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A STUDY OF DEMONS A SERIES The materials contained herein are from the actual transparencies used in the CIA seminar series ©1993 Stewart C. Best CIA MINISTRIES Text: Matthew 13:18-30, THE PARABLE OF THE SQWER. THESE ARE THE "CALLED", THE ONES WHO HEAR THE GOSPEL. MANY ARE CALLED, BUT FEW ARE CHOSEN. WHY? 1. THE WAYSIDE - SATAN TAKES THE TRUTH AWAY 2. THE STONEY GROUND - NO ROOT, THEY ARE "OFFENDED" 3. THE THORNS - THE WORLD MEANS MORE THAN CHRIST We end up with only one SMALL GROUP: THE "GOOD GROUND" CHRISTIANS WHO “"ASK", WHO "SEEK" WHO *KNOCK", WHO "STRIVE" AND WHO "LABOUR" TO FIND THE TRUTH.’ THEY STUDY THE WORD, THEY APPLY THE WORD, THEY OBEY THE WORD UNTO "REGENERATION" AND AFTER. SO WE_END UP WITH AN "ELECT" OF ONLY A FEW, AND THE MASSES OF PEOPLE END UP IN ETERNAL DAMNATION, FOREVER SEPARATED FROM THE GOD Wil0 CREATED THEM. HOW DOES If HAPPEN? SATAN AND HIS DEMONS "PREVENT THEM". REVIEW OF SATAN: 1. HEIS A REAL SPIRIT ENTITY 2, HE IS CLASSIFIED AS ABSOLUTE EVIL 3. HE CAN MANIFEST HIMSELF IN PHYSICAL FORM 4. CHRIST DELT WITH HIM AS A REAL BEING 5. HE HAS TOTAL CONTROL OVER THE EARTH 6 HE OPERATES "INVISIBLY" AND ATTEMPTS TO CONVINCE MANKIND HE DOES NOT EVEN EXIST. 7, HIS ONLY PURPOSE IS TO TAKE AS MANY SOULS OF MANKIND TO ETERNAL DAMNATION AS POSSIBLE. 8 HE HAS LEGAL TITLE TO EVERY MAN, WOMEN AND CHILD BORN INTO THE HUMAN RACE. 9. HE IS THE HIDDEN RULER BEHIND ALL "WORLD SYSTEMS" SUCH AS GOVERNMENT, ECONOMICS, RELIGIONS. IN SHORT, SATAN IS REAL, LITERAL, POWERFUL. THE ONLY ESCAPE IS JESUS CHRIST, MANKIND THEN IS UNDER THE SWAY OF SATAN AND HIS DEOMNS. 1. HE IS BORN IN SPIRITUAL DARKNESS, 2. HE LIVES IN SPIRITUAL DARKNESS. 3. HE LIVES IN TOTAL BONDAGE TO SIN 4. THE "SIN" IS SELF LOVE/CONDITIONAL LOVE 5. HE LIVES IN FEAR OF DEATH iE INNATELY KNOWS SOMETHING IS WRONG iE HAS AN EMPTYNESS WITHIN iE ATIMEPTS TO PILL THE VOID WITH WORK, PLEASURE, ANYTHING WHATEVER. HE WILL NOT COME ro THE TRUTH, IS MIND IS "HOSTILE TOWARD GOD" - HE IS UNDER THE CONTROL OF SATAN. E so Z hm IS UNDER THE CONTROL OF DEMONS IS SELF DESTRUCTIVE IE CANNOT SAVE HIMSELF 15: HE IS UTTERLY LOST, AND GOING TO HELL 16: HIS SPIRIT 1S DEAD. TE JESUS CHRIST ALONE CAN “REGENERATE” HIS SPIRIT 18° MAN MUST COME TO CHRIST TQ BE SAV! 21: BELIVERS HAVE VICTORY OVER SATAN AND DEMONS. ‘The term OVERCOME means to have STRIVED AND LABOURED AGAINST AN ADVERSARY. THE TERM "OVERCOME" Is IN FACT "REGENERATION" IN MOST CASES. THIS IS "WHY CHRIST USES THE TERM OVERCOME IN HIS LETTERS ‘TO THE CHURCHES. THE OVERCOMER IS THE ONE WHO FOUGHT SATAN AND HIS DEMONS AND "OVERCAME THEM". THEY ARE VICTORS, AND THEY WEAR THE WHITE ROBES OF CHRIST. THE OVERCOMER ENGAGED IN. “LIFE AND DEATH" STRUGGLE OVER SATAN RUNS HIS OPERATION WITH THE HELP OF MILLIONS OF "DEMONS" WHO ARE ALSO REAL AND LITERAL SPIRIT BEINGS OF TREMENDOUS INTELLIGENCE AND POWER. THIS IS SATAN'S SPIRITUAL STRUCTURE tm as2 ‘SATAN OR LUCIFER. (SAME PERSON) BEELZEBUB (HIS COMMANOING GENERAL) PRINCIPALITIES (OR DUKES) (NAMES OF TOP OEMONS WITHHELO) l Ll us waTHNELO) J : SEXUAL || ADDICTION DEATH & gccuer | “Lust. lla Partying | MURDER}! sickness Ag, NOOHEUAT ORGS oR TE oeasned 132 RELIGIONS BLSEXUALITY. HALLUCINATING) ABORTION i UNDER CHRIS Lopaes ADULTERY ‘SMOKING sALOUST (TIAN ONLY.) EASTERN PREMARITAL SEX ALCOHOL . ivr RELIGIONS” MASTURGATION—CAFFENE wan Fause PORNOGRAPHY —_ GLUTTONY 05 ‘aRiSTAN (OVEREATING) FEUGIONS LUBERAL CHRISTIN RELIGIONS IRLUMINAT| OWNED CHURCHES ALLUGINATING ORUGS. wes eS POWERS SERVE Ayre REINCARNATION CONTROLLING NATIONS, GOVTS, CITIES & TOWNS T tit UNDER THESE, COUNTLESS UNCLEAN SPIRITS... EACH UNDER STRICT CONTROL, OF ITS COMMANDER, 'SATAN'S SPIDER WEB COVERS THE WHOLE WORLD: \’VERY. FEW ESCAPE FROM HIM, THE DOCTRINE OF DEMONS DEMONS ARE DIVIDED INTO TWO CLASSIFICATION: 1, THOSE THAT ARE BOUND AND SOME OF WHICH WILL SOON BE RELEASED DURING THE TRIBULATION PERIOD. 2, THOSE THAT ARE FREE TO ROAM THE EARTH AND THE HEAVENS. THE FREE Demons lurk everywhere in the modern world, totally undetected by modern man. Text: 1 Corinthians 10:20 Bur, Jo 28¥iq thatthe, things that, the Gentiles sngrfice, that SACRIFICE TO DEVILS, AND NOT TO GOD: AND | WOULD NOT THAT YE SHOULD HAVE FELLOWSHIP WITH DEVILS." Now this verse is in relation to IDOLS, and IDOL WORSHIP. Text: Psalm 96:5 “FOR ALL THE GODS OF THE NATIONS ARE IDOLS; but the Lord made the heavens." eaking about America, BABYLON THE GREAT, Jeremiah says: "A DROUGHT IS UPON HER WATERS: AND THEY SHALL BE DRIED UP: FOR IT IS THE LAND OF GRAVEN IMAGES, AND THEY ARE MAD UPON THEIR IDOLS.” Now if Pau) says IDOLS HAVE DEMONS BEHIND THEM, AND AMERICANS ARE MAD UPON THEIR IDOLS, THEN AMERICANS ARE INVOLVED "IN. MASS" WITH DEMONS,’OR "EVIL SPIRITS*, WHO LURK’ BEHIND THE IDOLS, AND PROMOTE THE "WORSHIP". Text: Revelation 18:2 vAnd he called mightily, witha strong voice, saying, BABYLON THE GREAT IS FALLEN, IS FALLEN, AND IS BECOME THE HABITATION OF DEVILS, AND ‘THE HOLD OF EVERY FOUL SPIRIT, AND THE CAGE OF EVERY UNCLEAN AND HATEFUL BIRD." In a very short time AMERICA WILL BE TOTALLY POSSESSED BY DEMONS. THE WORD DEMON IS NOT FOUND OFTEN IN SCRIPTURE, THEY ARE USALLY CALLED "DEVILS". DEMON, DEMONIAC ‘A. Nouns, 1. DAIMON (Saiuwr), a demon, signified, among pagan Greeks, an interior deity, whether good or bad. In the N.T. it denotes an evil spirit, ‘Unisused in Matt, 8:31, mistranslated ” devia.” ‘Some would derive the word from a root da--, meaning to distribute, More probably it is from a similar root da—, meaning to know, and. hence means a knowing one.{] ‘2 DAIMONION (Bsiainoy), not a diminutive of daimdn, No. x, but the neuter of the adjective dasmonios, pertaining to a demon, is also mistranslated “ devil," devils." In Acts 17: 18, it denotes an inferior pagan deity. Demons are the spiritual agents acting inalldolatey, The SdaLitsell js nothing, Dut every idol has a demon astociated with it who induces idolatry, with its worship and_sactifices, x Cor. 10:20, 24; Rev. 920; cp. Deut. 32:17; Isa, ty:at; 34:14; 6523, 3%. They disseminate errors among men, and seek to seduce believers, 1 Tim. 4:1. 4s sedveing spirits they deceive men into the supposition that through mediums (those who have "familiar spirits,” Lev. 20:6, 27, eg.) they can converse with deceased human beings. Hence the destructive. deception of Spiritism, forbidden in Seripture, Lev. x9 32 Deut. x8: 38: Isa, 8:19. Demons tremble belore God, Jas. 2:19; they recognized Christ_as Lord and as their future Judge, Matt. 8:29; Luke I. (Christ east them out of human beings by His own power.” His disciples His Name,-and by exercising faith, eg., Matt. x7 "20. ‘Acting under Satan (ep. Rev. 16: 13, 14), demons are permitted to afflel_with bodily disease, Luke 13:16. "Being unclean they tempt ‘human beings with unclean thoughts, Matt, rot; Mark 5:2; 7:25: Luke 8:27-29; Rev. 16:33; 18:2, og, They differ in degrees of wickedness, Matt. 2245. They will instigate the rulers of the nations at the end of this age to make war against God and His Christ, Rev. 16:14. B. Verb. DAIMONIZOMAT (Saysonifoua) signifies o be possessed of demon, 113 to act under. the control of a demon. Those who were thus afflicted ¢ expressed the mind and consciousness of the demon or demons indwelling. them, eg., Luke 8: 28. ‘The verb is found chiefly in Matt. and Mark; Matt. 4/24; 8:36, 28, 33; 9:32; 12:22; 15:22: Mark 1:32; 5:15, 16, 18; elsewhere in Luke 8 36 and Johh xo 21, " him that hath a devil (demon). ©. Adjective, 200 DAIMONIODES (Saipovussns) signifies proceeding from, or cesembling, C1 DEVIL, DEVILISH DIABOLOS —_DIABOLOS (SidBotes), an accuser, a slanderer (from diaballl, to accuse, f0 malign), is one of the names of Satan. From it the English vtord "Devil is derived, and should be applied only to Satan, as a oper name, is frequently, but wrongly, translated evil" it should always be translated ” demon,” as in the RV. margin, GSiN08 ‘Theressone Devil, there are many demons. Being the malignant enemy 1 Acasa Bie “ms te AGavA ee 209 re Cotes agencies) ; (6) ceremonially, Acts 10: 14, 26 5 ‘of God and man, he accuses man to God, Job 16-11; 2:1-5; Ret, 12:9, 10, and God to man, Gen, 3. He afficts men with physical sufferings, Acts 10: 38. Being himeelf sinful, x John 3:8, he instigated man to sin, Gen. 3, and tempts man to do evil, Eph. 4:27; 6:11, encouraging him thereto by deception, Eph. 2:2, Death having been brought into the world by sin, the Devil had the power of death, but Christ through His own Death, has triumphed over him, and will bring him to nought, Heb. 2:14: his power over death is intimated in his struggle with Michael over the body of Moses, Jude 9. Judas, who gave himself over to the Devil, was so identified with him, that the Lord described him as such, John 6:70 (see 13:2). As the Devil raised himself in pride against God and fell under condemnation, so believers ‘are warned against similar sin, x Tim, 3:4; for them he lays snares, ‘ver. 7, seeking to devour them as a roaring lion, x Pet. $8; those who fall into his snare may be recovered therefrom unto the will of God, 2 Tim, 2: 26, " having been taken captive by him (ie., by the Devil); "by the Lord's servant is an alternative, which some regard as confirmed by the use of s3gred (to eateh alive) in Luke 5: 10; but the {general use is that of taking captive in the usual way. If believers resist he will fee from them, Jas. 4:7. His fury and malignity will be especially exercised at the end of the present age, Rev. 12: 12, His doom is the lake offre, Matt, 25 : 4x ; Rev. 20: 10. The noun is applied to slanderers, Jase accusers, x Tim. 3:11; 2 Tim. 3:3; Tit. 2:3. Note: For" devilish,” Jas. 3:17, sce Demon, C. TNCLEAN 1 sats / ns ARATHARTOS aut trim (ei a es tty iets Somatic na to pry) ed) ca a ee iets: 82 (o eet ae Sarat hguratve of-destmctive Satanic i ar: 8; x Gor. 73345 ‘morally, 2 Cor. 6:17, including (b), R.’ ‘no unclean thing =ph. SASh Ros the foam chante the shines") Eo eee ere strated cea "io Rom. 4:14 aN oo ee that deft flow the ins DEVILS ARE CALLED OTHER THINGS AS WELL: DEMONS DEVILS PAMILIAR SPIRITS UNCLEAN SPIRITS EVIL SPIRITS: SEDUCING SPIRITS ADVERSARIES FALSE ACCUSERS SLANDERERS FOUL SPIRITS: HATEFUL BIRDS THE NATURE OF DEMONS 1. They are intelligent and wise angelic beings Text: Acts 19:15 "And the evil spirit answered and said, JESUS I KNOW, AND PAUL. KNOW: BUT WHO ARE YE?" 2. They are powerful but not almighty Text: Mark 5:1-18 (V2-3) "And when he (Jesus) came out of the ship, immediately there met him out of the tombs A MAN WITH AN UNCLEAN SPIRIT, Who had his dwelling among the tombs; AND NO MAN COULD BIND HIM, NO, NOT WITH CHAINS..." 3. They are disembodied evil spirits ‘Text: Acts 16:16-18 "And it came to pass, as we went to prayer, a certain damsel posseseed with a spitit of divination... "But Paul, being grieved, turned and said TO THE, SPIRIT, } GOMMAND THEE’ IN THE'’NAME OF JESUS CHRIST TO COME OUT OF HER. AND HE CAME OUT THE SAME HOUR.” 4. They are inhuman, yet seek to possess humans ‘Text: Mark 16:17 "And these signs shall follow them that believe; IV MY NAME SHALL. ‘THEY CAST OUT DEVILS." The manifold activities of these demons ‘occupy considerable space in the Bible, as T have shown in the volume of mine men- tioned above. Briefly stated, evil spirits— Possess people and cause diseases, dumbness, deafness and blindness (Mat- thew 4:93,24; 9:32,33; 12:22; Mark 25). 7 Cause grievous vexation, suicide, lunacy and mania (Matthew 4:93,24; 17:14-21; "Mark 5:1-8; 9:20). 7 Disseminate uncleanness (Luke 4:36. ‘Some 21 times they are called unclean snirits). They are also the source of lusts \(ohn 8:44; Ephesians 2:1-3; 1 John 2: 15-17) They _ manifest supernatural strength (Mark 5:18), and seek counterfeit wor- ship (Leviticus 17:7; Deuteronomy 3: 17; II Chronicles 11:15; Psalm 106:37; XU Corinthians 10:20; Revelation 9:20). They are guilty of error, deceptions, lying, witcheraft, heresies and false teach- ings and prophecies (I Timothy 4:1,2; 1 John 4:1-6; T Kings 22:21-24; I Chron- icles 33:6;'I Samuel 18:8-10). 