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TAHUN 2019

Astria Mo'otapu
Like Rompas
Jeavery Bawotong

Nursing Science Study Program Faculty of Medicine Sam Ratulangi

University Manado

Abstract :

Cataracts are the main cause of reduced vision in the world estimated number of people with
cataract blindness in the world today by 17 million people and will increase to 40 million by
2020. The prevalence of cataracts in Indonesian amounted to 4.99%. Based on the data in 2008,
there were 5658 cases of cataract consisting of 3775 cases of outpatient and inpatient cases in
1883 Eye Hospital "Dr. YAP "Yogyakarta. The occurrence of cataracts caused by several
factors. Most cataracts, called senile, is due to degenerative changes associated with age.
Exposure to the sun for life and play a role in the emergence of senile cataract. The purpose to
analyze factors associated with the incidence of cataracts in patients who seek treatment at Poly
Eyes RSUP.Prof. R.D Kandou Manado. The design was observational analytic design "case
control". The population is suffering from cataract patients who visit thePoly eyes
RSUP.Prof.Dr.R.D Kandou Manado during the study. The research sample of 80 respondents.
The results of statistical test Chi Square test at 95% significance level p value (α ≤ 0.05),
indicating that there is no relationship between the sexes with cataracts with p value = 0,003, age
with cataracts with p value = 0.033, and habits smoked with cataracts with p value = 0.010. The
conclusion of this study there is a relationship between gender, age and smoking habits with
cataracts. Suggestions results of this study would be able to provide additional information and
knowledge for researchers further about the factors associated with the incidence of cataracts in
the eyes Poli RSUP.Prof.Dr.R.DKandou Manado.
Keywords: Gender, age, smoking habits, Cataract.
PRELIMINARY The eye is a means of the sense of
sight formed to receive stimuli,light beams
on the retina with the intermediary diverts
this stimulus visual center in the brain, parts
of the eye serves to focus the light
stimulation to the retina is the lens (Wijaya
and Putri, 2013). Cataracts are clouding of
the lens eyes that cause interference vision.
Cataracts are indicated by the gradual lens
of the eye become opaque which in the end
can causing total blindness. Disease
cataracts are mainly caused by the process
age-related degeneration. Cataracts are still
the most common disease dominant in the
eye and is the main cause of blindness
throughout world. At least 50% of all
blindness caused by cataracts, and 90%
including in developing countries no
exception in Indonesia (Tana.L, 2007).
Blindness and visual impairment is a public
health problem (MOH, 2007). Blindness due
to cataracts or turbidity of the eye lens is
global health problems that must be
immediate overcome, because blindness can
cause reduced quality of human resources
and lost productivity and requires a large
enough cost to the treatment (Arimbi, A.T,
2014). Cataracts are the cause the main
reduction in vision in the world estimated
number of blindness sufferers cataracts in
the world today at 17 million people and
will increase to 40 million in 2020. Cataracts
occur in 10% of people United States and
this prevalence increased to around 50% for
those aged between 65 and 74 years. And up
to around 70% for those who over 75 years
old (Soehardjo, 2004). Cataract is a health
problem society in Indonesia along with
This research was conducted at the Eye
Clinic of RSUP Prof.Dr.Kandou
Manado.Time of research held in July 2015.
an epidemiological transition from disease Population in this study were all patients
spread to non-communicable diseases. who suffer from cataracts in particular at the
According to Household Health Survey data Eye Clinic of Prof. RSUP Dr. R.D Kandou
National Health Survey (SKRT Manado. The number of samples in this
-SURKESNAS), the prevalence of cataracts study is 80 respondents who meet inclusion
in Indonesia of 4.99%. Based on data in criteria. This research uses instruments
2008,there are 5658 cataract cases consisting research in the form of a questionnaire. Data
of 3775 outpatient cases and 1883 cases collection procedure in This research was
inpatient care at the Eye Hospital "Dr. YAP conducted by: after get permission from the
" Yogyakarta (Mawati, 2009). The large Science Study Program UNSRAT Nursing,
number of cataract sufferers directly researcher apply for a research permit to the
proportional to the population elderly. An place research. Data collection is done
estimated 12 people become blind every directly to the respondent, start from July
minute in the world. In Indonesia It is 2015. At the time carry out research,
estimated that there are one person every researchers introduce yourself, deliver the
minute go blind. This number will increase aims and objectives of the research to be do.
to be twice in 2020, this thing related to the After conveying the intent and objectives,
expected life span life increases (Soehardjo, researchers submit sheets approval of being
2004). Based on preliminary data on Eye a respondent for signed by the respondent as
Poly RSUP Prof. Dr. R.D Kandou Manado proof that the respondent is willing to be
during Last 6 months of July - December sample in the study to be do. Furthermore,
2014 there were 420 patients who suffer researchers provide questionnaire to be
from senile cataracts therefore the writer is filled in by respondents. Data processing in
interested in conduct research on "Factors this study use the stages as The following
related to events senile cataract in RSUP are editing, coding, data entry cleaning and
Eye Clinic Prof. Dr. R.D Kandou Manado. tabulating. Analysis of the data in this study,
namely Univariate analysis aims to explain
or describe characteristics of each research
RESEARCH METHODS variable. Bivariate analysis is carried out to
see there whether or not the relationship
between variables independent ie Gender,
This research is research with use a Age, and The habit of smoking with
case control design by using an approach variables dependent is cataracts. Test used is
retrospective, namely research looking for a chi square test with level significance of
factors related to the incident cataract in the 95% ɑ <0.05. In conducting research,
Eye Clinic of RSUP Prof. Dr. R.D Kandou researchers pay attention to ethical issues
Manado, (Setiadi, 2013). Study case control research that includes informed consent
is carried out in a manner comparing two (consent to being a respondent), anonymity
groups viz case group and control group (confidentiality), and confidentiality.
Data Table 4 frequency distribution based
on respondent's work
A. Results
Work N %
1. Univariate Analysis
Civil servants 2 2,25
Table 1 frequency distribution based on
Cataract respondent Peg. Private 4 5,00
Cataracts n % entrepreneur 14 17,50
Cataract 40 50 IRT 23 28,75
Not Cataract 40 50 Farmers 30 37,50
Total 80 100 Labor/Handyman 1 1,25
Source: 2015 Primary Data Etc   6 7,50
Table 2 frequency distribution based on Total 80 100.0
gender of the respondent
Source: 2015 Primary
Type Sex  n %
Data Table 5 frequency distribution based
Man 31 38,75 on smoking habit
Girl 39 61,75 Habit smoking n %
total 80 100.0 Smoke 15 18,75
Source: 2015 Primary Data Do not smoke 65 81,25
Table 3 frequency distribution based on age Total 80 100.0
of respondent
Source: 2015 Primary Data
Age n %
50-60 years 27 33,75
2. Bivariate Analysis
61-70 years 29 36,25
 Table 6 the relationship of Gender with
+.> 70 years    24 30.00
Total 80 100.0
Source: 2015 Primary
Gender cataract no cataracts total p value
n % n % n %
Man 9 29,03 22 70,97 31 100
Women 31 63,27 18 36,73 49 60,4 B. DISCUSSION
Total 40 50.0 40 50.0 80 100
Sumber: Data Primer 2015 1. Gender Relationship with Cataract  
Table 7 Age relationship with cataracts Based on table 6 analysis results
Age gender relationship with incidence of
cataracts in the eye poly RSUP
Age cataract no cataract total p
Prof.Dr.R.D.Kandou Manado shows that for
the most part respondents are female that is
n % n % n % 61.25% compared the male sex amounted to
38.75%. Analysis with see the significance
50-60 8 70,37 19 70,37 27 100 value obtained value p <0.05 (0.003) which
Tahun means that Ho is rejected and Ha accepted to
conclude that there is a significant
61-70 17 41,38 12 41,38 29 100 relationship between gender with incidence
Tahun cataracts.The results of this study are in line
with Sirlan F (2014) with the title Survey of
>70 15 37,50 9 37,50 24 100 blindness and eye morbidity at West Java,
0,033 where he found that the majority of
Tahun respondents namely female sex amounted to
54.8% compared to the number of male sex
Total 40 100,0 40 100 80 100 45.2%
Sumber: Data Primer 2015
Table 8 relationships of smoking habits 2. Age relationship with cataracts

