年 7 月 12 日

主題:Magic Burger(II)

1 Can I take your order? 請問你要點什麼?

2 six-piece nuggets 六塊雞肉 3 hot chocolate 熱巧克力

4 apple pie 蘋果派 5 ice 冰塊

6 For here 內用 7 To go 外帶

8 plastic bag 塑膠袋 9 expensive 昂貴的

10 hostess 女主人 11 power puff girls 飛天小女警

12 service charge 服務費 13 fast-food restaurant 速食餐廳

14 policy 政策 15 ridiculous 荒謬的



ar(輕音節)collar  dollar  familiar


white lies 善意的謊言

Thank you for telling me the white lies.

*Bài 52: 播出日期:92 年 7 月 17 日

主題:Magic Burger(III)

Clerk:    Welcome to “Magic Burger”.

          May I help you?

Customer: No, you may not.  Thank you.  I know the strange policy here.

                    You are too expensive.   

Clerk:    Then, why do you still come here?

Customer: Oh!  I got a flat tire.  It’s raining hard outside.  I have waited

 for the tow truck for three hours.  And you are the only restaurant within 500 miles.  That’s why I’m here.

Clerk:    But you have to order something  because we have another policy about

minimum charge.

Customer: O.K.  Who is the least beautiful cashier here?

Clerk:    That will be Wendy.  She is taking a nap behind the counter.I can get her for

you, but are you sure ?

Customer: Yes.  Because of your strange policy.  I have to save some

      money on the towage.

Clerk:    But Wendy’s service charge is 100% per order.

Customer: How come?  That doesn’t make any sense.  Isn’t your policy the
        more beautiful the cashier is the higher the service charge is?

Clerk:    Well, that’s true.  But there is one exception.  On every Wednesday,

we have to show some charity to others.  Besides, Wendy is the only daughter of our owner.

*Bài 53: 播出日期:92 年 7 月 19 日

主題:Magic Burger(VI)


1 strange 奇怪的 7 towage 拖車費

2 flat tire 爆胎 8 make sense 合理

3 tow truck 拖吊車 9 exception 例外

4 minimum charge 最低消費 10 charity 慈善

5 cashier 收銀員 11 owner 老闆

6 take a nap 小睡  

1.    It’s strange to wear sunglasses at night.

2.    I’m late because I got a flat tire.

3.    It cost a lot to call a tow truck.


er ……  her   germ   dessert 


hot dog 愛現鬼

ex: I don’t like him.  He’s such a hot dog.

    我不喜歡他, 他太愛現了!

*Bài 54: 播出日期:92 年 7 月 24 日

主題:Magic Burger(V)


4. The minimum charge of this restaurant is NT$200.

5. She works as a cashier in the supermarket.

6. Children usually need to take a nap after lunch at

   school in Taiwan.

7. I bought the latest DVD under the counter.

8. I spend NT$2,000 on towage.

9. It doesn’t make sense when the turtle won the


10. There is always an exception to all rules.

11. Charity begins at home.

*Bài 55: 播出日期:92 年 7 月 26 日

主題:Are You Ready To Order?

Waiter: Good evening.  Would you like  something to drink before you Nancy:  Can I have the vegetable soup, please?
Waiter: Sure.  Would you like tea or coffee?
Bill:   Yes.  We’d like two glasses of white wine, please.
Nancy:  Hot tea, please.
Waiter: Are you ready to order now?
Waiter: Fine, and how about you, sir?
Nancy:  I’d like to have a steak, please.
Bill:   Please give me the seafood special, salad, and coffee.
Waiter: How would you like your steak?
Waiter: Yes, sir.  Anything else?
Nancy:  I’d like it medium.
Bill:   No.  That’s all.  Thanks.
Waiter: Would you like soup or salad?
Waiter: Thank you.


er……  sister   rooster   liver


Let the cat out of the bag. 洩露秘密

Please don’t let the cat out of the bag.  I want to surprise my parents.

