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1) 1. He goes to evening classes to learn(learn) italian.

2. Learning (learn) a language can help you to get a job.

3. Oh no! I forgot to buy(buy) eggs when I was at the supermarket.

4. The government is determined to solve(solve) some of the environmental problems

facing the area.

5.Dan prefers cooking (cook) at home to eating out.

6. There’s no point in to buying (buy) a computer if you are not going to use it.

7. They have decided to decorate(decorate) the living room.

8. The children love going(go) to the swimming pool.

9. I regret telling(tell) Alice what Sean had said.

10. Hydroelectricity and wind turbines can be used to provide(provide) environmentally

friendly energy.

2) 1. I must finish this work today

It’s important for me to finish this work today

2. Heather brought that CD so that we can listen to it.

Heather brought that CD for us so we can listen to it.

3.The exercise was easy Everyone could do it.

The exercise was easy enough for Everyone.

4. Kevin shouldn’t drive so quickly, its dangerous.

It’s dangerous for Kevin to drive that quickly.

5. Tina said she would call me but I’m still waiting.

I’m still waiting for Tina to call me.

3) 1. I like watching(watch) TV at the weekends.

2.I’d like going (go) to the cinema tonight.

3. I’ll never forget meeting(meet) David Beckham.

4. Don’t forget to lock(lock) the door.

5.He regrets leaving(leave) school so early.

6.I regret informing (inform) you that you haven’t been accepted for the job.

7. Do you remember visiting(visit) Paris?

8. Remember to call me (call) tonight.

9. She stopped working(work) whe she was sixty-five.

10. He stopped fixing(fix) the puncture.

4) A. We decided to give you a job.

B. That would be fantastic, when do you like me to start?

A. Are you looking forward to go to a party tonight?

B. Yes I can’t wait to see the old friends again.

5) A B

I can’t stand going to Spain this summer

I love watching old movies.

I’d like use a computer

I’m thinking about to go away for the weekend

I can being in crowded places

I can’t stand watching old movies.

I love to go away for the weekend

I’d like being in crowded places.

I’m thinking about going to Spain this summer.

I can use a computer.

6) 1. I can’t help you to clean the house

2.I’m not used to cleaning the dishes.

3.One day I hope to be a businessman.

4. I would love to go on a vacation this week.

5.I had better days than this one.

7)1. Bright brighter brightest

2. Tall taller tallest

3. expensive more expensive the most expensive

4. easy easier easiest

5. interesting more interesting the most interesting

6. simple simpler simplest

7.late later latest

8. good better best

9. big bigger biggest

10. bad worse worst


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