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Advances in Biotechnology and Biochemistry

Kandaswamy R. Adv Biotechnol Biochem 2: 121.

Short Commentary DOI: 10.29011/2574-7258.000021

Autism and Epilepsy: Application of Epigenetics as a Biotechno-

logical Tool for Permanently Curing Epilepsy in Autism
Rajalakshmi Kandaswamy
Corresponding author: Rajalakshmi Kandaswamy, Expert in Nonverbal Autism, Authentic Autism Solutions (™), Chen-
nai, India, Tel: 91-44-24836189;Email:
Citation: Kandaswamy R (2017) Autism and Epilepsy: Application of Epigenetics as a Biotechnological Tool for
Permanently Curing Epilepsy in Autism. Adv Biotechnol Biochem 2: 121. DOI: 10.29011/2574-7258.000021
Received Date: 22 February, 2017; Accepted Date: 17 March, 2017; Published Date: 24 March, 2017

Applied Intentional Epigenetics is transforming the way children who present with epilepsy coexisting with autism are
being treated today. This article explores the option of applying Epigenetics as a Biotechnological Tool in curing the
limiting symptoms of autism and curing seizure disorders when present along with autism, thus helping the child to be
free from both without taking any conventional antiepileptic medications.

Introduction resonate with its natural frequency of alignment, balance and har-
mony. Intent Healing(TM) is healing using the power of Intention,
First things first - What do I mean by the term “Cure” with accessing energies prior to consciousness that is free from all lim-
respect to Autism and Epilepsy? The answer is as follows: iting conditioning and which brings about the realignment in the
a) When I use the term ‘Cure’ for autism, I mean the disap- energy fields of beings/systems by rewiring the neural network in
pearance of all the Limiting Symptoms in autism that is Unique the brain and gut, reprogramming the DNA and erasing faulty cel-
and Specific for each child with autism. lular memories. To understand the newly emerging scientific fields
of Applied Intentional Epigenetics, Applied Energy Medicine and
b) When I use the term ‘Cure’ for epilepsy in the present the Intent Healing(TM) method further, it is recommended to read
context where autism and epilepsy are present together in the the articles given under the references section in this article [1-4].
child/person, I mean the complete absence of seizures in the child Case reports and evidence of successfully healed cases of autism
with the child on no medication for epilepsy. Meaning, even if the applying Applied Intentional Epigenetics is available in the refer-
child were on some anti-epileptics, with this cure, the child can be ence section [5,6].
taken OFF those medicines and the seizure symptoms completely
disappear permanently (five-year follow-up). The Energy Basis of Epilepsy in Autism
Epigenetics literally means “control above genes”. Applied The fundamental understanding of the Real cause for all
Intentional Epigenetics is the art and science of applying tech- the symptoms in autism is mandatory in order to understand the
niques that bring about epigenetic transformations in a being or underlying basis of the occurrence of seizures in a child with au-
system using the power of Intention in any way, shape or form. It tism. In order to enlighten oneself about the same and/or refresh
brings about these transformations at the level of the genes and the one’s memory on this foundational aspect of autism, it is recom-
DNA of the being by bringing about Energy Shifts within the pat- mended that one peruse these relevant articles published in various
terns encoded in the DNA, among other things. Applied Intention- international journals here: http://www.authenticautismsolutions.
al Epigenetics thus has an underlying Energy Medicine basis to it. com/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/Autism-Open-Access-My-Ed-
Energy Medicine is the art and science of restoring a being/system itorial.pdf and
to its natural state of well-being and wholeness by augmenting the uploads/2016/11/Editorial-Autism-Epigenetics-Open-Access-
innate ability of the being/system to heal itself on all levels by Journal.pdf Coming from this Energy Basis understanding of au-
bringing about shifts in the energy fields in the being/system to tism let us now understand the Real reason for the occurrence of

1 Volume 2; Issue 02
Adv Biochem Biotechnol, an open access journal
ISSN 2574-7258
Citation: Kandaswamy R (2017) Autism and Epilepsy: Application of Epigenetics as a Biotechnological Tool for Permanently Curing Epilepsy in Autism. Adv
Biochem Biotechnol 2: 121. DOI: 10.29011/2574-7258.000021

