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ID Cards are the ultimate identity theft

Computers Systems always fail - and the national database will do so big time.
Ian Angell

The ID Card Project is still on the track - more or less. Jacqui Smith is just the
latest in a long line of Home Office ministers to sell us the benefits of ID
cards , while casually informing us of the latest rise in all costs or slippage in
its implementation schedule. Ms Smithis also yet another Home says that more of the
id cards are reported stolen or theft while casually informing them that the
latest rise in cost ands or slipage in its implementa tion schedule .mrs smith is
yet another HOme security who subscribe to the pixel dusts school of technology.
computation is a magic substance to be sprayed over items that hey presto then
vanished.Little wander that britain has appaling record in government IT
projects.The ID project is one of the biggest computer system envasgasted to the -
far more complex than the failing NHS system, ANd its another disaster waiting for
it to happen.Still the politicians claim there would be no problems, it will be
totally secure because of biometrics. Apparently face id iris scan facial
recognitsation will work all perfectly, be amazingly cheap to implement and all
foolproof. IT must be true as been sold those by technological companies.
Barones analay of St.John's with a group of parliaments was once given a facail
recognition of system.It failed indeed the system subsiquently crashed, twice ,the
reason? The baroness was told her face was too bland

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