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5Th Aguinaldo Mass

The Lord is with us.

It is true enough that we sometimes feel the fear and anxiety. That most of us, even how
optimistic or straight forward we are, we normally feel this mode of being frightened and
anxious. Why? One of the reasons maybe, because sometimes we wonder of what shall we
become? Curious of what is our real purpose. Let us ask ourselves. Why are we here? What
purpose do we have in mind when the Lord created our soul, called us and placed us here in this
place, at this time, in the midst of these people who are part of our life? What is it that the Lord
wants us to accomplish?

For me, there are times when I think I can see a plan for my life, when I can see exactly what I
should be striving for, what I should be accomplishing. It is all so clear. There are also times
when I feel confused and frustrated. The picture is cloudy and hazy. It is then that I get
depressed. I don’t know if what I am accomplishing is really important and meaningful. Yes,
those times came to me. Until I realize that God has a master plan for all of us. That there is a
special, unique mission that God wants us to fulfill.

Just like Mary in our gospel today. She was anchored on the words of the angel Gabriel, saying:
“Do not be afraid Mary, for you have found favour with God”. With these words of the angel,
Mary could only utter the words of faith and trust in the Lord. “Behold I am the handmaid of the
Lord. May it be done unto me according to your word.” May we also be anchored on the very
words of the scriptures whenever we are confronted with fear and anxiety. This is a challenge to
always believe in the word—who is Jesus himself. Mary saw, accepted and embraced the bigger
picture of mission that God has given her.

In our life, it is true that sometimes it is difficult to get a clear view of our goals when we are so
busy with all the tiresome chores and responsibilities of everyday living. But let us also realize
that it doesn’t really matter is we are able to see a perfect picture of what our life should be, as
long as we are able to accept each day’s challenges willingly and try to handle them the best we
can. Our Lord is reminding us that everything we do is special and meaningful to him, even the
small, ordinary things, especially if they are done with the right attitude and the right intention.

God has placed us here on earth to learn, to grow, to give help, and support to others, but also to
glorify his existence and his presence in this world. Let us remember that no job, no task, no
interaction with others—big or small, interesting or boring, enjoyable or tiresome—is
insignificant if it is offered in service to Him. That no act is meaningless if it is done with the
intention of making our life and the lives of others easier.

Today is the fifth day of our preparation for the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, and our God is
a God of surprise. Yes, God comes to us in the unexpected time. He sends us the message in the
unforeseen twists and turns. In the Gospel, Gabriel surprises Mary with the fulfilment of God’s
promises in the midst of a despairing nation. Today, it’s the same feeling of meaninglessness in
our hearts that opens us up to remember and recognize the God of surprises. He knows that we
are starving for something right now but only He is that someone who can fill us with that
satisfying truth: “that the Lord is with us” or better yet, “the Lord is in us”. If we are in God, He
is with us. “Do not be afraid” and nothing would be impossible. But it remains a free choice in
our part: “Be it done unto me according to your word”. God is knocking to get in. will you open
to Him the door of your life and all?

Let us make a difference. God’s plan could have been done in a magical way without humanity’s
cooperation: For he is omnipotent. But God respectfully chose and asked Mary to be the
handmaid of His promise. And Mary said, “YES”—“Fiat”. Such a choice was never easy. Her
life was at stake. She didn’t have a husband yet but she’s going to be a mother. This inexplicable
happening would be a great scandal punishable by stoning to death. But Mary, though afraid,
trusted in God. She discerned God’s request, listened and chose to make a difference in the
world. Mary’s YES is not just about passive obedience, but active trust. Her trust made the
promise happen. She might have humbly believe God has no one, but her at that very moment.

We, our families, our country, and the world remains the same, influenced by the past, dragging
our feet in the here and now, and fearful of the future because we choose not to make a
difference at this very moment. It is a great sin today to excuse ourselves that anyway everyone’s
the same in doing nothing. God wants us to be in the world, but so different from the world that
we will change it. We can no longer sit waiting for something to happen. We make it happen.
You and I are the only one God has. But let’s not forget to listen first to what God wants that we
may trust and do only what He blesses. Christmas today is endangered to become a mere holiday
because our hearts are far from God. We won’t let God touch and transform us. Bring back the
listening, discernment, and trust that Mary did. Christmas will always be Christ.

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