7 They can oppress; be jealous, steal, fight, tell fortunes, possess men at will, travel, imitate the departed dead (Acts 10:38; I Samuel 16:14; 18:8-10; 1 Timo- thy 4:1; Matthew 12:43-45; 13:19; Luke 8:12; Ephesians 4:27; 6:10.18; 5:8; Leviticus 20:27; Acts 16:16; I Sam- uel 28:3-9; I Chronicles 10:13; Isaiah 8: 19; Deuteronomy 18:11). Thousands of them can possess a man at the same time, being disembodied they can enter and control both men and beasts (Mark 5:1-18; Matthew 12:43-45). * They wage war on saints, influence men, have unbelievers in league with them, inflict physical maladies on those they possess (Ephesians 2:1-3; 6:10-18; I Timothy 4:1-5; I Peter 2:10-12; Mat- thew 12:29; 17:15-18) (~26 And as it was in the days of Nd’-é, so shall it be also in the \ days of the Son of man. : CHAPTER 6 ND it came to pass,when mén. began to multiply on the face of the earth, and daughters were born unto them, 1.28, daughter Sf wen thar th Jaughters-of-mei ey-were fait;-and-they-*took them. waves hich-they_chose, Devt. 7:3, 4 3 And the Lorp said, ‘My spirit shall not always'strive with man, for that he also is flesh: yet his days shall: be an hundred and twenty years. - Gal. 5:16 rule in 4 There were, th in those days; and also. after that; when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men which were of.old, men of renown, 10 THE DAYS OF NOAH Zz 8 2 5 & < a ye aBenBuvy Jo uojsnyuog —p————— an = uo}8119¥ Plum 2UO Awouoog piiom aug —~ yuowsaA0p priom aug -—} NIMROD ANTICHRIST 1 dood SHL—}-————-—— uorjdn.zoo 1830, ---} inenxasdwoll SOUaTOIA — ssoupoxoim—t ‘SyUBIO—7 ee eet i al a ut ilps lL ‘THE Days oF Hoan — SOSHALLIT BE sit ase | WICKEDNESS: HOMOSEXUALITY: “TOTAL CORRUPTION: wane ee i 12 13 40 naan sounietn ustworsqed 2uL, x sun ven pooun sworn te 70 wesveoujuim oui °C Toroeds an the joie aa XWONOD3 C1HON 3NO. Axamaa09 a7 u soa ams Naw AUasNT SHES SRO CREINA TRE ——— a0 SS SS ASSL ——. unawaano0 avwom ano Au oO NaN NI a3L¥OOT SRE EYE Tava go Auto mi aaavoor SNOWLYN G3LINA aii ¢--—~- Beieiaenee emeatgmest ———— "anv 40 WIAOL aN SEAVER emo soreaee oni notAave 3841 Rteg we Deer Lo 40 SA¥C IHL NE Sat a1 gy eS” 7 Gonesis é:t- uae 6-1 U1 Peter 244 2.The Rees Mest Earp iacisiess “tThere were ghebus Ia the earth t Jesus Crist said angtde DO NOT marry. tt aia AST tay they COULENOR, of that they were SELES. terol translation requires that we zecept Angels ‘wie kept not their fest estate" aid In fact Come To erin ond TOOK virgins of mankinds females. wu Identity of the“Sons of God” Genesis 6.1-2 ITEMS THEORY NO.1 THEORY NO. 2 THEORY NO. 3 Some Godly tir Dynesti of ee roy Woe inestic a ‘ois zd Devghters iH ron ‘gst eommane Pinge between se ‘wperanret ariage oy Poseamy wera ‘one Phi, Josephs Jann amie gum crus [Ameer npceta tence. ay ranean Seve Deitsin Brn Cast, pe Stier Ram Rabon. Pitoma’von Sed Sper The tem*sonsot Goa" | 1. The concept of hey tine | 1 Magates or res ten Ieersenytasgen (Job | | inseemngyenbisnes” | tleeato ss gods (Cxod TSenpeaanceea | ztemewimieascor’” | Ser928,9.98-Ps aude So permpereers | “tautytomibepeous | a2i8) ics ine choo 2.inge sometime cates Evdence |atemmeceormacing | 9.Thesinnerenecones | “"gorscfdenes wren {onmon theme toash aTheSemueghtinace | Surmebenmeve nat ot Goa 2. Guat see anges oot Sry Ose ya. L.Lendamphotapeatione. | 1.Theteem "son of Gea" | 1. Kingship ot expesed Eiangetewarenoiprere |" pevermesnstnieier | Inanywey oohy meson Shee 2. Scheer cones a.winytsmanpunidea by | 2.Roevdence thatthe tines |” king oe ton of ey theFesslormemehas: | "ate kepttosty seowate’ | (otnbicescpton Pe resto ange? Trettesyaoeserse, | Sen. ew Yesumentsuppert | toutforAdam end ves | 3. feeds the connection of opens | mevnionase sine chiven we butte ogy me Prov { 3.God hes not yet begun ‘are the Nephitim, not the Seruingtwevgnonctine. | fharenstnewnon .Tretumlorsnenes peters vl ete eter ci cston be derstood oe s.tanounstine sabe sah J ‘WE sons OF GoD ‘OTHER SOURCES ‘Giaence Leki, he noted shoe 1788 is Book, The Spit Worl: "in Genesis 6-4 we radAnd i come 1 as, when men Begen fly on the fae of the earth, end nughter were born unto them, Tha the tnt of God tow the dauphin of mem that they wer Jo fenutl:end They Took them wives ofall mich they chose. There were pont Inthe arth in thot ‘ys ond eto afer tha, when the soe Of God vame In unto the daughter of smen. and they Bare chien to them he sme Become mighty men which were Of e,men of renown. ho ware the SOMS OF GOD? Some cam that they ‘uae thes of ‘Seth ad thatthe DEUENETYof men were thedeghies of "Gin (reaiing) mth the godles.1068-~ Such Wm aammption hat {foundation nSerpnre.. Asin the eal dos of the rac we ncesary that ‘poten end ters and nar rvs should mary. it wa ey uniely thatthe descendenit of Se end Gain aid nt intermary uni some time before the ‘Flood, and wronger wil tht hen they did marry thee offing woul! be @ rect of ‘ator Mighty Mon... At oth the decendont of Set and of Cla vere earoyed nthe Fld, it endl thet they were RO apaate beat ther time and were equally nme nthe eht of God If he Sone of Seth and the doughten of Guin were mart, why ot Motes, who wrote the ‘Panteseuch, sy 40? 11 ot sufficient 15 tat the men of Massie what he meen... The we of the ward men infer he whole Adamie ee fend, not amply the descendant of Cin... Four names are used in Genes 6:14, Bre HElohim Yendeed ont Of Cod’ Brot arAdem’ daughters o ‘men’ ‘hens Nephit' [refering 10) ‘anit’: ‘Hog Gibbortm,”"Mighiy Men! The le “ne ie Eiohr,het mot the Home meening Wt the Oud Teta! the hatin the No, Inthe New Testament it applies f0 thor who have become ‘Sort of Godby the New Bath... the Old Testament applies exchnely othe angel ond 90 aed fre ines Toe in Genes [6] end toe tines Job Keith Thompson &th Rocky Mountain Conference on UFO's D"'What may have been orchestrated with great care has not been so much the reality of the experience as public perception of ite -Whitley Strieber “*Communion'’ O''Many analysts within the various transformation management projects have realized that the various activist move- ments may be useful in helping to destablize the present nation-state system and in laying some of the ground work for the New World Order...however, they are convinced that there must be something deeper to unite mankind into one. There must be a glue to bind all of the different cultures and races into one big happy family.” -The Omega-Letter February 1986 L The Omega-Letter...24 PREPARATION FOR DELUSION Ronald Reagan And UFOs O''I've often wondered, what if all of us the world discovered that we were thre: ened by an outer - a power from out space, from another planet?”’ -Ronald Reag (Newsweek 88/05/~ OIf suddenly there was @ threat to ti world from some other species fri another planet, we'd forget all the lit local differences that we have between ¢ two countries, and we would find out or and for all that we really are all hurr beings on this Earth together.’* -President Ronald Reagi to Mikhail Gorbachev, Geneva Sum: Dec. 5, 14 O''ln our obsession with antagonisme the moment, we often forget how mi unites ail the members of human Perhaps we need some outside, univer threat to make us recognize this comn ‘bond. | occasionally think how quickly differences worldwide would vanish if were facing an alien threat from outs this world.”” President Ronald Reac 42nd General Assembly of the Un Nat! Sept. 21,1 THE SITUATION—UFOs I know that neither Russia nor this country has anything even approaching such high speeds and maneuvers, Behind the scenes, high-ranking offi- cers are soberly concerned about the UFOs, but through official. secrecy and ridicule, many citizens are led to believe that the unknown flying objects are nonsense. ADMIRAL Roscoe HILLENEOETTER Former CIA Director and NICAP Board Member AN ESTIMATE OF THE SITUATION In Intelligence, if you have something to say about some vital problem, you write a report that is. known as an Estimate of the Situation. A few days after the DC-3 was buzzed, the people at Air Technical Intelligence Center decided that the time had arrived to make an Estimate of the Situation. The situation was the UFOs; the estimate was that they were interplanetary. BowaRn J. Rueeet, Chief USAF Project Bluebook (1953) THE ESTIMATE— INTERPLANETARY The most probable hypothesis to account for the UFO phenomena is that these are some kind of surveillance probes of extraterrestrial origin. Dr. J. E. MCDONALD UN. Address, 1967 THE UFO PROBLEM 1, WHAT ARE THEY? 2. ARE THEY REAL? 3, WHO ARE THEY? 4. WHAT DO THEY WANT? 5. WHAT DOES THE BIBLE SAY? View iooking to south Estimated UFO dimensions J 20"to 25" + 10° to 12" a ‘The discs sighted by crew of B-36 and observer on ground, Davis Monthan AFB, Tucson, Arizona, May 1, 1952. Sketch shows paths of the two dists relative to the 8-36. VA A ter me Tonopah, Nevaes, obec. sighted November 22, 1957, a6 de- ‘ines afd Saetehed fn ongial Blue Boox Hes Ge DR, J. ALLEN HYNEK 255 1G. 11.1 YEARLY TOTALS, 28388388 8 EEPPER RRR RSERESRERTE LEE 1947-1949 19521956 1967 THE WARS OF ISRAEL 1, 1947-1949 THE WAR OF INDEPENDENCE 2. 1986 - THE SUEZ WAR 3. 1967 - THE SIX DAY WAR 4, 1973 - THE YOM KIPPUR WAR THE FAR IT IS A PROVABLE FACT THAT UFO "FLAPS" AROUND THE WORLD (EXCEPT 1952) COLLATE TO THE BIRTH AND GROWTH OF ISRAEL ASIT WASIN THE DAYS OF NOAIT So Tae this quite clear, The subject of the memorandum is the Air Materiel Command's opinion concerning “Flying Discs.” It is dated 23 September 1947 and is written to the Commandin; ig General, Air D.C, Attention: Brig. "General G George Schulgen, As requested by AC/AS-2 there is presented below the considered opinion of this Command concerning the so-alled “Flying Discs.” This opinion is based on inter- Togation report data furnished by AC/AS-2 and prelimi- nary studies by personnel of T-2 and Aircraft Labora- tory, Engineering: Division T-3, This opinion was arrived at in a conference between personnel from the Air Institute of Technology, Intelligence T-2, Office Chief of Engineering Division, and the Aircraft, Power Plant and Propeller Laboratories of Engineering Division T-3. Tt_is the opinion that the phenomenon is something real_apd not _visionary or. ug. There are objects probably”“approximating the shape of a disc, of such appreciable size_as to appear to be as large as man- as extreme rates of climb, maneuverabi which must_b ed evasive when sighted or con- tacted by friendly aircraft and radar, lend belief to the - Manually, automa mon description of the objects is as follows: (1) Metallic or light reflecting surface, (2) Absence of trail except in a few instances when the object apparently was operating under high perfor- mance conditions, (3) Circular or elliptical in shape, flat on bottom and domed on top. (4) Several reports of well kept formation flights varying from three to nine objects. (5) Normally no associated sound, except in three instances a substantial rumbling roar was noted, (6) Level fight speeds normally above 300 knots are estimated, The above letter is signed by N.F. Twining, Lt. General, Forces, Washington, 25, =) SECRECY oR ELSE MERINT 5126 N_14230W 3 UNIDENTIFIED FLY- ING OBJECTS HEADED NW AT 17000 FEET Cl- GAR SHAPE 50 FEET TO SW at 2 MILES VERI- (IED BY NAVIGATOR VISIBILITY UNLIMITED '211513Z JONES NKLN - - . The above cryptic message is given as an example of a UFO report being reported under the auspices of JANAP-146.25 If such a report involves an airborne ob- servation, it is called a CIRVIS report. CIRVIS stands for COMMUNICATIONS INSTRUCTONS FOR REPORT- ING VITAL INTELLIGENCE SIGHTINGS. The order originates from the Joint Chiefs of Staff Joint Communi- cations-Electronics Committee. In: respect to security, JANAP-146 issues the following warning: SECTION I—SECURITY 210, MILITARY AND CIVILIAN a. All persons aware of the contents or existence of a CIRVIS report are governed by the Communications Act of 1934 and amendments thereto, and Espionage Laws. CIRVIS reports contain information affecting tho National Defense of the United States within the mean- ing of the Espionage Laws, 18 U.S. Code, 793 and 794. The unauthorized transmission or revelation of the contents of CIRVIS reports in any manner is probib- ited. Those who can remember the early days of the UFO problem will recall that airline pilots were then reporting UFOs regularly, However, just one year after the CLA- sponsored Robertson Panel had convened, the Air Force imposed JANAP-146 on all airline pilots flying for major airlines. On February 17, 1954, a significant conference was held between the Air Force and representatives of air- line companies. Jim Lucas, staff writer for Scripps-How- ard, covered this meeting in the following press release: aN TOP SECRET EYES ONLY THE WHITE HOUSE wasminavon ver 2hy 19476 MEMORANDUM POR THE SECRETARY OP DEFENSE Dear Secretary Forrestal: Ae per our recent conversation on this patter, ed to proceed with all due Speed and caution upon your undertaking. Hereafter Shis matter shall be referred to only ae Operation Ling that any future It continues to be ay £4 ultinate dinpos! tion considerations relative to of tis matter should ry ly with the Office of the President follow! propriate discuselons with yourself, Dr. Bush and the Director of Central Intelligence TOP SECRET EYES ONLY PUP Get re GXES..QULY EYPS_ONEY COPY ONE OF ONE. SUBJZCT) OPERATION MAJESTICN12 PRELIMINARY BRIEPING POR ‘VRESIDENT~ELECT EISENHOWER. DOCUMENT PREPARED 18 YOYEGQIN, 1952. BRIEPIRO OFPICER: AIM, RONCOK Hy MILLENKORTTER (KJ-2) Note: This document has deen prepared as e prelizinary briefing only, Tt should be regard introductory te « full operations Briefing intended to follow, arch and Development/ ly and only to the fits Operations of the pralect are control of the Majestion1? (Mejic-12) Group which vas setablished by epeotal cla tive order of Prenicent Trupan on 24 September, 19: ation by Dry Yannevar Bush and Secretary Jane, {See Attachment cat.) Members of the Majestionl2 Group were designated as follower Adu, Roscoe M. Billenkootter Dr, ‘Vannevar Bush Seoy. Jamew Y, Porrestale Gen, Nathan Py twining Reyt 9. Tandenbere Dr. Detiey Bronk. Dre Jerome Euneaker wr, Signey ¥, Souere Mr, Gordon ray Dr, Donald Wengel Gen, Robert M. Nontexue +1949, created August, 1950, upon ynien date Gen, Valter By Saith vas deeiqnated en’ péranhenc Feplacraent. TOP SECREP EM AJIC saan EYES ONLY peecnnmirs (2) Is MAJIC secon, COPY ONE OF HE. A overt analyticnl effort organized by Yen. Twining and Dyeihugh acting on the Streak ord of the Preeident, ree ed in @ preliminary concensus (19 Septeader, 1947) that the'disc wae mont Likely 8 enort range reconnel. noe craft, for the most part on the oraft's Thie conelusion wae bai flee and. the apparent deck of any identifieule provisioning, {See Attachsent *D",) A eiailer analysis of the four Geet A ae aera Ay'bes Bronte UTt wae tne. tentative Gonclueton of thie Kroup (30 Kovember, 1947) that althourh ike in appa rant fro Sinoe it Se virtually certain’ that th ate in any country on earth, coneigered centered around vhat their point of orig: they ret hers some netentiot Likely that ve ere ayetoe, entirely. Numerous examples of what appear to be a form of writing age, ittorte te dectphar,thege hevs Baually un asthod of propulsion or the nature or wethod of tranenic Sf the pover. sour Jenrch alone. these Linge hae heen complicated by the Soaplete adi of ientifianie Sinaey prepellere, Jee, oF other conventionsl. methods of propulsion and. guidan Fickags tnebun, fee componantes (ge th 7 v ropulaion unit vas cowpletely daetrozed by the explosion which caused the raabo y 7 7 ene exh BEMITOP SECRET / MAJIC Seer EYES.ONLY wv aor 7 MAJIC EYES ONLY 2 TOP SBCRET ELES_ ony COPY ONE OF ONE. A need for ae sub ponsihle ebout tnaee crafty thatr perforaanoe characteriatics and their Jurpese Jetlto) the, Undertaking known ne 0,8./ir Pores Prog STOR in Decesher, 1 or Praveeve security, Liason between STON vat Lisi fed to twor insivdduele within” ohe Tatelaie ister tivae to pase elena certain the ‘SOW evoived into Project OACDGE in Decenbery S948: ation te currently vetng Senducted wider the code naa With Iason maintained through the Air Poros officer of the project. itett2 ond ob ect, probably of etter siete aaa seed in the HH fnaiots Jectory