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TURLA, Arlene F.

March 11, 2021

2AR-4 Asynchronous Class
Action: Action in Happiness – Three Take Away Insights from Gaudete et
Exsultate and Note to Future Child on the Theme “How to be truly happy in life”

To my future child,
Whether you are going to be a she, a he, a they, or any pronoun you wanted to be called, I
hope you keep these three take away insights that I learned along the way of my studies in
college on how to be truly happy in life:
1. BE CONTENTED AND WISE. I know that there may be times that life would show us
how unfair things could be but always remember to find beauty in every little thing you
do, in every little thing that surrounds you. Appreciate the things you have. Love what is
given and provided to you. But as you learn to be contented in your life, also remember
your dignity and worth as a human person. We all deserve better and we all deserve to be
happy with the glory of God. Be contented but never compromise for complacency and
bare minimum. Life can be surrounded by evilness that we should always put ourselves in
the right direction. Always choose God and be wise in doing what’s right. Do things
according to His name and nothing will ever go wrong.

2. BE COMPASSIONATE AND PASSIONATE. Please keep in mind that no material

and worldly things could every equate our passion and love for the Lord and our
neighbors. Always see things in a wider perspective and understand our fellowmen.
Learn to help if one’s suffering. A simple act of kindness could make a difference to the
life of the person you are helping. A simple care and love for them would make them feel
appreciated. Share your happiness and holiness to other people. Be passionate in what
you do for as long as it is for the greater glory of our Lord God. Seek for the right path
and right direction. Seek for Christ. Be passionate and compassionate with your holiness;
and your true happiness will resonate.

3. PHILIPPIANS 4:13. Always pray and remember this verse. This bible verse is very close
to my heart as I always kept this in mind and in my prayers. It is like the root of my strength
and resiliency along the barricades hindering me in this life. Please keep this in mind and
have firm faith in it together with the Beatitudes. Proclaim the word of God and you will
be able to achieve the real essence and feeling of true happiness.

Please do not ever forget these three take away insights on how to be truly happy in life.
These are the things that I realized—and which I am sure I could use for the rest of my life—on
how to gain true happiness. Trust me because I never been this true to my words.

Stay faithful,

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