請不要洩露秘密, 我想給爸媽一個驚喜。

*Bài 56: 播出日期:92 年 7 月 31 日

主題:Are You Ready To Order?(II)

Waiter: Good evening.  Would you like something to drink before you Nancy:  Can I have the vegetable soup, please?
Waiter: Sure.  Would you like tea or coffee?
Bill:   Yes.  We’d like two glasses of white wine, please.
Nancy:  Hot tea, please.
Waiter: Are you ready to order now?
Waiter: Fine, and how about you, sir?
Nancy:  I’d like to have a steak, please.
Bill:   Please give me the seafood special, salad, and coffee.
Waiter: How would you like your steak?
Waiter: Yes, sir.  Anything else?
Nancy:  I’d like it medium.
Bill:   No.  That’s all.  Thanks.
Waiter: Would you like soup or salad?
Waiter: Thank you.


ir……  bird   firm   thirsty


chew the fat   八卦

Stop chewing the fat.  You’re annoying.

別八卦了! 你好煩!

*Bài 57: 播出日期:92 年 8 月 2 日

主題:Chinese Valentine’s Day (I)
In a Chinese story, the God had seven beautiful daughters.  All his fairy daughters could weave beautiful cloths. 

One day, the seven beautiful daughters came down from heaven and were playing in a river.  Then, there was a cowboy walking by the river. 
He saw some beautiful clothes on the shore.  Out of curiosity, he took one of them.

When it was time to go, the youngest fairy could not find her clothes.  The other fairies put on their clothes and flew back to heaven.  The
youngest fairy was sad and she started to cry.

The cowboy comforted her and took her home.  They lived together, worked together, and then she fell in love with him.   Finally, they got

After they were married, they had two lovely children.  She was too busy to weave again.  The God was so angry that he took his youngest
daughter away from her husband.  He didn’t want them to see each other again.

But, the couple loved each other so much, and the children needed their mother.  So, together they begged the God to show some mercy.  In the
end, the God agreed that they could only see each other once a year on July 7 th on the lunar calendar.  The magpies felt so sad for this young couple that they
made a bridge for the two to walk across the “Milky Way”.  This bridge is called “Magpie Bridge”.

Although they could only see each other once a year, the  couple still love each other deeply.

That’s the story about Chinese Valentine’s Day.  Now it is a tradition to celebrate Chinese Valentine’s Day once a year on July 7 th of the lunar

*Bài 58: 播出日期:92 年 8 月 7 日

主題:Chinese Valentine’s Day (II)

In a Chinese story, the God had seven beautiful daughters.  All his fairy daughters could weave beautiful cloths. 

One day, the seven beautiful daughters came down from heaven and were playing in a river.  Then, there was a cowboy walking by the river. 
He saw some beautiful clothes on the shore.  Out of curiosity, he took one of them.

When it was time to go, the youngest fairy could not find her clothes.  The other fairies put on their clothes and flew back to heaven.  The
youngest fairy was sad and she started to cry.

The cowboy comforted her and took her home.  They lived together, worked together, and then she fell in love with him.   Finally, they got

After they were married, they had two lovely children.  She was too busy to weave again.  The God was so angry that he took his youngest
daughter away from her husband.  He didn’t want them to see each other again.

But, the couple loved each other so much, and the children needed their mother.  So, together they begged the God to show some mercy.  In the
end, the God agreed that they could only see each other once a year on July 7 th on the lunar calendar.  The magpies felt so sad for this young couple that they
made a bridge for the two to walk across the “Milky Way”.  This bridge is called “Magpie Bridge”.

Although they could only see each other once a year, the  couple still love each other deeply.

