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Chapter 3 b.

If there was no marriage settlement at the time

System of Absolute Community of the celebration of the marriage, or if the
Arts. 88 104, FC marriage settlement was void.

Absolute Community, In General Commencement

 Can only commence at the precise moment that
 When a couple enters into a regime of absolute
the marriage is celebrated.
community, the husband and the wife become joint
 Any stipulation, express or implied, for the
owners of all the properties of the marriage.
commencement of this regime at any other time
 Whatever property each spouse brings into the
shall be void.”
marriage, and those acquired during the marriage
 Hence, the spouses who reconcile after the finality of
except those excluded under Article 92 of the Family
the decree of legal separation may not adopt
Code form the common mass of the couple’s
absolute community of property as their new regime
notwithstanding the provisions of Sections 23(c) and
 And when the couple’s marriage or community is
24(a) of the new Rule on Legal Separation.
dissolved, that common mass is divided between the
spouses, or their respective heirs, equally or in the
Prohibited Waiver:
proportion the parties have established, irrespective
 No waiver of rights, interests, shares and effects
of the value each one may have originally owned.
(RISE) of the absolute community during the
When Governing
 Exception: When the waiver takes place upon a
 If the marriage is celebrated under the Civil Code (or
judicial separation of property.
prior to August 3, 1988), absolute community shall
 Rationale: Prior to the liquidation of the absolute
govern if it was provided for in the marriage
community, the interest of each spouse in the
settlement between the future spouses.
community property is inchoate or a mere
 If the marriage is celebrated during the effectivity of
expectancy which does not ripen into title until it
the Family Code (on August 3, 1988 or thereafter),
appears that there are assets in the community as
absolute community shall govern if:
a result of the liquidation and settlement.
a. If it was provided for in the marriage settlement
between the future spouses; or
 Hapitan v. Sps. Lagradilla:
o the RTC declared the sale of conjugal property
(house and lot) of the spouses null and void,
Properties Included and Excluded in the Absolute
which decision was affirmed by the Court of
o Thereafter, the husband entered into an Proerties Included:
amicable settlement with the other parties  All the property owned by the spouses at the time of
recognizing the validity of the sale previously the celebration of the marriage or acquired during
declared void in the court’s decision. the marriage, unless excluded in the marriage
o Since the husband made the amicable settlement or under Article 92 of the FC.
settlement over the wife’s objection, the latter
questioned the validity of said settlement. Properties Excluded or Separate Properties :
o The Court declared the amicable settlement 1. Those excluded from the absolute community in
void. The Court explained that by agreeing to the the marriage settlement;
validity of the sale, the husband disposed of or 2. Those acquired DURIN G the marriage BY
waived his and the wife’s rights over the house GRATUITOUS TITLE by either spouse, including
and lot and such disposal or waiver by the fruits and income thereof
husband at allowed by law. UNLESS: it is expressly provided by the grantor
o Article 124 of the Family Code requires that any that they shall form part of the community property.
disposition or encumbrance of conjugal property 3. Those acquired BEFORE the marriage by either
must have the written consent of the other spouse who has “legitimate descendants by a
spouse; otherwise, such disposition is void. former marriage,” including the fruits and income
o Further, under Article 89 of the Family Code, no thereof.
waiver of rights, interests, shares, and effects of 4. Those for personal and exclusive use of either
the conjugal partnership of gains during the spouse.
marriage can be made except in case of judicial Except: jewelry shall form part of the community
separation of property. property.
o Clearly, the wife did not consent to the
husband’s disposing or waiving their rights over
the house and lot through the Amicable
including fruits
and income.

Summary of Inclusion/Exclusion

Properties Acquired Prior Properties Acquired Obligations Chargeable to the Absolute Community
to Marriage During the Marriage
1. Support
a. Spouses
RULE Properties Properties acquired
acquired prior to during the marriage are b. common children; and
the marriage are included in the ACP c. legitimate children of either spouse.
included in the
ACP.  BUT support of illegitimate children of either spouse
is chargeable to exclusive property of the illegitimate
EXCEP 1. Those 1. Those acquired parent.
TION excluded in the through gratuitous  However, if the debtor-spouse does not have
marriage title, including fruits property or his/her exclusive property is not
settlement; and income sufficient, the absolute community is required to
UNLESS expressly advance the payment to be deducted from his/her
2. Those for provided by the share upon liquidation of the community.
personal and grantor that they
exclusive use shall form part of the 2. Debts and Obligation
(but jewelries ACP. a. Antenuptial debts
are included in - Contracted before the marriage by either spouse
the ACP). 2. Those for personal are chargeable to the absolute community only if
and exclusive use they have redounded to the benefit of the family.
3. Those acquired (but jewelries are
by either included in the ACP).
b. For those contracted during the marriage:
spouse who
has legitimate i. if contracted by both spouses;
descendants by ii. if contracted by one spouse With the consent
a former of the other;
iii. If contracted by one spouse without the the exclusive purpose of commencing or completing
consent of the other but only to the extent that a professional or vocational course, or other activity
they have redounded to the benefit of the for self-improvement;
6. Expenses of litigation between the spouses.
iv. if contracted by the administrator-spouse for
the benefit of the community. Unless: the suit is found to be groundless.760

