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Module 1 Part 3 Environmental Studies MCQ questions

Module 1
1. Euthrophication means
A. Water Purification
B. Neutralization of waste water
C. Waste water treatment process
D. Enrichment of plant nutrients in water bodies

2. Which part of plant contains nitrogen fixing bacteria?

A. Roots
B. Stems
C. Leaves
D. All of the above

3. Green Revolution is
A. Crop variety improvement
B. Judicious use of fertilizers
C. Expansion of irrigation
D. All of the above

4. Organic Farming is
A. Enhancing biodiversity
B. Promoting soil biological activity
C. Farming without using pesticides and chemical fertilizers
D. All of the above

5. The type of mass movement characterized by a slow and gradual down slope movement
is known as
A. Creep
B. Rock Fill
C. Landslide
D. Mud Flow

6. The natural disastrous events like volcanoes, earthquakes, cyclones, bring about
environmental changes which are
A. Reversible
B. Irreversible
C. Both A and B
D. None of the above


Module 1 Part 3 Environmental Studies MCQ questions

7. Which of the following is not caused by the use of fertilizers in agriculture?

A. Euthrophication
B. Methemoglobinemia
C. Acidification and salinity of soils
D. None of these

8. Anthropoginal activity means

A. Human Activities
B. Natural Activities
C. Bacteriological Activities
D. Wild animals Activities

9. Which of the following is a major environmental issues in Mining activities?

A. Water Pollution
B. Soil Degradation
C. Air pollution and Dust
D. All of the above

10. Decreased soil fertility through rapid leaching of the essential mineral nutrients is due to
A. Reforestation
B. Deforestation
C. Over Exploitation
D. Recycling of forest products

11. Mining means

A. Process of extracting ores to obtain the metal of interest
B. To check pollution
C. To conserve minerals
D. To reserve minerals

12. Which of the following are major environmental issues in mining activities?
A. Water Pollution
B. Soil Degradation
C. Air pollution and Dust
D. All of the above


Module 1 Part 3 Environmental Studies MCQ questions

13. Loss of water content through the plants into atmosphere is called
A. Evaporation
B. Vaporization
C. Hydraulic Cycle
D. Transpiration

14. Nitrogen fixation from the atmosphere is high in which type of plants?
A. Leguminous
B. Monocotyledonous
C. Both A and B
D. None of the above

15. Major source of Fluoride is available in

A. River water
B. Food products
C. Both A and B
D. Ground water

16. Which of the following is not a Natural mineral?

A. Nitrogen
B. Asbestos
C. Limestone
D. Flourspar

17. Good example of sedimentary Cycle is

A. Oxygen Cycle
B. Sulphur Cycle
C. Nitrogen Cycle
D. Carbon Cycle

18. Water used for irrigation of food crops, fodder crops and medical herbs is known as
A. Auxilary Use
B. Productive Use
C. Commercial Use
D. Consumptive Use


Module 1 Part 3 Environmental Studies MCQ questions

19. The earth’s land surface covered by forest is about

A. 30%
B. 40%
C. 50%
D. 60%

20. A major carbon storage reservoir in the carbon cycle is

A. Trees
B. Rivers
C. Oceans
D. Atmosphere

21. Smelting of metallic minerals into copper, lead and zincrelease large amount of
A. Nitric oxide
B. Crabon dioxide
C. Suphur dioxide
D. Hydrogen sulphide

22. Which is considered as energy source of future?

A. Wind
B. Ocean
C. Hydrogen
D. None of the above

23. Energy obtained from the Earth’s hot interior is called the
A. Geo-Thermal Energy
B. Thermal Energy
C. Biomass Energy
D. None of the above

24. Sulabh biogas plants are based on the use of

A. Cattle Dung
B. Human Excreta
C. Agriculture Waste
D. None of these


Module 1 Part 3 Environmental Studies MCQ questions

25. Renewable energy is

A. Primary source
B. Secondary Source
C. Tertiary Source
D. None of the above

26. Good example of renewable energy resource is

A. Oil
B. Coal
C. Hydropower
D. All of the above

27. The basic element on fossil fuels is

A. Oxygen
B. Carbon
C. Sulphur
D. Phosphorus

28. Hydro electricity is generated from

A. Forests
B. Coal plants
C. Lakes and ponds
D. Water reservoir of river dams

29. Cow dung can be used

A. As manure
B. For production of biogas
C. Both A and B
D. None of these

30. Recycled water can be used for

A. Crop Irrigation
B. Landscape Gardening
C. Replenishing fast depleting aquifers
D. All of the above


Module 1 Part 3 Environmental Studies MCQ questions

31. Solar radiations consist of

A. Visible region
B. Infra red region
C. Both A and B
D. None of the above

32. -------- is the best environmental clean alternative fuel.

