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1.1 Background Of The Study

In term of mode of discourse related to the metafunction as well. Mode as

the grammar of textual meaning enact the ideational (field) and interpersonal
meaning (tenor) that will make different ways of learners in presenting
information. Then, this study will explore how learners presenting their ideas in
the texts and what types of theme-rheme that they use in constructing the texts.
Here, writing plays an important role as social interaction that involved writers
and readers bring to the text. As Hyland (2009: 42) stated that meaning realized in
a unique configuration and interaction that make both writers and readers exist in
the text. In this context, writers attempts to equalize their purposes with the
readers’ expectation through process of negotiation. In term of communication,
contexts of situation in writing process play an essential role in determining
meaning. As Kress in Emilia (2014:74) stated below:

“Texts arise in specific social situations and they are constructed with specific purposes
by one or more speakers or writers. Meanings find their expression in text-though the origins of
meanings are outside the text-and are negotiated (about) in texts, in concrete situations of special
exchange. Texts are the material form of language; in particular, texts give material realization to
discourses. Hence meanings of texts are in part the meanings of the discourse which are present in
and given rise to a specific text.”

In term of meaning as process communication, this study will focused on

the mode of discourse which is part of contexts of situation. According to
Halliday in Hyland (2009: 46) stated that mode refer to how information is
organized by the writer because every writers have difference ways in presenting
the information. Reader can see the ways writers present their information through
theme-rheme system which inside thematic pattern to identify the pattern of
theme-rheme. As Emilia (2014: 241) stated that “theme used to signal what a
message is about and in written language, the writer’s angle on that message and
to signpost the development of text. While rheme is part of the clause in which is
theme developed or everything that is not the theme is the rheme.” Then, it is

obvious that study analysis of theme-rheme is importance in how writers
patterned the idea as flow of information.

From that perspective, it implies that ideal writing is when the information
are communicated effectively in sentence (Knapp, 2005: 67). This means through
theme-rheme analysis, it indicates on how the information presented in the texts.
Then, ideal students’ written text is when the theme-rheme are organized
effectively. In theme-rheme system, the measurement is objective. As Knapp
(2005: 67) stated that theme is first part of sentence that build known information
which shared between writer and readers. But, the focus is located in rheme as
new information that will provide by the writer.

The importance of theme-rheme system in the view point of discourse as

well. The previous study of theme-rheme system, such as Ebrahimi (2012) and
Emmanuel (2010) focus on theme-rheme structure analysis in newspapers and see
from translation framework. However, it is difference with this current study that
will identify the theme-rheme system in Vacancy advertisement. Then, this
current study will explore the theme-rheme in Vacancy advertisement.

1.2 Focus of Study

This current study refers to the theme-rheme system that become the issue
which indicated as neglected area in writing process. So, the researcher will
explore on how the theme-rheme system in vacancy advertisement. It means this
research will explore how ideas are presented in Vacancy advertisement as the
flow of information. In term of argumentative vacancy advertisement, Therefore,
it can be concluded that this current study has the limitations to focus of attention
theme-rheme dimension of discourse which is realized by metafunction in order to
avoid unfocused study.

1.3 Research Question

This current research attempts to explore the theme-rheme system in

vacancy advertisement. So, the areas of investigation will be formulated in the
following research questions:

1. What types of Theme-Rheme system are realized in vacancy advertisement?

2. How does Theme-Rheme system create information flow of discourse in
vacancy advertisement?

1.4 Aims of Research

The aims of this current research are:

1. To identify the types of Theme-Rheme system realization in vacancy


2. To find out the information flow of discourse realization in vacancy


1.5 The Significance of Research

Theoretically, the result of this research can be used as reference and

guidance on how ideas are presented in the texts. And also, this study will give
theoretical information for student in vacancy advertisement. Theme-rheme
system is also importance as knowledge which can help learners to organize ideas
more effectively both in spoken and written form. As Knapp (2005: 67) declared
that “grammatically, theme is useful category in help student organize information
at a sentence level so that it is thematically linked to the overall message.”

Practically, this study will help develop students’ reading skill in accessing
information because through theme-rheme system, readers are able to distinguish
different way of writers in presenting information. Through Theme-rheme system
as direction and starting point of idea will organized, hopefully researcher will
find the certain pattern of theme rheme in each texts. As Eggins (2004: 110) stated
that “theme are pattern of foregrounding and continuity in the organization of
clause.” So that, it helpful for both student and teacher in connecting new
information and information that readily presented in texts.


Most of this chapter talks about some theories related to the subject of
study. The researcher would like to have the same views of the terms in order to
have the same opinions to present the concept of the words.