 For antenuptial debts, those contracted by one 7. In case only of insufficiency or absence of
spouse without the consent of the other during the exclusive property of the debtor-spouse, which shall
marriage and those contracted by the administrator be considered as advances to be deducted from the
spouse, the burden of proof that such debts were share of the debtor-spouse upon liquidation of the
contracted for the benefit of the community or of the community, for the following:
family lies with the creditor-party litigant claiming as i. Antenuptial debt by either spouse which did not
such. benefit the family;
ii. Support of illegitimate children of either spouse;
3. Taxes and Expenses: and
a. Taxes falling upon the community property; iii. Liabilities incurred by either spouse by reason of a
b. Taxes falling upon the separate property, if used by crime or quasi-delict.
the family;
c. Expenses incurred on the community property,  If the community property is insufficient to cover the
whether the repair is major or minor; foregoing liabilities except number (7), the spouses
d. Expenses incurred on a separate property if: are solidarily liable for the unpaid balance with their
i. incurred during the marriage; separate properties.
ii. for mere preservation; and
iii. property is used by the family.
4. Expenses to enable spouse to commence or Obligations Chargeable to Separate Property
complete a professional or vocational course, or 1. Support of illegitimate children of either spouse is
other activity for self-improvement; chargeable to exclusive property of the illegitimate
5. Value of what is donated or promised by both parent.
spouses in favor of common legitimate children for 2. Liabilities incurred by reason of a crime or
3. Expenses of litigation between the spouses if found Administration and Disposition of Community
to be groundless. Property
 The administration of community property belongs to
4. Losses during the marriage in any game of chance,
both spouses jointly.
betting, sweepstakes or any other kind of gambling,
 Sole Administration is Allowed:
whether permitted or prohibited by law.
1. If one spouse is incapacitated or otherwise unable
5. Debts contracted during the marriage:
to participate in the administration of common
i. By the administrator-spouse which did not
properties, the other may assume sole power of
benefit the community;
administration, without need of court approval or
ii. By one spouse without the consent of the other
which did not benefit the family.
2. If a spouse without just cause abandons the other
6. Antenuptial debts by either spouse which did not
or fails to comply with his or her obligations to the
benefit the family
family, the aggrieved spouse may petition the
7. Taxes incurred on a separate property which is not
court for sole administration."
used by the family.
3. During the pendency of a legal separation case,
8. Expenses incorred during the marriage on a
the court may designate either of the spouses as
separate property if:
sole administrator.
i. not for its preservation and
ii. the property is not used by the family.
 The power to administer does not include the
powers of disposition and encumbrance without the
 For Nos. 1, 2 and 6, the absolute community is
authority of the court or the written consent of the
required to advance the payment if the debtor-
other spouse.
spouse does not have separate property or his/her
separate property is insufficient to cover these
Sale or Disposition (Inter Vivos) of Community
obligations, which advances are to be deducted from
the share of the debtor-spouse upon liquidation of
the community.
 Under the regime of absolute community of property,  When the case reached the Supreme Court, it
alienation or encumbrance of community property was held that while the mortgage is void it is
must have the written consent of the other spouse or considered as a continuing offer and the
the authority of the court without which the subsequent execution of the SPA is the
disposition or encumbrance is void. acceptance by the other spouse that perfected the
 Neither spouse may likewise donate any continuing offer as a binding contract between the
community property without the consent of the parties, making the Deed of Real Estate Mortgage
other EXCEPT moderate donations for charity or a valid contract.
on occasions of family rejoicing or family distress.  The transaction executed sans the written
consent of the other Spouse or the proper court
 Considered as continuing offer: order is void; hence, ratification does not occur,
 Even if the disposition or encumbrance is void, for a void contract could not be ratified.
the transaction shall be construed as a continuing  When such consent or authorization is eventual] y
offer on the part of the consenting spouse and the given, what happens is that there will now be a
third person, and may be perfected as a binding meeting of the offer and acceptance since the
contract upon the acceptance by the other spouse void transaction is nevertheless considered as a
or authorization by the court before the offer is continuing offer on the part of 'the consenting
withdrawn by either or both the offerors. spouse and the third person, thereby resulting in
the perfection of the contract.
 Flores v. Sps. Linda:
 The RTC denied the creditor the right to judicially  Since the provisions of the Civil Code on co-
foreclose the mortgage on the ground that the ownership apply in a suppletory manner to the
mortgage of the conjugal property was made regime of absolute community property, may the
without the consent of the husband. In said case, disposition or encumbrance made by one spouse of
the wife signed the promissory note and the Deed a community property without the consent of the
of Real Estate Mortgage, for herself and as other be considered as a valid disposition only of the
attomey-in-fact of her husband, on October 31, share of the consenting spouse in the said property,
1995; but the Special Power of Attorney was applying the provision of Article 493 of the NCC?
executed by the husband only on November 5,  NO. The transaction is void in its entirety because
1995. prior to the liquidation of the absolute community,
the right of either spouse to one-half of the
community assets does not vest until after the the proper remedy is judicial guardianship
dissolution and liquidation of the absolute proceedings under Rule 93 of the Rules of Court.
community, when it is finally determined that, after
settlement of its obligations, there are net assets  Disposition by Will: Either spouse may dispose by
left which can be divided between the spouses. will of his or her share in the community property.
 Hence, Article 493 of the NCC does not apply
pending the dissolution and liquidation of the
Dissolution or Termination of Absolute Community
absolute community.
Causes of dissolution or termination of absolute
 Consent need not be explicit: community:
 Pelayo v. Perez, the Court held that when a wife 1. Death of either spouse;
affixed her signature to a Deed of Sale on the  Mandatory requirement: The surviving
space provided for witnesses, she was deemed to spouse must liquidate the community property,
have given her implied consent to the contract of either judicially or extrajudicially, within one
sale. The Court explained that the consent of a year from the death of the deceased spouse.
spouse to the disposition does not have to be
explicit or set forth in any particular document so  Effect of failure to comply:
long as it is shown by acts of the spouse that such i. Upon lapse of the one-year period and no
consent or approval was indeed given. liquidation is made, any disposition or
encumbrance involving the community
 Court authorization: The rules on summary judicial property of the terminated marriage shall be
proceedings under the Family Code govern the void.
proceedings under Articles 96 and 124 for the  But in Heirs of Patricio Go, Sr. and
purpose of obtaining court authorization. Marta Barola v. Seruacio: it was held
 But the rules on summary proceedings shall apply that the disposition by sale of a portion of
only when the spouse is absent, or separated in the conjugal property by the surviving
fact or has abandoned the other or consent is spouse without the prior liquidation
withheld or cannot be obtained. mandated by Article 130 of the Family
 Said rules do not apply in cases where the non- Code which is the counterpart provision of
consenting spouse is incapacitated or Article 103 in the regime of conjugal
incompetent to give consent. In the latter cases, partnership of gains, is not necessarily
void if said portion has not yet been c. If the community property is not sufficient, the
allocated by judicial or extrajudicial spouse present may be given judicial authorization,
partition to another heir of the deceased upon petition in a summary proceeding, for the
spouse. administration or encumbrance of any specific
 Instead, the sale is valid insofar as the property of the other spouse to satisfy the latter’s
ideal share of the selling co-owner/coheir share
in the property is concerned but without d. If a spouse without just cause abandons the other
affecting the ideal shares of the other co- or fails to comply with his or her obligations to the
owners. family, the aggrieved spouse may petition for
ii. If the surviving spouse contracts another receivership, judicial separation of property or for
marriage without compliance with the authority to be the sole administrator of the
foregoing requirement, a mandatory regime absolute community.
of complete separation shall govern the
property relations of the subsequent  Presumption of abandonment:
marriage.  A Spouse is deemed to have abandoned the
other when he or she left the conjugal
2. Finality of a decree of legal separation
dwelling without any intention of returning.
 Rule on separation in fact:
 A spouse who has left the conjugal dwelling
 The separation in fact or separation without a
for a period of three months or has failed
decree of legal separation between husband and
within the same period to give any information
wife does not affect the regime of absolute
as to his or her whereabouts shall be prima
facie presumed to have no intention of
returning to the conjugal dwelling.
 Effects of separation in fact
a. the spouse who leaves the conjugal home or 3. Finality of a judgment of annulment.
refuses to live therein, without just cause, shall
have no right to be supported; 4. Finality of judgment declaring the marriage void.
b. when the consent of one spouse to any transaction  Applicable only to marriages declared void for failure
of the other is required by law, judicial authorization to comply with Article 40 of the FC because this is the
shall be obtained in a summary proceeding, only void marriage where absolute community may
possibly exist.
5. Upon judicial separation of property during the divided equally between property at the time of the
marriage, either voluntarily or for a cause. the spouses, unless a celebration of the
different proportion or marriage and the market
division was agreed upon value at the time of its
Procedure for Liquidation of Absolute Community in the marriage settlement, dissolution.
or unless there has been
1. Inventory, listing separately the exclusive properties a voluntary waiver of such
and the properties of the absolute community. share.
2. Payment of debts and obligations of the absolute
community. In case of insufficiency of the absolute  In the regime of absolute community of property, “net
community properties, the spouses shall be solidarily profits“ is computed based on the following
liable for the unpaid balance with their separate procedures:
properties. a. Get the market value of the absolute community
3. Whatever remains of the exclusive properties of the properties at the time of the community's
spouses shall thereafter be delivered to each of them. dissolution;
b. From the totality of the market value of all the
properties, subtract the debts and obligations of
4. The net remainder of the properties of the absolute the absolute community;
community shall constitute its “net assets,” which shall c. The result of the foregoing procedures shall be
be divided equally between the spouses, unless a “net assets” or net remainder of the properties of
different proportion or division was agreed upon in the the absolute community;
marriage settlement, or unless there has been a d. Deduct the market value of the properties at the
voluntary waiver of such share. time of marriage. The result is the “net profits”
 The “net assets” is different from “net profits.”
“net assets” “net profits.” 5. Delivery of presumptive legitimes of the common
Not subject. Subject to forfeiture under children
Articles 43(2) and 63(2) of
the FC.
Net remainder of the Refer to the increase in
properties of the absolute value between the market
community which shall be value of the community
6. The conjugal dwelling, including the lot shall be ii. If there was no marriage settlement at the time of
adjudicated to the spouse with whom the majority of the the celebration of the marriage, or if the marriage
common children choose to remain unless otherwise settlement was void.
agreed upon by the parties. In case there is no majority,
the court shall decide.  If the marriage is celebrated during the effectivity
of the Family Code on August 3, 1988 or thereafter,
conjugal partnership of gains shall govern if it was
Chapter 4 provided for in the marriage settlement between
Conjugal Partnership of Gains the future spouses.
Arts. 105 133, FC
 If the spouses got married prior to the effectivity of
the Family Code without a marriage settlement, in
Conjugal Partnership, In General which case the property relation is that of conjugal
 This is a special type of partnership, where the partnership under the Civil Code, may it be argued
husband and wife place in a common fund the that pursuant to the transitory provisions of the
proceeds, products, fruits and income from their Family Code such property relation was changed to
separate properties and those acquired by either or absolute community when the Family Code took
both spouses through their efforts or by chance. effect in 1988 considering that no vested or
 Hence, the provisions of the Civil Code on partnership acquired rights are impaired?
apply to this regime in a suppletory character.  Pana v. Heirs of Jose Juanite, Sr, both the RTC and
 Upon dissolution of the marriage or of the partnership, the CA took the position that such property relation
the net gains or benefits obtained by either or both was changed to absolute community upon the
spouses shall be divided equally between them, effectivity of the Family Code considering that no
unless otherwise agreed in the marriage settlement. vested or acquired rights are impaired.
 The Supreme Court did not, however, agree as it
When Governing ruled that Article 256 of the Family Code does not
 If the marriage is celebrated under the Civil Code intend to reach back and automatically convert into
or prior to August 3, 1988, the regime of conjugal absolute community of property relation all conjugal
partnership of gains shall govern if: partnerships of gains that existed before 1988
i. If it was provided for in the marriage settlement excepting only those with prenuptial agreements.
between the future spouses; or
 Commencement dissolution and liquidation of the conjugal
 Can only commence at the precise moment that the partnership, or after dissolution of the marriage,
marriage is celebrated. when it is finally determined that, after settlement
 Any stipulation express or implied, for the of conjugal obligations, there are net assets left
commencement of this regime at any other time shall which can be divided between the spouses or
be void. their respective heirs.
 Hence, the spouses who reconcile after the finality of
the decree of legal separation may not adopt conjugal
partnership of gains as their new regime Properties Included and Excluded in the Conjugal
notwithstanding the provisions of Sections 23(c) and Partnership
24(a) of the new Rule on Legal Separation.
Properties Excluded or Separate Properties
 Prohibited Waiver: 1. Properties acquired PRIOR to the marriage;
 RULE: No waiver of rights, interests, shares and
effects (RISE) of the conjugal partnership during the
a. Fruits and income of said properties, which shall be
included in the conjugal partnership, but only the
“net fruits” shall be included.
 EXCEPTION: When the waiver takes place upon a b. Those included therein in the marriage settlement,
judicial separation of property. subject to the 1/5 limitation under Article 84 and the
rule in Article 92(3) of the FC, Which apply by