B. Coal
C. Petrol
D. Diesel

33. Liquefied Petroleum Gas is a mixture of

A. Propane and butane
B. Methane and Propane
C. Methane and butane
D. Methane and ethane

34. Direct Conversion of solar energy is attained by

A. Galvanic Cells
B. Electrolytic cells
C. Hydrogen fuel cells
D. Solar Photovoltaic System

35. Use of Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) came into effect from
A. Dec 2000
B. Dec 2001
C. Dec 2002
D. Dec 2003

36. Identify the non-renewable sources of energy from the following

A. Coal
B. Fuel cells
C. Wind Power
D. Wave Power


Module 1 Part 3 Environmental Studies MCQ questions

37. Hydrogen can be produced commercially by

A. Cracking of ammonia
B. Electrolysis of water
C. Both A and B
D. Gasification

38. Generation of wind energy is mainly based on which factor

A. Storms
B. Pressure
C. Velocity of Wind
D. Direction of Wind

39. Which of the following is a biodegradable pollutant?

C. Freon’s
D. Sewage

40. The major green house gas which is responsible for causing about 60% of the green
house effect on earth among the following is
A. Nitrogen
B. Methane
C. Carbon dioxide
D. Carbon monoxide

41. Which of the following is the ill effect of urbanization?

A. Environmental Pollution
B. Loss of soil degradation
C. Decrease in agricultural land
D. All of the above

42. Which of the following is not a green house gas?

A. Ozone
B. Water Vapor
C. Carbon dioxide
D. Sulphur dioxide


Module 1 Part 3 Environmental Studies MCQ questions

43. Green house effect causes

A. Increase in rainfall
B. Lowering of acid rain
C. Rise in temperature of earth
D. Lowering in temperature of earth

44. The main impact of urbanization on plant and animal life is

A. Loss of species
B. Mutation of species
C. Increase of species
D. None of the above

45. Global atmospheric temperatures are likely to be increased due to

A. Burning of fossil fuels
B. Water pollution
C. Soil erosion
D. None of the above

46. Domestic sewage is

A. Waste water from industries
B. Waste water from residential areas
C. Waste water generated from kitchen and bathrooms
D. None of the above

47. During green house effect, carbon dioxide and water vapor absorbs,
A. UV Radiations
B. Solar Radiations
C. Short wave radiations
D. Long wave radiations

48. A single bacterium in the soil interacts with

A. Water
B. Air
C. Particles of soil around it
D. All of the above


Module 1 Part 3 Environmental Studies MCQ questions

49. Ecosystems rely on the following major sources of energy

A. Sun
B. Chemical or Nuclear fuels
C. Both A and B
D. None of the above

50. Of the solar radiation that does reach the earth’s surface (incident energy), about ----- %
is ultraviolet.
A. 10
B. 20
C. 30
D. 40

51. Which country has the maximum number of tube-wells in the world?
A. America
B. Australia
C. China
D. India

52. Full form of CNG is

A. Common National Gas
B. Compressed Natural Gas
C. Common Natural Gas
D. Certified Natural Gas

53. Renewable source of energy is

A. Coal
B. Petroleum
C. Plants
D. Uranium

54. A battery or cell converts ----------- energy into electrical energy

A. Solar
B. Heat
C. Mechanical
D. Chemical


Module 1 Part 3 Environmental Studies MCQ questions

55. Which of the following is a biodegradable waste

A. Plastics
B. Polythene
C. Glass
D. None of the above

56. Paper is mainly made up of

A. Cellulose and starch
B. Polythene and cotton
C. Bamboo and grass
D. Sunflower and maize

57. The nature of relationship between condensation & evaporation is

A. They are the same
B. They are opposite
C. They are similar but not in all respects
D. None of the above

58. When some sugar is dissolved in a glass of water, the water level
A. Increases
B. Decreases
C. Remains the same
D. None of the above

59. We slip very easily on a wet floor because

A. Water reduces the friction
B. Water increases the friction
C. We slip because we lose our balance
D. None of the above