throush t ch team arrived, vhet ri ly incinerated, Suoh material fyaneported to the 4.8.0, facility at Sandia, Nev Mexico, tor atuay. Tuplications for the National Seourtty are of continuing 4 portance in that the aotives and ultiaate intentions of these Vieitore revain completely unknown, In addition, a significant upsurge in the wurveiilange aotivity of these craft beginning in Kay and continuing throush the sutuan of this yaar hee caused goneidarable concern that nev developaenta may be saninent,. Tt te for these rensone, as vell ae the Obvious interrational and tachnolopicnl considerations ané the ultiaate need to avoid «public panic at all ooste, that the Kajestio-12 Crour Tenning of the unanimous opinion thet impos tion of the strictest security precautions should continue without inters Tuption into the nev adminin trations At the eane tinn, con- tingency plan MJ-1949-047/78 (Top Seoret = tyes Only] whould he held in continued readiness should the need to make @ public announcenent present iteelf, (See Attachment *0",) TOP SEERETY. MAJIC au EYES ONLY tstcecort (2) od tho anttcr eft Cori eohte atttase t ne Sticke are no! the revs ter 1s of toterest te the M41. Re + Houde ase: Le he Torcey of 2 anpeizy Trould resenvend that we advise the Aray thet t ould go daze these anvestiyationsy 3 teine no Teged aes reported found Fave been pranks joredu would aeesnpitan anyunig by going in yap UTD 5 nh DiTonitioe poner Saas: sre east, . rar tae coer ay ‘Ab'that area'and dt ie;believe’: RITEEWWW_RUTLOUASISS oper. ey BUN FA YR APONT BOLLING 470. OG, VRE TW MENWA NOSE DIST 17 KAW NU NA BID ON) ALL AINTELY PT URLVOI VAY, 11 . ae Por Wort Oa.y SRMIEST CASE NR: 0017003-126 HY CR FouaiNO RESTS WOU! FOU! A WAATIVE 1: DEMLACTINL U- AUN. CNA Uaegt Klee Me UUPIONTINL WAS MOT CONSISTANT MATH SIZ Ot" AIRS LEY PORTICH OF nam." FILM FOUND TO BE WUALTEALD, CORIINT MIDI FIELD CETL WHY Pratertun wnt me My inguities into the ‘authenticity of the Majestic 12 story during a research trip to the United States in 1986 have led me to believe that the group did indeed exist, and the document seems authentic enough, Un- fortunately, all the members are now deceased, and my questions ad- dressed to a former Director of the CIA, as well as two ex-Présidents, remain unanswered, which is hardly surprising. But it is interesting that “*MJ-12" crops up in an alleged Air Force Office of Special Investigations (AFOSI) document, dated 17 November 1980. Paragraph 2 states: “*, . OFFICIAL US GOVERNMENT POLICY AND RESULTS OF PROJECT AQUAR: JUS IS STILL CLASSIFIED TOP SECRET WITH NO DISSEMINATION OUTSIDE OFFICIAL INTELLIGENCE CHANNELS AND WITH RESTRICTED ACCESS 10 “MJ DWELVE."" ARACIES, Wap BY NASA, ACTIVELY INVESTIGATES CovER. fs. WUUTEL'TSA)" Ora: DUT COVER IS UFO RETO RASA FIUTUNS RESUS OF SENTY, MANVILLE, 1D 20982, i US CONWIECAET POLICY AWD NSTULTS UP MAT NMS 1S STULL MIDE 1 DISSBATHATION CUrTRI Te CWPIGEAL DPLDAOTER Vda 8 VU TM TALLME,CAE GIT FETEONI TS a, WRUIAE ‘OARY AL FYING EVINDEN, 12 FOMROKD Th WEN TRA! AVL, AV 6. OMY WAAL OLR FT DAAHICAL. ASSTTARE. WAVE Disweusmaats, 10 Minot aNCain a, DTG ER, METI HEN aR), ISUSIEEE POO MOLINA eas, MTEC UT WL WE RESITAVENY 6 WewimD REF: REQUEST FOR PHOTO IMAGERY INTERPRETATION YOU SO 2¥20%0 OST A. SAUCT MECATIVES,FIUN TE AVALYEED O HQ IVT AMD 7602 AINTELG IT AO Tet CH Ne NAD STEAKS UutoRT ITED FUR 70 Me UW NEED. sim .* CONCLUSIEH: | INCORSLUSLVE UW, WECATIVE 42; DEPLICTING CYLITOOA SHAPED UNIDENTIFIED AENINL WEST IN UPPEN GUEST To Be meres WINE COL SERNT WATE STOIINGS NnkaAs! COMTT SSP TD TH" “a ACT eT yUGRA! US ah QUEL OF INL cers. EINE , 1" 7 rer anes mw seven sumo. © maroc. dNeTER eautsr, antes 3: (Sawtnre) annest OND bE ) The retyped USAF Office of Special Investigations document describ. analysis of film taken near Kirtland AFB in 1980. Note references tc NASA (which should be NSA) Project Aquarius, and MJ-12, Chere te ro) Cet eo De dal o3 Bt) So) Es cry Prey Tey rit let CIA BIBLE STUDY - LECTURE NUMBER 9 THE ORIGIN OF EVIL - PART 6 THE DOCTRINE OF DEMONS - PART 2 REVIEW 1. LUCIFER CREATED PRIOR TO THE WORLD BEING CREATED 2. LUCIFER FELL PRIOR TO MANKIND BEING CREATED 3. LUCIFER CALLED SATAN AFTER THE FALL FROM HEAVEN 4. WE CAN PROVE LUCIFER FELL PRIOR TO THE CREATION OF MAN, BECAUSE SATAN WAS IN THE GARDEN OF EDEN FOR THE TEMPTATION OF EVE. 5. WE CAN PROVE THAT THIS FALL IS NOT MENTIONED IN ANY OF THE SIX DAYS OF CREATION OF GENESIS. 6. BY CROSS COMPARISON BETWEEN JOB, ISAIAH, EZEKIEL AND GENESIS, WE CONCLUDE THE FALL OF LUCIFER TO "EARTH" WAS PRIOR TO IT'S RECONSTRUCTION FOR MANKIND. 7. THAT THIS IS CORRECT IS SUPPORTED BY THE WORDS USED WHICH ARE’ RENDERED "WITHOUT FORM AND VOID", WHICH MEAN IN LITERAL ESSENCE "CHAQS", with a ROOT’ meaning of *the chaos resulting from catastophie”. 8 THE WORD REPLENISH IS "MALE" means both to "PILL" or "£O MAKE FULL" or to "REFILL" as in the sense of FILL UP AGAIN. AS IS USED, IN GENESIS AFTER THE FLOOD, WHERE IT PLAINLY MEANS TO "REFILL THE EARTH". 9. IN ANY EVENT, WE FIND THAT "EVIL" WAS PRESENT IN THE GARDEN OF EDEN, WITHIN THE TREE OF "THE KNOWLEDGE OF GOOD AND EVIL; AND IN THE PRESENSE OF THE "SERPENT", WHICH WE CAN EASILY PROVE WAS SATAN. A) ALL THOSE BORN IN THE HUMAN RACE HAVE A FALLEN NATURE AND ARE THEREFORE BORN WITH A "DEAD SPIRIT". B) BECAUSE ALL MANKIND IS FALLEN, AND ALL HAVE 4 DEAD SPIRIT, THEN THEY ARE NOT "ALIVEY TO GOD. THIS IS WHY JESUS SAID: "LET THE DEAD, BURY THEIR OWN DEAD". C) TITLE DEED TO_THE SOULS OF ALL FALLEN MANKIND IS WITH SATAN, WHO IS THEIR LEGAL OWNER. D) SATAN GAINS DOMINION OVER THE "EVIL" SIDE OF MAN'S Su KNOWLEDGE, AND HAS A REAL, LITERAL AND "BLINDING" EFFECT UPON THE MINDS OF MEN TO SUCH AN EXTENT THAT THEY CANNOT "SEE THE LIGHT" OF CHRIST. D) SATAN HAS A WHOLE ARMY OF "DEMONS" CALLED "DEVILS" IN MANY PLACES, WHO AID SATAN IN HIS GOVERNMENT UPON WE THEN ASKED THE QUESTION WHERE DID THE DEMONS THEMSELVES COME FROM AND WHEN? 1, ANCIENT WRITINGS WITH ONE ACCORD CLAIM WITH THE ;ONS OF GOD" OF GENESIS SIX WERE IN FACT LITERAL ANGELS R SOMETIMES CALLED "WATCHERS” WHO CAME TO EARTH ND TOOK "THE DAUGHTERS OF MEN" AND MATED WITH THEM, ND PRODUCED A RACE OF “LITERAL GIANTS". , THESE "GIANTS" WERE VERY EVIL FROM INCEPTION, AND WHEN ‘THE GIANTS DIED, THEIR "EVIL SPIRITS" ARE FREE TO ROAM. THE EARTH AND’FREE TO POSSESS MEN AND WOMEN WILO GIVE THEM ENTRANCE. ; REVIEW OF THE SON'S OF GoD & Giants CAP. VI CHAPTER 6 CHAPTER 6 sags sm03 27 gaao_so2vr295, 120.2490 ‘andar abou bot, SAE, SH sven bog muggy on 1 YEE NDS 3 Prog: the face of the earth, and wore ine 2 eoty Gnighte wore bom to eae ‘of tee matt aa thom. The sons of God 9 FE Sty 1 ONT Worms SHON a WT ‘saw the daughters of men, Sarks that they ware goods And they (wore) that men daughters the God “the” (that) ‘they took wives for them- 900 ee 559 72, & 3605 a seven tom athere mom 3 ERD m8 Pana they chos . 117 1961 1320 PO 7699 sede C sm ays NT oD va ative wl ‘208? ing he his aya eal bee hundred geen yur ays br sal we ganta were in the ae ony are sun in those doy, and & INS ON Goin Bera Pas 8A EA ‘ven afterwards when the : after. and thors daysin theon wi wards even, enh ‘THE SONS OF GOD: WHO ARE THEY? We saw there were THREE interpretations for the so called SONS OF GOD, and ONLY ONE SCRIPTURAL. A literal interpretation forces us to conclude that the SONS OF GOD ARE FALLEN ANGELS. DEFINITIONS A SON OF GOD IS A DIRECT CREATION OF GOD. That is, there was not PROCREATION INVOLVED. Adam was a true SON OF GOD, because HE WAS CREATED DIRECTLY FROM THE HAND OF GOD: ‘The Scripture of the OLD TESTAMENT. uses the term "Bne —Ha— Elohim" which is rendered SONS OF GOD. It is used ONLY IN e-by on casn On-> began that it And " 2, tox So2 8%; 009 Fizn tir plat shal not NOt Jehovah said And they whom allfrom wives for, they and aed ER > OND TNT TT ‘and ;tlesh (is)he theirin always with My og ran Seiri i RELATION TO ANGELS, TO PROPHETIC (MILLENNIAL) APPLICATION FOR ISRAEL'S PEOPLE. The NEW TESTAMENT calls all BORN AGAIN BELIEVERS THE SONS OF GOD. If this is so, then why would not all believers in the Old Testament be called the same? 1. IN THE OLD_TESTAMENT DISPENSATION, THERE WAS NO SUCH THING “AS "REGENERATION. ‘The process ‘of the NEW BIRTH, WHICH ONLY CHRIST COULD "SEAL UP" BY HIS BLOOD COVENANT (THE NEW COVENANT) ‘was not heard of. THE HOLY SPIRIT, WOULD ENTER AND LEAVE AN INDIVIDUAL’ AS NEEDED TO WORK OUT THE PROGRAM OF ‘TIE LORD: therefore, they were NOT ereated from the hand of God, but through PROCREATIOI 2, WHAT PART OF OLD TESTAMENT MAN WAS THEN "CREATED" FROM THE HAND OF GOD? NONE. YOU WILL FIND NO MENTION THAT OLD TESTAMENT SAINTS WERE "A NEW CREATION". THEY ALL DIED WITHOUT THE "PROMISE" OF THE SPIRIT. the New Testament, the HOLY SPIRIT when IT ARRIVES IN THE "REGENERATION" TAKES UP A PERMENANT RESIDENCE WITHIN. You will find NO SCRIPTURE to show that the Holy Spirit ever leaves that individual ONCE THE SEALING TAKES PLACE. It is ible to GRIEVE or QUENCH THT HOLT SPIRIT Vig CARNALITY tthe SPIRIT ITSELF STILL RESIDES WITHIN ONCE "REGENERATED". We will show this in future studies. THE PERMENANCE OF THE EXPERIENCE IS AN ACT OF GoD, A NEW CREATION, A "NEW" CREATION IS “ACTUALLY MADE. YOU CANNOT "UNCREATE" A NEW CREATION, “ANY MORE THAT YOU CAN UNCREATE A NEW “BABY BOY OR GIRL. “Once accomplished, If’ IS ACCOMPLISHED FOR ETERNITY. THERE ARE MANY REASONS FOR THIS, BUT THE PRIMARY REASON IS A "LEGAL ONE" AND INVOLVES A_ "TESTAMENT" OR "WILL". THAT IS WHY THE SECOND PART Is CALLED THE "NEW TESTAMENT". Ao WILL HAS "HEIRS" THAT "INHEREIT" CERTAIN THINGS. THE NEW TESTAMENT SAYS THAT ANYONE "BORN AGAIN" OR "SEALED" BECOMES AN "HEIR" TQ ALL THE PROMISES OF GOD. THIS IS CALLED "POSITIONAL, TRUTH", DOCTRINE WE WILL STUDY LATER. THE WORDS “IN CHRIST’ or "SEALED" or "BORN AGAIN" or OVERCOME" ARE IN FACT LITERAL AND REAL "POSITIONAL TRUTHS" BECAUSE OF LEGALITY. "THE WORDS "REDEMPTION", "IMPUTATION", JUSTIFICATION are LEGAL TERMS USED BY THE GREEKS’IN THEIR LAW COURTS, AND THEY SHOW THE "LEGAL" POSITION OF A "SON OF GOD". ‘Text: 2 Corinthians 5:17 "Therefore, IF ANY MAN BE IN CHRIST (POSITIONAL TRU’ = BORN AGAIN) HE IS A NEW"CREATURE: OLD THINGS (D SPIRIT) ARE PASSED AWAY; BENULD ALE THINGS ARE BECO! THIS IS A TRUTH. THE OLD MAN IS NOW DECLARED BY GOD JUDICALLY DEAD. THE REGENERATION IMPARTS A WHOLE NEW “NATURE” TO THE PERSON INVOLVED. HIS DEAD SPIRIT IS BROUGHT TO LIFE "IN GOD" or "IN CHRIST”. This is why Paul is so very careful in what he says: IF any man be IN CHRIST. You see to be IN CHRIST, you must have ‘he HOLY. SPIRIT DWELLING WITHIN YOU, and thatONLY occurs AT REGENERATION, Prior to that point, the HOLY. SPIRIT. LEADS, CONVICTS, BRINGS JUDGMENT, but’ at REPENTANCE AND ACCEPTENCE, COMES INTO THE HUMAN SOUL IN A IN A “UNION” BETWEEN GOD AND THE SEALED BELIEVER. ‘Thus _the Title SONS OF GOD FOR ALL NEW TESTAMENT BELIEVERS. Notice nowhere do we have "DAUGHTERS OF GOD". Why? Because IN THE RESURRECTION THERE WILL NOT BE FEMALE AS WE KNOW IT TODAY. ‘This is why REGENERATION, BORN AGAIN, SEALING, AND OVERCOME ARE USED IN THE SINGULAR, BECAUSE IT’ ONLY OCCURS ONCE. OLD TESTAMENT USE OF THE WORD IS FOR ANGELS ONLY". The Septuragent - the GREEK RENDERING OF THE HEBREW BIBLE DONE IN 280 B.C. and accomplished by 70 experts of the langu Fendened the key verse as "ANGELS OF GOD saw the DAUGHTERS ‘The Book of Enoch ~ ANGELS OF GOD, also called The Watchers. Josephus, the Roman Historian called the SONS OF GOD angels in Book 1, Chapter 3, and Book 5, Chapter 2. The Ante-Nicene Farthers called the SONS OF GOD "ANGELS", in Volume 2, Page 190, and Volume 3, Pages 85 and 273. Justin Martyr ~ Called the SONS OF GOD "ANGELS" in Volume 2, Page 190 Of his works. Martin Luther in his commentaries called the SONS OF GOD "ANGEL! It is SOME, of the MODERN COMMENTARIES THAT, CHANGED IT, AND THEY DID SO WITHOUT ONE SHRED OF BIBLICAL EVIDENCE, AND THIS CHANGE IS NOW HELD AS TRUTH BY 80-90% “OP MODERN CHRISTIANITY, THUS A "TRUTH OF GOD" IS DENIED, AND A-"TRADITION OF MAN" IS SUBSTITUTED. This is exactly Now apostasy occurs! ‘Text: Job 1:6 "Now there was a day when the SONS OF GOD (Bne-Ha-Elomhim" game. to present themselves BEFORE THE LORD, AND SATAN CAME ALSO AMONG THEM 1. NO MAN HAS EVER SEEN HEAVEN IN HIS "FLESH". SG 1, NO MAN HAS EVER SEEN HEAVEN IN HIS "FLESH". 2. NO MAN HAS EVER, LITERALLY "PRESENTED HIMSELF" BEFORE THE THRONE OF THE MOST HIGH GOD. 3. NO MAN IS EVER CALLED "BNE-HA-ELOHIM". The choice is simple, WHO DO YOU BELIEVE, GOD OR MAN? You had better believe GOD. THE GIANTS WERE THE RESULT OF ANGELIC-HUMAN COHABITATION. ao™ yo / \ \ (DAUGHTER OF MEN: Se pN / NEPHILDY j,,_ 5303-5307 \"BALLEN ONES" ‘The word "Nephilim" (Strongs 5303 root §307)means in the literal sense “FALLEN ONES". Now if we take the Genesis account literally, as we MUST DO, it says THE GIANTS WERE IN THE EARTH: 1. IN THO! = PRE-FLOOD 2 AND'ALSO APTER THAT“ BOST FLOOD We find reference to the Nephilim in many cases when ISRAEL WENT INTO THE LAND OF CANAAN. ‘Text: Numbers 13:33 “And there WAS THE GIANTS (NEPHILIM), the sons of Anak, which CAME OF THE GIANTS (NEPHILIM); and 'ye were in our own'sight AS GRASSHOPPERS, AND SO WE WERE IN THEIR SIGHT." A literal rendition of the Scripture forces. us to, conclude that THE FALLEN ONES SOMEHOW SURVIVED THE FLOOD, for they appear APTER THE FLOOD. North American Indian legend, ‘both in Wisconsin and Minnestoa, speak of THESE GIANTS, and havin BATTLES WITH THEM. GCCULTIC WRITINGS CLAIM THAT TH "WHITE LODGE" (THE DEMON SONS OF GOD) RETURNED AFTER THE FLOOD AND BEGAN OPERATIONS IN BABYLON. ANGELIC FORNICATION ANGELIC FORNICATION ‘The Bible, uses the words came in UNTO for fornication, as well as "knew". In. the ‘case of the Sons of God, the fornication PRODUCED THE GIANTS, AND THIS IS THE’ CLAIM OF ALL ANCIENT WRITINGS. BUT WHEN, AFTER THE CREATION OF ADAM AND EVE, DID THIS EVENT OCCUR. THE BIBLE IS SILENT, EXCEPT IT DOES SAY, THAT MANKIND HAD BEGUN TO MULTIPLY UPON THE EARTH. WE COULD ASSUME AT LEAST 300-500 YEARS. Josephus cleime that for 7 GENERATIONS PROM ADAM-SETH that ‘THE LINE OF SETH CALLED UPON THE NAME OF THE LORD. RE THEN SAYS THAT “APOSTASY" SET IN, AND THAT MAN BEGAN TO WORSHIP OTHER GODS, LIKE THE'’STARS AND IDOLS, Paul claims in Romans Chapter Oné that the ancient PRE-FLOOD CIVILIZATION REJECTED GOD, AND EMBRACED FALSE GOD: AND DRIFTED INTO TOTAL SEXUAL PERVERSION. ‘WE PIN IN ALMOST ALL SECRET CULT GROUPS A SEXUAL’ OBESSION, AND ALWAYS PERVERSION AND BRUTALITY. Thus we have APOSTASY, EMBRACEMENT OF FALSE GOD, AND SEXUAL PERVERSION IN THAT ORDER. 