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21.1 Motivation 2D6 AP per turn 22.3 Road Rules 42AP Vet -2AP Raw -SAP Withdrew fromior defeated in Move ut of an open square Change facing(® directions allowed) gun shots, Move out of partial square combined 1 \ \ 4 Tochange the f 4 4 Assault an enemy square Shoot Gur/Flame To move out of ‘a closed sq Additional cost per r 25.3 Guns. To Hit ‘core of 6 or les auto miss, Score Fire hull or turret MG(up to 3) MG and ing of a towed gun must not 6 — Todeploy or limber up a towed gun. Else BASIC SCORE NEEDED IS 8 on 2 D6 with modifiers Ifa vehicle ison a road there isa special rule. By expendin vehicle can start a road move, Move an initial square 2,3.4,5.6 allows the vehicle to move into the nest road square assault last turn Continue until failure or choice stop. the score is not achieved a further 2 AP can be expended in order to carry ‘out another road move Following a road may cause a vehicle to move into a tek small comer ofa square. This counts as a new square entered. exceed 3 perturn. 1H [395 Tanks guns and mortars may shoot smoke (¢0st as per normal shooting) Fills target square.The smoke takes effect the moment itis square shot Players ean fire into or out of a square that contains Smoke | stoke Target counts as if in closed scenery for shooter and Hort to hit ‘Smoke re ins until a 4.5,6 is scored by any player (both can try)at the end oftheir own turn, All squares can be Reduce score needed by | if rolled for Veteran crew firing 25.4.Guns using HE at foot groups Previous shot at same square OR (weiter for foot AT shooting) ‘The fier attempts to hit the foot group as if shooting ata tank To save foot group. 4,5,6 AT weapons sam Increase score needed by | if I Closed Scenery -1 Gun 8 or greater above bat no 2nd Raw erew shooting Hit, only shoot at +1 Commander Target vehicle moved 2 or more squai res in its last turn Ifa hit is achieved a 2nd hit may be attempted Foot group or towed gun target 1 targer square i clustered or in building 2™ group is hiton 3456. Else 86, Foot group or towed gun target at 3 or more squares distance 26.1 AFV/Towed Gun Opportunity Shooting Choose either main gun or MG (not both) Shooter has already moved this turn. Tanks may fire opportunity at any vehicle target within 3 squares in closed square Targ 45,6 Vet 5,6=Average 6=raw No limit to attempts Target is Defenders infantry/towed gu (Only 1 gun shot allowed IMG may fire normal opportunity at 1 square range Ifa itis achieved 34.5.6-1 effect = | effect for frontal armour 46> | effect for side armour 5.6 | effect for rear armour Firer rolls @ D6 for every “gun value” point. Then. Target player rolls a D6 for each armour effect value. llery (4 Square pattern) Attackers only call down artillery in tums 1.2 Defenders can call down anillery in any turn. Deviation (1 or 2 squares) Each 25. Guns. Effects of Hits on Armoured vehicles/Guns Vehicle hits count as Gun § side armour (0 [Noettect Once a hit is achieved Roll a D6 1 | Minor Damage. Immobilised Vehicle/Gun may do noth until mobilised, 2or Less | NoEffect Die Score | Result [No more movement allowed in the gar 2nd MAJOR DAMAG 2. | Major Damage. as per minor damage (immobilised) -5 | Dice for 1 occupant group 4.5.6 10 save. Vehicle OK, MILE DESTROS SAHIGLENGan Dice for each (all) occupant groups, 5.6 to save. Else dead. ‘3+ | Fatal Damage. Vehicle/Gun destroyed. Vehicte out of action forrest of game To Re Mobilise At end of each own tur (including the 4.5.6 (+1 vet, -1 raw) vehicle/Gun OK | Rifle LMGISMG 1 HMG, Mortar Gun 3-6 *2Gun 79 3.Gun 10> oF Flamethrower, This able is use for each hit achieved tum in which it happened) again, Else immobilised, 17. Turn Sequence. 1-Break Test Each Unit .Motivate/AP roll/use AP. 2. Morale 3. Anillery strikes. 4. Opportunity/return shooting from this point onwards, 6, Reinforcements, 7, Immobilised/Interference’Mines. 