60. Green house gases which is present in very high quantity is

A. Propane
B. Ethane
C. Carbon dioxide
D. Methane


Module 1 Part 3 Environmental Studies MCQ questions

61. How much of the net irrigated well irrigation?

A. 20%
B. 60%
C. 45%
D. 30%

62. The soil of India’s eastern and western coast is

A. Alluvial
B. Black cotton
C. Red rocky
D. Laterite

63. What unit of solar energy does the earth intercept?

A. 2,200 millionth
B. 2,000 millionth
C. 2,100 millionth
D. 2,300 millionth

64. Which state gets largest percentage of land

A. Haryana
B. Uttar Pradesh
C. Maharashtra
D. Punjab

65. Which among the following covers the highest percentage of forest area in the world?
A. Temperate coniferous forests
B. Temperate Deciduous forest
C. Tropical monsoon forests
D. Tropical rain forests

66. Plant gets nitrogen from

A. Rain
B. The soil
C. The air
D. The bedrock


Module 1 Part 3 Environmental Studies MCQ questions

67. Which state has the largest area under tank irrigation?
A. Tamil Nadu
B. Odisha
C. West Bengal
D. Karnataka

68. Which state has the largest proportion of net irrigated area under canal irrigation?
A. Punjab
B. Uttar Pradesh
C. Maharashtra
D. Jammu and Kashmir

69. Amongst the following Indian states which one has the minimum total forest cover?
A. Sikkim
B. Goa
C. Haryana
D. Kerala

70. The resources which are unlimited and where quality is not degradable even after
continuous use is termed as
A. Renewable
B. Reusable
C. Immutable
D. Exhaustible

71. Solar energy is a ….

A. Renewable
B. Exhaustible
C. Mutable
D. None of the above

72. Biogas is a mixture of ….

A. Methane and Carbon dioxide
B. Oxygen and Hydrogen
C. Methane and Oxygen
D. None of the above


Module 1 Part 3 Environmental Studies MCQ questions

73. The loss of forest cover is termed as

A. Deterioration
B. Deforestation
C. Afforestation
D. All of the above

74. As per FAO definition minimum percentage of depletion of tree crown cover, that can be
considered as deforestation is
A. 50%
B. 60%
C. 70%
D. 90%

75. Which of the following statements about forest is not correct?

A. Forests reduces soil erosion
B. Provides recreational opportunities
C. Provides a source of economic development
D. None of the above

76. Which of the following type of timber extraction is least damaging to the environment?
A. Clear felling
B. Reduced impact logging
C. Mechanized logging
D. Hand Logging

77. Which of the following is not true about deforestation?

A. Population explosion is one of the reasons for deforestation
B. Clearing of forest for agriculture causes deforestation
C. Deforestation is taking place only in developing countries
D. Cash crop economy of third world is a cause of deforestation

78. “The value of forest is often higher when it is left standing than it could be worth when it
harvested”. Which of the following factors is most supportive of the above statement?
A. Increase in timber value as time passes
B. Increase in wildlife
C. Increase in ecotourism
D. None of the above


Module 1 Part 3 Environmental Studies MCQ questions

79. Tree hugging movement is called

A. Chipko Andolan
B. Green movement
C. Sillent valley movement
D. Green revolution

80. The name of Sundarlal Bahuguna is related to ….

A. Chipko Movement
B. Narmada Bachao
C. Silent Valley
D. Bishnois of Rajasthan

81. How does dam affect deforestation?

A. Open up previously inaccessible forest to public
B. Submerges forest
C. Damages downstream ecosystems
D. All of the above

82. Which of the following is not a viable protection against deforestation?

A. Reduce the consumption of forest and related products
B. Boycott products of companies involved in deforestation
C. Privatization of forest land
D. Environmental education

83. Planting of trees is called

A. Deforestation
B. Afforestation
C. Forestation
D. None of the above

84. Deforestation generally decreases:

A. Drought
B. Rainfall
C. Soil Erosion
D. Global Warming


Module 1 Part 3 Environmental Studies MCQ questions

85. Forests and wild life are …. If used judiciously

A. Renewable resources
B. Non-renewable resources
C. Inexhaustible
D. None of these

86. Deforestation generally results in ….

A. Decreased rainfall
B. Loss of Biodiversity
C. Shortage of Oxygen
D. All of the above

87. Extensive planting of trees helps us in …..

A. Maintaining balance in ecosystem
B. Developing ecotourism
C. Eliminating pressure on natural forests
D. All of the above

88. Purposes of construction of dams or reservoirs are …

A. Power generation
B. Flood control
C. Irrigation
D. All of these

89. We get our supply and reserves of freshwater ….. from

A. Hydrological Cycle
B. Carbon Cycle
C. Snowfall
D. None of the above

90. Major main purpose of most of the dams around the world is …
A. Power generation
B. Irrigation
C. Drinking water supply
D. Flood control


