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Ways to Attend to Customers in an Organization in Order to Portray Friendliness

It is true that first impressions go a long way in determining how a relationship develops.
According to Stanley C. Allyn, business mogul and CEO of National Cash Register Company, “The
most useful person in the world today is the man or woman who knows how to get along with
other people. Human relations is the most important science in living.” Allyn knew from
experience that first impressions are essential in any setting, so he first applied that logic to his
employees. He was a supporter of first-class working conditions and understood how
employees are happier and friendlier when treated with respect. If the employees are happy
then that business is more likely to thrive. Also, they are much more likely to have a positive
engagement with customers. Every business person should thoroughly understand the different
aspects of communication. In the technological business world of today, employees are facing
all kinds of customer interactions, so it’s good to know how to control those actions and be
aware of how one's persona affects potential customers. Having an understanding of how
human nature works is paramount in learning how to be friendly to customers. Let’s look closer
at a few aspects of communication such as first impressions, facial expressions, general
etiquette, body language, and being a good listener.
When meeting someone new, it is natural (i.e., human nature) to make a snap judgment.
According to studies at Brandeis University, the first thing people notice is the face, and humans
can size up a new person in less than a tenth of second just based on his/her face. People
decide whether or not the face is trustworthy and whether this new person is friend or foe.
Brain scans suggest that such judgments are made automatically, perhaps from the fight-or-
flight response that humans have ingrained from birth. Much of it has to do with facial
characteristics such as the shape of a person's jaw, cheekbones, eyes, eyebrows, and mouth
(Ludden). The human face has at least 65 physical features so being aware of those expressions
is necessary to have to seem friendly and trustworthy to customers. Having a genuine smile is a
vital component of a positive impression
A warm smile indicates that a person is approachable and cooperative, but there is more
to consider like having proper etiquette. Body language shows a person’s attitude and manners
and can even reflect a person's leadership capabilities. Being empathetic and pleasant with
customers and clients not only encourages brand loyalty, but it also increases customer
referrals and improves the entire experience with the company. Dale Carnegie, the author of
How to Make Friends and Influence People, believed that becoming genuinely interested in the
customer is the way to develop a quality long-lasting friendship. Be honest and sincere,
remember the person’s name, and use the golden rule: treat others the way you want to be
treated (Pelham).
When meeting someone for the first time, whether it be an informal or a formal
occasion, it is always a polite and professional gesture to extend your hand for a handshake. It
is suggested to keep the handshake firm but not too tight. While shaking the other person’s
hand, do make eye contact and smile. The only exception to this is when people from different
cultures are introduced. Always educate yourself on the customers before the first contact
because no one wants to offend and not even know it. Remember to give people personal
space and although humans cannot control every facet of our body language, we can work on
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exhibiting certain types of positive, amiable behavior. Having a smile with a positive mentality is
necessary because some people wear their feelings on their face. Having a positive attitude can
encourage customers and also make the businessperson seem confident, which is reassuring to
customers. Being prompt and courteous and giving the customer your full attention is always
required. Avoid slouching and adopt good posture because it shows manners. Do not fold or
cross the arms because this is a defensive stance and does not facilitate open communication
Lastly, being a good listener and empathizing with the customer is essential. Listen to
understand not just listen to respond. Always take the time to get to know the customer and
understand what he or she wants and thinks. Businesses need to appreciate their customers
and appreciate how others differ from themselves. Encourage the customer to talk and
respond with a bright, polite, and friendly answer. Always portray warm, welcoming body
language and treat every customer with the utmost respect. Keep in mind that there are many
ways to be friendly to customers. Any organization needs to remember a few aspects of
communication like first impressions, facial expressions, general etiquette, body language and
being a good listener. Using these aspects as a guideline will help any organization succeed in
the friendliest way.

Innis, Adrian. “How to Attend to Customers and Clients to Portray Friendliness.” Linkedin. 30,
August, 2016.

Ludden, David. “The Psychology of First Impressions.” Psychology Today.  Sussex Publishers,
August, 2017.

Pelham, Liby. “Body Language in a Friendly Encounter.” Body Language Expert. December,

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