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Ericsson Command Handling1.

Giving Performance test against a TRX

rxbli:mo=rxotrx-395-5; (Block)rxtei:mo=rxotrx-395-5; (Perf. Test)rxble:mo=rxotrx-
395-5; (Deblock)
2. To see the frequency state of a TRX(With fault code)
3. To see TRX status
1. rxmsp:mo=rxotrx-395-5; (For having only one TRX status)2. rxmsp:mo=rxotrx-395-
4&&-5; (for having two or more TRX status
4. To see all (TX,TS,TRX) status
Note: State, BLO, BLA all the values will be zero for active TRX (TRX in good
condition)5. To find the TG value of a Site
rxtcp:moty=rxotg , cell=dx03214;
6. To see all external alarm of a BSC
7. To see all internal alarm of a BSC
8. To see active alarm of a BSC
allip; (For all the active alarm of a BSC)allip:acl=a1; (where a1=critical alarm
only)allip:acl=a2; (where a2=major alarm only)allip:acl=a3; (where a3=minor alarm
only)allip:acl=a1,alcat=ext/bts; (for critical ext alarms)
9. To see the total number of TRX of a Site
rxcdp:mo=rxotg-27,details; (where 27 is the TG value of 900B of a site.)
10. Block-Deblock of a TRX
rxbli:mo=rxotrx-23-0,subord; (Block)rxese:mo=rxotrx-23-0,subord; (Reload
Order)rxesi:mo=rxotrx-23-0,subord; (Reload Execute)

11. TRX no. of 900B and 1800B 900B Cell 1800B Cell1 2 3 1 2 3
(No. of Cell) 0 4 8 0 4 8 |1 5 9 1 5 9 |2 6 10 2 6 10 | (No.3 7 11 3 7 11
12. To find out The RBL2,RBLTB,RBLT2 number of a Specific site
a) rxapp:mo=rxotg-353; where 353 is the TG value of a site b)ntcop:snt=all;
Note: Searching format to find out the Fault description, Action from the PDF file:
No of class: faultcode. Example: 1B:33, 2A:3013. To see the GPRS Status of a BSC
14. Lock-unlock of a TRX(including all TX,TS etc corresponding the TRX)
rxbli:mo=rxotrx-23-0,subord; (Lock)rxble:mo=rxotrx-23-0,subord; (Unlock)
15. Lock-unlock of a TRX(excluding all TX,TS etc corresponding the TRX)
rxbli:mo=rxotrx-23-0; (Lock)rxble:mo=rxotrx-23-0; (Unlock)
16. Lock � unlock of a cell
rlstc:cell=dx12341,state=halted; (The first cell lock of DHK_X1234
site)rlstc:cell=dx12341,state=active; (The first cell unlock of
DHK_X1234)rlstc:cell=dx12341,chgr=1,state=active; (The first cell of 1800 band
unlock of DHK_X1234)
17. To check the RBL2 of a site either it is Working or not (Loop check)
dtstp:dip=84rbl2; (where 84 is the rbl2 number of a site)
18.To check PCMS loop from BSC end of a site
19.To check PCMS loop from TRAU end of a site
20.To know the time from the system

21.To find the number of traffic channel of a site
rxapp:mo=rxotg-6; where 6 is the TG value.
22. To get all the signaling of a BSC
. To clear �digital path quality supervision�alarm
24. To look into either a cell holding call or to see channel status
25. To monitor signaling point
27. To know frequency of all BTS in a BSC
1. rlcfp:cell=all; (For all BTS)2. rlcfp:cell=dx00501; (For a specific cell)
27. To know cell configuration frequency data
rlcfp:cell=dx00931; (Where 1 is for 1st cell of DHK_X0093)
28. To have all the data of a cell
29. To get either a cell is 900B or 1800B
30. The command to point the connected BSC�s for the TRC
31. The command of getting the name of MSC to which BSC is connected
32. To have the name of all MSC
33. To see all PCM status

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