Module 1 Part 3 Environmental Studies MCQ questions

91. Which of the following could be the most significant socio – economic impact of dams?
A. Loss of biodiversity
B. Poorly managed involuntary displacement and loss of livelihood
C. Loss of forest and wild life habitat
D. Water logging

92. Which of the following is not an ideal solution for tackling water crisis?
A. Drilling large number of deep bore wells
B. Population control
C. Water conservation in irrigation
D. Control water pollution

93. What is the major characteristic of drought that differentiates it from other natural
A. Drought could cause life and property loss
B. Drought has both natural and social implications
C. Drought could recur in the same place
D. Without a well-defined start or end, drought is a slow process

94. Which of the following measure is not a solution for improving the acceptability of dam
A. Avoid and minimize impact on ecosystem
B. Ensure that displaced and project – affected people’s livelihoods are improved
C. Conduct regular monitoring and periodic review.
D. Construct a single large dam instead of a number of small dams.

95. India has the world’s largest share of the following?

A. Manganese
B. Mica
C. Copper
D. Diamond

96. Which of the following is an adverse effect of modern agriculture?

A. Water scarcity
B. Water pollution
C. Water logging
D. All of these


Module 1 Part 3 Environmental Studies MCQ questions

97. Out of the following nutrients in fertilizer, which one causes minimum water pollution?
A. Nitrogen
B. Phosphorous
C. Potassium
D. None of the above

98. Select the most environmentally friendly method of insect control from the following
A. Application of organophosphates
B. Application of chlorinated hydrocarbons
C. Application of parathyroid
D. Crop rotation and intercropping

99. Which of the following is the most environmental friendly agriculture?

A. Use of chemical fertilizers and insecticides
B. Use of insecticide and organic fertilizers
C. Use of organic fertilizers and alternate methods of insect control
D. Use of chemical fertilizers and alternate methods of insect control

100. Identify the non-renewable source of energy from the following

A. Coal
B. Fuel cells
C. Wind Power
D. Wave Power

101. Mention the important disadvantage that is associated with most of the renewable
energy resources?
A. Highly polluting
B. High waste disposal cost
C. Unreliable supply
D. None of these

102. Which of the following are non-renewable resources:

A. Forests
B. Fossil fuels
C. Animals
D. All of these


Module 1 Part 3 Environmental Studies MCQ questions

103. Which of the following are renewable resources:

A. Plants
B. Animals
C. Air
D. All of the above

104. We should use less fossil fuels because they are…..

A. Highly polluting
B. Exhaustible resources
C. Difficult to produce
D. For all these reasons

105. Both power and manure is provided by ……

A. Atomic plants
B. Hydro-electric stations
C. Biogas plants
D. All the above

106. Common energy resource in Indian villages is……

A. Electricity
B. Coal
C. Sun
D. Wood and animal dung

107. Fossil fuels and metallic minerals are …..

A. Renewable resources
B. Inexhaustible resources
C. Non-renewable resources
D. None of these

108. Which of the following is a renewable resource?

A. Coal
B. Forest
C. Petrol
D. Diesel


Module 1 Part 3 Environmental Studies MCQ questions

109. Soil erosion can be prevented by:

A. Overgrazing
B. Growing more plants
C. Making land slope
D. None of these

110. Land is important because it ….

A. Gives us space for building houses
B. Produces food for us and animals
C. One of the factors of production
D. For all these reasons

111. The most eco-friendly agriculture practice includes the use of ….

A. Chemical fertilizers and pesticides
B. Organic fertilizers and chemical pesticides
C. Organic fertilizers and bio-pesticides
D. None of the above