 Reason for the rule: 2. Properties acquired DURING the marriage by

- Prior to the liquidation of the conjugal partnership, GRATUITOUS title;
the interest of each spouse in the conjugal assets  Property donated or left by will to the spouses
is inchoate or a mere expectancy which does not jointly and with designation of determinate shares,
ripen into title until it appears that there are assets shall pertain to the donee-spouse as his or her
in the community as a result of the liquidation and exclusive property.
settlement.  In the absence of designation, they shall share
- Thus, the right of the husband or wife to one-half alike, without prejudice to the right of accretion
of the conjugal assets does not vest until the
 If retirement benefits, pensions, annuities,  Registration of a property alone in the name of
gratuities, usufructs and similar benefits are one spouse does not destroy its conjugal nature
obtained out of pure liberality of the donor, then and it is not conclusive evidence of the exclusive
such benefit becomes separate property of the ownership of the husband or the Wife.
grantee-spouse. If such benefit is simply an  Hence, the presumption is not rebutted by the
accumulation or deductions from money earned mere fact that the certificate of title of the property
during the marriage or from salaries of either or the tax declaration is in the name of one of the
spouse, then such benefit becomes conjugal spouses only, or that the registration of the trade
partnership property. name is in the name of the wife alone or that a
credit is loaned during the marriage by one of the
3. Properties acquired by right of redemption, by
spouses only what is important is that the
barter or by exchange with property belonging to
acquisition is made “during the marriage.
only one of the spouses;
4. Properties purchased with exclusive money.  Proof of acquisition of property during the marriage
is a condition sine qua non for the operation of the
presumption in favor of conjugal partnership
Properties Included:  It is not necessary to prove that the property was
1. Properties acquired by onerous title during the acquired with the funds of the conjugal partnership,
marriage at the expense of common fund. otherwise, the legal presumption set forth in the law
 Requisites: will be a superfluity
i. Acquisition is made during the marriage;  The presumption, however, refers only to the
ii. Thru onerous title; and property acquired during the marriage and does not
iii. At the expense of common fund. operate when there is no showing as to when
property alleged to be conjugal was acquired.
 Presumption of conjugality  Thus, when the property is registered in the name
 All property acquired during the marriage, whether of only one spouse and there is no showing as to
the acquisition appears to have been made, when the property was acquired by same spouse,
contracted or registered in the name of one or this is an indication that the property belongs
both spouses, is presumed conjugal unless the exclusively to the said spouse
contrary is proved.  When there is no showing as to when the property
was acquired, the presumption cannot prevail
when the title is in the name of only one spouse of the spouse to whom the right of redemption
and the rights of innocent third parties are pertains, subject, however, to reimbursement.
2. Property obtained during the marriage from the
 Under Philippine law and jurisprudence, if the
labor, industry, work or profession of either or both
property is registered in the name of one of the
spouses, with a description that he or she “is
married to” the other spouse, the same is merely 3. Fruits from conjugal properties and “net fruits”
descriptive of the civil status of the registered from separate properties.
 Net fruits
 Note that in numerous cases where the Court
- remainder of the fruits after deducting the amount
held that registration of the property in the name
necessary to cover the expenses of administration
of only one spouse does not negate the possibility
of said exclusive property.
of it being conjugal or community property, there
was proof that the properties, though registered in
 Principal and interest payable in installments: If
the name of only one spouse, were indeed either
credit is payable within a period of time and
conjugal or community properties.
belongs only to one of the spouses:
 Sums representing installments on the principal,
 But even if the property was acquired during the
exclusive property of the spouse;
marriage, the presumption in favor of conjugality
 But interest on the principal falling due during
cannot be applied with respect to private lands if
the marriage, conjugal property
one of the spouses is an alien for this will be in
violation of Section 7, Article XII of the 1987 4. Share in the hidden treasure and those acquired
Constitution which prohibits aliens from acquiring through fishing or hunting.
private lands in the Philippines.
5. Those acquired through chance, such as winnings
from gambling or betting. However, losses shall be
borne exclusively by the loser spouse.
 For property acquired during the marriage through
the exercise of right of redemption, even if the 6. Livestock existing at the time of the dissolution of
redemption price comes from conjugal funds, the the partnership, in excess of the number of each kind
property so acquired shall be the separate property brought to the marriage by either spouse.
 If cost of improvement and any resulting increase in
value are more than the value of the property at
the time of improvement, the entire property shall
Property Bought through Installment: belong to the conjugal partnership
 Requisites:  If less than, the entire property shall belong to the
i. Property is bought on installment prior In the owner-spouse.
marriage;  In either case, there shall be reimbursement upon
ii. Payment is completed only during the marriage; the liquidation of the conjugal partnership and
and ownership of the entire property shall be vested only
iii. Paid party from exclusive funds and partly from upon reimbursement.
conjugal funds.
 The obligation to reimburse for the cost of the
 Rules in determining ownership improvements, under Article 120 of the FC, rests
i. If full ownership was vested prior to marriage, on the spouse upon whom ownership of the entire
exclusive property of the buyer; property is vested there is no such obligation on
ii. If full ownership was vested during the marriage, the part of the purchaser of the property, in case
conjugal property; the property is sold by the owner-spouse prior to
iii. In either case, there shall be reimbursement upon reimbursement.
liquidation of the partnership.
Summary of Inclusion/Exclusion
Improvement on Separate Property
Properties Acquired Before Properties Acquired
 Requisites:
Marriage During Marriage
i. An improvement is made on a separate property
of either spouse; Gen. Rule: Properties If acquired through
ii. Improvement is made during the marriage; acquired before gratuitous title,
iii. At the expense of the conjugal partnership or the marriage are - NOT included in the
through the acts or efforts of either or both not included in CPG but the fruits and
spouses. the CPG, but income of said
fruits and properties are included
Rules in determining ownership income of said in the CPG.
accruing during If acquired through liquidation.
the marriage are onerous title and:
included in the 1. Using exclusive Exception When included
CPG. money or funds, the : in the CPG in
property so acquired is the marriage
exclusive property not settlement
included in the CPG. subject to the
2. Using conjugal limitations:
funds, the property so
acquired is generally 1. May not
included in the CPG exceed more
except if the than 1/5 of
acquisition is by way of present
exercise of right of property;
redemption. In the and
latter, the property
belongs to the owner 2. May not
of the right of include
redemption regardless properties
of the source of funds acquired
used in the prior to
redemption. If the right marriage if
pertains to only of the either of the
spouse, the property is future
exclusive property of spouses has
said spouse even if legitimate
conjugal funds are descendants
used in the acquisition. in a former
In this case, the CPC
shall only be
reimbursed upon its
iv. if contracted by the administrator-spouse for the
benefit of the partnership.

 Personal debts contracted by either spouse without

consent of the other spouse:
 If contracted for the benefit of the conjugal
partnership or for the benefit of the family, debt is
chargeable to the conjugal partnership;
Obligations Chargeable to the Conjugal Partnership
 If not, it is chargeable against the exclusive
1. Support of: property only of the debtor-spouse.
a. Spouses;
b. common children; and  Presumption: If either spouse contracts an
c. legitimate children of either spouse obligation on behalf of the family business, there is a
