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I received an advance copy of this book in exchange for an honest and unbiased

Plandemic, a novella by John Reizer, is a fictional story about the real-life ongoing saga
otherwise known as Covid19. I found the story to be interesting, thought-provoking and
well-written. The two main characters, Julie Reiner and Donald Barnes felt real and were
well fleshed out.

The story's premise is centered on the idea that Covid-19 is a fake event that was staged by a
New World Order government attempting to reset society and lower the global population
numbers through the creation of a vaccine.

The story is a page-turner and from a fictional perspective quite plausible.


I read Plandemic over a week ago and was so intrigued by the premise, I wanted to check
out the alleged science interwoven throughout the story. The main scientific point the
author writes about in the fictional work is that the testing procedures used to diagnose the
disease in human subjects are unreliable. The author claims, in the story, the virus was
never properly isolated by the scientific community.

Reizer claims PCR tests are unreliable in clinical cases and were chosen by the architects of
the fake pandemic because they conveniently register false-positive case numbers in a
significant minority of the global population. The reason for this is because many people
have genetic materials in their bodies that are harmless but trigger a false-positive response
in the lab tests.

The author also writes that all of the covid19 cases were based on false-positive PCR tests or
upper respiratory and pneumococcal infections that were fraudulently diagnosed as
coronavirus cases.

After I read many scientific papers, checked out the CDC website concerning the lab tests,
and looked into how the virus was isolated in real-life, I learned that many of the author's
fictional story claims are well documented by medical physicians and reputable scientists.

There's a lot of information out there about the unreliability of the PCR tests and Reizer's
fictional account is not so far-fetched and off the wall as I first believed.

The other thing I found to be mind-blowing, is that in Plandemic, the story, the author
writes about "THE EVENT" where the main characters, Julie Reiner and Donald Barnes
first meet in October 2019, in New York City. THE EVENT in the story was a simulated
world pandemic caused by a novel coronavirus. It's significant because the two characters
realize as time goes on, the Covid19 virus and its collateral damage mirror the simulation.

THE EVENT in Reizer's Plandemic novella happened in real life in New York City. It was
called EVENT-201. Event 201 was a simulated world pandemic caused by...a novel

Plandemic is worth the read, and if you have an open mind, it will make you rethink
everything you thought you knew about the virus that has haunted us in 2020. 

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