112. The most prevalent form of land degradation in India is …..

A. Landslide
B. Soil subsidence
C. Soil erosion
D. Desertification

113. Which of the following is responsible for desertification?

A. Deforestation
B. Overgrazing
C. Soil erosion
D. All of these

114. Desertification is due to :

A. High temperature & low rainfall
B. Soil erosion
C. Deforestation
D. Both B & C


Module 1 Part 3 Environmental Studies MCQ questions

115. Soil conservation is a process in which ….

A. Soil is aerated
B. Soil erosion is allowed
C. Sterile soil is made fertile
D. Soil is protected against loss

116. The best soil for healthy and vigorous growth of most plant is ….
A. Clay
B. Sandy
C. Loam
D. Clayey loam

117. Use of nuclear energy often causes …..

A. Air pollution
B. Water pollution
C. Thermal pollution
D. Noise pollution

118. Soil erosion can be prevented by ….

A. Over grazing
B. Removal of vegetation
C. Afforestation
D. Deforestation

119. Removal of top layer of soil by wind or water is ….

A. Leaching
B. Weathering of soil
C. Siltation
D. Soil erosion

120. Soil Erosion …..

A. Reduces the storage capacity of dams
B. Brings down the fertility of soil
C. Leads to desertification
D. All of these


Module 1 Part 3 Environmental Studies MCQ questions

121. The removal of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and storing in the terrestrial
biosphere is called ….
A. Carbon dating
B. Carbon fixing
C. Carbon sequestration
D. Photodecomposition

122. The interface between a terrestrial ecosystems and aquatic system is termed as …
A. Estuary
B. Wetland
C. Aquifer
D. None of these

123. Movement of sea water towards inland is called …..

A. Transition zone
B. Estuary
C. Ecotone
D. Salt water intrusion

124. The soil conservation practices include …..

A. Afforestation
B. Controlling overgrazing
C. Rotation of crops
D. All of these

125. The word desertification was used for the first time in 1949 by ….
A. Aubreville
B. Robert Abraham
C. Sohel
D. None of these

126. Causes of desertification are ….

A. Deforestation
B. Overgrazing
C. Intensive agriculture
D. All of these


Module 1 Part 3 Environmental Studies MCQ questions

127. Effects of desertification are ….

A. Loss of biodiversity
B. Change in climate and weather conditions
C. Decline in world’s food production
D. All of these

128. Desert development programme was implemented in ….

A. 1977-78
B. 1987-88
C. 1997-98
D. None of these

129. The techniques of dealing with desertification are …..

A. Afforestation
B. Construction of water harvesting structures
C. Giving alternative sources of income to people
D. All of these

130. The world ocean covers 71 percent of the earth’s surface, or about 361, million sq km (
140 million sq mi)
A. True
B. False
C. Not sure
D. None of the above

131. A natural resource is a source of raw materials that is produced and supplied by …..
A. Person
B. Trader
C. Nature
D. Consumer

132. A resource in any physical or virtual entity of …….

A. Unlimited
B. Limited
C. Particular
D. General


Module 1 Part 3 Environmental Studies MCQ questions

133. A natural resource can be ………

A. Biotic only
B. Abiotic only
C. Both A and B
D. None of these

134. The impacts of which activities reach into every corner of the natural world exerting
pressure and the available resources?
A. Human Activity
B. Agriculture
C. Constructive
D. All of the above

135. The area where all the living organisms interact with each other and their environment
is called ………
A. Biosphere
B. Exosphere
C. Mesosphere
D. Ionosphere

136. More than what quantity of ground water is diverted for human uses………
A. Two half
B. One half
C. Three half
D. Four half

137. Natural farming is a practice of ……………

A. Chemical pesticide and natural nutrients
B. Chemical fertilizers and bio pesticides
C. Organic manure and bio pesticides
D. Without any applications

138. Vegetation systems are important to man because ………

A. Regulates air temperature
B. Promotes surface run off
C. Promotes rock weathering
D. Carbon sink areas


Module 1 Part 3 Environmental Studies MCQ questions

139. A renewable source of energy is ……..

A. Petroleum
B. Coal
C. Nuclear fuel
D. Trees

140. The permanent destruction of indigenous forests is …..

A. Deforestation
B. Afforestation
C. Monitoring
D. All the above

141. The cause of green house effect is …..

A. Afforestation
B. Deforestation
C. Conservation
D. Flood

142. Higher level of BOD in river indicates that water is ………

A. Clean
B. Highly polluted
C. Contain Algae
D. Contain many dissolved minerals

143. The first Biosphere reserve in India is …….

A. Nilgiri
B. Agastyamala
C. Eravikulam
D. Chinnar

144. Which of the following is aimed at meeting growing demands for all consumer items?
A. Industrial Development
B. Economic Development
C. National Development
D. All the above


Module 1 Part 3 Environmental Studies MCQ questions

145. Oxygen for wild fauna in natural ecosystems and domestic animals used by …….
A. Animal as food
B. Man as food
C. Grassland man as food
D. All the above