legal presumption that such obligation redounds to
 BUT support of illegitimate children of either spouse the benefit of the conjugal partnership.
is chargeable to exclusive property of the illegitimate
 If the husband himself is the principal obligor in the
2. Debts and Obligation
contract, i.e. , the direct recipient of the money and
a. Antenuptial debts
services to be used in or for his own business or
- Contracted before the marriage by either spouse
profession, the transaction falls within the term
are chargeable to the conjugal partnership if they
“obligations for the benefit of the conjugal
have redounded to the benefit of the family.
b. For those contracted during the marriage:
 But if the money or services are given to another
i. if contracted by both spouses; person or entity and the husband acted only as a
ii. if contracted by one spouse With the consent of surety or guarantor, the transaction cannot by itself
the other; be deemed an obligation for the benefit of the
iii. If contracted by one spouse without the consent conjugal partnership. It is for the benefit of the
of the other but only to the extent that they have principal debtor and not for the surety or his family.
redounded to the benefit of the family;
3. Taxes and Expenses 4. Losses during the marriage in any game of chance,
a. Taxes falling upon the conjugal partnership property betting, sweepstakes or any other kind of gambling,
and those falling upon the separate property; whether permitted or prohibited by law.
b. Expenses incurred on the conjugal partnership 5. Debts contracted during the marriage:
property, whether the repair is major or minor; a. By the administrator-spouse which did not beneiit
c. Expenses incurred on a separate property if: the community;
i. incurred during the marriage; and b. By one spouse without the consent of the other
ii. for mere preservation. which did not benefit the family.
d. Expenses to enable spouse to commence or 6. Antenuptial debts by either spouse which did not
complete a professional or vocational course, or benefit the family.
other activity for self-improvement; 7. Expenses incurred during the marriage on a separate
e. Value of what is donated or promised by both property if the same is not for its preservation.
spouses in favor of common legitimate children for
the exclusive purpose of commencing or completing  For Nos. 1, 2 and 6, said obligations can be
a professional or vocational course, or other activity enforced against conjugal partnership provided that:
for self-improvement; a. the spouse who is bound has no exclusive
f. Expenses of litigation between the spouses. properties or the same are insufficient; and
UNLESS: the suit is found to be groundless. b. the responsibilities of the conjugal partnership
enumerated in Article 121 have already been
 If conjugal partnership is insufficient, the spouses are covered, subject to reimbursement upon
solidarily liable for the unpaid balance with their liquidation of the partnership.
separate properties.”
 In case of absence or insufficiency of separate
Obligations Chargeable to Separate Property
property of the debtor-spouse, the foregoing
1. Support of illegitimate children of either spouse is liabilities can be enforced against the assets of the
chargeable to exclusive property of the illegitimate conjugal partnership provided that the
parent responsibilities of the conjugal partnership
2. Liabilities incurred by reason of a crime or quasidelict. enumerated in Article 121 of the Family Code have
3. Expenses of litigation between the spouses if found to already been covered.
be groundless.
 Article 122 of the Family Code allows payment of
criminal indemnities even prior to the liquidation of In the latter case, the disposition or encumbrance is void
the conjugal partnership, so long as the and the action to declare its nullify is imprescriptible.
responsibilities enumerated in Article 121 have been
covered. Sole administration
 If one spouse is incapacitated or otherwise
unable to participate in the administration of
 The Court explained that such is not altogether conjugal properties, the other may assume sole
unfair since Article 122 of the Family Code states power of administration, without need of court
that “at the time of liquidation of the partnership such approval or authorization.
offending spouse shall be charged for what has  If a spouse without just cause abandons the
been paid for the purposes above-mentioned. other or fails to comply with his or her
obligations to the family, the aggrieved spouse
may petition the court for sole administration.
Administration and Disposition of Conjugal Property
 During the pendency of a legal separation
case, the court may designate either of the
spouses as sole administrator.
Rule: belongs to both spouses jointly
In case of disagreement, the husband's decision shall Reminder: The power to administer does not include
prevail, subject to recourse to the court by the wife for the powers of disposition and encumbrance without
proper remedy, which must be availed of within 5 years the authority of the court or the written consent of
from the date of the contract implementing such decision. the other spouse.
Note: The 5-year prescriptive period in Article 124, par. 1, Disposition or Encumbrance of Coniugal Property:
of the Family Code applies only in cases where the
husband made a decision in the exercise of the powers of (a) Governing law:
administration of conjugal partnership properties which i. Rule under the Family Code:
resulted in disagreement between the spouses. The present law specifically requires the written consent
The same does not apply in case of disposition or of the other spouse, or authority of the court for the
encumbrance of a conjugal property without the consent disposition or encumbrance of conjugal partnership
of the other spouse
property without which, the disposition or encumbrance
shall be void.  The second paragraph of Article 124 makes it
clear that the powers of administration do not
Under Article 124 of the Family Code, the transaction include disposition or encumbrance of conjugal
executed sans the written consent of (the other spouse) partnership property.
or the proper court order was void; hence, ratification did
not occur, for a void contract could not be ratified.  With respect to disposition and encumbrance,
Even if the other spouse actively participated in the clear requirement of the law is that the same
negotiating for the sale of the property, the other must be made with the written consent of the
spouse's written consent to the sale is still required by other spouse (aside from the consent of the
law for its validity. administrator-spouse) or authority of the court;
otherwise, the disposition or encumbrance is void
In Ravina u. Villa Abrille,however, the Court held that if and not merely annullable.
the sale was with the knowledge but without the approval
of the wife, thereby resulting in a disagreement, such  Being a void transaction, the action or defense
sale is annullable at the instance of the wife who is based on its nullity is imprescriptible.
given 5 years from the date the contract implementing
the decision of the husband to institute the case.  Since the disposition or encumbrance is void, the
right to bring an action to declare the transaction
[Note: The Court obviously applied the first paragraph of void is not limited to the spouse whose consent
Article 124 of the Family Code in deciding the case, but was not obtained such that upon the death of the
its application is totally misplaced. Note that the 5- latter, the right is passed on to the heirs.908]
year prescriptive period mentioned in the first paragraph
of Article 124 refers only to the exercise of the powers Disposition or encumbrance before August 3. 1988:
of administration.  However, when the sale is made before the
effectivity of the Family Code, the applicable law
 The remedy contemplated in the first paragraph is the Civil Code.
is not one of annulment of the contract, but its  In other words, the rule under Article 124 of the FC
rescission, which presupposes the existence of a applies only if the disposition or encumbrance
valid contract but prejudicial to the family or to the takes place during the effectivity of the Family
conjugal partnership. Code.
determined that, after settlement of conjugal
Rule under the Civil Code: obligations, there are net assets left which can be
 Article 173 of the Civil Code provides that the divided between the spouses or their respective
disposition of real property of the conjugal heirs.
partnership by the husband without the wife's -Prior thereto, the interest of each spouse in the
consent is not void but merely voidable and the conjugal assets is inchoate, a mere expectancy,
wife could, during the marriage and within 10 which constitutes neither a legal nor an equitable
years from the questioned transaction, seek its estate. Hence, either of the spouses may not give
annulment. what he has not.9

