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The hight middle ages
·What were the hight middle ages?
-The economy. Improved aggriculture meant there was more food for the
growing population.
-Society and goverment. The inhasbitants of Euroope`s expanding cities
were completely free from the autority of feudal lords.
-Culture. Grat cathedrals were built, and the first universities were founded.

·Improvement in agriculture
Agricultural production in Europe grew rapidly;
-Three-field crop rotation
-The are of land
-The heavy plough
-Windmills and watermills
*The population of Europe grew from 42 million in the year 1000 to 73
million in 1300*

·Trade and early banking

-The Mediterranean route. This linked Spanish and Italian cities to Islamic
and Byzantine ports.
-The Atlantic and Baltic route. This linked Portuguese and Cantabrian ports
to cities in Flanders and Rusia. (This route was controlled by the Hanseatic
-Merchants met regularly at trade fairs, where products from Europe,
Africa and Asia were exchanged
·The growth of cities
Some old cities expanded rapidly. New cities were founded.
Main reasons:
- Agricultural innovations reduced the need for farm workers, yet the
- Other peasants went to live in cities to escape serfdom.
- Merchats settled in cities for the protection provided by the city
- Medieval cities were usually small.

·Urban society
Were grat differences:
- The elite was made up of wealthy merchants and artisans.
- Most people were modest artisans and shopkeepers.
- There were also por people who did not have Jobs.

·The city charter

When they were successful, the King granted them a chárter (or fuero)

·The city hall or council

Originally this consisted of an assembly of all the townspeople.
A city hall or council was formed.

·The medieval city

Medievalk cities were surrounded by high walls.
- Divided into parishes, or districts
- The market square was a large open space where farmers and
merchants sold their products
- Cities were unhealthy
In the middle Ages, most products were made by hands or using simple
- Apprentices worked for a master artisan for no salary, learning the
- Journeymen were young men who worked for different masters, and
received a salary.
- Masters were the owners of the workshop and tools.

Artisans of the same trade, formed craft guilds together.
*Guilds had strict control over their their trade
- Members
- Statute
- Production
- Competition
- Sick members
- Women

·The growth of royal power

- Economic growth. Thanks to economic growth, the monarchies
collected more taxes and began to formtheir own profesional armies.
- Royal administration. A new class of educated court officials
- The growth of cities. Kings granted charters to cities in Exchange for
their support against the feudal nobility.

·The first parliament

From the 12th century, European monarchs looked for support outside the
feudal nobility by calling parliaments. These assemblies raised taxes, and
agreed to help find additional financing in wartime
·War in medieval Europe
Other conflicts were caused by border disputes. As monarchs grew stronger
and wealthier, they looked for ways to dominate the feudal nobility

·Divisions in the Catholic Church

The Western Schim was a crisis that divided the Catholic Church

·The crisis of the Late Middle Ages

This period is usually called the Late middle Ages
 Agriculture
- Climate change
- Overexploitation
- Famine
- Destrutive wars
 Social tensions
- In the countryside, feudal lords raised taxes to compensate for
population decline and the fall of agricultural production
- In cities, food became scarce and craft activity declined

·The Black Death

A terrible bacteria disease called plague spread through Europe between
1348 and 1352
The plague originated in Asia and came to Europe on Genoese merchant
Symptoms: high fever, shivering, and swelling of the neck
Over five years, as many as 25 million people probably died.

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