That’s the story about Chinese Valentine’s Day.  Now it is a tradition to celebrate Chinese Valentine’s Day once a year on July 7 th of the lunar


1 fairy 仙女 11agree 同意

2 weave 編織 12magpie 喜鵲

3 cloth 布 13bridge 橋

4 heaven 天庭 14Milky Way 銀河

5 river 河流 15Magpie Bridge 鵲橋

6 cowboy 牛仔 16tradition 傳統

7 curiosity 好奇 17celebrate 慶祝

8 youngest 最年輕的 18 Chinese Valentine’s Day 七夕

9 beg 懇求  

10 mercy 慈悲

*Bài 59: 播出日期:92 年 8 月 9 日

主題:Ghost Festival (中元節)

(1)        Lighting of the lanterns(開燈夜)

     The lighting of the lanterns takes place at midnight on the last day of the sixth lunar month, with lanterns set out to light the way for the spirits and the
Good Buddies as they return to savor the food, drink, and entertainment that has been prepared for them.

(2)        Opening the gates of Hades(開鬼門)

     The gates of Hades are opened on the first day of the seventh lunar month, allowing the spirits to return to the world of the living for a month of feasting
and fun.

(3)        Parades of the water lanterns(放水燈)

     The water lanterns are released to light the way for the lonely ghosts in the water to come onto the land and join in the feasts that are provided there for
all.  The lanterns also represent a prayer for the peace of all souls.

(4)        Feast for the hungry ghosts(中元普度)

    The main feast for the hungry ghosts takes place on the 15th day of the seventh month.

(5)        Closing of the gates of Hades(關鬼門)

    The ghosts have to return to Hades on the last day of the seventh lunar month.


1 ghost 鬼 6 gate 門

2 sprits 靈魂 7 Hades 地府

3 Good Buddies 好兄弟 8 feast 盛宴

4 savor 品味 9 parade 遊行

5 entertainment 娛樂 10 hungry 飢餓的

*Bài 60: 播出日期:92 年 8 月 14 日

主題:Are You Ready To Order? (III)


ready The movie “It Could Happen To You” is about a waitress and a
Are you ready to go?
white wine
Are you ready for the big dinner?
White wine usually goes with seafood.
red wine
My mom likes everything in order.
Red wine usually goes with meat.
The waiters in this restaurant are very nice.
There is a new steak house near my school.
This T-shirt is too big for me.  I need a medium one.


or……  corn   horn   Jordan


use one’s noodles. 動動腦筋

Use your noodles.  Don’t ask me all the time.

自己動動腦筋, 別一直問我了!

*Bài 61: 播出日期:92 年 8 月 16 日

主題:Are You Ready To Order? (VI)


soup black tea, green tea, milk tea, iced tea

What’s the soup of today? coffee

corn soup, onion soup, egg-drop soup, It’s coffee break now.

hot- and- sour soup Let’s have a coffee break!

salad seafood special

What dressing would like on your salad? I’m allergic to seafood.

thousand island, Caesar, Italian, blue cheese “Magic English” is a very special program.

The waiters in this restaurant are very nice. else

tea Who else is there in the house?

It’s tea time now.

*Bài 62: 播出日期:92 年 8 月 21 日

主題:Excuse Me, How Do I Get To The Train Station? (I)


Susan: Excuse me, how do I get to the train station?

Man:   The train station?  You can take bus number 10.

Susan: Where’s the bus stop?

Man:   Go along this street three blocks and turn left on Market Road.

Susan: Turn right on Market Road?

Man:   No, turn left.  There’s a big supermarket on the corner.

Susan: A supermarket?

Man:   Yes, and there’s a department store next to the supermarket. The bus stop is in    front of the department store.

Susan: Thank you very much.

Man:   You’re welcome.

or(輕音節) ------ doctor    color     error


throw someone a bone  給某人一個靈感

ex: I can’t think of any new idea, please throw  me a bone.

   我想不出任何新點子, 給點靈感吧!

*Bài 63: 播出日期:92 年 8 月 23 日

主題:Excuse Me, How Do I Get To The Train Station? (II)


get to George and Mary took a walk along the beach last night.