A. Three Metafunctions
SFL (Systemic Functional Linguistics) views language “not as a set of
structures but as a network of systems, or inter-related sets of options for making
meaning” (Halliday, 1994:15, upper case in original). Halliday (1994) proposes
three metafunctions at a lexico-grammatical level:
Ideational – “construing a model of experience”
Interpersonal – “enacting social relationships”
Textual – “creating relevance to context” (Halliday, 1994:36)
These three metafunctions are drawn on simultaneously whenever
language is realised. The writer can be seen to have made lexico-grammatical
choices to represent the world, both imaginary and real, abstract and concrete
(ideational metafunction), to convey their relationship to the reader (interpersonal
metafunction), and to organise the presentation of their message (textual
metafunction). These metafunctions, although fundamental organising principles
of language, may also be thought of as ‘tools’ which enable the linguist to
analyse, understand and talk about the linguistic choices made in a given text. The
analyst may employ them as tools to ‘deconstruct’ any message encoded within
text in relation to the linguistic realisations in each metafunction.
Matthiessen (1995) claimed that the textual metafunction allows the
ideational and interpersonal features of a text to be understood by the speaker and
listener: “it has a distinctive part to play in the overall creation of meaning – one
that is oriented specifically towards the creation of meaning in the realm of
semiosis” (Matthiessen, 1995:20).

B. Textual metafunction: Theme and Rheme
Within the textual metafunction the two choices Theme and Rheme form
the major system. Theme, for Halliday, is the “point of departure; it is that with
which the clause is concerned” (Halliday, 1994:37). Theme is seen as a universal
element; in every language there is a means for identifying what the clause is
about. Halliday defines Theme as a function where a “special status assigned to
one part of the clause” (Halliday, 1994:37). In English, Theme is realised by what
is placed in initial position within the clause and this initial position gives the
Theme a ‘special status’ within the clause.
The researcher could have chosen a different starting point, but
consciously or unconsciously chooses to thematise the problem. The special status
given to the initial position in English is not a universal trait. Other languages
have different ways of marking the Theme of a clause. The Theme of a clause in
Japanese, for example, is followed by the particle wa or ga (Halliday, 1994:37),
and in Tagalog the particle ang is used to identify the Theme of the message
(Martin, 1983).
In English the Theme, the ‘point of departure’ for the clause, is also one of
the means by which the clause is organised as a message. Theme is the ‘glue’ that
structures and binds the ideational and interpersonal meanings. In studies of
Theme in children’s writing and in writing in the workplace, the choice and
representation of Theme is seen as a crucial element related to the success of a
text (Martin, 1985/89, 1992b, 1993b; Martin and Rothery, 1993; Berry, 1995,
1996; Stainton, 1996, amongst others). The belief that an understanding of the
way in which Theme works can be usefully incorporated into pedagogy is the
motivation behind this and many other studies of Theme.
Theme, then, is seen to play a crucial role in focussing and organising the
message and to contribute to the coherence and success of the message. Martin
(1992b) argues that the choice of what comes first is “a textual resource
systematically exploited” to effect different patterns (Martin, 1992 b:12). Martin
adds that the different patterns and meanings made by the choice of Theme can be
manipulated and exploited, consciously or un-consciously, by the writer in order
to convey their ‘angle’ or viewpoint. In more recent work, Martin (2000b) and

Martin and Rose (forth coming) suggest that Theme and many other features in a
text function to construe the writer’s viewpoint.
Rheme is everything that is not Theme: it is the part of the clause where
the Theme is developed (Halliday, 1994:37). A message structure in English is
comprised of a Theme plus a Rheme. There is an order to the structure: Theme
comes first, followed by Rheme, and whatever is placed in initial position is
Theme (Halliday, 1994:37). In many instances Rheme is related to New
Information, while Theme is related to Given Information. Given refers to what is
already known or predictable, while New refers to what is unknown or un-
predictable. Halliday elaborates the distinction between Given and New as
“information that is presented by the speaker as recoverable (Given) or not
recoverable (New) to the listener” (Halliday, 1994:298). Martin (1992a) also
points out that Theme is equated with “what the speaker is on about” while New
is the structure which is “listener-oriented” (Martin, 1992a:448). Halliday adds
that although the two pairs of clause functions, e.g. Theme/Given and
Rheme/New, are similar, they are not the same thing. Theme realises the ‘angle’
of the story and the New elaborates the field, developing it in experiential terms
(Martin, 1992a:452). Martin (1992a) also adds that Theme is generally restricted
to grounding the genre of the text, while the New is not restricted in this way and
is far more flexible. As interesting as the interaction between these two pairs of
concepts is, an investigation into Given and New is beyond the scope of the
present study.