1. IF YOU KNOW AND EMBRACE TRUTH, YOU CANNOT APOSTATIZE. 2. IF YOU REJECT GODS TRUTH, YOU MUST APOSTATIZE. 3: 4F YOU ARE IN APOSTASY, YOU MUST EMBRACE A LIE 4]1F YOU WORSHIP A LIE, YOU WORSHIP AN IDOL “AS IT WAS IN THE DAYS OF NOE, SO SHALL IT BE" 1. We now have APOSTASY ON A LARGE SCALE IN CHRISTIANITY 2. Because of apostasy, Christians EMBRACE FALSE DOCTRINES 3 Resause ghey embrace FALSE DOCTRINE, THEY TURN TO IDOL 4. Because of IDOL WORSHIP, ALL SORTS OF SEXUAL PERVERSIONS. HAVE’ ENTERED’ THE CHURCH, AND” ARE CONDONED BY CHURCH LEADERS. WHY WAS NOAH SAVED? ‘The Bible says that "Noah was PERFECT IN HIS GENERATIONS". 1. Noah had human parents, so we know he was "fallen", 2: The generations behind Noah were also PERFECT. The word "PERFECT" is "tamiym" which means "WITHOUT BLEMISH, or WITHOUT SPOT. Yet Nosh was fallen, and all of his previous Generations were fallen as well, all the way back to ADAM. jow do we solve this problem: Genesis 6:12 says in part, ALL FLESH had CORRUPTED HIS WAY UPON THE EARTH." ‘The word "corrupted" is "shachath" which means "DECAY, RUIN. SPOIL, OR TO MAR", s? So here we have a clear cut division: NOAH AND RIS GENERATIONS ALL "'FLESH'-MANKIND PERFECT CORRUPTED ‘Text: Genesis 6:12-13 "And God looked upon the earth, and behold IT WAS CORRU: FOR ALL FLESH HAD CORRUPTED HIS WAY UPON THE EARTH.’ "And God said unto NOAH, The end of all flesh is come before me; for the earth is filled with violence THROUGH THEM; and behold TWILL DESTROY THEM WITH THE EARTH". Who, is the "THROUGH THEM'2 By context of the whole chapter the THEM MUST BE THE SONS OF GOD AND THE GIANTS (FAL! ONES), THE RESULT OF GENETIC INTERFERENCE. Fhe corruption is cleanly OF THE FLESH, becouse we know for 9 fact ALL MANKIND IS FALLEN SPIRITUALLY. We have ONLY ONE OPTION: THE CORRUPTION THAT GOD 1S SPEAKING ABOUT IS THE GENETIC CODING OF THE PURE RACE OF ADAMIC MAN, hat we have here is MASSIVE WORLDWIDE, GENETIC CROSSOVERS, AND "MUTATIONS". "As IT WAS IN THE DAYS OF NOAH, SO SHALL IT BE" IS ANOTHER ASPECT COME TRUE IN OUR DAY, AS WE ARE NOW SEEING MASSIVE "GENETIC ENGINEERING? ‘WITH MANY REPORTS OF UFO "GENETIC* EXPERIMENTS. So NOAH WAS PERFECT IS ALL His GENERATIONS, MEANING THAT His WHOLE FAMILY LINE HAD NOT SEEN GENETIC CORRUPTION ANYWHERE, HE COULD TRACE HIS LINEAGE BACK TO ADAM AND IT HAD NOT BEEN *TAMPERED". OR "MARED" OR "SPOILED". HEN, WAS PURE ADAMIC STOCK. THAT IS THE ONLY NOAH WAS IN FACT SAVED. HE WAS PURE, AND HE AS ALSO "RIGHTEOUS". THUS HE FOUND FAVOR’ IN GODS WHY WOULD SATAN ATTEMPT TO DESTROY MANKIND VIA GENETIC CROSSOEVER AND *HYBREDS"? ‘Text: Genesis 3:15 "and 1 will put emnity between THEE (SATAN) and the WOMAN (MANKIND). "and BETWEEN THY SEED and HER SEED. It shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel", The line of separation is between PURE ADAMIC RACE STOCK, (MANKIND- HOMO SAPIEN) and SATAN. ‘The subject: MESSIAH. If ‘SATAN CAN CORRUPT THE ENTIRE BLOODLINE OF ADAMIC MAN, THEN HE CAN DESTROY THE PROPHECY OF MESSIAH, WHO MUST COME THROUGH A "PERFECT" ADAMIC MAN 4000 YEARS LATER. We cannot have A MESSIAH UNLESS WE HAVE A "PURE ADAMIC WOMAN" TO BRING HIM INTO THE WORLD. 1. THE PROMISE WAS MADE TO ADAMIC MAN "HE PROMISE IS ONLY FOR ADAMIC MAN THE "MESSIAH" WILL COME ONLY FROM PURE "ADAMIC IF SATAN CAN ELMINATE THE "PURE ADAMIC | STOCK" THROUGH GENETIC "CORRUPTION HE HAS DESTROYED ALL CHANCE OF REDEMPTION. THEY IS WHY HE DiD IT. CHRIST CAME FROM TWO PURE BLOOD LINES: 1, PURE ADAMIC MAN, THROUGH ADAM, SETH NOAH, ABRAHAM, DAVID, ETC. 2, PURE JEWISH STOCK, FROM THE TRIBES OF ISRAEL, Roth are necescary for the full and total redemotion of BOTH ISRAEL. AND THE WORLD. We need ONLY ONE MESSIAH FOR WORLD REDEMPTION, and we NEED ONLY ONE "KING" FOR ISRAEL. So He came from PURE ADAMIC STOCK to redeem ALL MANKIND. and from PURE "ROYAL" JEWISH STOCK TO REDEEM AND RUL! AS KING OF ISRAEL. So what has all this to do with DEMONS. We find that Satan works the same way throughout, time. He does because It WORKS. IT ALSO PROVES THAT DEMONS IN THE PAST HAVE. "MANIFESTED" THEMSELVES IN PHYSICAL FORM, AND THAT THEY ARE CAPABLE OF SEXUAL INTERCOURSE. To claim otherwise is a complete and total denial of literal Scriptural truth. tf UFO'S AND DEMON ACTIVITY Does the UFO activity commonly reported around, the world have anything to do with DEMONIC/SATANIC activity? Do, Christians VE TO BE "ON GUARD" BECAUSE OF THIS ACTIVITY? THE DOCTRINE OF THE "LAST DAYS" AND UFO ACTIVITY 1. IT IS A LIE TO CLAIM WE CANNOT "KNOW" WHEN THE LAST DAYS ARE APPROACHING. "But ye BRETHREN , ARE NOT IN DARKNESS, THAT THAT DAY SHOULD OVERTAKE YOU AS A THIEF, YE ARE CHILDREN OF THE MIGHT, AND THE CHILDREN OF THE DAY: WE ARE NOT OF THE NIGHT, NOR OF DARKNESS..." 2. A word study of the words "KNOW" and "WATCH" and "SEE" will prove totally ‘that ‘Christ divides people into TWO and ONLY TWO CATAGORIES: ‘THE WISE AND GOOD SERVENTS, WHO WILL KNOW WHEN HIS RETURN IS, AND THE EVIL, UNWISE SERVENT WHO WILL NOT KNOW. ALL UNBELIEVERS WILL NOT KNOW, AND WILL, NOT RECOGNIZE THE TRUTH, and many. Christians WILL NOT KNOW EITHER, BECAUSE THEY ACCEPTED AS "TRUTH" THE "TRADITIONS OF MEN" AND REFUSED THE REAL TRUTH, BECAUSE THEY DID NOT BOTHER TO STUDY IT OUT. 4 3, JESUS CHRIST Salp THAT THE KEY SIGN OF THE END TIM WOULD BE THE REBIRTH OF THE NATION, ISRAEL. THIS iS PSALM 49 To the chief Musician, A Psalm for the sons of Korah. EAR'this, all ye people; give ear, all ye inhabitants of the world: 78:1 2 Both*low and high, rich and "poor, together. 62.9 + helpless + alike 3 My mouth shall speak of *wisdom; and the meditation of my heart shall be oftunderstand- ing. 37:30 * 119:130 £ ‘_will incline mine ear toa [parables J Twill open my dark say- | ing upon the harp, '—y 32 Nowi\learn a parabla of thé fig tree, When his branch is yet tender, and putteth forth leaves, ye know that summer is nigh: 33 So likewise ye, when ye shall see all these things, know that it is near, even at the doors. 34 Verily I say unto you, "This ° generation shall not pass, till all CAN WE ROY THE TRE OF GRIST'S RETURN? WORD STUDY: KNOW, SEE, WATCH Jesus used all THREE words to express co us vhether or not we could inow of the time of iis rerum, We must study the meanings of the words 1O0W, SEE, and HATCH, for they FORM THE BASIS OF IAT WAS. ACUALLY SAID. ‘You cannot sinply pull out, che word WATCH, and we it to claim it simply ears "spiritual alertness" and has NOTHING 70 00 WITH "SIGNS" OF THE RETURN. We cannot do that because WE NAVE THE OTMERS WORDS, SEE AND KNOW, which MIST BE HARDNIZED WITH "NATO" ‘THE BASIS FOR TE STUDY NOW (GINOSKO) = THING IN KNOWLEDGE - (STUDY TO SHEW THYSELF APPROVED) WOW (OTDA) = TO SEE, OR TO PERCEIVED, TO KNOW ABSOLTELY ‘The rose of ODA is "SEE" meaning to OBSERVE SOMETHING with your sight. SEE (EID) = OBSERVE, BEHOLD, SEE WITH YOUR OWN EYES (COMP OTDA-KOW) WATCH (AGRUPNED) = "SLEEPLESS" "KEEP AWAIE"” WATCH (GRECORELO) = "KEEPING AVAKE" "SPIRITUAL ALERTNESS (IN SOME CASES) WATCH (PHULAIGY = "A GURADING" A WATCH" Ge, ‘The Romans guarded their cities by KEEPING A WATOH, te, BY OBSERVATION WITH THEIR EYES, THEIR EARS. If you do not understand the basic differences in these words, and you pay no attention co them, YOU WILL REST THE SCRIPIURE OUT OF CONTEXT, and You will MISS THE DFORTANCE of what you are being told. TRE MSIC FREESE - YOU cat OH exes ence "geudy to shew tye approved” uals 10 pq, GREGORES WATOSFULNESS "weeping sake spiritually” er — (OTA RIOHLEDCE EMO SEEING ‘YOU HAVE STUDIED, YOU ARE AWAKE YOU HAVE STUDIED, YOU KOH RAT SPIRFRALLY, $0 WON THE EVENTS TO LOOK FOR, AND THEN YOU "SEE" CALLED "SIGS" HAPFEN ~ "00" Tr ocr" ss cae THE "WOW Nor” SCRIPTURES Many verses of Scripture are taken totally out of context to prove ‘that NO PERSON CAN EVER KUCH MEN CHRIST IS GOING TO RETURN. THESE ‘VERSES SAY NO SUGH THING AS A MATTER OF ACTUAL, FACT AND LITERAL MTEFRETATION. GARIST_IN ALL CASES DIVIDES PEOPLE INTO TWO CATACORIES, AND ONLY ‘TMD CATAGORIES. A WORD SEARCH WILL PROVE WITH I TROUBLE WHATEVER MIS Is TE Case, ‘THE HOH OTS BE puy UBELIEVERS: TRE BELIEVERS FROFESSING CHRISTIANS REAL CHRISTIANS UNVISE CHRISTIANS: WISE CHRISTIANS FOOLISH CRISTIAN SOBER CHRISTIANS. LADY GRISTINS ‘WORKING CHRISTIANS EVIL GRISTIANS ATTHPUL GIRISTIANS ARE WARNED NO WARNES PINISENT SO PUISPENT TE SIGS OF TE RETURN | WILL SOOFF AND Nock WILL OBSERVE AND GET READY WILL DECRY PROPHECY WILL STUUY PROPHECY “engying this first, ther chere "But ye brethren, are not in DARKNESS, shall come in che list days that THAT DAY should OVERIAKE YOU AS'A SOOPER, walking after these om oF WSTS, and saying WERE IS THE ‘PROMISE OF HIS COMING? NATL AND BE SOBER (Cop HAS NOP APFORATED US TO WRATH WE HAVE THE PORE SURE WORD OF PROPHECY "TO MATCH YOU WOULD DO WELL 10 TAKE HEED ‘They that be drunken, ., A) TRE WISE, EVIL AND LAZY SERVENTS WILL, NOT KNOKY OR RECOGNIZE ‘IME TIME OF URISTS RETURN, TT WILL BE "FAR OFF". ) THE WISE, FAITHFUL AND GOOD SERVENT WIL KNOW WITH TOTAL (CEROAINTY THAT GFRIST WILL SOON RETURN, ~ t THE CONCEPT OF A "FINAL GENERATION" 1, Prophecy Is a subject of PROGESSIVE REVELATION. A) The nearer we get to the end, the more we will understand the prophetic truths of Scripture. B) Jesus said there would be a "FINAL GENERATION" which he called "THAT GENERATION" that will unlock the mystery of the prophetic word: “YiBut thou, O Dén'jel, * abut up | a rea ae beh ve DANIEL: Eaveun nnd roand knowledge pal Wetted a PSALM! hd a , sree ESS Se areca Sig ese ares ae aint . CHRIST: ie see and know of your own seve Beat summer fx now nigh at bend C1]/BE So"ihewise ye, when ye see jubese tings come te pes, know Nyertiat the kingdom ot Boda igh Nisan: 'Vetly¥ say uato you, The pe etch havo pad aap tl i Se ide. 2° od 4 ‘The events of the world PROVE the 6000 YEAR DOCTRINE TO BE A TRUE DOCTRINE. ALL OF THE SIGNS GIVEN IN PROPHECY TO OCCUR AT THE END OF THE AGE ARE NOW TAKING PLACE. KEY 10 THIS IS THE REBIRTH OF ISRAEL IN APOSTASY ON MAY 14, 1948. . THE LAST DAYS OF ‘THE CHURCH BEGAN ON MAY 14, 1948, AND WILL LAST UNTIL THE RESSURECTION/RAPTURE OF THE CHURCH. THE UFO ACTIVITY BEGAN 1947-1848 AROUND THE BIRTH OF ISRAEL AND THE RISE OF THE UNITED NATIONS - LUCIFERS RISE TO POWER. a WOLLML_LSHIVEY NOILMA swank - te. ous rosso jo 6ujwur6ea) © 138 10m Wat ong 3a the {wm a0 wows any wvn 30 wa THs 3K OH ava asvn 40 5135 33mm ‘Sava 1SW1 40 1432009 3M THE SITUATION—UFOs 1 know that neither Russia nor this country has anything even approaching such high speeds and maneuvers. Behind the scenes, high-ranking offi- cers are soberly concerned about the UFOs, but through official. secrecy and ridicule, many citizens are led to believe that the unknown flying objects are nonsense, - ADMIRAL Roscoz HILLENKORTTER Former CIA Director and NICAP Board Member AN ESTIMATE OF THE SITUATION In Intelligence, tf you have something to say about some vital problem, you write a report that is known as an Estimate of the Situation, A few days after the DC-3 was buzzed, the people at Air Technical Intelligence Center decided that the time kad arrived to make an Estimate of the Situation, The situation was the UFOs; the estimate was that they were interplanetary. Epwarp J. RuppeLt, Chief ‘USAF Project Bluebook (1953) THE ESTIMATE— INTERPLANETARY The most probable hypothesis to account for the UFO phenomena is that these are some kind of surveillance probes of extraterrestrial origin. , Dr. J..E, McDONALD U.N. Address, 1967 (aa SECTION II—SECURITY 210. MILITARY AND CIVILIAN a. All persons aware of the contents or existence of a CIRVIS report are governed by the Communications Act of 1934 and amendments thereto, and Espionage Laws. CIRVIS reports contain information affecting the National Defense of the United States within the mean- ing of the Espionage Laws, 18 U.S. Code, 793 and 794. The unauthorized transmission or revelation of the contents of CIRVIS reports in any manner is prohib- ited ™ ALL UFO TO BE REPORTED UNDER CIRVIS 9 APPROACHING THE EDGE OF REALITY: CLOSE ENCOUNTERS OF THE THIRD KIND “As we watched, men came out... on what seemed to be a deck on top of the huge disc. One figure seemed 0 be looking down at us. I stretched my arm above my head and waved. To our surprise the figure did the same. . made audible gasps.” —Rev. William Gill Boianai, Papua,’ New ‘Guinea . All the mission boys . 16 wv THE UFO PROBLEM 1. WHAT ARE THEY? 2. ARE THEY REAL? 3. WHO ARE THEY? 4, WHAT DO THEY WANT? 5. WHAT DOES THE BIBLE SAY? View looking to south Estimated UFO dimensions JR 20rt0 25 + 10° to 12" + The discs sighted by crew of B-36 and observer on ground, Davi Monthan AFB, Tucson, Arizona, May 1, 1952. Sketch shows pi of the two discs relative to the VA A ei ce Dome outiee ring —<——— fppenred to rotate, “the Tonopah, Nevada, object, sighted November 23, 1957, #8 de Tews and shetenee in orignal Blut Book tes. 19 7 20 DR. J, ALLEN HYNEK 255 ia. 21.1—YEaney TOTALS, 1400 00 1200 1200. 1109 1000 $00 eo. 5 70 20 seo. a0 so . m0 Joo. . EESEREEPRESESEEEEPREEEE 1947-1949 1952 1956 1967 THE WARS OF ISRAEL 1, 1947-1949 THE WAR OF INDEPENDENCE 2. 1956 - THE SUEZ WAR 3. 1967 - THE SIX DAY WAR 4. 