146. Which of the following as a part of carbon dioxide?

A. Carbon
B. Oxygen
C. Nitrogen
D. All the above

147. Oxygen as a part of carbon dioxide which is used for the……..

A. Growth of plants
B. Damage of plants
C. Cultivation of plants
D. None of these

148. Where the atmosphere forms a protective shell?

A. Over the earth
B. Over the moon
C. Over the sun
D. None of these

149. The lowest layer is called as …..

A. Troposphere
B. Stratosphere
C. Atmosphere
D. All of the above

150. The lowest layer or the troposphere, the only part warm enough for us to survive in, is
only ……
A. 14Km thick
B. 15 Km thick
C. 12 Km thick
D. 11Km thick


Module 1 Part 3 Environmental Studies MCQ questions

151. The stratosphere is …….

A. 20 Km thick
B. 50 Km thick
C. 60 Km thick
D. 40 Km thick

152. The stratosphere contains a layer of sulphates which is important for the formation of
A. Rain
B. Water
C. Wind
D. All the above

153. The stratosphere also contains a layer of ozone which absorbs ……..
A. UV Light
B. Sunlight
C. Both A and B
D. None of these

154. …………… and ………….. are combination of Agroforestry

A. Fodder crops, fiber crops
B. Food crops, fiber crops
C. Trees, grasses
D. Food crops, tree crops

155. Which of the following is a non-renewable source of energy?

A. Wile life
B. Fossil fuels
C. Water
D. Forest

156. A plant endemic to India is ….

A. Banyan
B. Ginkgo
C. Sequoia
D. Triticum


Module 1 Part 3 Environmental Studies MCQ questions

157. A recent technique for the study of vegetation is ……

A. Ground photography
B. Remote sensing
C. Field work
D. Observation

158. Which of the following is renewable exhaustible natural resource?

A. Forest
B. Coal
C. Petroleum
D. Minerals

159. A species restricted to a given area is ……..

A. Endemic Species
B. Allopatric Species
C. Sympatric Species
D. Sibling Species

160. According to IUCN red list, what is the status of Red Panda ( Ailurus Fulgens)……
A. Critically endangered
B. Endangered species
C. Vulnerable species
D. Extinct species

161. Agro forestry and social forestry both includes …….

A. Production forestry
B. Commercial forestry
C. Afforestation
D. Plantation of trees

162. Which of the following is an endangered bird?

A. Passenger Pigeon
B. Pink-headed duck
C. Great Indian Bustard
D. Vulture


Module 1 Part 3 Environmental Studies MCQ questions

163. An endangered species from the following …..

A. Azardirachta
B. Rosa indica
C. Rauwolfia serpentina
D. Acacia Arabica

164. Which of the following is an example of ex-situ conservation?

A. Seed Bank
B. Sacred groves
C. National Parks
D. Wildlife sanctuary

165. An exhaustible renewable resource is …….

A. Coal
B. Solar energy
C. Fresh water
D. Petroleum

166. An inexhaustible and renewable source of energy is ……….

A. Wood
B. Natural gas
C. Fossil fuel
D. Hydropower

167. Biogas is which type of natural resources?

A. Renewable
B. Inexhaustible
C. Non-conventional
D. Both A and C

168. Gamma and X-rays are not used for remote sensing
A. They are absorbed by object
B. They are reflected by object
C. They are observed by layer atmosphere
D. They are not absorbed


Module 1 Part 3 Environmental Studies MCQ questions

169. Geo-stationery satellites ………..

A. Rotate very fast
B. Are located near the earth
C. Are stationery
D. Rotate with speed equal to that of earth

170. Human dominated biosphere is called as ………

A. Troposphere
B. Stratosphere
C. Hemisphere
D. Noosphre

171. In India. Common type of forest is, ….

A. Tropical thumps forest
B. Sal and Teak forests
C. Tropical most deciduous forest
D. Tropical dry deciduous forest

172. Inexhaustible resource among the following is …..

A. Minerals
B. Solar energy
C. Plants
D. Fossil fuels

173. INSAT system is a type of ………

A. Satellite
B. Geo-Stationery satellite
C. Sun-Synchronous satellite
D. Orbital satellite

174. Islands have higher number of endemic species as they are separated from land masses
by ……..
A. Deserts
B. Mountains
C. Large expanses of water
D. Valleys