In Felipe u. Aldon (ii) Article 493 of Civil Code. not applicable in

 the SC applied Article 173 in a case where the conjugal partnership:
wife sold some parcels of land belonging to the
conjugal partnership without the consent of the In Homeowners Savings & Loan Bank u. Dailo,
husband. -the bank contended that the mortgage of a
 It was therein ruled that the contract of sale was conjugal property by the husband without the
voidable subject to annulment by the husband. consent of the wife is not void in its entirety, but
valid with respect to the share of the consenting
Contract, void in its entirety: spouse, citing the provisions of Article 493 of the
In the sale of conjugal properties, the consent of both the NCC which allows a co-owner to dispose of his
husband and the wife is now required and the absence of ideal share without the consent of the other.
the consent of one renders the entire sale null and void -The SC held, however, that the rules on co-
including the portion of the conjugal property pertaining to ownership, including Article 493, do not apply to
the spouse who contracted the sale. n other words, sale conjugal partnership of gains because the said
is In its entirety. property regime is a special type of partnership.
Hence, it is the rules on partnership which
(i) Reason for the Rule: apply suppletory to conjugal partnership of
-The right of the husband or the wife to one-half of gains and not the rules on co-ownership.
the conjugal assets does not vest until the
liquidation of the conjugal partnership, or after
dissolution of the marriage, when it is finally Buyer in good faith:
In the cases of Bautista v. Silva, Ravina v. Villa Abrille [Chapter 5: Separation of Property of the Spouses]
and Aggabao vs Paruan,the Court erected a standard
to determine the good faith of the buyers dealing with a [Chapter 6: Regime of Separation of Property]
seller who had title to and possession of the land but
whose capacity to sell was restricted, in that the consent (Arts. 134 - 146, FC)
of the other spouse was required before the conveyance,
declaring that in order to prove good faith in such a Separation of Property of Spouses During the
situation, the buyers must show that they inquired not Marriage
only into the title of the seller but also into the sellers
capacity to sell. When Can It Govern:
a) By express declaration in the marriage
Thus, the buyers of conjugal property must observe settlement:
two kinds of requisite diligence, namely:
(a) the diligence in verifying the validity of the title (i) If separation of property is agreed upon
covering the property; and in the marriage settlement, the spouses may
(b) the diligence in inquiring into the authority of the no longer adopt absolute community or
transacting spouse to sell conjugal property in conjugal partnership during the marriage
behalf of the other spouse. because these two regimes can only
commence at the precise moment of the
celebration of the marriage.
Dissolution or Termination of Conjugal Partnership
Procedure for Liquidation of Absolute Community (ii) The separation may refer to present or
[Governed by same rules applicable to absolute future property or both.
(iii) The separation may be total or partial.
In case of partial separation, properties not
agreed upon as separate shall pertain to the
absolute community.

