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This is amerika beibeh!

This novel is prety amazing. I love to read it. The language to explain every event is felt flow and light
reading. Dian nugraheni as author explains about her experience in amerika which is not easy but over
all, the journeys are giving so many valuable things to learn as how to struggle in the new place with
different laguage, habit, sitution, culture, etc. She provided her journey on six chapters. Chapter one and
two respectively explained about ‘GE’ Swalayan and Deli Kedai Sandwich, the first and second dian’s
work place. Then the story continued with chapter about Orang Amerika and Alam Amerika respectively
gave story about the unusual life habit of amerika’s people and some beautifull place in Amerika. The
next chapter is about her habit and special moments in Amerika entitled Budaya Amerika. Dian closed
the novel with Sekolah Di Amerika, as she throught based on her children’s school days.

For me, Dian is a lovely strong mom. She never gave up about her life and destiny. While she had to
work in charged with their daily life requirement, she always took care and cheered up her children to
be wise and independent girls. Here, I would like to resume her novel in my style, he he he.

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