Module 1 Part 3 Environmental Studies MCQ questions

175. Which of the following is not a protected forest?

A. Reserve forest
B. Sanctuary
C. Core of biosphere
D. Orchard

176. Life supporting zone earth’s surface is ……

A. Lithosphere
B. Biosphere
C. Stratosphere
D. Ecotene

177. Main cause of extinction of species from tropical areas is …..

A. Afforestation
B. Deforestation
C. Pollution
D. Soil erosion

178. Which of the following is the main source of water to soil

A. Rainfall
B. River
C. Canals
D. Lakes

179. Maximum use of fresh water is in ……

A. Agriculture
B. Domestic use
C. Industry
D. Pisciculture

180. Which of the following causes cancer?

A. UV light
B. Sunlight
C. Air pollution
D. All the above


Module 1 Part 3 Environmental Studies MCQ questions

181. The atmosphere is not uniformly warmed by ….

A. The sun
B. The moon
C. The earth
D. None of these

182. The atmosphere is a complex dynamic system if it is disrupted, it affects all ……

A. Mankind
B. Grassland
C. Rain
D. All the above

183. The build up of carbon dioxide which is known as the …….

A. Greenhouse effect
B. UV light effect
C. Both A and B
D. All the above

184. The build up of carbon dioxide, which is known as the ‘green house effect’, in the
atmosphere has led to ……….
A. Heavy rain
B. Drought
C. The current global warming
D. All the above

185. Land refers to all the components of the …….

A. Land scrape
B. Land scope
C. Land script
D. Land scurf

186. India has land area of ……..

A. 29,73,000
B. 29,73,085
C. 29,73,125
D. 29,73,190


Module 1 Part 3 Environmental Studies MCQ questions

187. Soil conservation deals with ……

A. Reforestation
B. Contour planting
C. Strip cropping
D. All the above

188. Which of the following place the local communities and the forest department began in
A. In the Darjeeling District of West Bengal
B. In the Midnapore District of West Bengal
C. In the Bandipura District Karnataka
D. None of these

189. What is the abbreviation of FPCs?

A. Forest Protection commission
B. Forest Protection Committees
C. Forest Protection Consumer
D. None of these

190. Who forms the forest Protection Committee?

A. Local community members
B. National community members
C. Local government
D. All of the above

191. Timber extraction, mining and dams are invariably some of the needs of a …..
A. Developed country
B. Developing Country
C. Under developed country
D. All the above

192. When the ecological functions of the forest are lost?

A. If Greenland is over-harvested
B. If timber is under-harvested
C. If timber is over-harvested
D. All the above


Module 1 Part 3 Environmental Studies MCQ questions

193. Forests also cover the steep embankments of river valley, which are ideally suited to
develop ……
A. Hydel
B. Irrigation projects
C. Both A and B
D. None of these

194. The water cycle through evaporation and precipitation maintains ……..
A. Hydrological systems
B. Nydrological systems
C. Biological systems
D. None of these

195. The water cycle maintains hydrological systems which form ….

A. Rivers
B. Lakes
C. Supports a variety of aquatic ecosystems
D. All the above

196. Wetlands are the intermediate forms between which ecosystems?

A. Terrestrial
B. Aquatic
C. Both A and B
D. None of these

197. Which of the following is (are) the intermediate forms between terrestrial and aquatic
ecosystems and contain species of plants and animals that are highly moisture-
A. Wetlands
B. Grasslands
C. Biogas
D. All the above

198. All aquatic ecosystems are used by a large number of people for their Daily needs such
as …..
A. Drinking water
B. Washing
C. All of the above
D. None of these


Module 1 Part 3 Environmental Studies MCQ questions

199. The world depends on a limited quantity of ……

A. Fresh air
B. Fresh water
C. Foods
D. None of these

200. What is the percentage of water covers of the earth’s surface?

A. 50%
B. 20%
C. 70%
D. 80%

201. Water covers 70% of the earth’s surface, but only …….
A. 7% of this fresh water
B. 3% of this is fresh water
C. 6% of this is fresh water
D. 12% of this is fresh water

202. Of fresh water what is present as present as polar ice caps?

A. 1%
B. 2%
C. 3%
D. 4%

203. The energy that is used for turning the wheels of machines and engines is ……..
A. Power resources
B. Energy resources
C. Natural resources
D. Forest resources

204. Centrifugal separators are used to

A. Generates wind energy
B. Harness geothermal energy
C. A process of water treatment
D. Separate air articulates


Module 1 Part 3 Environmental Studies MCQ questions

205. Forests in the arctic are called ……

A. Savanna
B. Tundra
C. Prairies
D. None of these

206. Forest moderates climate and out as …..

A. Carbon storage
B. Oxygen storage
C. Ethanol storage
D. None of these

207. Wildlife is highly valuable as …….

A. Source of food
B. Source f food and clothes
C. Source of genes
D. Bio-control agents

208. The forest of clearing forest cover by cutting down burning and damaging plantation is
called …….
A. Destruction
B. Deforestation
C. X- forestation
D. None of these