You have to get to school before 7:30 a.m..  It’s the school rule. block

station You have to write your name in block letter

There are a radio station, a fire station, and a police station near my turn
Turn off the TV.  It’s your turn to wash the dishes.
turn on,  turn off,  turn back,  turn around,
You have to get off at the next stop.
turn down,  turn in,  turn into,  turn down the thumb,  turn up the thumb


ur(重音節) ------ nurse    burn     turkey


in one’s birthday suit  赤裸的

ex: It’s embarrassing to see someone in his birthday suit.

   看到別人赤裸裸的, 好尷尬吆!

*Bài 64: 播出日期:92 年 8 月 28 日

主題:Excuse Me, How Do I Get To The Train Station? (III)


left corner

Tony sits next to me, but he is a left-handed. The girl selling matches died at the street corner in the snow.

station department store

right The department store is usually having a big sale in summer.

Customers are always right. next to

road My English teacher lives next to me.

Country roads take me home. in front of

All roads lead to Rome. Prince Charming is waiting for me in front of the train station.

ce ------ cent    recently     place


a wet blanket  掃興的人

ex: Stop talking about it, you are such a wet blanket!

    別說了! 你真的很掃興!

* Bài 65: 播出日期:92 年 8 月 30 日

主題:Excuse Me, How Do I Get To The Train Station? (VI)


Yesterday was Sunday.  There was a good movie at the Hoover Theater.  Tina and her sister Helen went to the movie in the afternoon, but they
did not go there together.

They started from their home on the corner of First Street and Park Road. Tina rode her bicycle along First Street and turn right on Beach
Road.  Then she rode three blocks and turned right again.  The movie theater was between a department store and a restaurant.  Tina bought the tickets and
waited for her sister.

Helen walked to the Hoover Theater.  How did she get there?


ci ------ cicely    cider     Cinderella


a willing horse  心甘情願的幫手

ex: Just call my husband , he is a willing horse.

    Call 我老公就行了! 他是個心甘情願的幫手

*Bài 66: 播出日期:92 年 9 月 4 日

主題:Excuse Me, How Do I Get To The Train Station? (VII)


1.     Hoover 5.     between

Herbert Hoover is the 31st President of the United States. There will be a basketball game between LA Lakers & Chicago
Bulls tonight.
2.     theater
6. restaurant
Welcome to National Theater!
  There is a dress code in this restaurant.
3.     from
6.     wait for
Where are you from?
Alice yelled at the rabbit ,“ Wait for me!”
I’m from Taiwan.
7.     walk
4.     again
A: Let’s take a walk after dinner.
It’s a good song.  Please play it again.
B: Sure!  I can walk my dog.


cy ------ cyber    bicycle    policy


Beats me!  問倒我了!

ex: A: Can you tell me how to make an apple pie?

    B: Beats me!  I never cook.

    A: 你知道蘋果派怎麼做嗎?

    B: 問倒我了! 我不下廚的!

*Bài 67: 播出日期:92 年 9 月 6 日

主題:Excuse Me, How Do I Get To The Train Station? (VIII)


in front of
The store is the park
next to

The park is First Street and Park Road
on the corner of


ge ------ genius    vegetable    George


skeleton in the cupboard (家醜)

ex: Please keep the secret!  It’s a skeleton in the cupboard.

    請保密, 這是家醜! 

*Bài 68: 播出日期:92 年 9 月 18 日

主題:Moon Festival -  e-mail

Dear Lina & Jessica,

     I had a good time on this Mid-Autumn Festival.  There was a full moon.  It was very bright outside.

My family went on a picnic in the park.  We watched the moon and enjoyed the family reunion very much.  Grandpa told us about the old days. 
My uncle shared a lot of jokes with us.  My father peeled pomelos and made us many hats, but nobody wanted to wear them because they looked so funny.