8. Dead commanders 6, Countdown. I in closed square Commander In partial square If-did not move Veteran group Raw group Short range Groups That Have Been Hit ‘Hits become kills unless the target group “ses BASIC SAVE 4,5. ‘The firer ean choose the hit locations if he rolls a 5,6 1= Always Dead 6= Always OK save 4 Short range=st Square ifveteran each square in path which is closed terrain, including officer's Company commander Score of 6 =Ausfomatc suseess 18.Motivation 34 gifted-1 Poor) attempts per commander Officer cannot motivate if panicking or withdrawing Basie score needed = number of squares inthe path ‘iagonal allowed Score of I= Automatic fall uding the officer's 24. Weapon ane INFANTRY zi ote ane en eee (APs) —— z GUE | se eres ‘Mortars (2 squares min) ‘No limit 3° Sct upitake down medium mortat/HMG Sniper 7 5 Assault and enter square containing enemy 25.1. Shooting Foot Groups (31.14) Take Morale if any casualties in square 1 Per casualty Marker (up 0 4) 1 IfRaw 1 Open or partial cover 1 Unitat half strength or lower Veteran own Commander in square 2 Casualties caused by Flame 31.2.Morale (number of Dice) each 4,5,6=fail 1 Fal. Pause. No" movement. Oiner actions allowed, 2 Fail, Withdraw, Withdraw | square. This turn only. Uses whole tur. ‘Towed gun or immobilised. 12 Else Pause. (Dug in aie 29. The Assault Assaulter The assaulter rolls 3 D6 per assaulting base 1D6 ifraw 1 D6 Defenders in closed scenery #16 if veteran +1 Dif SMG armed +2,D6 if assaulted from adjacent square(foot groups only) +1 D6if| +2 Flamethrower group Defender The defender rolls 3 D6 per base +1 D6 if SMG armed +1 D6if veteran 1D6 ifraw +1 D6 if pinned -1 DS if weapon crew +1 DGif 1-5 armour (not if in closed) +3 D6 if 6-10 armour (not if in closed) ins ignore 2 fails) Panic, Group removed from game/model abandoned armour (not ifin closed) 43 D6 if 6-10 armour (not if in closed) Vehicle and Towed Guns 1.ic‘D) Each AP=1 D6 6-Hit ‘Take Morale i hit or any model destroyed! immobilised in unit within 2 squares. MGs e oper AP 106 per AP if target clustered (4+ groups) [AL2 squares SMG gets ID6 per AP 1 Each model in unit destroyed (up to 2) Shooting (262) 1 Af immotitised MGs" Dstone per tur every OP Reum shoo) 1 NoGun or AFV (own unit) within 1 $Q 1 Raw Opportunity | 456 (5.6 if pinned) 1 Nextto closed square and no own foot erp ||] shootingcs.1y | VAP. 1 Square range ecm Here They | Automatic shooting at assaulters o fom ear Coine 2AP (1 AP if pinned) Assaulters count as not moving, -1 Veteran or towed gun Return Shooting (26.2) 2 or more square range=(1AP) 45,6 Vet. 5,6 Avitaw Vet runs. 123 Av runs 1,2,34 Raw runs Weapon crews ee MGs, Gans anda weapons are only alowed 1D6 with no modifiers alwed when assauling Assault Results 29.6 Ifassaulter kills more, but owner chooses, -28.Pinning Down “HITS needed To PIN= 3. Pinned Foot Groups cannot move and each lose 2 AP ‘Un Pinning a square (IAP per for each attempt) 45,6 (1 Officer present) Defender falls back 2 squares + becomes pinned Also Roll D6 per remaining assaulter base 5,6~ further enemy base killed. No saves If defender kills more or the same as the assaulter. Assaulters retires to last square they assaulted from, ‘Also Roll D6 per remaining defender base 5,6= further enemy base killed. (or tank risk) No saves on foot groups but owner chooses Foo! groups in destroyed vehicles save on 5,6 per group Ifall defenders are killed, assaulter counts as killing morefwinning. AEYs save on 3,4,5,6 (I =Destroyed _6=OK) => Ear | itarmour7® 0 [eq |Ropen topped sa |=2)in | ino foat eupport cea |itinopen oa [Enemy AT eels square infantry present 'AFY killed =2 casualties. toward assault evaluation. If AFV loses assault it withdraws I square. If AFV withdraws ~SAP next tum

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