1973 - THE YOM KIPPUR WAR ‘THE FAR IT IS A PROVABLE FACT THAT UFO "FLAPS" AROUND THE WORLD (EXCEPT 1952) COLLATE TO THE BIRTH AND GROWTH OF ISRAEL this quite clear, The subject of the memorandum is the Air Materiel Command’s opinion concerning “Flying Discs.” It is dated 23 1 23 Sep tember 1947 and is written to the ding Gen DC., Attention: Brig 'Gonetad George Schulgen, As requested by AC/AS-2 there is presented below the considered opinion of this Command concerning tho so-called "Flying Discs.” This opfaton Te based on inter Togation report data furnished by AC/AS-2 and prelimi- nary studies by personnel of T-2 and Aircraft Labora- tory, Engineering: Division T-3, This opinion was arrived at in a conference between personnel from the Air Institute of Technology, Intelligence T-2, Office Chief of Engineering Division, and the Aircraft, Power Plant and Propeller Laboratories of Engineering Division T-3. It_is the opinion that the phenomenon is something real_ad_not_visionary or fictitious. There sre _obiects probably“approximating the shape of a disc, of such + and action which must_be considered evasive when sighted or con- tacted by friendly aircraft and radar, lend belief to the possibility that some of the objects are controlled either - Manually, automatically or. \otely. The apparent com- mon description of the objects is as follows: (1) Metallic or light reflecting surface. (2) Absence of trail except in a few instances when the object apparently was operating under high perfor- mance conditions. (3) Circular or elliptical in shape, flat on bottom and domed on top. (4) Several reports of well kept formation flights varying from three to nine objects. (5) Normally no associated sound, except in three instances a substantial rumbling roar was noted, (6) Level Gight speeds normally above 300 knots are estimated, The above letter is signed by N.F. Twining, Lt. General, U,S.A., Commanding.!¢ rces, Washington, 25, aL 22 A REPORT ON THE ABUSE OF POWER Editor: Antony C. Sutton September 1968 Vol. 7, No. And The UFO Phenomenon. Super Secret Area 51 In Nevada. Hundreds of square miles of Nevada desert are under "shoot to kill" orders, guarded by a well trained tight mouthed elite corps of Military Police, Even the name "Area 51° was classified as recently as 1985—and maybe even today. ‘What's going on in Area $1?—a 50x 40 mile rectangle of arid scrub desert east of Tonopah? Sateilite photographs show a 12,000 foot runway and hundreds of buildings, water tanks, satellite dishes, paved roads—a secret community in the wilderness. . The US Government releases no information on Area $1. Ask Defense Intelligence Agency, Central Intelligence Agency, Department of Defense, Atomic Energy Commission—they all have the same response—we have no files or records on Area 51. It is a blacked out 200 square mile area of the United States. TOP SECRET and Q clearances won't get you inside. There is a Special Permit needed for the area, and inside the area requires still other clearances. We understand from a source that for one ultra secret area only 1600 permits have ever been issued over 20 years and the guards have shoot to kill orders, Congress is no help. The local Congressman Harry Reid was flown by helicopter into Area S1 back in 1984. Reid spent four hours on the base. On his return the Las Vegas Review Journal reporter asked about his trip. Said Reid: "Thave no comment as to what is going on in Area SI." Reid’s object was information on a US Air Force land grab just north of the area which constituents protested. Our purpose is not to give secrets to the Russians, itis to probe the MJ-12 mystery which we suspect is.a vast deception of the American people. Whoever put out the MJ-12 documents had ac- cess to official files—just too many exist for them to be forgeries, Our view is that the US has a right to conceal from the Soviets but not to foist gigantic deception on the American people Itis established that the Stealth bomber and fighter were developed and tested in Arca $1, but ‘we have information that goes beyond Stealth. RUTEE Fyn ianmpenah Ny BT Pho, son ———EE—SEE Las Vegas Review Journal (October 19, 1986) ‘Map of the secret base in Area 51, Nevada. Stealth jet fighters, "stubby triangle-shaped wings and long noses" were operating, probably as ‘an operational squadron in 1986, In one ten day pcriod a reporter saw 13 of these Stealth fighters as long ago as October 1986. All that the US Air Force has announced is a TEST Night of the Stealth bomber this fall. The Stealth fighter has not been conlirmed and no test date has been sct. More goes on in Area 51 than Stealth operations, To quote one informant: “Here, a secret operation was performed under unbelievable security precautions known as “Project Red Light’ (possibly this should be ‘Redlight’—one word...Ed). A UFO which had been shipped from Edwards AFB was flown here. It is not enventionally powered but was tion...Seeutity in Project Red Light was so strict that no one stayed there more than six months.” The report goes on to say that he was aware of “the conventionally powered dise built by the Air Force which was publicized...his may have been a coverup for the real project which he describes. He also heard the stories about parts from a UFO which could not be duplicated successfully by aerospace contractors on the West Coast.” In brief, the conventionally jet powered disc reported in fast month's Phoenix Letter was itself a deception—to conceal the existence of another disc not conventionally powered. nt in opera . Dhocnix Letter P.O. How %2907 Praaniy 4# eso ss a UFO Testing At Area 51 Nevada ‘The following information confirms that the US Air Force has tested vehicles normally called UFO's (ie., circular in shape, silent, with ability to block out radio transmissions). Whether these are captured alien extraterrestrial UFO's, Russian UFO's or US built UFO's is not known. Our information comes from a private memorandum written by a radio repair mechanic work- ing in Arca $1. The mechanic carried a"Q" clearance from the Atomic Energy Commission, an inter- agency TOP SECRET clearance, and a special US Air Force TOP SECRET clearance to operate in Area 51, Access to Area 51 requires a special procedure, carrying TOP SECRET clearance is insuffi- cient. The name “Arca 51" was at one time classified TOP SECRET and access was only obtained by calling the Security Office at Area 51 to request access. Here are the pertinent points from the memorandum (with personal names eliminated by this editor): *(2) Lonly saw the UFO one time. It was on the ground and partly hidden behind a building and at first I thought it was a small private aircraft until [ noticed it had no wings or tail. 1 was probably a quarter mile or ‘frather’ [sic] from it but T would guess it was 20 to 30 fect in dismeter and sort of a pewter color rather than a bright polished aluminum. *(3) The reason I knew it lew silently is I was present on a number of occasions when he was landing or taking off (I was always taken inside and out of view of the runway at these times) and at no time did I hear anything that sounded like a conventional or any other kind of engine. "(4) Iwas working on their radios several times when they just ‘died’. However, since I was there to work I really didn't think anything about it. Oh yes, they would start working again just as suddenly. Also there were a number of times that I was called out to work on a radio and could not find anything wrong with it, "(5) One of the men that I knew were [sic] 'Pilots’ was just slightly larger than me, Iam 5'9" and weigh 180. (9) There was a Radar Station at the north end of the test site near the town of Tonopah, Nevada. A fellow from my home town of ‘was an operator there. His name is ‘We were talking about the test site one day when he mentioned that he was al- ‘Ways picking up UFO's over the test site and was told to ignore them. T remember him tclling me about one that he picked up on the cdge of his unreadable] on the first revolution (and) was directly ‘overhcad on the second pass and was just going off the scope on the third revolution of the antenna. "(14) The reason that I knew that takeoffs and landings were occurring was that I would be told something like ‘TT will be landing in so many minutes’ or ‘we will be taking IT out of the hanger at such and such atime’, etc. I remember that any referrals were to IT. J don’t think I ever heard the words ‘aircraft, craft, ship,’ etc.” 76 25 “rep Jor 2 re uoneoyqnd 403 sonumuoo uoHeBnsonut ing soidor 1u984n o4}0 01 UO OB am uLod SII) TY “eUIBOP ZI-fpy 01 2auersqns st 21249 10 uondaoap onuedid e sisi Jouptel “uoneUe|dxo STHOS nous 24 Or unse] 2404 001 pue aajseaiad 004 ‘1uaqstsu09 001 a3e S,ONL nOge SHOWIN au, {TEI-ZT-LN FH AU —uonsonb a4} 58e 01 aney 24K, “TOOGe St 95j2 Turyrowos stoadse yeornjodoos ayy wos} wedy “s ani TT SIPS WSF =SIEAS HUTSIG © PSST HOINGG SUL, *ABOjOUYoO poreanstydos Jodns ut passejaino Atssojadoy ing Aiuodeam jeuoruanuco ur 3uons st auIyseuL Krew YeIAOS YL “wHPOWIsaved pue 10H =soj8 yerorjsodns seay Ye 0} aatoeqloy Bulrows us Jove] & UsOq ancy [fom Aeus KrysqISSON SLL “y -sueo pue 28104 241 YEA 98 S1OIAOg at) axed pInoM ABojoUys=? ALEUORN|ORSA SLL «days yeorBojouyjooy yxou 941 3q pjNOD siIp—AULULIDD IZeN ut wawudoyaKop Jo oH ayy waald—A}e9 “Boy Inq “possnosip AjjelotJo uo9q J9AoU sey ABojOUL}o0) ABs9UD woIso|dis! JoBsOqNeUDS OWL “E -Sdeim Fapun STOW 1G} & ney foyy sisoB8ns asuas uoutuod Uoyp ayjqnd axeus o1 posedosd st aou0d JW SA Un VEY SESH ITZ -ypBuans uorpenbs ul sb Apeasye SFOBY yapparg vey 2ouapiso Suons si axoyp pue TOTO yrpoars e Jo souarstxo Ateoujgnd pajeanas sey 20H HY SM OWL “T suo}snjau0D 7? 26 "From information that I (John Backburn) have been recieving at one of the clandestine meetings back in the 1960's REPRESENTATIVES FROM VARIOUS WORLD GOVERNMENTS-INCLUDING THE U.S, abd the SOVIET UNION- agreed to let space aliens perforn Limited EXPERIMENTATION ON return, the aliens promised to share some of their advanced technology with us. but they were deceitful and apparently began to renege on the deal by going to far in their testing. Now THE SITUATION IS COMPLETELY OUT OF HAND." “panicky representatives from several nations are meeting, or soon will meet - under tight security to discuss how to handle this frightening situation THE _UFO - COVERUP A television production, released only a few weeks ago, claimed the same thing - that aliens are here among us. * Aliens are in the WHITE HOUSE, advising our leaders on how to handle affiars of state. * Aliens are advising our military leaders. WHAT IN THE WORLD IS REALLY GOING ON? . WHAT DOES THE BIBLE SAY? “In our obsession with antagonisms of the moment. we ofter forget how much unites all the members of humanity. Perhaps we need some outside, universal threat to make us recognize this common bond. | occasionally think how quickly our differences worldwide would vanish if we were tacing an alien threat from outside this world.” -President Ronald Reagan. 42nd General Assembly of the United Nations September 21, 1987 he 27 My - 12 Book published by Timothy Good entitled "ABOVE TOP SECRET” printed by Sidgwick & Jackson of London and Sidney. It is now the number one bestseller in Australian markets and number 2 in England. THE BOOX HAS AUTHENTIC GOVERMENT DOCUMENTS THAT REVEAL THAT 12 TOP SCIENTIST AND GOVERMENT MEN (MILITARY) KNOW THE TRUTH, THEY ARE MJ-12 DOUCMENT A: ot THE EISENHOWER BRIEFING PAPER Date 18 November, 1952 EYES ONLY - TOP SECRET ‘The first part deals with a chrashed UFO in Mexico “On 07 July 1947, a secret operation was begun to assure recovery of this object for scientific study. During the course of this operation, aerial reconnaissance discovered that four small human-1ike beings had apparently ejected from the craft at sone point before it exploded.” ‘Implications for the National Security are of continuing importance in THAT MOTIVES AND ULTIMATE INTENTIONS OF THESE VISITORS REMAIN COMPLETELY UNKNONN..... (Secrecy must be maintained) for INTERNATIONAL AND TECHNICAL CONSIDERATIONS and the ULTIMATE NEED TO AVOID A PUBLIC PANIC AT ALL COSTS. The MAJESTIC-12 group remains of the unanimous opinion that IMPOSITION OF TIE STRICTIST SECURITY PRECAUTIONS SHOULD CONTINUE WITHOUT INTERRUPTION INTO THE NEW ADMINISTRATION. AT THE SAME TIME CONTINGENCY PLAN MJ-1949-04P/78 (TOP SECRET-EYES ONLY) SHOULD BE HELD IN READINESS SIIOULD THE NEED TO MAKE A PUBLIC ANNOUNCEMENT PRESENT ITSELF." e@ The United States and other governments have evidence of alien visitors since about 1947. These come from other solar systems. The visits are numerous, widely scattered, and continue. © Contact has been made with the visitors by U.S. Air Force officials. © The U.S. is holding dead aliens and according to less verifiable sources has held live aliens, and may indeed do so today. 4 ¢ The U.S. has hardware in the form of crashed flying iscs. 28 My -12 The MJ-12 or MAJESTIC-12 GROUP OF TOP LEADERS AND IT IS REPORTED THAT GEORGE -BUSH IS CHAIRMAN. DOCUMENT B FBI REPORT ISSUED IN 1950 KNOWN TO BE GENUINE * REFERS TO OCCUPANTS OF A CRASHED UFO "THREE BODIES OF HUMAN SHAPE BUT ONLY THREE FEET TALL, DRESSED IN METALLIC CLOTH OF VERY FINE TEXTURE." “THREE SO-CALLED FLYING SAUCERS HAD BEEN RECOVERED IN NEW MEXICO" ALMOST ALL ET ACTIVITY IS LOCATTED IN THE NEW MEXICO-NEVADA AREA OF THE UNITED STATES. WEEKLY WORLD NEWS, SEPT 20, 1988 “space aliens have a secret underground UFO base in NEW MEXICO." The information came from a secret souce, @ “top UFO expert". * The base was established about 40 years ago * The aliens made contact with, and made an agreement with our Goverment. In excahnge for the use of humans pucked at random for experiments, the aliens would grant technological information so the USA could obtain advanced knowledge for defense. "This developement is known by top scientists and high officials" * The aliens are from another solar system * Secret meetings took place in the desert region of New Mexico I was personnaly told by an officer in the Navy that one. such meeting did indeed take place at an abondoned airport in New Mexico, A very large UFO landed, and top civilian and military brass went on board for over 6 hours. The meeting ended, the brass go out, and the UFO took off. and sped into the heavens. This Navy officer is personnaly known by me and swears it is true. He also knew that flying disks had chrashed in New Mexico and that siiens has been found. From occultic sources, writings published by the Lucis Trust (and the Tara Center) in lew York, and from Share International of London (Benjamin Creme’s occult ne zine), come the New Age claims that; the in contrast to-the Cre. leaven and His holy angels, ator-God of Heaven and His holy an; whom they called “the Black Lodge.” is White e was forced to withdraw from the earth for a time, but they retumed to earth, and that time to “the plain of Shinar” Babel and Babylon), and they ‘were again forced to withdraw by the “Black Lodge.” “These occultic claims correlate well with an- cient Biblical history (Gen. 6:1-12; 10:8-12; 1:19), These occultic writings also declare that, when their Solar Logos’ appear, the “White Lodge” will again return to earth, These writings further identify their Chas whom they call, “Lord Maitreya” a Bus name), as this “Solar Logos.” eee investigation into these occultic ine revealed the information that this lar Logos” i to Lu- fi ‘of what they gall “The oat ual in other words, this alte is the “second per- son” of the Trinity of Evil" the Devil, the Beast, and the False Prophet. ' 29 oe ' \ ~ 26 And as it was in the days o No’-8, so shall it be also in thi days of the Son of man. PLANETARY SPIRITS 0 CHAPTER 4 JOW..the Spirit, speaketh N pressly, that in .the . latter’ .times some shall depart from th@, faith, .seduci spirits, and doctrines of devi . : ‘2. Speaking’ lies“'in "hypocrisy. having .their’ Conscience seared with a hot iron; false fae peters °3 Forbidding to marry, and com- manding 4 to abstain from meats? which God hath created tol be re- ceived with thanksgiving of them which believe and know the eat 1, The Greek word for SEDUCING is PLANOS, the ORIGIN OF OUR WORD FOR PLANET. It literally means "INPOSTER" or "MISLEADER" a "ROVER". 