I helped Mom barbecue.  She prepared steaks, chops, chicken and seafood.  Because my grandma is a vegetarian, we also prepared mushrooms,
green pepper, corns and dried bean curds.

As for dessert, we had kinds of moon cakes, such as chocolate, ice cream, bean paste with salty yolk…. and so on.

When I cut the moon cake, the salty yolk in the center looked just like a full moon.  Then, when I looked up, I saw a shooting star.  I made a wish
right away.  That how I spent the Moon Festival.  How about you?

Best Wishes,

                                       Love, Acer

*Bài 69: 播出日期:92 年 9 月 20 日

主題:Moon Festival - e-mail 篇(II)


1 Mid-Autumn Festival 中秋節 14 green pepper 青椒

2 bright 明亮的 15 corn 玉米

3 outside 外面 16 dried bean curd 豆乾

4 picnic 野餐 17 dessert 甜點
5 reunion 團圓 18 moon cake 月餅
6 share 分享 19 bean paste 豆沙
7 joke 笑話 20 salty yolk 鹹蛋黃
8 peel 剝 21 center 中心
9 pamelo 柚子 22 shooting star 流星
10 barbecue 烤肉 23 許願
a wish
11 prepare 準備 24 Best wishes 祝福
12 chop 排骨 25 Regards 關懷
13 vegetarian 素食者 26 Sincerely 誠摯地


gi------ giant   ginger   logic


straight from the horse’s mouth (內幕消息)

ex: I know the lottery number tonight, I got it  straight from the horse’s mouth.


*Bài 70: 播出日期:92 年 9 月 25 日

主題:What Did You Do Last Saturday?

Tina and Peter go to the same junior high school.  They are in the same class, and they are good friends.

Last Saturday was November 5.  It was Tina’s birthday.  Her parents took her to a restaurant.  They had a big dinner.  Tina enjoyed the steak
and the dessert.  After dinner, they went to a bookstore next to the restaurant.  Tina’s parents bought her a comic book and an English dictionary.  Tina liked
them very much.  She had a good time.

Peter was sick last Saturday, so his parents took him to the doctor.  The doctor gave him some medicine.  After dinner, Peter took the
medicine.  He really hated it!  He had a bad day!

What about you?  Did you have a good time last Saturday?


gy------ gym   gypsy  mythology


rat (抓耙子)

ex: There are so many rats in my class.


*Bài 71: 播出日期:92 年 9 月 27 日

主題:What Did You Do Last Saturday?


1.     November Thursday is the fifth day of the week.

Tina was born in November, so she is a Scorpio. 3.     took

2.     fifth
I took my girlfriend to a fancy restaurant and spent a lot of Today is her birthday.  Remember to buy her some flowers.
5.     enjoy
4.     her
I enjoy watching the sunset on the beach.


子音+y (單音節) ------ sky    fly   try


Beat around the bushes. 拐彎抹角

ex: Don’t beat around the bushes, say what you want to say!

    別拐彎抹角了! 直說吧!

*Bài 72: 播出日期:92 年 10 月 2 日

主題:What Did You Do Last Saturday?


1.     steak 5.     them

She ordered steak and salad for dinner. Tell the children “I love them.”

2.     dessert 6.     him

Mint chocolate is my favorite dessert. I don’t know how to love him. What to do?

3.     bookstore How to move him?

Harry Potter is the best seller in this bookstore. 7.     doctor

4.     dictionary An apple a day keeps the doctor away.

When you see a new word, you can always look it up in the

*Bài 73: 播出日期:92 年 10 月 4 日

主題:What Did You Do Last Saturday?


1.     gave Students hate pop quizzes.

They gave ma four dollars a word. 5.     What about?

2.     Take medicine Tell the children “I love them.”

She is very sick, so she takes a lot of medicine every day. 6.     him

3.     really My students study English every day.

Do you really mean it? What about you?