b) By judicial order
(i) Upon finality of a decree of legal separation; (vi) That spouses have been separated in fact
(ii) Upon a joint petition of the spouses for for at least one year and reconciliation is highly
voluntary separation (or without need for a improbable.
(iii) Upon petition for judicial separation due to a Reminder: In (i) to (iii), presentation of the final judgment
sufficient cause. is enough basis for the grant of the decree of judicial
c) By failure of the surviving spouse to liquidate
the absolute community or conjugal Revival of Previous Property Regime:
partnership of gains of a previous marriage Grounds for revival:
which has been terminated by death within the (i) If voluntary, the parties may agree to the revival
1-year period required by law prior to even in the absence of a reason/ ground.
contracting another marriage. However, no voluntary separation may thereafter
be granted.
The subsequent marriage is mandatorily governed by a (ii) If for sufficient cause, upon cessation of the
regime of complete separation. ground which was the basis of the judicial order for
separation. If judicial separation is for a sufficient a
cause, the spouses can again petition for judicial
Judicial Separation for Sufficient Cause: separation so long as there is a new
(i) Other spouse has been sentenced to a penalty Procedure for revival: [same as those followed upon
which carries with it civil interdiction; reconciliation of the spouses after the finality of legal
(ii) Other spouse has been judicially declared an separation]
(iii) Other spouse has lost parental authority by Transfer of Administration of Exclusive Property to
court decree; Another Spouse during the Marriage:
(iv) Other spouse has abandoned the petitioner 1. By agreement:
or has failed to comply with marital obligations Requisites:
(v) The administrator-spouse in the marriage (i) By means of a public instrument;
settlement has abused his/her power;
(ii) To be recorded in the registry of property of cohabitation is governed by the provisions of Article
the place where the property is located. 147 or Article 148, as the case may be, of the Family
2. By order of the court upon petition, based on any
of these grounds: - In other words, there is no absolute community or
(i) Other spouse becomes the guardian of the conjugal partnership in a void marriage at any point, even
other; during the period prior to declaration of nullify.
(ii) Other spouse is judicially declared an
absentee; - Thus, the rules which are set up to govern the
(iii) Other spouse is sentenced to a penalty which liquidation of either the absolute community or the
carries with it civil interdiction; or conjugal partnership of gains, the property regimes
(iv) Other spouse becomes fugitive from justice or recognized for valid and voidable marriages, are
hiding as an accused in a criminal case.934 irrelevant to the liquidation of the coownership between
common-law spouses or spouses of void marriages.

Automatic termination of administration: -In the liquidation of the properties of the parties to a void
 The alienation of any exclusive property of a spouse marriage, the provisions on co-ownership under the
administered by the other automatically terminates Civil Code should apply and such liquidation need not be
the administration over such property and the made in the same proceeding for declaration of nullify of
proceeds of the alienation shall be turned over to the marriage.
Chapter 7 -If the subsequent marriage is void by reason of non-
Property Regime of Unions Without Marriage compliance with Article 40 (but the prior marriage is
(Arts. 147 - 148, FC) indeed void ab initio), the property relations of the
parties to the subsequent marriage is either absolute
Property Regimes in Void Marriages community or conjugal partnership of gains, as the
case may be, unless the parties agree to a complete
Rule: separation of property in a marriage settlement entered
-In a void marriage, regardless of the cause thereof, the into before the marriage.
property relations of the parties during the period of
-In other words, the rules applicable to valid and voidable
marriages are also applicable to this kind of void Property Regime Under Article 147, FC
marriage but only for the purpose of determining its
property regime. Applicability:
Applies when a man and a woman, suffering no legal
As such. Section 19(1) ofA.M. No. 02- ll-10-SC, which impediment to marry each other, so exclusively live
requires the liquidation, partition and distribution of together as husband and wife under a void marriage or
properties prior to the issuance of decree of nullify of the without the benefit of marriage.942
marriage applies only to a void marriage under Article 40
of the Family Code when said rule mentions of "decree of Requisites:
absolute nullify" and not to a marriage declared void by For Article 147 to operate, the man and the woman:
reason of psychological incapacity under Article 36 of the (i) must be capacitated to marry each other;
Family Code. (ii) live exclusively with each other as husband
In the latter case, since the applicable property regime is and wife; and
that provided in Article 147 of the Family Code, the (iii) their union is without the benefit of marriage or
declaration of nullity can already be made even without their marriage is void.
waiting for the liquidation of the properties of the parties
because it is not necessary to liquidate the properties of Reminder: The term "capacitated" in the provision (in
the spouses in the same proceeding for declaration of the first paragraph of the law) refers to the legal
nullify of marriage. capacity of a party to contract marriage, i.e., any
"male or female of the age of eighteen years or upwards
In Article 147, what governs the liquidation of not under any of the impediments mentioned in Articles
properties owned in common are the rules on co- 37 and 38 of the Code.
Note that while Article 147 also applies to union without
In Article 40, however, since the property relations of marriages, or those merely cohabiting as husband and
the parties is governed by absolute community of wife without the benefit of marriage, it is necessary that
property or conjugal partnership of gains, there is a they must be capitated to marry each other and that they
need to liquidate, partition and distribute the are living "exclusively as husband and wife.
properties before a decree of absolute nullify could
be issued.
As such, Article 147 does not apply to cases of multiple  Article 147 creates a presumption that properties
alliances, even if in relation to each union the parties are acquired during the cohabitation of the parties
capacitated to marry each other. In the same way, even if have been acquired through their joint efforts, work
it is a case of exclusive cohabitation but if the parties are or industry and shall be owned by them in equal
not capacitated to marry each other, Article 147 does not shares.
apply. In both situations, the property regime of the  It further provides that a party who did not
parties shall be that which is provided in Article 148 of the participate in the acquisition by the other party of
Family Code. any property shall be deemed to have contributed
jointly in the acquisition thereof if the former's
Examples of Marriages Governed by Article 147: efforts consisted in the care and maintenance of
(i) Marriages declared void by reason of the family and of the household.
psychological incapacity;  Efforts in the care and maintenance of the
(ii) Marriages celebrated without a valid marriage family and household are regarded as
license. contributions to the acquisition of common
property by one who has no salary or income or
Rule on Distribution of Properties: work or industry.
(a) Wages and Salaries:
Wages and salaries earned by either party during the  Unlike the conjugal partnership of gains, the fruits
cohabitation shall be owned by the parties in equal of the couple's separate property £ire not,
shares and will be divided equally between them, even if however, included in the co-ownership.
only one party earned the wages and the other did not
contribute thereto. (i) During the cohabitation, the parties are
prohibited from disposing by acts inter vivos or
(b) Property Acquired During Cohabitation: encumbering their respective shares in the co-
Under this property regime, properties acquired by both owned property without the consent of the other.
parties during their union through their work and industry
shall be governed by the rules on equal co-ownership In other words, Article 493 of the NCC does not
and are prima facie presumed to have been obtained apply. But after the cohabitation, Article 493 of the
through their joint efforts. NCC will already be applicable.
(ii) In MBTC v. Pascual,the validity of an  It refers to the property regime of bigamous
encumbrance of the entire property made by one marriages, adulterous relationships, relationships
of the parties without the other's consent was in a state of concubine, relationships where both
upheld by the SC with respect only to the share" of man and woman are married to other persons,
the consenting co-owner, applying the provision of multiple alliances of the same married man.
Article 493 of the NCC.
Requisites: For Article 148 to operate, the man and the
In this case, the encumbrance was made after the woman:
termination of the cohabitation (or after the finality 1. must be incapacitated to marry each other or they
of the judgment declaring the marriage void by do not live exclusively with each other as husband
reason of psychological incapacity). and wife; and
2. their union is without the benefit of marriage or
(iii) If the cohabitation is by reason of a void their marriage is void.
marriage and only one of the parties acted in bad
faith, the share of the latter in the coownership Retroactive application of Art. 148 FC:
shall be forfeited in favor of the following, which  Although adulterous cohabitation of the parties
forfeiture shall take place upon the termination of commenced before the effectivity of the Code on
the cohabitation: August 3,1988, Article 148 thereof applies
1) the common children, if any; because this provision was intended precisely to
2) in default of common children, the surviving fill up the hiatus in Article 144 of the Civil Code.
descendants of the party who acted in bad  Before Article 148 of the Family Code was
faith; enacted, there was no provision governing
3) in the absence of descendants, the innocent property relations of couples living in a state of
party. adultery or concubinage because Article 144 of the
Civil Code applies only to a relationship between a
Property Regime Under Article 148, FC man and a woman who are not incapacitated to
marry each other, or to one in which the marriage
Applicability: of the parties is void from the beginning.
 Article 148 of the Family Code applies in cases  Hence, even if the cohabitation or the acquisition
where the parties in union are incapacitated to of the property occurred before the Family Code
marry each other. took effect, Article 148 governs
Torrens title system merely confirms, and does not
Rule on Distribution of Properties: vest title.
 The words "married to” preceding the name of a
Wages and salaries: spouse are merely descriptive of the civil status of
Wages and salaries earned by each party belong to him the registered owner and such words do not prove
or her exclusively. co-ownership under Article 148.
a. If one of the parties in the cohabitation is
Property acquired during cohabitation: validly married to another, his or her share
 Under this regime, only the properties acquired by in the co-ownership shall accrue to the
both of the parties through their actual joint absolute community or conjugal
contribution of money, property and industry shall partnership existing in such valid marriage.
be owned by them in common in proportion to
their respective contributions. In Belcodero v. Court of Appeals, the
 Hence, mere cohabitation without proof of Court held that property acquired by a man
contribution will not result in a co-ownership.Such while living with a common-law wife during
contributions and corresponding shares were the subsistence of his marriage is conjugal
prima facie presumed to be equal. property, even when the property was titled
 However, for this presumption to arise, proof of in the name of the common-law wife. In
actual contribution is required. such cases, a constructive trust is deemed
 Stated otherwise, co-ownership will only be up to to have been created by operation of
the extent of the proven actual contribution of Article 1456 of the Civil Code over the
money, property or industry. If the actual property which lawfully pertains to the
contribution of the party is not proved, there will be conjugal partnership of the subsisting
no co-ownership and no presumption of equal marriage.
 The fact that the controverted property was titled in b. If there is no such valid marriage, the share
the name of the parties to an adulterous of the party who acted in bad faith (whether
relationship is not sufficient proof of co-ownership either or both acted in bad faith) shall be
absent evidence of actual contribution in the forfeited, which forfeiture shall take place
acquisition of the property. Registration under the upon the termination of the cohabitation, in
favor of
1) the common children, if any; (ii) Between parents and children
2) in default of common children, the (iii) Among other ascendants and descendants;
surviving descendants of the party and
who acted in bad faith; (iv) Among brothers and sisters, whether of fulll
3) in the absence of descendants, the or half-blood.
innocent party.
Note: According to the Court, this enumeration is
Not Applicable to Same-Sex Marriafife/Cohabitation: exclusive and defines the operation of Article 151 of
 Article 148 does not apply to a cohabitation of the Family Code.
parties coming from same sex, or to a same-sex
marriage. Earnest Efforts Toward Compromise:
 Note that Article 148 refers to cohabitations Rule:
between a man and a woman.  If suit is between "members of same family, there
 With respect to the property relations of same-sex must be prior earnest efforts towards a
cohabitations, the same shall be governed by the compromise; otherwise, the case must be
applicable provisions of the Civil Code on dismissed.
Property.  Hence, the attempt to compromise as well as its
failure or inability to succeed is a condition
precedent to the filing of a suit between members
of the same family; the absence of such allegation
in the complaint being assailable at any stage of
the proceeding, even on appeal, for lack of cause
of action.
[Title V — The Family]  Stated otherwise, a party's failure to comply with
Article 151 of the FC before filing a complaint
[Chapter 1: The Family as an Institution] against a family member would render such
(Arts. 149-151, FC) complaint premature.

