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A. tonight B. that night C.

the following night

In this seminar, you have learned:

 the specific language for trade;

 the definition of electronic commerce;
 about the modern trends in commerce, namely e- commerce;
 the advantages and disadvantages of e- commerce;
 to convert direct speech into indirect speech.

Self-assessment Test 1

1.4.1. Choose the best response:

1.”She will visit us next week”. She told me that she next week
a. would visit us b.will visit us c.visits us
2.”I talk to my brother every day”. He told me that he_ to his brother.
a. was talking b.talked talking
3.”My friens will help me to study. She told me that her friend ____her
a. will help b.helps c. would help
4.”Mary is living in Bucharest”. My friend told me that
Mary______ in Bucharest.
b. lives b.was living living 5.
5.”ǁI have visited that region”. She told me that she _that region
a. had seen b.has seen c.saw
6.”I will be in Snatiago next week”. She told me that she in
Santiago next week
a. will be b.would be c. is
7.”Turn off the ligh”ǁ. He asked me the light
a. turned off b.turn off turn off
8.I am a good cook. She told me that she a good cook. b.was c.will be
9.”I have been to that conference”. He told me that he to
that conference.
a. had been b.will have been being.
10.I am calling my girlfriendǁ. He told me he _his girlfriend.
a. is calling b.was calling c.calls.

1.4.2. Translate into English the following sentences:

1. Bursa de valori joaca un rol esenţial în lumea afacerilor în zilele
2. Toate problemele importante vor fi incluse pe ordinea de zi.
3. Comitetul director se va întruni nu mai târziu de 15 aprilie a.c.
4. Preşedintele Comitetului director se va întâlni cu toţi acţionarii pentru a
le expune noile condiţii cerute pe piaţa internaţională.
5. Întreprinderile mici şi mijlocii pot primi fonduri nerambursabile din

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