4.     hate


1.     Do Tina and Peter go to the same junior 2.     Was November 4 Tina’s birthday?

high school?  3.     Where did Tina’s parents take her last
Saturday? 6.     Did Tina’s parents buy her a Chinese dictionary?

4.     Did Tina have a big dinner? 7.     Where did Peter go last Saturday?

5.     Where did Tina and her parents go after dinner? 8.     What did Peter do after dinner?

*Bài 74: 播出日期:92 年 10 月 11 日

主題:What’s The Weather Like In Taiwan?

Joseph: What’s the weather like in Taiwan?

Susan:  It’s hot and wet in June, July, and August.

Joseph: Do you have typhoons?

Susan:  Yes, we do.  They usually come in Summer, but they sometimes come in September and October, too.

Joseph: What about spring?

Susan:  It’s warm in March, April, and May, but it rains a lot.

Joseph: And fall?

Susan:  It’s cool and dry.  Fall is the best season.


子音+y (多音節)--------

 candy   bunny  ferry


brown noser (馬屁精)

ex: Judy is a brown noser.  That’s why she got the promotion.

    Judy 是馬屁精, 所以她升遷了!

*Bài 75: 播出日期:92 年 10 月 16 日

主題:What’s The Weather Like In Taiwan?


1.     What’s the weather like? * hurricane   * tornado   * twister 

What’s the weather like in Taiwan in summer? * storm

How is the weather in Taiwan in summer? 5.     sometimes

2.     Joseph Sometimes I sleep in my birthday suit.

Joseph is Susan’s friend in the U.S. Visit me sometime!

3.     wet
*Bài 76: 播出日期:92 年 10 月 18 日
There is a sign on the bench “Wet Paint”. 主題:What’s The Weather Like In Taiwan?

* humid   * dehumidifier 單字

4.     typhoon 1. rain

We usually have a lot of typhoons in Taiwan in summer. It never rains but pours.
It rains cats and dogs.    The air is very dry in the desert.

There is a lot of rain in Keelung.   * dry-clean  * drier  dryer   * hair dryer

We will go camping rain or shine.   * dry ice    * blow dry

Rainy days and Mondays always get me down. 3. best

* raincoat  * rain boots  * rainforest    Who is your best friend?   * maid of honor

* rainbow  * rainfall    * rain check   Dogs are men’s best friends.  * best man

2. dry   Tom Hanks is the best movie star in my mind.

*Bài 77: 播出日期:92 年 10 月 23 日

主題:What’s The Weather Like In Taiwan?


1. stories of months   July       * Julius Caesar

  January    * Janus   August     * Augustus

  February      September  * septem = seven

  March      * Mars   October    * octo = eight

  April      * Aphrodite   November   * novem = nine

  May        * Maia   December   * decem = ten

  June       * Juno


On October 2, Joseph’s parents came to Taiwan on business.  Joseph and his brother came with them.

My parents and I took them to Yangmingshan National Park on Saturday.  We saw a lot of hot springs, but we didn’t see many people.  People
usually take a hot bath there in December, January, and February.  We talked a lot about our friends in the U.S.  We had a good time at the park.

*Bài 78: 播出日期:92 年 10 月 25 日

主題:What’s The Weather Like In Taiwan?


1.     on business 3. hot spring

on vacation   It’s wonderful to take a hot spring bath in

My father went to Mainland China on business.   cold winter.

My father took a business trip to Mainland China.   * mineral water

My mother went to Hawaii on vacation. 4. people

It’s none of your business.   How many people are there in your family?

Mind your own business.   The Three Principles Of The People are of the  people, by the people
and for the people.
2. Yangmingshan
5. take a bath
   The butterfly season in Yangmingshan is
   take a shower
  * bath tub   * bathroom  * bubble bath
  * bathing suit   Most children hate to take a bath.