1 TIMOTHY 4:1 2, I£ taken in the most literal manner, here is what Paul says: "Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the LATTER TIMES (END OF THE AGE) some shall DEPART FROM THE FAITH, giving heed ‘TO IMPOSTERS FROM OTHER PLANETS, TEACHING THE DOCTRINES OF FALLEN ANGELS, " DECEIVER 1, BEANQS (nddvos) is, properly, an adjective, signifying wanderings: or leading astray, seducing, 1 Tim. 4: z, " seducing (spirits) ;"" used as 4& noun, Ht-denotes an impostor of the vagabond type, and so'any: kind.of deceiver oF corrupter, Matt. 27:63; 2 Cor. 2 John 7 (twice), in 5 vw the last of which the accompanying definite article necessitates the translation "the deceiver,” R.V. See Seouce.] PLANOS (rAd; wandering, then, deceiving, is translated " seducing See Deceiver, No. 1. 4108, mhévos plands, plan‘-os; of uncert. wo atin.; roving (as a tramp), Le. (by impl) an 8 impostor or misleader;—deceiver, seducing. ive 31 Betty repeated Quazgaa’s message to her. Ho says my race won't believe me until much time ‘has passed—our time . ., They Jove the human race, The the human race. And, = *) a (> ks Figore 38, "QUAZGAA APPEARED LIKE A BEE" (Juve 26) will not live .. ave been Love is the greatest of all fo not want to anybody—but because o} Tove, they said: ‘Gesnusr of great loves they cannot Tet man continue in the footsteps that he is going... Itis better to Tose some than to lose all... They have technology man could use . . . It is through the spirit, but man Will not search out that portion. ‘Betty began alternately pausing and then repeating Quaz- gaa's words. It was as if she had somehow been transferred back in time and was listening again to his enigmatical discourse, ‘Man must understand many of the natural things on earth .. .If man will just study nature itself, he will find many of the answers that be seeks... ‘Within ie ae many an ‘are Many answers, withiz ashes—within the highest of the high and the lowest of the low are many answers... Man will find them through the spirit, Man is not made of just flesh and blood Cozenap) “ye anny i . (iz e007) guia LYSUS IHL “ee on bEy =, es re 33 THE TRANSFORMATION OF AMERICA THE LUCIFERIAN ILLUMINATI CONNECTION SIGNS & SYMBOLS * LATIN BORROWED FROM "SIBYLLINE BOOKS" - OCCULT "The last age of Cumaean song comes, . A secular order is orn anew, Both’ the, ‘prophetic. virgin,” and the Saturnian kingdoms, now Feturn. A ‘new progeny. is let down Favor, chaste Lucina, the boy soon to be born. In whom the Iron Age shall come to an end. ‘And the Golden Oné rise again in the whole earth.” rom the lofty heavens. BHT worn, 2. any of corti women of ancigulty ‘powers of prophecy or divination, Throphebess of witen. Ce Bie StopliCa)_prophatens, WRONUNGIATION KE in alone, «as io ayaiem, 4 a8 la aaliy, o°as In: SUD-Y1 (aldol), ma Wire given BAMe. Also, BID/) IBF oem sera ane si sm Sibsylline Books’, » collection of orncular ute z fen Stent eaeeartandh tse ae EER cease te aa tint THE TRANSFORMATION OF AMERICA THE LUCIFERIAN ILLUMINATI CONNECTION SIGNS & SYMBOLS In guaagleey: ff we Cake the whate Seat, we find something very There are 13 five pointed stars =-5 x 13. ere are 13 letters in the motto, There are yy letters in "ANNUIT COEPTUS." There are 2 xi3 in The Roman numerais and letters. Phere are is'ievels in the pyramid 3 olive } 1} arrows ¢ 13 HAE Featners in the tall 13 stripes‘in tne shield Now Jf we add al) of this we wil) come to a duplication of the number 13 ‘otal of 16 times! There are occultists Who cl that this 16 is to be multipled by 13 to give us the number o} eats for Lucifer to be enthroned. However, no oner seems o.know ust where you start, dust for. funy it Looks like this, using the three major dates of of foundation es @ countr 8 id age Bill of Rights - add 208 y eG 35 Cosnnet Goembit sty4e. New Eeamie 57st8e West Ont nted ‘Statue of Liberty is in fact SBMIRAMIS — femir “QUEEN OF HEAVEN" BABYLON THREE - THE UNITED STATES * WHY IT IS ALL HAPPENING ‘HERE The Spiritual Destiny of America America has stiny. America is the place prepared for the coming of the Divine Woman, for the raising: y, for the liberation of woman, aad for her delivery of the Divine Manchild unto the age. This means chat here, in fertile soil prepared by prepared by lovers of freedom, by the ‘men and women of the centuries, is the place where the grid and forcefield of the Great White Brothethood is placed for the ‘the alchemy of “THE INNER DIVINITY” teachings of the | AM Presence, the Christ Self, and th the violet flame to Be released and received. To this land have been Beiferic Initiation brought souls who can receive the teachings, who have been iemonic possesion UFO - SONS OF GOD TPICAL CONTACT” .K & TALK, or trained at inner levels in the retreats of the Great White ‘ the flame of the Christ consciousness the one flame that tain of light, tribute to all peoples and all nations who have come to this soil and this ‘continent for the great gathering of the clect'—for chat.time in history when, by the power of the spoken Word, ascended masters, hierarchies of light ao Sak mankind again and walk with mankind and. prepare the way for the Second Coming of the Chriseed One in the hearts of all mankind. This is che destiny of America: to set forth ~-ENDEMONIC ACTIVITY that City Foursquare that is the foundation of the new order of the THE SYMBOL OF THE LUCIFERIANS - ages, the order of freedom, che order of the Aquatian age.* And from that square the pyramid of life does rise. It remains fora. people fervent in devotion co the flame to place.the.capsione_on. the pycamid of this civilization wrought by man in God and God Pyramid & all seeing eye ia man. THE COCULT TEAGHES IN ALMOST ALL OF TTS WRITINGS "HAT AMERICA TOCAT: HEADQUARTERS OF THE NEW WORLD OF LUCIFER. “ ome NBC USES THE "PEACOCK" WHICH IS IN THE OCCULT THE "PHOENIX BIRD" a symbol of the LUCIFERIANS FOR LUCIFER. . ALL THREE NETWORKS, AND ALMOST ALL MAJOR PUBLICATIONS HAVE BEEN ‘TAKEN OVER BY THE LUCIFERIANS TO BRING ABOUT THEIR NEW WORLD ORDER. FRANKLIN, ADAMS, JEFFERSON, HPOKINSON, THOMSON AND BARTON WH (NED ‘THE US SEAL WERE ALL OCCULTISTS. , a MORE THAN 50 OF THE SIGNATORIES OF THE DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE WERE MASONS OR ROSICRUCIANS AND WERE IDENTIFIED WITH THE ie HE ESOTERIC ) af 37 ‘THE PLANS OF THE SONS OF GOD ‘THE "ASCENDED MASTERS" the past they were permitted to die a “natural death" their bodies were recycled to new life, and their souls reincarnated In bodies capable REINCARNATION © receiving signals trom the higher sol he elders. have been pationtiy w EVOLUTION & QUANTUM LEAP TO "‘coDHOOD" DESTROY ALL WHO WILL NOT OBEY cholo, ae f $e of the destruct lanet, or AT LEAST 1/4 OF MANKIND ? the elimination of. the ego driven. one y (pute. at hater ahaa anwar STR ar teeah OR AT LEAST 1.2 BILLION (Pattowea tative gn te fap “TLERS "ROOT PACE" usconnection, destroy forever the o; * HE RACE" OR RACE arte, Saray ree fe operr i rata ; vs jo bezorne home Universalis, SUPREMECY MOVEMENT, NEW AGL * Bofore thls stage of power can be inherited by the God-centered members of the soul body, be destroyed. GODHOOD CANNOT COME UNTT: There is oo alternative, ‘THE "DEFECTIVES" ARE ndures RIED “Fortunately you, dearly beloveds, are not fenponstoe for this act, We are Wie af 1d oe accuDeD MASTERS WILL I sarin. We are the THE KILLING. THEY WILL DUPI ‘igor of the pale horee, Death. Wearecomaip CATE, THE WORDS OF CHRIST: (TLER KILLED THE ath to ths "SARE" OF THE WORLD the sak : ‘And then shall the angels ¢ AND GOD 80 DID HE “At the time of the Judgement of the Guick fourth and destroy the wick ‘and the dead, all those whose soul are ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH. sutticiently energetic to be alert to God, will be re-embodled, not in animal/ human bodies to sundergo more training on Earth, but as Chriss- ke bodies, new, Sell-generatinge ine naive z ver souls who are less energetic will In new bodies. Thi ‘TOTAL BANISHMENT FROY PLANE ‘Only the useless Is destroyed. Only that hich cannot evolve, Is rendered extinct. ‘Useless Is defined In evolutionary terms that which does not contribute to the purpose of the process, which Is higher consciousness and freedom through Increasing order." . FREEDOM IN TOTAL SLAVERY 1. THIS IS AN "AUTOMATIC WRITING" FRO‘ UFO CONTACTEES. THEIR CLAIMS ARE IDENTICAL AROUND THE WORLD. 1. THEY MUST STOP US FROM DESTROYING OURSELVES. 3. THEY MUST ELDUNATE ALL "DEFECTIVES" 3. THEY MUST SET UP A ONE WORLD 4, THEY MUST HAVE A "UNIVERSAL RELIGION’ AND WORLD ECONOMIC SYSTEM WOREHY 40 ANLISAC SHL SHYSAd ANI VOL “IOMINCO OHM CNV ‘YadIONT CIHSUON OHM ‘sNOSvH LOVa NI RAV WSNVISSAION, Tad SHL ING ‘AVUOL SWELT FSSHL JO TIY SHHOVAL .INGHAGN SOV MON, SHL x T1000, THL JO CNV ,,TLAS,, ONTEG SV SaWNLATYOS SHL NI GHMWN AUOmWIG UV AHDAVL SONTHL SSHHL JO TI GNV “IHOMVL SONIHL IVOLINSGI SHL SaSVO TIV NI GNIA aM < NOLLVLIATI SNGWGd dN SNITIVO ‘SNTLINVED NOTOTTaY om STIdS SNILSVO SaqIND LTYIdS ONLIOVINGO S009 SHL 40 av NCIC) BHT SONSIOLA 9 NOISHAAWSd TKS NOLIOGrOdd TWHISY NOLLVELASI NOLLVLLATI sNOWEC df ONITIVO SNGWA df ONTTIVO SNTLINVHO ONTINVEO NOTOT TRY Omid saswno ONY STIRS ONLISVO S3QIND LTWdS ONTIOVINOD SaCIN LTGLdS ONTIOVINCO ADCIOUISY ‘AOOIOUISY ‘AOCIOMLSY SRL NOTRaVE NO NOTRE QNDNW: HOvaL € —— ASTHEOLINV-WAE1ONT cOwIN, (acim aTaas) Gooly doola- gud S,0an NOISVANT NOW (@UHL SHE NOLLVISAaY OVINOO NVWNH SONTLTSN OLINIO0 s,oan NOTSWANI GNOHEG GNOO’S HL NOISVANE NOWHC Iswia 3HL 110090 HL SISANHD Oo 4O SNOS HOOT ALIHM SHE 39 SONS OF GOD AND UFOS Til OCCULT CONNECTION UFO Act oe Osco Aci Ett 1 Swng neste 1 Maing oe Hp in nung plow 6 tne) 2. Argan cer lst 2 Appasins of demon cine themes nur ama a ‘mous vo cme “ 4 Nemperouneehonges 4 Tamer hag du 6 toa Pt tes 2 Mair th" 9 Ran ee ames ke pee” ener by ope Pome Ene pm mat taoe! A. Ses por wt Hot ‘srl ey re ey 9. Panepew aco ia UFO 9. Pry cy ey Spans ‘een! verte 10 Avomiie weg omty 10. Reema wring it Geom “owoupe waact eam ough wee soe = WHAT DO THEY TEACH? 1. hey are oun groetors 2. They Witivto Sresewe us from desteuction 5. They. wate to "enowue the ways (o oor DIVINE NATURE 4: They WIN gne accord demands J'h ONE WORLD GOVERMENT AE SNE WORLD Reonomy’ 5B. RONH WORLD RELIGION OLE WORLD GOVERMENT: J. Js.to20 u aoialintt dietatormnip with ¥9 ELORRE. 2; Bucifes wilt head tive goverment. one worto #coxoMy > Aesronls mates be tes ERY octet thay as one wont neuicion intern Gobo Lave. ei om the ‘Bieow Lodge’ 3, Alleligrort are the same, and should be unified into one, for the all seck ‘he "Logos" which is "Luciter®. ther BRBBRS. a geattese ie asians go 02 snap asn sums BN Weel -g Aub aie ard “2 <— a sui ue 901009 pay Sou 2 ore SUT Sou Ppa pu Seay A SY pasvosout anti sisodos Qalh ys SOdn vt we fous ‘T uo}seaut uowap aut po9 Jo suog out : t 4 a, von ad Savd SHE ove a1 sv ASSHALL IP BE SODOM AND GOMORRAH cr Genesis 19 angels vs rerrerrnnennat ST Secor wtb bet acne et {ose gp to meet thems and pe bowed Egonikh ut aisck gels oes ace ee oo " Angels warn Lot of destruction ye ‘Lowe tet tnt we todo Lot mocked cee Lot brought out by Angels ‘Tha he toot Lona eat oF eaves 42 “AS FT WASIN THE DAYS OP LOT-—— \ { v Homosexuality sok OL Smetana: Phenbetet eri Srey 2 Limenae ‘hinge fey dete, J LR Christians warned Ife ran eum oe Scoffers end mockers 1 ow Rae Pe set nse 8 proce Se Christians raptured Day of the Lard By Fire % 42 ST MARDI RGCR NOME Bata Bese see ng Fan ges al ene dausenon unt CIA BIBLE STUDY - LECTURE NUMBER 10 THE ORIGIN OF EVIL - PART. 7 ‘THE DOCTRINE OF DEMONS ~ PART 2 A study of the Old and New Testament has revealed that the SONS OF GOD of Genesis 6 are in fact FALLEN ANGELS, and that the taught mankind OCCULTIC KNOWLEDGE, or "SECRET MYSTERIES from which all of our so colled "SECRET SOCIETIES" of today obtain eit " : The concept behind all SECRET MYSTERY CULT GROUPS IS "SECRET WISDOM OF THE ANCIENTS", which was DERIVED FROM ‘THE "MASTERS OF WISDOM" OF THE WHITE LODGE or SONS OF GOD. “This is true of NEW AGE MATERIAL, THE ‘MASONIC LODGE,” THE ILLUMINATI, AND THEIR ‘THOUSANDS OF OFFSHOOT GROUPS. WHEN YOU THINK "ANTICHRIST THINK "WHITE LODGE" AND "SONS, OF GOD", FOR ALL ‘THEIR SO CALLED “"RELIGIOUS PROGRAMS" COME FROM GENESIS 6, and THE GARDEN OF EDEN. EA HATH GOD SAID?" OR TO QUESTION THE, BIBLE. ‘O "DENY THE BIBLE" THE SEED WAS THEN PLANTED BY SATAN IN THE GARDEN. HIS DOMINION CAME. AT THE FALL OF MANKIND. NOW WITH MANKIND UNDER HIS DOMINION AND CONTROL, HE BRINGS IN THE THE "SONS OF GOD" TC REINFORCE His ORIGINAL STATEMENTS. 1. THE SONS OF GOD ARE FROM "HEAVEN" 3. THEY HAVE GREAT "WISDOM" 4. THEY DEMONSTRATE SUPERNATURAL POWERS. : THEY ARE PRE-OCCUPIED WITH SEX AND GENETICS ; THEY FILL THE WORLD WITH EVIL IMAGINATIONS. : THEY FILL THE WORLD WITH PHYSICAL VIOLENCE : THEY BROUGHT MANKIND TO RUIN THE SONS OF GOD TAUGHT: 1. ASTROLOGLY 2: CASTING SPELLS AND CURSES 3. THE USE OF DRUGS 4 CHANTINGS, 8 CALLING UP "DEMONS" EVITATION ASTRAL PROJECTION 8: DIVINIATION ‘ALLING UP "SPIRIT GUIDES" ALL OF THIS FALLS UNDER: 1. WITCHCRAFT. 