Family Relations  However, the failure of a party to comply with this

Extent of "Family Relations": condition precedent is not a jurisdictional defect.
(i) Between husband and wife
 If the opposing party fails to raise such defect in a
motion to dismiss, such defect is deemed waived.

Meaning of "members of same family":

 The phrase "members of the same family" in
Article 151 of the FC must be understood as
referring to the relations enumerated in Article
150 of the FC.

 Hence, if there is a stranger to the suit, such as a

brother-in-law or a sister-in-law, compliance
with Article 151 is not jurisdictional for the
maintenance of the action. [Chapter 2: The Family Home]
(Arts. 152-162, FC)
Cases not subject to compromise:
(i) civil status of persons;
(ii) validity of marriage or legal separation; Family Home
(iii) any ground for legal separation;
(iv) future support; A family home is the dwelling place of a person and his
(v) jurisdiction of courts; and family. It is said, however, that the family home is a real
(vi) future legitime. right, which is gratuitous, inalienable and free from
attachment, constituted over the dwelling place and the
land on which it is situated, which confers upon a
particular family the right to enjoy such properties, which
must remain with the person constituting it and his heirs.
It cannot be seized by creditors except in certain special

How Constituted:
prior to effectivity of after the effectivity of  Failure to comply with either not exceed certain
Family Code: Family Code one of these two modes of amounts depending
 If the family home was  a family home is constitution will bar a upon the area where
constructed before the deemed constituted judgment debtor from it is located.
effectivity of the FC or on a house and lot availing of the privilege  Further, the debts
before August 3,1988, then from the time it is incurred for which
it must have been occupied as a the exemption does
constituted either family residence. not apply as
judicially or  There is no need to provided under
extrajudicially as constitute the Article 155 for which
provided under Articles same judicially or the family home is
225, 229-231 and 233 of extrajudicially as made answerable
the Civil Code. required in the Civil must have been
Code, and the incurred after August
Judicial extrajudicial exemption is 3,1988.
constitution constitution effective from the
requires the is governed time it was
filing of a by Articles constituted and lasts
verified 240 to 242 as long as any of its Rule with respect to those already existing upon
petition of the Civil beneficiaries under effectivity of Family Code:
before the Code and Article 154 actually  Family residences which were not judicially or
courts and involves the resides therein. extrajudicially constituted as a family home prior to
the execution of  Moreover, the family the effectivity of the FC, but were existing
registration a public home should belong thereafter, are considered as family homes by
of the court instrument to the absolute
operation of law and are prospectively entitled to
order with which must community or
the Registry also be the benefits accorded to a family home under
conjugal partnership,
of Deeds of registered or if exclusively by the FC."
the area with the one spouse, its  In Modequillo v. Breva, the Court ruled that if the
where the Registry of constitution must residential house and lot was not constituted as a
property is Property have been with family home whether judicially or extrajudicially
located. consent of the other, under the Civil Code, the same became a family
and its value must home by operation of law only under Article 153 of
the FC and is deemed constituted as such only  It cannot be established on property held in co-
upon the effectivity of the FC on August 3,1988. ownership with third persons. However, it can be
established partly on community property, or
Reminders: conjugal property and partly on the exclusive
The law explicitly provides that occupancy of the property of either spouse with the consent of the
family home either by the owner thereof or by "any of latter.
its beneficiaries" must be actual.  If constituted by an unmarried head of a family,
Actual occupancy, however, need not be by the where there is no communal or conjugal property
owner of the house specifically. existing, it can be constituted only on his or her
own property
Rather, the property may be occupied by the  Note that Art 152 and 153 specifically extend the
beneficiaries enumerated in Article 154 of the FC, scope of the Family home not just to the dwelling
which may include the in-laws where the family home structure in which the family resides but also to the
is constituted jointly by the husband and wife. lot on which it stands.