*Bài 79: 播出日期:92 年 11 月 6 日

主題:Song: Whatever Will Be, Will Be   (Que Sera, Sera)世事難料

When I was just a little girl I asked my sweetheart what lies ahead

I asked my mother what will I be            甜心

Will I be pretty, will I be rich Will be have rainbows day after day

                           富有的             彩虹

Here’s what she said to me Here’s what he said to me

*Que sera, sera (Repeat*)

 Whatever will be, will be Now I have children of my own

 The future is not ours to see They asked their mother what will I be

     未來 Will I be handsome, will I be rich

 Que sera, sera           英俊的

When I grew up and fell in love I tell them tenderly

       長大        墜入情網             溫柔地

*Bài 80: 播出日期:92 年 11 月 8 日

主題:Christmas And New Year

Susan:  What’s the date today?

Joseph: December 22.  Why?

Susan:  The New Year is coming. What are you going to wear to the party on New Year’s Eve?

Joseph: I’m not sure. I’ll be Superman or a singer. What about you?  Will you be Superwoman?

Susan:  No, I won’t. I’ll be a cowboy, but I don’t have a hat.

Joseph: Don’t worry.  We have a big cowboy hat at home.

Susan:  Great!  That will really help.

*Bài 81: 播出日期:92 年 11 月 13 日

主題:Christmas And New Year


1.     Christmas

We call it “White Christmas” because it snows a lot during Christmas.

2.     New Year

There will be a final “Count Down” on New Year’s Eve all over the world.

3.     date

What date were you born on?

When is your birthday?     * date of birth

I have a blind date tonight. 

4.     why

Why does the sun go on shining?

Why does the sea rush to shore?

Don’ t they know it’s the end of the world cause you don’t love me anymore.

5.     * Tell me why.   * I don’t know why.  

*Bài 82: 播出日期:92 年 11 月 15 日

主題:Christmas And New Year


1.     be going to

Do you know where you’re going to?

Do you like the things that life are showing you?

Where are you going to?

Do you know?

2.     party

It’s party time.  She is a party animal.

Her parents have a birthday party for her.

* party-pooper  * DPP * KMP * PFP

3.     eve

Chinese people usually get together and have a big dinner on Chinese New Year’s Eve.

4.     sure

Be sure to listen to our program “Magic English” every Thursday to Saturday from 7:00 to 7:30 in the evening.

I’m not sure I can do it, but I will try my best.


in black and white 白紙黑字

I won’t lend you money this time, unless you write me an IOU in black and white.

這次我不借錢給你了! 除非你白紙黑字寫張借據.

*Bài 83: 播出日期:92 年 11 月 20 日

主題:Christmas And New Year


1.     will To be or not to be that’s a question.

Will you still love me tomorrow? Be a good boy when you go to the birthday party.

I will follow you. *Be a nice girl.  * Be quiet * Be patient

2.     be *Be brave

3.     Superman He loves to see cowboy movies.

What are the differences between Superman and Batman? 7.     hat

4.     Superwoman It’s too hot outside.  You should wear a hat.

She is really a superwoman.  She works 24 hours a day. * straw hat   * viser  *helmet

5.     won’t 8.     worry

I won’t forget you. Nothing worries me.

I won’t forgive you until you tell me the truth. Don’t worry.  Be happy.

6.     cowboy

*** Phonics***

   * pumpkin     * lantern

*Bài 84: 播出日期:92 年 11 月 22 日

主題:Christmas And New Year


1 first 11 eleventh 21 twenty-first

2 second 12 twelfth 22 twenty-second

3 third 13 thirteenth 23 twenty-third

4 fourth 14 fourteenth 24 twenty-fourth

5 fifth 15 fifteenth 25 twenty-firth

6 sixth 16 sixteenth 26 twenty-sixth

7 seventh 17 seventeenth 27 twenty-seventh

8 eighth 18 eighteenth 28 twenty-eighth

9 ninth 19 nineteenth 29 twenty-ninth

10 tenth 20 twentieth 30 thirtieth

        31 thirty-first

*Bài 85: 播出日期:92 年 11 月 29 日

主題:Christmas And New Year


Today is December 23.  Christmas and New Year are coming.  Mom and I decorated our house last Sunday.  We have a big and beautiful
Christmas tree in our living room.  Mom and Dad put our presents under the tree.