C. Function of Theme
Although there are some disagreements between scholars regarding the
boundary between the functional constituents Theme and Rheme, there is general
agreement regarding both the function of Theme and its importance. As noted
above, Theme gives a special status to a chosen part of the clause – it helps
organise the message and plays a crucial role in the success of a text from a
reader’s perspective. It also helps construe the intended inter-pretation of the
clause and the text as a whole. In addition, it is commonly understood that Theme
is important since it extends the analysis of a text beyond the grammatical

structure of individual clauses or sentences to the unit of text. Theme incorporates,
at a higher level, the author’s aims in participating in discourse. Davies (1988)
points out that Theme may be seen at a level between the grammatical constraints
on allowable sentence patterns, and the high level, goal oriented discourse
constraints. (Davies, 1988:179)
This highlights not only the choices with which a writer or speaker is
faced, but also the constraints that they must observe. The grammatical constraints
in question are those which structure both written and spoken English in different
genres. The discourse constraints are more abstract than the grammatical
constraints, and are related to the idea of the social context in which the discourse
is produced. Plum (1988), Martin (1992a:453) and Fries (1995a) agree with this
notion and believe that the thematic choices to some extent are influenced by a
genre. Plum (1988) and Fries (1995a) both point out that Theme choices are not
only influenced by the genre, but that particular stages within a genre influence
the choice of Theme. Thematic choice must take generic conventions into
consideration. For example, in the context of an English business letter written to
an influential client in a very formal organisation within the UK, USA or
Australia, it would appear very strange if the writer used Themes such as: as my
friend said, yeah it would be true to say, so sorry that I, etc. According to
McCarthy (1998), such Themes are found within the context of spoken informal
English. They are not commonly expected Themes in formal written workplace
texts. As Davies (1988) and Fries (1995a) comment, the writer must take into
consideration the ‘real world’ situation in which the reader may receive the
information. Concerns related to the genre and the intended audience will
influence the choice of Theme.
Martin (1992b) notes that the choice of Theme “constructs a particular
angle of inter-pretation on the topic of each text which resonates with other
aspects of discourse organisation” (Martin, 1992b:12). Therefore, in the examples
above, putting either the problem or you in initial position, and thus making either
an abstract nominal group or a personal pronoun both realising the Subject in their
respective clauses, the starting point of the message helps construct, in

combination with other features in the text, the ‘angle’ with which the message
will be interpreted by the intended reader
There are many resources which help construct the angle of the intended
meaning. The choice of the Subject of the main clause, which in this study is
analysed as part of Theme, is one resource for organising the message. Who or
what holds modal responsibility in the main clause is made clear within the clause
and plays a crucial role in the construction of the meaning of the clause (Iedema,
1995, 1999, 2000). A theme can either be a simple Theme where only the Subject
realises the Theme, or what Halliday (1994:52-54) terms a ‘multiple Theme’,
where a textual and/or interpersonal Theme is placed before the topical Theme.
Another feature which affects the way in which the Theme is interpreted is
‘markedness’, e.g. by choosing to place a Theme before the Subject of the main
clause, this Theme becomes a ‘marked’ Theme. These marked Themes may be
realised by a variety of grammatical elements, namely Circumstantial Adjunct,
hypotactic enhancing clause, projecting clause and Complement. The
Complement is a nominal group that is not functioning as Subject, but could be
the Subject if the order were changed (Halliday, 1994:44). Theme, then, is seen to
contribute to the construal of a text’s meanings, to the organisation of the ideas in
a text, and to a reader’s interpretation of the message. Theme enhances the
understanding of language at various levels:
Clause – Theme helps in understanding the starting point of the message.
Text – Theme helps us understand the way in which the message is organised,
and it is a major device that helps us understand a text as coherent.
Genre – Theme helps us understand some of the generic conventions which exist
in a given genre.
For example, Coffin (1997:218-9) cites hyper-Theme choices such as
“One major effect of World War II”, “Another effect of the war”, “A third
consequence of the war” as hyper-Themes of a history text. Theme is valuable
both as an analytical tool and a pedagogic resource. As Matthiessen points out,
Theme is “a resource enabling the ideational construction of ‘knowledge’
organized into instantial ideational systems” (Matthiessen, 1995:20). At the same
time, the textual metafunction acts as an ‘enabling’ resource so that it is possible

for each clause to be interpreted (Matthiessen, 1995:20). The analysis of the
choice of Theme and, by default, the choice of Rheme, allows the analyst to
discuss linguistic choices which are crucial to the organisation, interpretation and
construal of meaning.