209. Ranganathittu is Karnataka is known for …….

A. Lions
B. Tigers
C. Elephants
D. Birds

210. Of fresh water what is present as usable water in rivers, lakes and subsoil aqifiers?
A. 1%
B. 2%
C. 3%
D. 4%


Module 1 Part 3 Environmental Studies MCQ questions

211. At a global level what percentage of the water is used for agriculture?
A. 70%
B. 25%
C. 5%
D. 75%

212. At a global level what percentage of the water is used for industry?
A. 70%
B. 30%
C. 25%
D. 20%

213. At a global level what percentage of the water is used for domestic use?
A. 10%
B. 5%
C. 20%
D. 7%

214. What percentage of water is used for agriculture in India?

A. 80%
B. 70%
C. 90%
D. 50%

215. What percentage of water is used for industry in India?

A. 9%
B. 7%
C. 8%
D. 10%

216. What percentage of water is used for domestic use in India?

A. 9%
B. 4%
C. 3%
D. 10%


Module 1 Part 3 Environmental Studies MCQ questions

217. The world population has passed the 6 billion mark?

A. 5 billion mark
B. 6 billion mark
C. 4 billion mark
D. 5.5 billion mark

218. The total annual fresh water withdrawals today are estimated at …..
A. 2800 Cubic Kilometers
B. 3400 Cubic Kilometers
C. 3850 Cubic Kilometers
D. 3800 Cubic Kilometers

219. Which of the purposes a person needs a minimum of 20 to 40 liters of water per day?
A. Drinking
B. Sanitation
C. Cleaning
D. Drinking and Sanitation

220. The main energy source of environment is …..

A. Solar energy
B. Chemical energy
C. Bioelectric energy
D. Electrical energy

221. An example of Abiotic resources is ……

A. Forest
B. Agriculture
C. Fish
D. Minerals

222. Example of Exhaustible resources is …..

A. Coal
B. Solar energy
C. Atomic Energy
D. Wind power


Module 1 Part 3 Environmental Studies MCQ questions

223. The flooding caused by strong winds blowing waves onto the land is …..
A. Flash Flood
B. Coastal Flooding
C. Rivers flood
D. Flood

224. A quick flood caused by sudden outburst or thunder storm is ……

A. River flood
B. Flash flood
C. Tsunami
D. Coastal flooding

225. One of the following is not the measure to prevent flooding …….
A. Afforestation
B. Storage Dams
C. Distillation
D. Deforestation

226. While manufacture of bauxite ……. Are produce

A. Fluorine
B. Chlorine
C. Phlorine
D. All the above

227. Which power is clean and cheap power and is harness using water in the reservoirs?
A. Hydro
B. Carbon dioxide
C. Oxygen
D. Oxide

228. Construction of dams in or near forests causes deforestation and endangerment to ……

A. Diversity
B. Biodiversity
C. Non-biodiversity
D. None of these


Module 1 Part 3 Environmental Studies MCQ questions

229. What % of water covers the earth surface?

A. 25%
B. 70%
C. 50%
D. 90%

230. Only what % of earth’s water is present as fresh water to satisfy human needs?
A. 1.6%
B. 3.6%
C. 2%
D. 2.6%

231. Plants in which grow in water are called …….

A. Hydrophytes
B. Xerophytes
C. Halophytes
D. Mesophytes

232. Utilization and over utilization of the water resource has resulted in …….
A. Water pollution
B. Water shortages
C. Water sportion
D. None of these

233. Mercury compounds are toxic where as lead compounds are ……

A. Nontoxic
B. Cumulative poisons
C. Non cumulative poisons
D. None of these

234. On an average an adult needs about ………… calories of food energy every day.
A. 200 to 300
B. 225 to 275
C. 200 to 250
D. 250 to 300


Module 1 Part 3 Environmental Studies MCQ questions

235. According to which organization, 1.1 billion people have no access to clean drinking
A. Water resource
B. Water Development
C. World health
D. World development

236. Which program defined the definition of a flood?

A. Internal flood insurance program
B. World flood insurance program
C. National flood insurance program
D. International flood insurance program

237. Which is a natural hazard caused due to lack of adequate rainfall?

A. Draghous
B. Drought
C. Dockages
D. Drogiton



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