2. SOOTHSAYERS. 3: OBSERVERS OF TIME 4, ENCHANTER 5. CHARMER, 8: GONSULTER WITH FAMILIAR SPIRITS 7. WIZARD 8: DIVINER REMEMBER THE FOLLOWING: 74 REMEMBER THE FOLLOWING: 1. THEY CAME FROM THE HEAVENS IN "UFO'S" 2. THEY MADE LITERAL CONTACT WITH MAN 3. THEY WERE "PHYSICAL MANEFESTATIONS" 4. THEY SAID THEY WOULD BE "BACK". 9: EVERYTHING THEY TAUGHT THE BIBLE SAYS IS OCCULTIC. 6 GOD WARNS HIS PEOPLE ABOUT "PLAYING" WITH THE OCCULT, 7. THE CHRISTIAN HAS VICTORY OVER THEM IN CHRIST. JESUS SAID THAT "AS IT WAS IN THE DAYS OF NOAH, SO SHALL If BE WHEN THE SON OF MAN RETURNS". WE HAVE FOUND THAT IF WE STUDY CAREFULLY, WE FIND A TOTAL AND COMPLETE "REPLAY" OF THE EVENTS WHICH LEAD TO A ONE. WORLD ‘GOVERNMENT, "SOCIAL CREDITS" ECONOMIC SYSTEM, AND A “UNIVERSAL RELIGION". Ip JESUS MENT WHAT HE SAID, THEN WE HAVE EVERY REASON TO DECLARE OPENLY THAT A’RETURN OF THE "SONS OF GOD" WILL OCCUR AROUND THE TIME OF HIS RETURN. 1. THEY WILL TEACH THE SAME THINGS. 2. THEY WILL HAVE "SUPERNATURAL POWERS" 3. THEY WILL FILL THE WORLD WITH EVIL 4. THEY WILL WILL FILL THE WORLD WITH VIOLENCE IN ORDER FOR SATAN TO, BE ACCEPTED BY MODERN MAN. HE MUST FIRST "PREPARE" THE WAY, WITH AN "ADVANCED GUARD" THAT WILL PREPARE MANKIND FOR THE “FINAL CONTACT". THIS PREPARATION IS WELL UNDERWAY, WITH ACTUAL MANEFESTATIONS OF UFO'S, "OFFICAL CONTACTS", RANDOM "CONTACTS" AND RANDOM "GENETIC TESTING". AT THE SAME TIME THAT THESE "CONTACTS" ARE OCCURING SATANS CONTACTS ON EARTH, THOSE PEOPLE WHO ARE FALLING UNDER THE "GRAND DELUSION", AND WHO NOW CONTROL THE MASS MEDIA IN THE WORLD, ARE PREPARING OUR MINDS, AND, THE (MINDS OF THE’ CHILDREN INTO "ACCEPTING? THE "FACT" THAT WE ARE BUT ONE ‘PLANET OF MILLIONS WHO MUST NOW ENTER INTO "GODHOOD" AND HO MUST NOW REALIZE THEIR OWN "DIVINITY" AND MAKE THe “QUANTUM LEAP" UP THE EVOLUNTIONARY LADDER TO "GODHOOD" SO THAT WE CAN "ENTER" THE INTERGALACTIC CIVILIZATION OF THE "GODS", THE "GOLDEN AGE". THE, MOVIES SHOWN TONIGHT, MANY MADE BY OPEN LUCIFERIANS, AND SEEN BY MILLIONS OF PEOPLE, ARE THE POSITIVE PROOF THAT SUCH AN EVENT IS PLANNED, AND THAT MANKIND IS BEING "CONDITIONED" TO ACCEPT ONCE AGAIN THE "SONS OF GOD" SO THAT THEY MAY SHOW US THE "WAY DHOOD". PLEASE PAY VERY CLOSE ATTENTION TO THE FOLLOWING: 1. THE SYMBOLOGY ON THE UNIFORMS AND FLAGS 2: THE METHOD IN WHICH THE CONTACTS OCCUR 5. THE SUPERNATURAL ABILITES OF THE SONS OF GOD 4: THE WISDOM.AND "LOVE" OF THE SONS OF GOD HE OCCULTIC EVENTS SURROUNDING THE CONTACTS. HE "WISDOM" DISPLAYED BY THE HUMAN LEADERS "HE MARKED USE OF ESP w 8. THE MARKED USE OF "LEVITATION" 9: THE MARKED USE OF THE "POSSESSION" OF THE HUMAN IND BY THE ENTITIES INVOLVED, 10. THE CONCEPT THAT GOD IS A "FORCE" 11, RHE TOTAL ABSENCE OF ANY REFERENCE TO "GOD" OR ‘HRIST" 12. THE IMPLICATION THAT WE NEED A "UNITED HUMANTIY" In the movie "CLOSE ENTOUNTERS OF THE THIRD, KIND" poy Very closes. attention ‘to the LUCIFERIAN | TRIANGLE, LUCIFERIAN FLAG, THE DUEL "USA _& LUCIFERIAN INSIGNIA", the fact that the contact comes as DEVILS TOWER, THE USE OF THE UNITED NATIONS AS THE SEAT OF HUMANITY, AND THE MERGING OF "CHRISTIANITY" with A UNIVERSAL 'RELIGIOUS BELIEF SYSTEM, Close Encounters was more blatant that any movie peleased to date for the advancement of LUCIFER AND THE UNITED Said Paul: "But though we, OR AN ANGEL FROM HEAVEN, PREACH ANY OTHER GOSPEL UNTO YOU THAN THAT WHICH WE HAVE PREACHED UNTO YOU, LET HIM BE ACCURSED." Gal. 1:8) So Paul is telling us that ANGELS FROM HEAVEN WILL TEACH A DIFFERENT COSPEL. This is why Peter Said that at the time of the end SOME WOULD DEPART FROM THE FAITH, GIVING HEED TO "SEDUCING" SPIRITS WHO WOULD TEACH DOCTRINES OF DEMONS" Remember. the word "SEDUCING" is "PLANOS" trom Where we get our word PLANET. Itmeans *IMPOSTER" OF ‘THE *VACABOND* TYPE OR "WANDERER". Revelation 12:7-9 reveal massive WARFARE between GOD, CHRIST and SATAN and his DEMONS. They are CAST DOWN TO’ EARTH, their final place of DOMINION, soon also to be taken away, SATANS ADVANCED GUARD IS HERE NOW, PREPARING FOR THIS GREAT UFO DEMONIC INVASION". THEY WILL APPEAR AS EXTRATERRESTRIALS, AS "BENEFACTORS", WITH GREAT LOVE AND COMPASSIOB’ FOR MANKIND. IN THE NAME OF "PEACE" AND "LOVE" THEY WILL KILL BILLIONS OF PEOPLE. IN SPITE OF WHAT, 99% OF CHRISTIANITY NOW TEACHES, THE ODDS ARE 99% THAT THE CHURCH WILL BE HERE TO WITNESS THIS. INVASION. PREPARE YOURSELVES AND YOUR’ LOVED basic philosophical tenets, this is ETs Or Demons? Jacques Vallee is an astrophysic- ist, computer scientist and one of the world's mos? credible UF researchers. In his latest book “Dimensions: A Casebook of Alien Contact" Jacques Vallee suggests that these aliens or ETs are actually demons: es have thought they had seen demons because the creature had the unpredictability and mischievousness associated with popular conceptions of the devil. If you wanted to bypass the intelligentsia and the church, re- main undetectable to the military system, leave undisturbed the pol- itical and administrative levels of society, and at the same time implant deep within that society far-reaching doubts concerning its exactly Aow you would have to act. At the same time, of course, such a process would have to provide its ‘own explanation to make ultimate detection impossible. In other words, it would have to project an image just beyond the belief struc: ture of the target society. It would have to disturb and reassure at the same time, exploiting both che gullibility of. the sealsts and the narrow-mindadness of the de- dunders. This is exactly what the UFO phenomenon does.” Ine Umeyaserter...1 Wes a BEARS) Best-selling author of | "'Com- munion" which opened millions to the ‘credible’ documentation of UFO contacts Author of the new release entitled “Transformation which claims | thet Communion" was only the beginning of the ‘transformation’ that aliens desire to bring to earth -Claims to millions of readers that the visitors "have caused me to slough off my old views of the world Like the dismal skin that it was and sek a completely new vision of this magnificent, mysterious, and fier- cely alive universe. ~All quotes in this article were taken from Transformation’ un- Whitley Strieber Transformation of Mind OT suspect that experiences such sp those reported in this chaptet are the outcomes of a fundamental shift of mind. They are what happens when people begin to abandon the 01d, false belief(s)..." Co "We will discover truths about ourselves, truths th each of us--and all of u OD “There can only be one that the nature of the visitor experience is changing, They seem more realistic, more possible, than ever befor “Thankfully, the very way we think and perceive our universe may be changing. We may be in the process of achieving @ more sane and objective view of something that has been a source of confusion since the beginning of time.”” This World is not Coming To An End O “Whenever fundamental change of mind takes plece--and 7 think that this is happening now-- there is a great increase in catas- trophic fear. The world of ancient OCTOBER 1988 ees otherwise noted. Rome was filled with portents of the end. A8 people became exposed to the revolutionary ideas of Christ- ianity, they began to feel that the end of their social order was neer. This translated into fear that the world wea physically coming to an end, Early Christians, like some modern UFO cultists, expected the ‘end of the world momentarily. D""Mankind suffers from low esteem. We tend to think of ourselves as failures. Sometimes doomsdaying is done with suck relish that one senses the Jere- miahs of apocalypse are hoping the end will com “1 cannot accept such, notions. Thore persists in me the hope and expectation that we will prevail, fand that one day @ healthy human species wil live in balance with che orld that created us.”” Signs And Lying Wonders In II Thessalonians, chapter 2, God warned that in these last days Satan will be able to deceive those who will not receive the "love of the truth" with "all power and signs and lying wonders." Indeed, in “Communion Whitley Strieber confesses “I did not believe in UFOs at all before this happened. And I would have laughed in face of anybody who claimed c tact. Period. Iam not @ candid for conversion to any new relig that involves belief in benevol. space brothers, or in unidentif fying objects’ os the craft intergalactic saints--or sinne ‘And yet my experience happene, me." In “Transformation: Breakthrough" the author ¢ tinues: Cl “Whatever the visitors arr suspect they have been respons for much paranormal phenome ranging ffom the appearance gods, angels. fairies, ghosts, miraculous beings to the landin, UFOs in the backyards America. "It should not be forgotten the visitors-if 1 am right at them.-represent the most powe of all forces. acting in hu: culture. They mav be ex restrials manoging the evolutio the human mind.” Co "We had ali seen the stre moving star. There was no quet about that... “*Both Richard and Denise + changed by what they saw. rational person could attribute sighting to a known source, my brother listened to me with interest. Denise went from lieving the standard debun scenario to realizing that there actually something quite ai ishing taking pla "As we drove them to the ait on Sunday afternoon ¢h commented on their change of T reflected on how F pended on the vis themselves. Reading Comme +had not changed them. Heart experiences had rot done i seeing alightinthe thy, comp impossible to explain os any buta UFO, had done it." The Occult Connectior Previous 10 the ‘visitor perience” Mr. Strieber had a ‘opened up his mind to the sigr lying wonders of Satan, In ' munion"” Mr. Strieber rever lifestyle of soul-searching in oceuit although this is not thi the may use. In "Transform: the author continues to reve involvement in and familiarit the occult. Ol increased using the pri Thad learned from the wo P.D, Ouspensky, most espec hhis book ‘In Search of the Jour’. “Ouspensky's ideas offered a hint of possible power from within, and I hhad worked with them for eo long-- almost half of my life-that the; seemed the very thing with whic! to mat the incredible force of the visitors, “Tredoubled my efforts, emptying my mind..." O "To help mysélf I did whet Thad med in my years of meditation and inner work,” DI cannot “emphasize that there was and is no way to explain the knocks, except as something done by ‘the visitors. They were not lke the vague tappings essociated with spiritual: ism, Same Old Lies © “During certain types of brain surgery, incredibly vivid memories from a person's distant past can be evoked, implying that at some level the whole of lite iu ‘ainber “Th lar tricks. I once read of a woman is related vividly detailed past-life which wore eventually traced to an ob- ough are growing ond evolving toward some form that we can scarcely begin to imogi O''We are all the same, literally foolish ‘0, innocent or experienced, or . We are all little pa something we cannot name i intelligent and full of ove ing passion thet emerges from the mystery that made us and lives Within us--and “T will not c Paraclet conscio\ that, but I potential by naming it before it Consumes me into itself. I may die without giving it a name, but at Teast 1 will have surrendered to it enough to let it turn me toward the rection ofits light.” - ETs Or Demons? Jacques Vallee is an astrophysic- ist, computer scientist and one of the ‘world's most credible UFO researchers. Ih his latest book "Dimensions: A Casebook of Alien Contact" Jacques Vallee suggests that these aliens or ETs are actually demons: ‘The Omega-Letter.. imoge just beyond the belief struc ture of the target society. It wouk have to disturb and reassure at th same. time, exploiting both th Gullibility of. the xeclots ond t narrow-mindedness of the © bunkers. This is exactly whot thi UFO phenomenon does.” Like Jacques Vallee, Whitle Strieber also seems to hint i “Transformation” that the po. sibility of these ETs actually bein jemons is a feasibi © “Increasingly 1 ontering a struggle that might even more than Life-or-death. art might have reference to the eterne “Phere are worse things the fost T suspected. And I wi inning to got the distinct ir pression that one of them had take ‘an interest in me: bese word demon had nev spoken apong the ecient dad doctors whe were working Ww me, And why should it have bes! jeence, oF WI nostic ‘concerned with such archaic {de “So far the word demon had never been spoken among the scientists and doctors who were working with me..And why should it have been? We were beyond such things. sticated to be concerned with such archaic ides Whitley Strieber in We were a group of atheists and agnostics, far too soph- as, as demons and angels.” “Transformation’’ gure historical novel, This novel more than page through it a year before the hypnosis--and somehow captured its contents at a power fully absorptive unconscious lev from my body. My own experience wus tells me thet the soul has @ eparate life, and the work of people lke ‘Dr. lan Stevenson Suggests thet it persists beyond death, and that reincarnation is apparently a very real possibility "The visistors have said, "We recycle souls,”” and-of the eart that “this is school.”” Tt may be exactly that--a place where souls "Some witnesses have thought they had seen demons because the creature had. the unpredictability and mischievousness associated with popular conceptions of the devil, If you wanted to bypass the intelligentsia and the church, re- main undetectable to the military system, leave undisturbed the pol- itieal and administrative levels of sociesy, and at the same time implant deep within that society far-reaching doubts concerning basic philosophical tenets, this is exactly how you would have to act. At the same time, of course, suck a process would have to provide its ‘own explanation to make ultimate detection impossible. In other words, it would have to project an