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Travelers CyberRisk Coverage Explanations

Breach Response

Privacy Breach Notification: reimburse or pay on behalf of you for privacy breach notification costs
resulting from an actual or suspected privacy breach

Computer and Legal Experts: Reimburse or pay on behalf of for computer and legal experts costs
resulting from actual or suspected privacy breach, security breach or cyber extortion threat. Examples of
these include forensic analysis, determining whose confidential information was stolen / accessed,
containing or stopping a breach in progress, legal services to respond to a breach etc.

Betterment: reimburse or pay on behalf of for betterment costs, meaning reasonable costs incurred for
hardware or software to improve a computer systems after a security breach

Cyber Extortion: reimburse or pay on behalf of for cyber extortion costs such as ransom, costs incurred
towards mitigating the ransom or incurred in the process of paying a ransom

Data Restoration: reimburse or pay on behalf of for data restoration expenses like those incurred to
restore or recover damaged/destroyed computer programs, software or electronic data.

Public Relations: reasonable costs or fees for public relations services to mitigate or prevent negative
publicity resulting from a privacy breach, security breach or media act

Business Loss

Business Interruption Loss: income loss and extra expense incurred or paid and that is directly caused by
a security breach, system failure or voluntary shutdown of a computer system if it is reasonable and
necessary to minimize the loss caused by a security or privacy breach in progress

Dependent Business Interruption: pay the business interruption loss directly caused by an IT Provider

Reputation Harm: damage to reputation that results in income loss as a result of an adverse media
report (communication of an actual or potential privacy/security breach by a media outlet).

System Failure: accidental, unintentional and unplanned total or partial interruption of a computer
system not caused by a security breach or a total or partial interruption of a third party computer
system or network


Privacy and Security: pay a loss on behalf of resulting from a claim for a Privacy and Security Act. This
includes, failure to prevent a priacy breach, failure to desrotyr confidential information, failure to
provide notification required by law, failure to comply with a privacy policy, unauthorized, unlawful or
wrongful collection of confidential information or the failure to prevent a security breach

Regulatory Proceedings: pay defense costs and regulatory costs on behalf of resulting from a regulatory
proceeding for a Privacy and Security Act or Media Act
Payment Card Costs: Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI-DSSI) or similar standard to
which you have agreed in a merchant service agreement – a contract between you and an acquiring
bank or other acquiring institution that establishes the terms and conditions for accepting and
processing payment card transactions

Media Liability: pay loss on behalf of resulting from a claim for a media act – unauthorized use of other
proprietary information, violation of an individual’s right of privacy or publicity, defamation, libel,
misappropriation of ideas under an implied contract


Computer Fraud: pay for your direct loss of money, securities or other property directly caused by
computer fraud – intentional, unauthorized and fraudulent entry or change of data or computer
instructions directly into or within a computer system

Funds Transfer Fraud: pay for your direct loss of money or securities directly caused by funds transfer

Telephone Fraud: pay for your Telecom Charges – amounts charged by your telephone service provider -
directly caused by Telecom Fraud - unauthorized access to or use of your telephone system

Social Engineering Fraud: pay for your direct loss of money or securities directly caused by intentionally
misleading an employee by providing an instruction that, is not made by an insured, purportedly form a
vendor, client or employee, directs and employee to transfer, pay or deliver money or securities,
contains a misrepresentation that is relied upon by that employee, believing it to be true.

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