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Taming Anxiety & Whip of Control

What is anxiety? It is a continuous worry about a fear that we perceive in mind. The
underlying fear causes the worry and hence we are anxious in dealing with
So, it is very important to understand this small little term fear from its roots.
Fear is a major dominant emotion in our mind that manifests itself in many forms in
our lives. Things that cause fear in our lives range from small little things to things of
grave concerns.
The most common fears that we experience in our lives vary from fear of
cockroaches and lizards to fear of rejection, fear of loss of closed ones, fear of failure
and so on.
We might have experienced many situations in life that have caused fear in us. It is
so powerful that it leaves back its impressions in our mind as well as body. It makes
us broken from inside and sometimes even empty and blank. Sometimes this fear
even has the power to knock us out of life.
Fear is an emotion that creates various doubts and questions our own abilities and
Fear is a natural instinct and we are inborn with fear as we care. We care for our
closed ones; we care for our family and their wellbeing. We care for our professional
life and its results.
We all want success in all that we do. Sometimes the desire for success itself is
attached with the fear of failure.
Now, how do we move from fear to fearlessness.
The key is to look at our fears. Correct. You heard it right. Many times, we do not
look at our fears we try to avoid it. By looking at our own fears gives us the courage
to face it. We realize then how ugly we look when we fear something. Also, when we
look at our fears, we get the courage that we can do something to make it right.
When we see our own fears, we will be able to overcome it.
We cannot erase fear completely from our life. But when ever we are afraid of
something, we should constantly remind us that there is a fearless being inside me.
Whenever we doubt something, we should remember that there is a part of us that is
doubtless. Whenever we are sad there is a part of us that is happy.
This is what is important. We have to constantly remind that we are fearless and
constantly happy bein within always.
Write down your fears and you will be able to work on your fear.
If you need any more advices or suggestions please feel free to contact us. You are
never alone. We are always there with you to help you and guide you to take your
right decision at the right time.

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