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Management Plan
Vivian Nguyen

Table of Contents
Introduction ---------------------------------------------------------- 3
Philosophical Statement ----------------------------------------------- 4
First Day ------------------------------------------------------------- 5
First Day Checklist ------------------------------------------------ 6
Artifact 1: Find Someone Who -------------------------------------- 7
Artifact 2: All About Me Flag -------------------------------------- 8
Artifact 3: Classroom Contract ------------------------------------- 9
Classroom Environment ----------------------------------------------- 10
Artifact 1: Décor and flexible seating ------------------------------ 11
Artifact 2: Mantra Walls ----------------------------------------- 12
Artifact 3: The Power of Yet -------------------------------------- 13
Classroom Procedures ------------------------------------------------ 14
Artifact 1: Hand signals ------------------------------------------- 15
Artifact 2: Noise levels ------------------------------------------- 16
Artifact 3: Classroom Jobs ---------------------------------------- 17
Artifact 4: I’m Done Early chart ---------------------------------- 18
Discipline System ---------------------------------------------------- 19
Artifact 1: Mental Health Check In -------------------------------- 20
Artifact 2: Calm Down Corner ------------------------------------- 21
Artifact 3: Secret student ---------------------------------------- 22
Artifact 4: Class Dojo Store -------------------------------------- 23
Student Motivation -------------------------------------------------- 24
Artifact 1: Engaging science activity ------------------------------- 25
Artifact 2: Glow notes -------------------------------------------- 26
Artifact 3: Brightest Work Wall ---------------------------------- 27
Artifact 4: Class Kerplunk ---------------------------------------- 28
Classroom Engagement ----------------------------------------------- 29
Artifact 1: Student Lottery --------------------------------------- 30
Artifact 2: Turn and Talk ----------------------------------------- 31
Artifact 3: Pacing ------------------------------------------------ 32
Artifact 4: Group Engaging Activities ------------------------------ 33

My name is Vivian Nguyen, and this is my classroom management plan.
My plan is designed around a second-grade classroom. While I would
prefer to teach language arts, I would be open to teaching all subjects,
so my plan will reflect a flexible, open concept. In this classroom
management plan, you will find information about me, and how my
beliefs reflect the teacher I wish to be. I find that there are so many
different classroom management techniques, so it is imperative that I
find ones that not only suit my style of teaching and personality, but
ones that I can successfully plan and implement. I also mention how I
plan to implement my philosophy in the classroom through the activities,
environment, and procedures I want to do in my future classroom.
Through artifacts, theories, and explanation as to why I find these tools
to be beneficial, I can look back and remember why I chose these
certain management plans. This is a basic idea of what I envision in the
future, but of course as I learn and grow as a teacher, my plan may
change. I make this in hopes to have this resource available to me when
I become a teacher, and to be able to execute this plan with intention
and purpose.

I believe that classroom management is an essential skill that all
teachers need to have. In addition, it is imperative that teachers find
their own style and philosophy of classroom management so they are
able to manage their classroom with their own style and conviction. My
philosophy of classroom management is to cultivate an environment of
respect, kindness, and community. With these three values in my
classroom, I aim to achieve a classroom where all students feel safe and
free to be themselves, where students learn to be kind to all people
(even those different from them), animals, and things (taking care of
what we have), and a place where children know they will be heard. I
believe that with the right guidance and support, children can do
whatever they put them mind to. Above all, I believe that students
need to be loved. As a teacher, I will see my students about 180 days
out of the year for 7 hours a day. This means regardless of their home-
life, they should always come to school knowing that they have at least
one person in their corner. Just like a cactus can survive off of little
water, just a little love can go a long way.

First Day
On the first day, I want my class to feel excited, and comfortable. In
order to do so, I need to be well prepared and have a day planned
where the children feel like I care about them, and I plan to make
every day count. My first impression to them is very important because
it can set the tone of the classroom, and the behavior of the children. I
want to engage with the class as much as possible and be kind and
respectful. This is the tone I want for my class, so I will model it on
the first day. I will also have a checklist for myself to make sure I do
what I planned, and I will have all materials ready and organized. In my
checklist, I will plan to introduce myself and who I am not just as a
teacher, but a person. I plan to have activities to get to know the
students, and activities for the students to get to know each other. I
think it is so important to form relationships in the class, and to teach
to respect and accept all people in the class-we’re family for the year.
I will also go through the rules and procedures in the class, and intend
to involve my students so they can feel a sense of community. We will
also go through the schedule, expectations, and ask the class for any
suggestions we can possibly implement. I want open communication in my
class, but for me to act as a facilitator to make ultimate decisions. By
the end of the day, I want my students to have high expectations for
the year, to be in the right mindset, and to feel loved and respected.