with cataracts   Based on table 7 analysis results

relationship of age to events cataract disease
Smoking habit in Eye Clinic RSUP Prof.Dr.R.D. Kandou
Manado shows that for the most part among
Smoking Age cataract no cataract total p v
respondents aged 61-70 years which
hatit amounted to 36.25% and the most few
respondents were> 70 years old which
amounted to 30.0%. This analysis by seeing
Habit N % n % n % the significance obtained p value <0.05
(0.033), which means Ho rejected and Ha
Smoke 12 80,0 3 20,0 15 100
accepted concluded there is a significant
Do no smoke 28 43,1 37 56,9 65 100 relationship between age with the
0,010 occurrence of cataracts. Results this research
is in line with Meisye S. Hanok, (2014) with
Total 40 100,0 40 100,0 80 100 the title Factors related to cataracts at the
Eye Health Center Communities in North
Sulawesi Province, where did he find that 2. Terdapat hubungan antara usia dengan
most kejadian penyakit katarak di Poli Mata
RSUP.Prof.Dr.R.D Kandou Manado.
3. Terdapat hubungan antara kebiasaan
merokok dengan kejadian penyakit
katarak di Poli Mata
respondents aged 61-70 year amounted to RSUP.Prof.Dr.R.D Kandou Manado
34.3% compared with age> 70 years total

3. Relationship with smoking habits Cataract

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