A. Research Design
In this research, the researcher used a descriptive qualitative approach in
this analysis to find out students’ perceptions regarding online learning during
Covid-19 outbreak. According to John W. Creswell (2014), research is a process
of steps used to collect and analyze information to increase our understanding of a
topic or issue. Qualitative approach is used by the researcher because in
sociology, the word survey refers to study of a population through observation of
its member; most surveys use a sample of members to measure the population
characteristic. According to Fitrah and Luthfiyah (2017:36), descriptive research
is research that aims to describe existing phenomena, which occur now and in the

B. Data and Data Source

This mini research involved one advertisement from Jobstreet Indonesia as
the primary data source of the research. The data here, the advertisement which
support the research as the main data being investigated it form of Internet. Data
collection techniques are a method used by researchers to collect objective data
(Margono, 2010).

C. The Technique of Data Collection

In collecting the data appropriately is used documentation because
documentation is good source for texts. As Craswell (2012:223) argued that
documentation is good source for texts. Therefore it is ready to identify without
used an interview or observation here, texts represent certain attention the writers.
The term of document refers to written, physical and visual material. Ary,
(2010:442) document analysis can be of written or text-based artifacts (textbooks,
novels, journals, meeting minutes, logs, announcements, policy statements,
newspapers, transcripts,birth certificates, marriage records, budgets, letters, e-mail

D. The Technique of Data Analysis
After collecting the data, the researcher should identify the data. The
analysis is conducted in following some steps. Refersto Lodico, et al, (2006: 301-
302) stated that there are several steps involve in qualitative data analysis. Then
researcher develops steps in identifying the advertisement.


This chapter, the writer presents research finding and discussion. It deals
with the presentation of the data, data analysis, and discussion about data obtained
from test, questionnaire and interview.

4.1 Research Finding

The writer focuses on presenting the data of the research. In this study, researchers
have analyzed a job advertisement from the theme and rheme site. From the
results of this study, it is obtained the results and findings of several language
meanings from its grammatical angle, namely theme and rheme.
4.1.1 The Vacancy Letter

4.1.2 Clauses To Be Analized
1. A Graphic Design will generate and transform ideas into visual illustration and
video concepts that identify a product or convey a message
2. The output mainly will be used for Digital Ads, Social Media Content,
Marketplace/Website use like banner, brochure, etc
3. Candidate we are looking for
4. Bachelor Degree in graphic design, DKV or related field
5. Have at least 1 year experience in the same position
6. Fresh graduate are welcome to aplly A strong portfolio of social media &
advertisement design
7. Ability to produce complex creative in : Adobe illustrator, adobe premiere Pro
& Adobe After Effect
8. Have at eleast intermediate video shoot & editing and photography skill
9. Experienced in e-commerce and publishing is a plus
10.Team player able to work under pressurecand to keep up with the rhytim of
fast-moving industry
11. Ability to work on site 5 days a week
12. Able to work within deadlines, deliver on time, and be organized in your work
13. PT Aksoro is a start up that aims to shared growth experiences for Indonesia
business enthusiast Aksara stems from the craziest who pleased to be growing
14. Many stories that occurred in their 8 years work and that’s where we want to
share through Aksara in a pleasant growing experience.

4.1.3. Identification of Theme and Rheme

Theme Rheme
A Graphic Design Will generate and transform ideas into visual lustration
and video concepts that identify a product or convey a
The output mainly will be used for Digital Ads, Social Media Content,
Marketplace/Website use like banner, brochure, etc
Candidate we are looking for
Bachelor degree graphic design, DKV or related field
(you must) Have at least 1 year experience in the same position

Fresh graduate are welcome to aplly
(you must have) A strong portfolio of social media & advertisement
Ability to produce complex creative in : Adobe illustrator,adobe
premiere Pro & Adobe After Effect
(you) (must) Have at least intermediate video shoot &
editing and photography skill
Team player (are) able to work under pressurecand to keep up with
the rhytim of fast-moving industry
Ability to work on site 5 days a week.
Able to work within deadlines, deliver on time, and be
organized in your workflow.
PT Aksoro is a start up that aims to shared growth experiences for
Indonesia business enthusiast Aksara stems from the
craziest who pleased to be growing.
Many stories that occurred in their 8 years work and that’s where we
want to share through Aksara in a pleasant growing
and that’s where want to share through Aksara in a pleasantgrowing
we experience

4.1.4 Patterns of Textual Development

T—R A Graphic Design will generate and transform ideas into

visual illustration and video concepts that identify a
product or convey a message
T—R The output mainly will be used for Digital Ads, Social
Media Content, Marketplace/Website use like banner,
brochure, etc.
T—R Candidate we are looking for

T—R Bachelor Degree in graphic design, DKV or related field

T—R Have at least 1 year experience in the same position

T—R Fresh graduate are welcome to aplly A strong
portfolio of social media & advertisement design

T—R Ability to produce complex creative in : Adobe

illustrator, adobe premiere Pro & Adobe After Effect

T—R Have at eleast intermediate video shoot & editing and

photography skill

T—R Experienced in e-commerce and publishing is a plus

T—R Team player able to work under pressurecand to keep up

with the rhytim of fast-moving industry

T—R Ability to work on site 5 days a week.

