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Name : Imelda Dwi Putri Nainggolan

NPM : 20043010177

Class : F

Task 2

a. Choose the best title for the essay above :

3. Energy and the Industrial Revolution

b. What is the collective name for energy sources as petroleum and coal?

It’s call fossil fuels

c. What two basic forms of energy were sufficient to support life in early

agricultural societies?

energy of sunlight to grow food, and the energy of physical labor for its
cultivation and harvest.

d. Give examples of animals that have been domesticated by man to

make life easier.

1. Horse, it’s help human for transportation

2. Buffalo, help human plowing rice fields

e. What inventions in the nineteenth century brought about radical


The invention of the electric motor and the internal combustion engine

f. What two sources of energy are considered essential to the life of the
modern city?

Heat and electricity energy

Activity 4

Task 2

a. Only few developing countries have had to look for coal, why?

What fuel did they use?

Few of the developing countries have ever had to look for coal, since
historically their development processes got underway after oil was
generally available.

b. What effect could rising oil prices have on non OPEC developing


Could significant coal reserves be found in many part of the developing


Rising oil prices may encourage non OPEC developing countries to look
increasingly to wards coal to help meet domestic energy needs and, in
certain cases, possibly contribute to exports.

c. Why was an Australian coal industry developed? But then what

weakened it?

Did people stop looking for coal reserves after that? Why not?

Australian coal industry sufficient for local needs was developed, only to
be weakened by the use of oil. However in the last twenty years, wider
exploration has been carried out in Australia, largely to meet Japanese
demand for coking coal for their iron and steel industries.

d. Where have new coal reserves been found what can you tell about

As a result, output has trebled, and measured reserves have been found in
New South Wales and Queensland.

e. Are there coal resources in Indonesia and southern part of Africa?

Did people in past predict that there would be many coal resources

in those two places?

Exploration in the southern parts of Africa and in Indonesia is now

yielding favorable results and it seems probable that the wold’s coal
resources may be far greater than previously estimated.

f. What do you know of offshore coal reserves? Where can they be


Offshore coal reserve is coal that lie under the sea. Some of the best coal
reserves are thought to lie under the North Sea.

g. Is there the technology to mine it (the offshore coal) at present? What

will happen to the existing systems of exploiting (onshore) mine


As yet, there is no technology to exploit offshore coal would require

modification of existing systems rather than invention. It would be
unrealistic to regard such developments as beyond future engineering

h. Will people in the future readily accept large increase in coal

production and use?

What is in doubt is the willingness and ability of the world to accept large
increases in coal production and use.

Task 1


Few of the developing countries have ever had to look for coal, since
historically their development processes got underway after oil was generally
available. Rising oil prices may encourage non OPEC developing countries to
look increasingly to wards coal to help meet domestic energy needs and, in
certain cases, possibly contribute to exports.

Australian coal industry sufficient for local needs was developed, only to
be weakened by the use of oil. However in the last twenty years, wider
exploration has been carried out in Australia, largely to meet Japanese demand
for coking coal for their iron and steel industries. As a result, output has
trebled, and measured reserves have been found in New South Wales and
Queensland. Exploration in the southern parts of Africa and in Indonesia is
now yielding favorable results and it seems probable that the wold’s coal
resources may be far greater than previously estimated.

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