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Problem statement and purpose

1.What is the problem and/or purpose of the research study?

The primary purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of college student’s perceptions
of the risk of pregnancy and sexually transmitted disease on contraceptive practice.

2. Does the problem or purpose statement express a relationship between two or more
variables? If so, what is/are the relationship(s)? Are they testable?
Yes, the relationship between increased knowledge of contraception and STDs and healthy
behavior changes. Yes they are testable

3. Does the problem statement and/or purpose specify the nature of the population being
studied? What is it?
Yes , 377 undergraduate students were taken from California State University, Fresno during
the fall 1997 and spring 1998 semesters.

4. What significance of the problem, if any, has the investigator identified?

The college student sexual behavior will help health education professionals develop health
education programs that effectively focus attention on high-risk sexual behaviors.

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