T—R Able to work within deadlines, deliver on time, and be

organized in your workflow.

T—R PT Aksoro is a start up that aims to shared grow

experiences for Indonesia business enthusiast Aksara stems
from the craziest who pleased to be growing

T—R Many stories that occurred in their 8 years

work and that’s where we want to share through
Aksara in a pleasant growing experience
4.1.5 Analysis of Theme and Rheme
1. A Graphic Design will generate and transform ideas into visual illustration
and video concepts that identify a product or convey a message
A Graphic Design will generate
Theme Rheme
A Graphic Design will generate

and transform ideas into visual illustration and video concepts

and and transform ideas into visual illustration and video concepts


That identify a product or convey a message

That identify a product or convey a message

Textual Topical Rheme

The output mainly will be used for Digital Ads, Social Media Content,
Marketplace/Website use like banner, brochure, etc
The output will be used for Digital Ads, Social Media Content,
mainly Marketplace/Website use like banner, brochure, etc
Theme Rheme

The mainly will Digital Social Marketplace/Website use banner,

outpu be Ads Media like brochure
t used Content
Subject finite C-1 C-2 C-3 C-4

Candidate we are looking for Bachelor Degree in graphic design, DKV or related
Candidate we are looking for Bachelor Degree in graphic
design, DKV or
related field

Subj1 Subj2 Process Attribute Circumstance

actor Finite Mental
Theme Rheme

4.1.6 Analysis of Text

4.1.7 Textual Analysis
1 A Graphhic Will generate UST
2 And (it) Transform ideas into visual illustration UMT
andvideo concepts
3 That (they) Identify a product MST
4 Or (they) Convey a message UMT
5 The output Will be used for Digital Ads, Social Media UMT
mainly Content,Markeplace/website use like
banner, brochure, etc
6 Candidate we Are looking for UMT
7 Bachelor’s In graphic design, DKV or related field UST
8 (you) have At least 1 year experience in the same UST
9 Fresh graduate Are welcome to apply UST
10 (you must A strong portfolio of social media & UST
have) advertisement design
11 you must have Ability to produce complex creative in : UST
Adobe illustrator, adobe premiere Pro &
Adobe After Effect
12 (you) have At least intermediate video shoot & UST
editing and photography skill

13 Experienced in Is a plus UMT
and publishing
14 Team player Are able to work under pressure UST
15 Team player Are able to keep up with the rhytm of UST
fast-moving industry
16 Ability To work on site, 5 days a week UST

17 (you) Are able to work within deadlines, deliver UST

on time
18 And Be organized in your workflow UST
19 PT Aksoro Is a startup UST
20 That Aims to share growth experiences for MST
Indonesia business enthusiast Asara stems
from the craziest
21 Who Pleased to be growing MST
22 Many stories Occures in their 8 years of work UMT
23 And that Is where we want to share through Aksara UMT
in a pleasant growing experience
24 And that’s Want to share through Aksara in UMT
where we a pleasant growing experience.

4.1.8 Proportion of Theme and Rheme

N Types of Theme and Rheme Number Percentage
1 UST 13 57
2 UMT 8 35
3 MST 2 8
4 MMT 0 0
TOTAL 23 100


A. Conclusion
Based on the data analysis on vacancy advertisement, in can conclude that
there are 57% Unmarked Simple Theme (UST), 35% Unmarked Multiple Theme
(UMT), 8% Marked Simple Theme (MST), and 0% Marked Multiple Theme
(MMT). In this research, the researcher found that the number of themes which
are multiple in source text and target text are nothing. This is because this kind of
text is joob advertisement. It is focused on the person who want to apply a job.

B. Suggestion
Based on the research findings and discussion, the suggestions for research
using Halliday's SFL (Systemic Functional Linguistics) theory can be reproduced
so that the results of the analysis on a text can be comprehensively understood
because they are related to the context. The used of "marked and themes" is to
facilitate understanding of the relationship between sentences. Effort to
understand this requires grammatics competence.


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