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Exercise #2 Module 1Lesson3

1. Identify at least 10 (10) Math learning activities and opposite each write the appropriate kinds

Learning Activities Manipulatives

2. What benefits do learners gain from using manipulatives in teaching math concepts? List
down your answer

1. Students who have been equipped with the ability utilize manipulatives state that they are
more interested in math. Long-term interest in mathematics is translated into improved
mathematical skills. 

2. It assist learners to create their individual mental processes for mathematical concepts
ideas and processes, as well as provide a standardized understanding in which to express
these models to classmates and teachers.

3. The potential of manipulatives to enrich the rational development have the additional

benefit of actively engaging and increasing both interest in the enjoyment of

4. Through the use of manipulatives to build or use representations, to organize document

and convey their mathematical ideas, they begin to establish a more constructive math
layout and to accept education seriously.

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