the symptoms of seizures in children with autism. In other words, being termed as heightened/increased energy-sensitivity.
WHAT triggers these seizures to manifest in children who already In short, these autistic children throw a seizure when what
have the limiting symptoms of autism? would be considered as “normal” or “tolerable” energetic stress
The answer is - the seizures manifest due to the Energy Dis- by the so-called Neurotypical people is in fact “Unbearable” and
turbances in the energy fields of the autistic child which in turn “Intolerable” to their energy systems and organs. In addition to
results in abnormal electrical signals /connections happening in this it may be worthwhile to remind oneself of this fact that our
the brain. The energy disturbance is primary and the electrical “brains” are communicating all the time with other brains - A form
disturbance in the brain (both brain in the skull and the brain the of neurological network operating beyond the illusionary limita-
stomach) is secondary. To know and understand the presence and tions of the individual bodies as proven by the experiments of Dr.
functioning of these two brains in autism and the connection be- Vilayanur Ramachandran, a neuroscientist .He has performed ex-
tween the immune system and brain in autism [7-9], it is recom- periments that demonstrate that there is no real distinctiveness of
mended to peruse these articles here: a person’s consciousness from somebody else’s consciousness[13]
.This can be understood in further detail with relevance to autism, here:
rology-Journal-Editorial-The-Third-Brain-In-Autism.pdf Neurological-Understanding-of-Surrogate-Healing-in-Autism.pdf
Recurrent-Infections-Autism-New-Understanding-Of-The-Symp- And so, this combined effect of Energy Sensitivity and “Energetic
toms-Through-Discoveries-Made-In-Psychoneuroimmunology. Neuro-sensitivity” to the electrical disturbances from the neural
pdf network of people around them (primary caregivers mainly) re-
sults in the autistic child manifesting seizures. While the reader
The TRIGGER for these energy disturbances in the autistic allows these mind-blowing facts to sink in, we can now explore
child is the energy disturbances in the parents’ caregivers’ energy the Biotechnological aspect of autism and epilepsy for a better un-
fields and the energy disturbances arising from the physical envi- derstanding of the Solution for these two co-existing conditions in
ronment around the autistic child. some children/people with autism.
Therefore, from this fresh understanding of autism and epi-
lepsy in autism, one can then know that the Solution would be in How Applied Intentional Epigenetics is being
helping the autistic child to be free from being affected by these Applied as a Biotechnology Tool in Reversing
kinds of energy disturbances. the Debilitating Symptoms in Autism presenting
The autistic child’s energy fields gets affected by these en- along with Epilepsy
ergy disturbances because these children are born as Energy Sensi-
tive Beings and with poor Energy Boundaries and therefore, with Biotechnology and its Relevance in Autism
lowered Energetic Immunity[10-12]. To understand the term ener- Biotechnology, in simple terms is “the use of living systems
getic immunity one can go through these articles here: and organisms to develop or make products, or any technologi- cal application that uses biological systems, living organisms, or
Editorial-Amish-And-Autism-Energetic-Immunity.pdf derivatives thereof, to make or modify products or processes for
specific use”
Recurrent-Infections-Autism-New-Understanding-Of-The-Symp- Epigenetics in simple terms means “control above genes
toms-Through-Discoveries-Made-In-Psychoneuroimmunology. “which is brought about by applying factors such as dietary and
pdf lifestyle changes and techniques bringing about Energy shifts,
among other things, that switch some genes “on” or “off”. The
What is meant by energy sensitivity is - these children are common factor that connects biotechnology and epigenetics in
born with the ability to feel, sense, and tune into the energy fields the present context of autism is - INTENT and Intention. And
of people and environments. Since these energies are considered the PRACTICAL Application of this combination that is already
“subtle” by mainstream medicine as of now,this ability is therefore showing results in helping these children with autism with epilep-

2 Volume 2; Issue 02
Adv Biochem Biotechnol, an open access journal
ISSN 2574-7258
Citation: Kandaswamy R (2017) Autism and Epilepsy: Application of Epigenetics as a Biotechnological Tool for Permanently Curing Epilepsy in Autism. Adv
Biochem Biotechnol 2: 121. DOI: 10.29011/2574-7258.000021

