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Michael Frallicciardi 3/11/2021

My Career Goals

For Starters, my first career goal is to graduate from CCBC, and attend
at Towson University where I will complete my major in Criminal
Justice to become the greatest police officer EVER! Because I always
wanted to become a police officer since I was 5 years old, and it’s bin
sticking with me ever since, because I’m devoting myself to this plan
because I know it’s a career I will love and enjoy by helping people, and
getting rid of the crime, drugs (EVIL) in this world and hopefully bring
back the kind and goodness in this world while were all still here. Then
after Towson University, I will apply for the Police Academy and bring
out my absolute best in the academy to pass and become an officer. I
will train myself now till them to know what to expect and be
physically, psychologically ready hopefully. After the police academy
I’ll become the greatest police officer I will be, and hopefully later in my
carrer as an officer I will be able to join the K-9 unit to work with the
dogs, because I love dogs always have, they truly are man’s best friends,
and I would love to work with a dog in the police force. I give respect
and huge regards to the k-9 unit because both the dog and trainer are
trained for multiple reasons. That aside later in the K-9 unit I want to
eventually join the SWAT team because they deal with the bigger crimes
such as cartels and gangs, etc. I love watching the swat teamwork
because they work like the military, organized, coordinated strategies.
These career goals I want to accomplish will help me become a better
police officer with more training, more things to experience and change
the purposes of my goals by working with the K-9 unit by searching for
lost people, and looking for bomb residue, etc. While on the SWAT
team, I want to take down the huge gangsters, crime bosses, drug lords
etc. I want to take down the evil in this world and help/defend the
innocent because I thinks that’s always bin my calling/purpose in life to
help people.

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