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Submitted by
Faryal Gul
Enrollment # 01-322192-003
Program: MBA Weekend (4)
Subject: Contemporary Issues in Business
Submitted to: Mujtaba Ali
Date of Submission: March 28, 2021

Our phones are not gadgets for communication but they have the footprint of our lives
everything that we do is recorded and secured which is valuable data for someone who can use
this data for their own purpose.
It is misunderstood in Pakistan that we are under constant surveillance which is not true but
the possibility that someone can bug into our life and ruin it, is true. As far as cybercrimes
against citizens are concerned the there is nothing that FIA can do because it has no access to
the data of cybercriminals and Pakistan has yet to sign Mutual Legal Assistance Treaty, more
commonly known as the MLAT, with the United States, or even the cybercrime clause of the
Budapest Convention for that matter. While for corporate and government security there is
National Information Technology Board NITB playing its part along with a private company,
Trillium Information Security Systems but there are still some hurdles created by interior
ministry in signing of MLAT. Hence under such situation where FIA or FBI cannot tract down
information because they have not signed MLAT we inching towards more danger and threat of
technology without being regulated, we are excited about 5G technology without knowing the
consequences that we would have to bear in absence of legal control on artificial intelligence.
In an effort to aware people of the cyber security there was conference held at The National
Incubation Center (NIC) Islamabad with officials from National Information technology Board,
Ministry of Information Technology & Telecom, and Trillium Information Security System in
attendance. The purpose of which was to give awareness that cybersecurity is not just limited
to technology but the whole mechanism for granting access to stakeholders, the misconception
about antivirus that it can secure our data, all these points were discussed.
As much as we are concerned about securing our data the hackers are equally concerned about
hacking the data hence it will be always be less no matter how much we spend on cyber
security. Cyber security experts explain the cycle through 4 stages: Threats leading to Attacks
which lead to Breaches which in turn lead to catastrophic Incidents. This also means that a
defensive strategy is required at each of these steps. That translates into Prediction of threats,
Prevention of attacks, Responding to breaches, and finally Detecting the eventual fallout.
Legislation formed for cyber security, therefore, needs to include methods and ability to
analyze threats and mitigate risks, analyze incidents and mitigate consequences, and finally
discover the incidents, track its immediate source and understand its nature for future.
There are myriad of instances ranging from breaching systems of banks which resulted in loss of
millions of dollars to the interference in political campaigns which changed the whole dynamics
of politics.
The whole world is technologically under control of two countries i.e. china and US one is
leading the software and later one hardware. Everything is under now digitalized hence
increased chances of being hacked or attacked, from mobile phones to ac remotes to water
supply system, it’s not necessary to start a nuclear war in order to completely ruin the economy
or to halt the day to day activities, just hacking the technological system can give the attackers
the authority to regulate their system.
On individuals we can protect ourselves by implementing General Data Protection Regulation
(GDPR) which has been passed and enacted by the European Union and its member states. It
lays down what are believed to be the strongest data protection rules yet.
The personal data protection bill 2018 should also ensure that the scope of bill is covering
government entities as the data collected by government entities such as NADRA is at most risk
of being misused.
All we can do is to try even though we know that there many laws and regulations need to be

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