sy lead fulfilling lives and thriving in freedom is - Applied Inten- ings first and then into the AI System/ Milieu. Biotechnology plus
tional Epigenetics and Applied Energy Medicine. Both these being Consciousness = AI (Artificial Intelligence)
applied through the methodology of Intent Healing(™). To know Coming to the present context of autism and epilepsy, the
more about HOW they are helping autistic children gain complete cutting edge Science of Applied Intentional Epigenetics is being
freedom from the limiting symptoms of autism, one can peruse used as a Biotechnological tool, improving the quality of the lives
this article here: of children with Autism. All these changes are being brought about at the operational
uploads/2014/12/Autism-Open-Access-My-Editorial.pdf level of the “Junk” DNA, which is in fact the most significant and
No biotechnological tool has been actually developed or applied to (hyper) active part of the DNA whose natural state is that of En-
heal all the limiting symptoms of autism including curing Epilep- ergy. The work of Russian biophysicist and molecular biologist
sy in autism, until now. This article presents Intent Healing(TM) Pjotr Garjajev reveals the specifics of the mechanism. They can
(based on the cutting edge sciences of Applied Intentional Epi- therefore be called as “Energetic DNA”.
genetics and Applied energy medicine)as an Epigenetic tool that
not only heals all the limiting symptoms of autism, but also cures Conclusion
associated Epilepsy in the autistic being/child, if present. The in- The point is this - Regardless of whether mainstream medi-
tention is to share this path-breaking information for the first time cine is “willing” to acknowledge these mind-blowing discoveries
in the world so that those reading can gain awareness that there is made in various cutting-edge scientific disciplines as described
already a Solution for both Autism and Epilepsy that is working above, what has practical relevance and significance here is that
on the ground. they are being actually applied in a practical manner today in the
I discovered this in my healing practice when children pre- form of Intent Healing(™) that is showing the results of complete
senting with autism and epilepsy started recovering completely healing of both- limiting symptoms of autism and epilepsy . Chil-
from ALL the limiting symptoms of autism, including the symp- dren and families struggling with the combined presence of these
toms of Epilepsy (diagnosed and on medication) and were taken two conditions in their child/loved one can now breathe a sigh of
off the medicines once the healing sessions were started. This was relief and watch their autistic child Thrive in freedom.
done under medical supervision in some cases and voluntarily by
the parents in most others. These healing sessions (Remote healing
with Intent Healing(™) were done for the parents first and then the 1. Rajalakshmi K (2014) The Way Forward In Autism: The Paradigm
autistic child. With a period of five year follow up off medication it Shift from the Problem to the Solution in Autism. Autism- Open Access
has been confirmed that Intent Healing(™) indeed is a Permanent
solution for both - The limiting symptoms of autism And Epilepsy 2. Rajalakshmi K (2015)Epigenetics as a Solution in Autism: Control
above Autism Genes. Autism-Open AccessJournal5:1.
in autism.
3. WATiller (1997) Science and Human Transformation: Subtle
Human Technological Advances and its Relevance in Energies,Intentionality and Consciousness, Walnut Creek, CA, USA:
Biotechnology Pavior Publishing.

For those who may be wondering if this too far-fetched and 4. William A Tiller (1993) What Are Subtle Energies? Journal of Scientific
Exploration 7: pp293-pp304.
“out there”. I recommend going through this article here:
5. Rajalakshmi Kandaswamy (2015)A Case of a Non-Verbal Child with Autism Gaining Faculty of Speech with Applied Energy Medicine 15:
JIAATS-April-Jase-6-2259.pdf 3.

This article explains how the Ultimate “Technological Ad- 6. Rajalakshmi K (2015) A Case of A 17 year old Boy With Autism Be-
vancement” is the Human mind and the way it is being applied coming Completely Independent And Thriving On His Own With Ap-
plied Intentional Epigenetics. International Journal Of Advances In
through techniques such as Remote viewing and Remote Sensing Case Report 2: 9.
to capture criminals such as Saddam Hussein, by no less an orga-
nization than the U.S Military. In other words, techniques such 7. Rajalakshmi K (2015) The Third Brain in Autism: Opening the Doors to
The Solution In Autism. Neurology: Open Access Journal 1: 1.
as Remote Sensing and Remote Viewing too are Biotechnologi-
cal devices/tools [14]. Even if one thinks in terms of exploring AI 8. Rajalakshmi Kandaswamy (2015) Gut Issues in Autism: Applied Psy-
(Artificial Intelligence), the underlying connecting thread is Intent choneuroimmunology.Austin Journal of Autism & Related Disabilities.
Austin J Autism & Relat Disabil 1:
and Intention. And both these need to flow through the Human be-

3 Volume 2; Issue 02
Adv Biochem Biotechnol, an open access journal
ISSN 2574-7258
Citation: Kandaswamy R (2017) Autism and Epilepsy: Application of Epigenetics as a Biotechnological Tool for Permanently Curing Epilepsy in Autism. Adv
Biochem Biotechnol 2: 121. DOI: 10.29011/2574-7258.000021

9. Rajalakshmi Kandaswamy (2015) Autism: New Understanding of the 13. Rajalakshmi Kandaswamy (2016)The Neurological Understanding of
Symptoms Through Discoveries Made inPsychoneuroimmunology. Surrogate Healing in Autism.Journal of Neurology and Neuroscience
Autism Open Access5:2. 7:89.

10. Rajalakshmi K(2015) The Science behind the Absence of Autism in the 14. Rajalakshmi Kandaswamy (2015)Applying Advanced Human Techno-
Amish Community: Energetic Immunity.Autism-Open Access 5:1. logical Abilities In Healing Autism.Journal of The International Associa-
tion of Advanced Technology and Science 16
11. William A Tiller, Walter E Dibble White Paper on A Brief Introduction to
Intention-Host Device Research.

12. Jahn RG, Dunne BJ (1987) Margins of reality: The role of conscious-
ness in the physical world.Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Publishers,
New York.

4 Volume 2; Issue 02
Adv Biochem Biotechnol, an open access journal
ISSN 2574-7258

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