On Christmas Eve, we’ll have a big dinner and then we’ll go to church together.  On New Year’s Eve, Helen will have a party at her home. 
Susan and I will go at about 7:30.  She’ll be a cowboy at the party.  What will I wear to the party?  Do you know?


*Bài 86: 播出日期:92 年 12 月 4 日
主題:Christmas And New Year
She decorated the room with flowers. church yard = graveyard
house Churchill- Blood is thicker than water.
He lives in a big house by the sea. Know
We have full house tonight. I don’t know.  I just knew it.
put * know-how
Put on your jacket. It’s cold outside. Knowledge is power.
* put on    * put off   * put away You should know it better.
* put in    * put back  * put down I don’t know how to love him.
* put out  Phonics:
church ginger bread
Do you go to church on Sundays?

*Bài 87: 播出日期:92 年 12 月 6 日

主題:Christmas And New Year


1.      Did Joseph and his mom decorate the house last Sunday? 5.      Where will Helen have the party?

2.      What do they have in the living room? 6.      What time will Susan and Joseph go to the party?

3.      Who put the presents under the tree? 7.      What will Susan be at the party?

4.      What will the family do on Christmas Eve?

8.      What will Joseph be at the party?

Song: White Christmas

I’m dreaming of a white Christmas I’m dreaming of a white Christmas

Just like the ones I used to know With every Christmas card I wrote

Where the tree tops glisten and May your days be merry and bright

Children listen to hear sleigh bells And may all your Christmas be white

in the snow


 I’ve been in your shoes before.


ex: I know how you feel.  I’ve been in your shoes before.

    我瞭解你的感受, 我有過同樣的遭遇

*Bài 88: 播出日期:92 年 12 月 11 日

主題:Chinese New Year Is Coming

Joseph is going back to the U.S., so he needs some presents for his friends.  Susan enjoys shopping, and they went shopping together last

There were many stores on Market Street.  They found some beautiful fans in a small store.  They both liked the fans, and Joseph bought 10. 
Then they went to a bookstore.  The posters there were beautiful but expensive.  They didn’t buy any.  Then they saw a vendor on a street corner.  The same
posters were not so expensive there.  Joseph was happy and bought 15.

They spent a lot of money that afternoon, so they couldn’t take a taxi home.
What Are You Going To Do

   After School Today?

What are you going to do after school today? What are you going to do after school today?

Are you going to play tennis with Gus? ** Are you going to go swimming with Jill? **

Are you going to do your homework with Sue today? Are you going to go shopping with your brother Lou?

Or are you going to eat pizza with us?  ** Are you going to go jogging with Bill?  **

   I’m not going to play after school today.    I’m not going to swim with Jill today.

   I’m not going to play with Sue. **    I’m not going to shop with Lou. **

   I’m not going to do my homework today.    I’m not going to jog with Bill today.

   I’m going to eat pizza with you. **    I’m going to eat pizza with you. **

*Bài 89: 播出日期:92 年 12 月 13 日

主題:Chinese New Year Is Coming


1.     back There is a new shopping mall near my house. 

Someone patted me on the back. 4.     found

Don’t talk back. I’ve found the book I was looking for.

I’ll back you up. What are you looking for?

Come back soon. Lost and Found

“Back To The Future” 5.     fan

2.     need This fan is hand-made.

What’s your need? He is a big fan of The Elephants.

What do you need?  Phonics:

There is no need to be afraid. Tongue Twister

3.     shopping    She sells seashells by the seashore.

I like to go window-shopping.

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