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The primary energy contents of all fuels is generally expressed in terms of toe( tone of oil equivalent)

and is based the following conversion factor.

One tone of oil equivalent(toe)= 1x10 7 kcal= 11630 kWh = 41868 MJ

Primary energy source are mostly converted in industrial utilities into secondary energy source; for
example coal, oil or gas converted into steam and electricity. Primary energy can also be used directly.
Some energy sources have non-energy uses, for example coal or natural gas can be used as a feedstock
in fertilizer plants. Primary energy is transformed in energy conversion process to more convenient
forms of energy such as electricity, steam etc. these forms of energy are called secondary energy. The
major primary and secondary energy source are shown below :

Commercial energy and non commercial energy

Commercial energy
Energy that is available in the market for a definite price is known as commercial energy. No matter
what the method of energy production is, whether it is from fossil fuels, nuclear or renewable source,
any form of energy used for commercial purpose constitutes commercial energy.
Examples: electricity, lignite, coal, oil, natural gas etc.
Non- commercial energy

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