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Antonette Apolinar February 28, 2021


In today’s homily the first phrase that caught my attention was “Listen to Jesus, obey’s God’s will”
because when we listen to Jesus we also listen to what God wants us to do for him. Like what
Abraham did, we listened to Jesus that he needs to sacrifice his son Isaac. But that’s not the first
sacrifice he did, the first sacrfice was when he listened to Jesus. He has this faith that God won’t do
anything harm to him and to his son. I, sometimes feeling doubt but today’s homily it makes me
open my eyes.

And that is the second point, “If God is with us, who can be against us?” whenever I’m feeling down
and not sure of the things I’m doing, I must listen and reflect to whatever God wants me to do. I’m
willing listen and ask for his guidance to bring me closer to him. Because in this world, no matter
how hard and challenging the situation was, if I believe in God’s will who can be against us? None.
God is here to protect us, not to harm us. We just need to listen to him and strengthen our faith that
he will be there for us, always in our heart. No matter how hard the life could be, I’m not feeling
scared anymore knowing that my God is stronger than all of my difficulties and challenges in life. No
one can be against me, no one can harm me when I’m with God and listen to Jesus like what
Abraham did.

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