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Fase 1- Reconocimiento del Curso

Sonia Bedoya Escobar Código: 29.180.956

Juego Gerencial

Grupo 102026_52


Edgar Romero Herrera

Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia UNAD

Escuela de Ciencias Administrativas Contables Económicas y de Negocios – ECACEN

Programa de Administración de Empresas

Febrero 14 de 2021

In carrying out this work the recognition of issues related to administration will be carried out, in

the area of management play; where it is sought to develop in the student skills to carry out a

business diagnosis and in this way build scenarios that allow us to anticipate the changes of the

environment and to be able to generate an action plan that guarantees to any company its

permanence in the market

The concept map shows the main topics to be covered in each of the units of the management

game course. It is detailed that in unit 1 the analysis strategies will be studied, focusing on topics

such as the evaluation of financial indicators, business diagnosis, strategies of the management

process and strategic thinking.

For its part, Unit 2 focuses on the subject of business marketing, where topics such as the

marketing plan, pricing and strategies to lead sales teams to success are covered.

While Unit 3, which includes trading strategies, contains topics such as fundamentals of trading

strategy and types of trading strategies.

1. Selecting a company


It is an international company based in Cali, Colombia that is dedicated to recycling tires,

to provide the country and its inhabitants with a healthier and safer environment, in this

way they help to reduce the environmental impact caused by the toxics that are expelled

into the air by burning tires, generate a recycling culture and take advantage of the scrap

of tires to be transformed into raw materials used in different applications in the market.
1. Method Organizational Diagnostic

This diagnosis is intended to find the shortcomings within the company since if the

cause of them is reached it will be easy to find real solutions, it is important that the

need to evaluate the company arises from its owners to implement a plan of

improvement inside the company.

- Clear guidance should be maintained

- It is important to set goals

- Data information is collected

- It is important to analyse the information

- Essential to perform a feedback

- Have an action plan

- Strategies need to be implemented

- Follow up appropriately

- It is necessary to evaluate the results

The business diagnosis allows to maintain a development facing the solution of

problems and the application of the results, it is important that the company has the

Fig. No. 1: Organizational Diagnostic Scheme


The process of organizational diagnosis is a process that allows to know the real situation of the

organization at a given time to discover problems and opportunities for improvement within an


The tools that allow reaching an organizational development are: corporate evolution, the

business process, quality management, knowledge management, management by objectives, the

evaluation of results, the strategic planning that allows strategic addressing.


Administración de empresas/Comportamiento organizacional/Diagnóstico organizacional. (2019,

septiembre 26). Wikilibros, . Consultado el 00:50, octubre 16, 2020 en



Torres, Z. (2014). Administración estratégica. México. Grupo Editorial Patria (P109-117).

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