First Day Checklist

Before class prepare and have materials ready

Greet the students, and try to remember names
Introduce myself
Ice Breaker game
Find Someone activity
About Me activity
Rules and Procedures with student input (asking a
question, restroom/hall passes, hand signals, the power
of YET, early finishers chart, how to get class attention,
model respect (or school model like CHAMP), dismissal,
fire drill, what to do when absent)
Expectations and Schedule (daily schedule, behavior at
specials classes, having character, quote of the week)
Supplies (how to care for them, where they go)

Artifact 1
This activity will be a great ice breaker for the class to get to know
each other and talk. The categories can interest the children to engage
with each other and start conversations over common interests or

Photo Source:

Artifact 2
This All About Me flag is a great way for the class and teacher to get
to know each other. It can also be hung in the class as a banner for
the students to look at, and can serve as a cute item for parents to
have as a keepsake for when their children get older.

Photo source:

Artifact 3
A classroom constitution brings in elements of American history to the
classroom. It will always give the students a sense of belonging and
ownership of the class to be able to create the class rules. The
students can hold each other accountable throughout the year, too.

Photo source:


First and foremost, I want my class to know they are safe and loved. I
want my classroom to have an environment of community and pride, but
also a place where children can be themselves. I want my class to come
ready and excited for learning, and that there is a high expectation for
their behavior and effort, but understand that we all have bad days,
sometimes and that is okay, too. I want to teach my class to be kind
humans and to care for each other and the environment. By cultivating
this environment, my hope is that learning can be enlightening, and
mistakes are growing. I want to model good character and respect, so
that my class can see adults can learn to be good people, too. In the
physical environment, I want all supplies to be easily accessible, flexible
seating to be used properly, the décor to be cohesive and cared for, and
the space to be clean and organized.

Artifact 1
I enjoy the look of a modern decorated classroom, with cohesive
decoration. I feel like it promotes cleanliness and organization. The
flexible seating can be incorporated in non-distracting ways, and
students will be know that each supply, furniture, and item has a place
in the classroom.

Photo Source:


Artifact 2
I want to have a positive environment with a growth mindset. By
teaching character values and having the students recognize and
“shout-out” their peers modeling the trait of the month, children will
learn and practice what it means to have values and why they are
important. Having this space in the class will teach the students that
they are expected to display these traits.

Photo Source:


Artifact 3
The power of yet is a growth mindset tool that encourages students to
keep trying. This will cultivate the environment that grit is importance
and giving up is not an option.

Photo Source:


I want to have the procedures down by the first week of school. To do
so, time needs to be taken to explain the procedures, and why they are
necessary. Students will be introduced to the procedures, and will
model, practice, and be critiqued so they know the expectation and the
repetitiveness will instill the practice within them. To help with smooth
transitions throughout the year and to get optimal learning in, the
classroom procedure need to become second nature. Routines and
schedules also help students because the structure keeps the students’
mind organized and they will know that to expect. By having a clear
plan and procedure, this will help establish positive behavior because
the children will not get bored or feel like they’re doing the same thing
forever. They also will know that is expected of them, and will strive to
please the teacher. Also, I plan to give the class roles and
responsibilities so they feel a sense of belonging in the class, and they
will understand it is not my schedule and plan, but the entire class’s.

Artifact 1

Hanging the class hand signals keeps the classroom time productive and
students learn to communicate in different ways. Laying out the rules
and having signage in the classroom allows for smooth transitions and

Photo source:

Artifact 2
Voice levels help children be more self-aware, and courteous. I like this
unique way of laying out voice level expectations because I will not
have to talk or yell over the class.

Photo source:

Artifact 3
Class jobs are a great way to
inform children of the
procedures. By cycling through
all the jobs, students will know
the expectation of the class, and
take ownership in dutifully doing
their jobs.

Photo source:


Artifact 4
The I’m Done chart will encourage students
to find something to do while they wait.
This promotes productivity and by hanging it
on the wall, the teacher won’t have to say
anything because students know the
expectation when they finish their work.

Photo source:


Discipline System
I plan to have a discipline system that promotes good behavior and
redirects bad behavior. I like the idea of having incentives for
positive behavior, and to reward good behavior, however, I also think
consequences are important for children to learn. I plan to have
logical consequences in my classroom because they teach children,
and not punish them. I also want my students to understand intrinsic
rewards, but I understand that this may be more difficult for
younger children so I plan to reward good behavior, and explain why
everyone should act like that, even outside the classroom. I will be
intentional about seeing the good in all my students and I will follow
through with reward systems I have in place. In the morning, I want
to have a mental check to know how my students are feeling, and to
ensure I can talk to those who might be having a rough start, and
taking preventative measures before the bad behavior might be
displayed. Overall, I think it is important to teach the children what
is right and wrong, and to let them make their own choices. In my
class, I will have a reflection corner where students can go when
they feel upset, sad, or want to make a bad decision. Giving children
time to reflect to choose the kind of person they want to be is
important to be because it build good character, and that will
resonate more than a teacher telling them how to act.