But the law definitely excludes maids and overseers. Who May Constitute:
They are not the beneficiaries contemplated by the (i) Jointly by the husband and wife or
Code (ii) by an unmarried head of a family

Where Constituted: For purposes of availing the benefits of a family home, a

 The family home must be part of the properties of person may constitute, however, only one family home.
the absolute community or the conjugal
partnership, or of the exclusive properties of either Beneficiaries of Family Home:
spouse with the latter's consent, or on the property Two sets of beneficiaries:
of the unmarried head of the family. (i) The husband and wife, or an unmarried person
 The family home must be established on the who is the head of a family, who constituted the
properties of family home; and
o the absolute community, or
o the conjugal partnership, or (ii) Their parents, ascendants, descendants, brothers
o the exclusive property of either spouse with and sisters, whether the relationship be legitimate
the consent of the other. or illegitimate, who are living in the family home
and who depend upon the head of the family for beneficiary of the family home. Is the contention of" B
legal support. meritorious?

Note: However, for purposes of availing of the benefits of ANSWER: No. While it is true that upon the death of the
a family home, a person may be the beneficiary of only person who constituted the family home, the same shall
one family home. continue and its partition is prohibited while there is a
minor beneficiary who lives therein, "X" is not, however, a
Requisites: beneficiary of the family home concerned.
In order for the relatives of the person who constituted
the family home to be considered a beneficiary of the Three requisites must be satisfied before a person
family home, three requisites must concur: can be considered a beneficiary of the family home:
(i) They must be among the relationships (1) he or she must be among the relationships
enumerated in Article 154 of the Family Code; enumerated in Article 154 of the Family Code;
(ii) They live in the family home; and (2) he or she must live in the family home; and
(iii) They are dependent for legal support upon the (3) he or she must be dependent for legal support from
head of the family. the head of the family.

Case of Patricio v. Dario III While "X satisfies the first two requisites, he does not,
FACTS: "H" died intestate, survived by his wife ("W”) and however, satisfies the third requisite since he cannot
two sons, "A" and "B." One of the properties by the demand support from his paternal grandmother ("W")
deceased was a residential house which, upon because the liability for his legal support falls primarily on
extrajudicial settlement of the estate of the deceased, his parents, especially his father "B," who is the head of
was transferred in the names of "W," "An and "B as co- his immediate family.
owners. "W" and "A" filed an action in court for the
partition and sale of the subject property when "B refused Benefits of Family Home:
to accede to an extrajudicial partition. "B is opposing the Rule:
partition of the property on the ground that it is a family It is exempt from execution, forced sale or attachment.
home, the partition of which is prohibited because his
minor son ("X"), who is the grandson of the deceased, Conditions precedent for exemption:
still resides in the premises. It is claimed that X is a It is duly constituted as such, as follows
If constituted prior to If constituted after bar a judgment debtor shall not exceed the
effectivity of FC: effectivity of FC: from availing of the amount of P300,000 in
privilege. urban areas and
P200,000 in rural areas.
It must have been (i) There must be proof
constituted either judicially that the alleged family Exceptions to the rule: The foregoing exemption
or extrajudicially as home was constituted shall not apply
provided under Articles jointly by the husband and (i) For non-payment of taxes;
225, 229-231 and 233 of wife or by an unmarried (ii) For debts incurred prior to the constitution of family
the Civil Code. head of a family; home;
(iii) For debts secured by mortgages on the
Judicial constitution of (ii) It must be the house
premises before or after such constitution; and
family home requires where they and their
(iv) For debts due to laborer's, mechanics,
quires the filing of a family actually reside
verified petition before the and the lot on which it is architects, builders, materialmen and others who
courts and the registration situated; have rendered service or furnished material for the
of the court*s order with construction of the building.
the Registry of Deeds of (iii) The family home must
the area where the be part of the properties How and who may invoke protection:
property is located. of the absolute How:
community or the  It is not sufficient that the person claiming
Meanwhile, extrajudicial conjugal partnership, or exemption merely alleges that such property is a
constitution is governed by of the exclusive family home.
Articles 240 to 242 of the properties of either  Such claim for exemption should be set up and
Civil Code and involves spouse with the latters proved to the Sheriff before the sale of the
the execution of a public consent, or on the property at public auction. Failure to do so would
instrument which must property of the
estop the party from later claiming the exemption.
also be registered with the unmarried head of the
Registry of Property. family;

Failure to comply with (iv) At the time of its Personal privilege:

either one of these two constitution, the actual The right to exemption or forced sale under Article 153 of
modes of constitution will value of the family home the FC is a personal privilege granted to the judgment
debtor and as such, it must be claimed not by the sheriff, 2. the increase resulted from voluntary
but by the debtor himself before the sale of the property improvements on the property introduced,
at public auction. by the persons constituting the family
home, its owners or any of its
Duration of protection: beneficiaries; and
The exemption provided as afore-stated is effective from 3. the increased actual value exceeded the
the time of constitution of the family home as such and maximum allowed under Article 157.
lasts so long as any of its beneficiaries actually resides
therein Any subsequent improvement or enlargement of the
family home by the persons constituting it, its owners, or
Effect of increase in actual value of family home: any of its beneficiaries will still be exempt from execution,
forced sale or attachment provided the following
If by reason of involuntary improvement conditions obtain:
 If the increase in value is by reason of an (a) the actual value of the property at the time of its
involuntary improvement, like the conversion into a constitution has been determined to fall below the
residential area or the establishment of roads and statutory limit and
other facilities, the one establishing the family (b) (b) the improvement or enlargement does not
home should not be punished by making his home result in an increase in its value exceeding the
liable to creditors. statutory limit.
 Hence, the family home still enjoys protection from
execution, force sale or attachment. Otherwise, the family home can be the subject of a sale,
and any amount above the statutory limit is applicable to
If by reason of voluntary improvement: the obligations under Articles 155 and 160.
 If the value of the family home exceeded the
maximum amount because of voluntary
improvements by the one establishing the family Effect of Death of Person Who Constituted the Family
home, then Article 160 will apply. Home:
 To warrant, therefore, the execution sale of the
family home under Article 160, the following Continuance of family home:
facts are required to be established: If there are beneficiaries who survive and are living in the
1. there was an increase in its actual value; family home, it will continue for 10 years, unless at the
expiration of 10 years, there is still a minor beneficiary, in
which case the family home continues until that
beneficiary becomes of age.

Prohibition against partition:

 During the continuance of the family home, the heirs
cannot partition the same unless the court finds
compelling reasons therefore.
 Article 159 imposes the proscription against the
immediate partition of the family home regardless of
its ownership.
 This signifies that even if the family home has
passed by succession to the co-ownership of the
heirs, or has been willed to any one of them, this fact
alone cannot transform the family home into an
ordinary property, much less dispel the protection
cast upon it by the law.
 The rights of the individual co-owner or owner of the
family home cannot subjugate the rights granted
under Article 159 to the beneficiaries of the family

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