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Why you Should Pursue a Masters in Psychology?

We will be doing a presentation on Hedonism, an article we’ve worked on previously.

The full name of the article is: Why are Males more Hedonistic than Females. The presentation

consist of three parts: the first part includes the backstory to why we proceeded with writing on

the subject, the second to do with its essential findings, and the third of the paper itself, its

contents and varied concepts introduced. In the backstory portion, we include our observations

such as how there appears to be more females than males in collages, the increasing number

of female leaders worldwide, even a testimony by Nikola Tesla on the 1920s of their

emergence. The Findings describes itself accordingly on a survey done in Singapore, and the

latter portion includes concepts both philosophical and psychological. It will also include the four

M.E.A.T (masculinity, environment, attitudes, technology) conditions we believe why males are

more hedonistic than females.

Muhammad Ashraf bin Minhaj

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