Artifact 1
Checking in on students can really help prevent misbehavior. When
children know you care about them and make it a point to check on
them, rather than acting out, you can counsel them ahead of time.
This is also a great way to teach students about mental health and

Photo source:

Artifact 2
A calm down corner is a great way for students to learn to self-
regulate. By giving students the opportunity to stop and think or cool
down first, they can learn how to become reflective thinkers and how
their actions can affect themselves and others.

Photo source:

Artifact 3
Secret student is a fun and exciting way to get the class to be on
their best behavior. Since no one knows who the secret student is, it
is mysterious and the teacher only reveals the secret student if they
earned the reward for being a well-behaved student. I like this
because no one gets called-out or embarrassed because if the
student does not earn it, they do not get revealed. The class also
learns to be a good sport if they are not the secret student by
supporting their peers when they earn it.

Photo souce:

Artifact 4
Incentives and rewards are a great way to keep the students on
track, and they get rewarded for it. Class Dojo points are electronic
and easy and students can redeem their points to get a prize.

Photo source:

Student Motivation
Motivating student is so important in a class because that’s when
they are learning and performing at their best, which is what we
want everyday. When the students are motivated, they are learning
and cultivating a positive learning environment. I want to create an
environment where the students feel secure, encouraged to try their
best, and to share their ideas, and they will only feel inclined to do
so if they feel confident, accepted, and loved. Motivation can be like
a domino- when you can get one student motivated, whole class may
be motivated to work together to achieve a goal. I plan to encourage
motivation by having different ways of learning like group work,
bodily kinesthetic learning, passion projects, positive feedback to
their parents, displaying their work in the class and hallways, and
giving them rewards for their effort.

Artifact 1
A fun and engaging activity can be motivating for students. Working
in groups also keeps students accountable, so they will want to do
their best. By incorporating different teaching styles, students will
stay motivated. Here is a science project where the students work in
groups to trace their body and color and place the organs in the
correct places.

Photo source:

Artifact 2
Glow notes are a great way for students to feel proud as their
parents are informed about their good deed or behavior. This is also a
great way for teachers to communicate with parents and build a
trusting relationship.

Photo source:

Artifact 3
Displaying quality work is a great way to motivate students because
they will want to put in their best effort to see their work make the
wall. It also makes students feel proud and rewarded for their hard
work. This is also great for when parents come to school so they can
see that the children are doing and learning at school.

Photo source:

Artifact 4
Class Kerplunk is a classroom reward system for when the class gets
a compliment or everyone is going above and beyond. This is an
exciting way to motivate students to do quality work. If the class
earns a compliment or is seen doing great work, the teacher pull a
stick. When all the marbles fall, the class gets a reward such as a
brain break, party, or special treat.

Photo source:

Engaging students in the class is important because when the
students are engaged, they are well-behaved. It is more likely that
when the child is engaged in learning, they are more concerned about
the activity, rather than acting out. Engaging the class is beneficial
because this means the students are learning, and most likely it will
stick with them if the activity correctly correlates with the content.
Students can also be engaged when they are called on to ensure they
are paying attention, or when they can turn and talk with a
neighbor. Engagement can solidify learning and by being active in the
classroom, students are more focused and motivated. It is also
important to keep a good pace as a teacher because this keeps the
children engaged in the lesson so they do not lose interest. When
teachers give mindless busy work and worksheets, students lose
interest and this is when bad behavior may be displayed.

Artifact 1
The student lottery is a randomized way for the teacher to call on a
student to participate or answer a question. This ensures the class is
focused and paying attention to know what to say if they get called
out. It is a fair system, and the students will know they need to
listen when the teacher brings out the student lottery.

Photo source:

Artifact 2
Having the students turn and talk keeps the class engaged because
they discuss with each other the topics the teacher explains. This
keeps them accountable to listen, but even if they were not, their
partner can fill them in.

Photo source:

Artifact 3
Pacing is also important as a teacher because it keeps the flow of
learning moving. The students need to be engaged and captivated
otherwise they lose focus and their attention veers. The teacher can
use pacing as a tool to keep the class engaged and by having a
schedule, the teacher can also be aware to stay on track and see
the progression of learning.

Photo source:


Artifact 4
Bodily kinesthetic activities can keep students engaged because they
are actively working. By having class-wide activities, students will
feel that their work contributes to the project, and their
engagement will be peaked. This is an art project that enhances the
science lesson on the weather and snow.

Photo source:


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