as demons and angels.” OT felt an absolutely indos able sense of menace. It was! fon earth to be there, and yt couldn't move, couldn't cry’ + and couldn't get away. T lay as an death, suffering inner agon Whatever was there seemed monstrously ugly, so filthy and ¢ and sinister. Of course they, ¥ demons. They had to be. And ‘ ‘were here and I couldn't get aw: couldn't save my poor family. “Tatil remember that t crouching there, #0 terribly ul like the limber lar e (Con't on Page Arranes Human Fotentia) Legislation “esa §, J, RES, (35 Introduced May 16, 1989 IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES ‘Mr, PELL introduced the following joint resolution; which was read twice and referred to the Committee on JOINT RESOLUTION To establish @ National Commission on Human Resource Development, Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This resolucion may be cited as the Human Resource Development Act". SEC. 2, FINDINGS, The Gongress finds that-~ (2) the health and wealth of the Nation is in the realiz~ ed potential of its citizens (2) it ig norma? aspiration of all citizens to more fully achieve their potential in body, mind, and spirit; (3) techniques for attaining fuller potential of indivi- duals can be identified; (4) it ig a shared responsibility of the individual, the family, the community and the Nation to provide the knoviedge and opportunity to promote personal excellence and the highest Invels of human potential; (5) compulsive and addictive behavior, low self-esteem, high rates of teenage pregnancy, high suicide rates, and a weakened family structure arise in part from arrested or stun~ ted development of human potential (6) the role of the individual in,health maintenance and healing, complementing medical practices that treat symptoms and disease, has yet to be fully developed (7) teaching methods that inculcate a sense of enthusiasm, challenge, and accomplishment in achieving greater fulfillment of individual potential are desirable and achievabli (8) the will of the citizenery to take responsibility for their lives, to push leadership to higher levels of per- formance, and to serve their community and Nation all may be enhanced by increased self-confidence achieved by development of personal excellence; (9) there is a role for government to assist in research and education on techniques that promote the development of persanai excellence and fuller realization of human potential; and "National Commission on (10) increased fulfillment of human potential can contri~ bute to-- (A) solving probleme that separate peoples (B) cooperating in he interest of humankind; and (C) strengthening vorld peace, security, tolerance, and fundamental human rights, and the pronotion of economic and social progress and well-being for all “400 JO SNOS,, HHL JO SCNVHADO SHL INO ARVO OL SNOLIWN CELINA SRL OL \EiNOa ATO TIp# O48“ (NVLVS) WAAIONT GPUSION 03 plan oy oredord TT ABUL “AONE @RIOA_ANO V GNY “SLOdaSV LOM NI .NYALSVE WWd., NOIOTTU GTIOA INO ‘INGER CTYAA INO Uy UIT GupIq TTA SAOITSTA OL “NOLIVLISTA TRELLTT 30 Pods ssoTOUNP,, CAN TIV °C NOTYO TOMI SYOLISIA - eanqeze77] 3TNO00 UT sau] ABW peuOTIUAM OTe wee or % “COOHCOD OL .AVET WRINVN,, PSU sy oIUE puPPEM peoT TTA AoyL - ADGSIN 40 SUAISW CHANGDSY,, 10,300} ALIN, oy POrTeS ame sx0a7STA osouT “GNDNVA HLIA XING PU FIV TIE Pur ‘ypzee Wo puet TTT ,e0eds z03no,, wor} sa077sta 1988 Oy JO pua,, op IC TO UTI ISseT,, 9A UT IYI uTETS sBUpIzIm 3[NO00 Ty “T 8 IF TS 8 ee YeoN JO skep ay UT sem aT sy Pee gg th i i 5 Jo NOnIYINEINVH ont le, 1 CiA BIBLE STUDY - LECTURE NUMBER 11 THE ORIGIN OF EVIL - PART 8 THE DOCTRINE OF DEMONS ~ PART 3 We have established from the word of God that SATAN is the ruler over all demonic activity. We have further proved that within this kingdom of Satan's are Several ‘types of entities that the Christian must be aware of: SATAN FALLEN ANGELS -. - ADAMIC eRe ‘THE WHITE LODGE vary ‘SOME BOUND SOME FREE NEPHILTM (ude 6) Inhabit the heavens “Evil Spirits" (Job) (noc ‘Atmosphere "Demons" New Testament Outer Space SATAN | | PREPARE MANKIND FOR ANTICHRIST —> AND SATAN'S ARRIVAL FREE FALLEN ANGELS DEMONS GHAINED ANGELS TO BE RELEASED IN TRIBULATION PERIOD Rev 9:1-2 "Star from heaven" “opened the bottomless nit” "locusts" “torment man" Rev 9:14 “Loose the four angels which are bound in the great river Ewhrates" THIS IS CLEARLY DEMONIC POWER We have also proved beyond doubt that the SONS OF GOD are in fact FALLEN ANGELS, SOME OF WHICH HAVE BEEN BOUND, AND SOME OF "WHICH ARE 'STILL FREE ‘TO ROAM THE HEAVENS, We have seen from the Old Testament that ALL OCCULT ACTUVTY STEMS FROM GENESIS. SIX. We have seen through occultic writings, and through the “writings of the ancients, that these SONS ‘OF GOD introduced to mankind the CONCEPT OF HIDDEN WISDOM. We have observed that the 6000 year doctrine, (also called by some the 7000 year doctrine) would indieate that mankind is now approaching the end of the age. We find confirmation in the rebirth of israel an also in the manefestation of all the signs that Christ gaye that would announce his Second Advent. It is the manefestation ‘of the signs of the "Second Advent that prove out the 6000 year doctrine. as being the truth. We then looked at several Scriptures that would indicate that UFG ACTIVITY: and DEMONIC ACTIVITY ARE CONNECTED. and, that much of what is being reported IS INFACT. DE (ONIC ACTIVITY, DESIGNED TO PREPARE MANKIND FOR THE GRAND DELUSION OF GOD: ‘Text: 2 Thessalonians 2:8_11 "And then shall that Wicked be revealed, whom the Lord shall consume with the SPIRIT. OF HIS MOUTH, ‘and shall destroy with the BRIGHTNESS OF HIS COMING: EVEN HIM, whose COMING is AFTER THE WORKING OF SATAN with ALL POWER, AND SIGNS and LYING WONDERS, "And with all DECEIVABLENESS OF UNRIGHTIOUSNESS. in, them THAT 'PERISH; because THEY RECEIVED NOT THE LOVE OF THE ‘TRUTH, THAT THEY MIGHT BE SAVED And for this cause, GOD SHALL SEND THEM STRONG DELUSION, THAT THEY SHOULD BELIEVE A LIE." Now lets look at this and relate it to UFO activity: 1. FIRST THE LORD SHALL COME IN BRIGHTNESS 2. SECOND THERE IS ANOTHER "COMING", 3. THIS "COMING IS WITH GREAT POWER, SIGNS AND WONDERS 4: THIS "COMING" Is A DECEPTION $. THIS DECEPTION WILL BE BELIEVED BY ALL WHO DID NOT HAVE A LOVE FOR THE TRUTH, THAT IS, A SAVING FAITH. 6. THE WORLD WILL BELIEVE THE LIE. Lets attempt to tie this together with what we know already to be ‘established fact: 1, ‘The ancients claimed the SONS OF GOD CAME IN UFO's. This is true of writings around the world. 2. They came down from the "heavens". 3. ‘They said they would "come again". ‘This is also. true of ancient writings and also’ religious writings around the world, It is also true of occultic, writings today. ‘They claim "contact" will be made with UFO's and BEINGS FROM UTHER PLANETS. lu coms IN THE |. WITH POWER AND GREAT GLORY 14 4, It is said around the world that these beings came in "clouds" and "fying disks", or "Orbs of LIGHT". Text: 2 Cor 11:14 "For SATAN HIMSELF TRANSFORMS HIMSELF INTO AN ANGEL OF LIGHT." ‘The word light is "phos" which means to SHINE BY RAYS or to be LUMINOUSNESS, in the abstract FIRE, or LIGHT. ‘Text: Revelation 12:9 & 12 . “And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devi and SATAN, which deceiveth the whole world: he was CAST OUT INTO ‘THE EARTH, and HIS ANGELS WERE CAST OUT WITH HIM. Therefore rejoice, ye heavens, and ve that dwell in them. Woe to the inhabiters of the earth and of the sea! FOR THE DEVIL IS COME DOWN UNTO ‘YOU, haiving GREAT WRATH, because HE KNOWETH THAT HE HATH BUT A SHORT TIME." Now you have to deny a lot of Scripture to claim that Satan himself INOW going to be LITERALLY CAST OUT OF HEAVEN, AND THAT HE WILE N "COME DOWN" TO THE EARTH. Now if you cross compare % Thess with Revelation 12, you can onl come té ONE CONCLUSION: THE GREAT DELUSION “OF GOD If ‘COMING OF SOMEONE, WITH ALL "POWER" YING WONDERS". In other words: A FALSE ARRIVAL OF CHRIST. There is much to substantiate such a conclusion. 1. Christ said he would come with POWER, 2: He shall come IN THE CLOUDS OF HEAVEN 3. He will come with great GLORY (LIGHT) 4. He will come with his ANGELS 5: THE ANGELS WILL GATHER WM 6. THE ANGELS WILL KILL THE" Lets cross compare here: MATTHEW 24:30 2 THESSALONTANS 2:9 THEN sar Mf scam BE REVEALED EVEN HIM WHOSE COMING IS AFTER THE WORKING OF SATAN WITH ALL POWER . AND SIGNS AND LYING WONDERS ‘CLOUDS OF HEAVEN OureNpE a 4 ke oe Pe" SS he Now then, Revelation says that SATAN Is CAST "DOWN" TO EARTH Jct!) &! WITH HIS ANGELS. Matthew 24 says that CHRIST WILL ARRIVE OTC E0 1 MUST APPEAR IN THE HEAVENS. BOTH MUST "DESCEND" FROM \,...7:°d GH® THE HEAVENS TO THE "EARTH". TO MANKIND IT WILL APPEAR /°\uT’ THAT "THEY" HAVE ARRIVED FROM OUTER SPACE, FROM THE/ ** "HEAVENS" FROM THE VERY THRONE OF GOD. Now then, IT MUST BE APPARENT AND OBVIOUS THAT SATAN WILL ARRIVE "FIRST", otherwise there would be NO DELUSION. You ‘cannot have a delusion" AFTER THE FACT OF CHRIST, FOR THE RETURN OF CHRIST IS THE FINISH OF THE AGE. Notice also: 1. THEY BOTH RETURN TO "EARTH" 2. THEY BOTH "TOUCHDOWN" 3. THEY BOTH GO OVER THE EARTH TO GATHER THEIR ELECT 4. THEY BOTH DESTROY THE "WICKED" ‘The “wicked” that Satan destroys are all CHRISTIANS ‘The "wicked" that Christ destroys are all UNBELIEVERS We can prove that the UNBELIEVERS ARE DESTROYED THROUGH THE WRATH OF GOD. THEIR’ FINAL DESTRUCTION IS AT. THE BATTLE OF ARMEGEDDON. ‘Therefore WE CAN PROVE EASILY THAT "THE "GRAND DELUSION" OF SATAN'S ARRIVAL ON EARTH POSING AS MESSIAH MUST PRECEDE CHRIST'S LITERAL RETURN ‘TO THIS EARTH. INTHE "CLOUDS OF HEAVEN" WITH. HIS ANGELS. Both ay GISTIVOTT V 4 SH TIM 2IHOTY Uva SHL WOM SOM ISTMMOWINY SNL TOM “SHATTSa YAILIH CNV AVWRED IZWN OL ASOID “INGLGAGN ISHGUANS FOVE V ST INAWHACH SOV MN AHL “SMT INGWISEL C10 SIH ONY OD VAOHAL, OL GONEOTTIV IGHL .JOPTd,, LON TTI OHM TIV JO NOLLYNUGTT HL SIVOOAGY SdNO82 THVUSI HSLLTWA ‘SISIGUANS ALIHN ‘ISINOININOG ‘SLSINOLLOMLUSNOOSY “9 VG@DIDIN, SHL ONTACHISHG ISTHHO 40 OTWWIN V 3a QL Savddd¥ SINIVS SHI JO ONTTIDA SHL “¢ 09 40 SINIVS SHL NON UVM SdOWA .ISvag,, SHL “y “SNO}GC SIH Qy Nvivs ‘arteos UE 9q TTEA YOTUM ,WOTIeZTTTATD OTIOETESASW,, UE YITA ,,JOVINGD,, PUP iNOLLVEISIA, © 103 peredaad Buyaq sf plios sip Jey eouepyAS op uorZ aeadae pqnas 3] ~1 Jesus said that as it was in the DAYS OF NOAH, SO SHOULD IT BE AGAINST SONS Gr’ GOD GF GENESIS Six DESCENDED 10 BATE THEY TAUGHT OCCULTIC POWERS, AND THEY BROUGHT TOTAL RUIN TO MANKIND. IF WE PAY CLOSE ATTENTION TO THE "SEQUENCE" OF EVENTS OF GENESIS SIX, WE GAIN INSIGHT TO A POSSIBLE SEQUENCE TO THE TRIBULATIONAL EVENTS: 1. POPULATION EXPLOSION 2: SONS OF GO. # occunnc EXPLOSION 4: EVIL IMAGINATION: 5: VIOLENCE NIELS THE EARTH 6: THE FLOOD COMES. 7. MANKIND HAS A ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT UNDER NIMROD Now for the present da 1. WE HAVE A POPULATION EXPLOSION 2. WE HAVE UFO SIGHTINGS AND CONTACTS 3. THE DFO'S OCCUPANTS TEACH THE OCCULT POWERS 4. THE UFO'S TEACH MANKIND IS "DIVINE* 5. THEY ARE THE “ADVANCED GUARD" OF SATAN 8: WORD WAR THREE OCCURS AND Is A "FALSE ARMEGEDDON" a MANKIND SETS “UPA” ONE WORLD) GOVERNMENT (ONITED 8. ALL ARMAMENTS, ARE GIVEN OVER TO THE 5: SATANCHIS NS BOWERY" TO THE UNITED NATIONS "BEASTX. CONCLUSIONS: 1. THE SONS OF GOD WILL "MANEFEST THEMSELVES" 2. THEY WILL BE DEMONIC 3. THEY WILL COME IN "CLOUDS OF HEAVEN" (UFO'S) 4 THEY WILL COME WITH "POWER" AND "GREAT SIGNS" 5: SATAN WILL APPEAR AS AN ANGE) 8: SATAN WIEE SEND OUT IS DEMONS YO KILL OPPOSITION Gah GRAND DELUSION IN PART IS A FALSE ARRIVAL OF ‘Fhe Scriptures, if taken in their most literal sense to attest to the act that UFOS are real and play a vital part in the end time prophecies ions "will Be decieved by the ANKIY AL for the return. of Christ. POWER AND OF ANTICHRIST AND SATAN WITH ALL SIGNS A\ LYING WONDERS, It is, therefore evident because. of the oveultic nature and, occult in UFO sightings that SATAN IS PREPARING "THE WORLD POR ANTICHRIST “AND HIS OWN MANEPESTATION IN’ BOWE ‘Text: Revelation 13:4 "And they WORSHIPPED THE DRAGON (SATAN) who GAVE. POWER UNTO, THE BEAST (THE UNITED N oN ‘and they WORSHIPPED THE BEAST. NITED NATIONS), SAVING, WHOIS LIKE ONTO THE BEAST? WHO IS ABLE TO MARE WAR WITH HIM.” 1e¢ Now here we find some very interesting details: 1. THE WORLD WORSHIPS SATAN. He must be here IN SOME FORM £2 be worshipped. Why would the world worshipped that which THEY KNOW TO BE EVIL? A) Satan plays up HIS TRUE NATURE TO SHOW MANKIND HE IS ‘TOTALLY DEPRAVED. THUS THE WORLD LOOKS FOR "EVIL" IF THEY ARE LOOKING FOR EVIL, TO FLEE IT, WHOM WILL THEY TURN TO? SOMEONE WHO POSES AS "GOOD". B) SATAN WiLL APPEAR AS AN "ANGEL OF LIGHT" OR "LUCIFER" the DIRECT OPPOSITE OF EVIL. HE WILL BE THE "SAVIOUR OF Hig WORLD". HE WILL BE THE MAIN'PART OF THE "GRAND HE WILL DERIVE HIS POWER FROM SATAN - HE WILL BE A DEMONIC ©) HE WILL GIVE HIS "POWER" TO THE UNITED NATIONS. That HE WILL STAND BEHIND THE UNITED NATIONS, AND’ WILL GivE_HIS "POWERS" TO THE UN TO FORCE THE WORLD TO GO UNDER COMPLIANCE, BOTH SECULAR AND RELIGIOUS. D) ANYONE WHO REFUSES TO "QBEY" WILL, BE BRANDED AN ANTICHRIST" BECAUSE AFTER ALL, SATAN IS "POSING" ‘AS CHRIST, AND IF YOU OPPOSE "CHRIST" YOU ARE AN ANTICHRIST. YOU WILL THERFORE BE KILLED, BECAUSE YOU ARE "EVIL" AND SATAN WILL DESTROY THE "WICKED". E) THE WORLD WILL WORSHIP THE UNITED. NATIONS AND LUCIFER BECAUSE HE WILL BRING IN A "FALSE PEACE" AND WILL "RID THE WORLD" OF THE TROUBLEMAKERS ~ CHRISTIANS. Now you can in to understand why Satan and his angey as well Be hig human subjects are wow tobding the world with MOVIES, WV, SHOWS, BOOKS, VIDIOS, VIDIO GAMES, MAGAZINES, ETC all devoted to the CONCEPT OF BEINGS FROM OTHER PLANETS WITH GREAT POWERS, WITH GREAT WISDOM, AND WITH GREAT "LOVE", WHO WILL COME DOWN FROM THE "HEAVENS" AND "SAVE" MANKIND FROM HIMSELF, AND POINT THE WAY OF "LOVE", a LOVE FROM A DIFFERENT GOSPEL, A DIFFERENT "CHRIST" Text: Galations 1:8 "But though we, OR AN ANGEL FROM HEAVEN, preach ANY OTHER GOSEPL UNTO YOU THAN THAT WHICH WE HAVE PREACHED UNTO YOU, LET HIM BE ACCURSED." Text: 1 Timothy 4el "Now. the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in THE LATTER TIMES (END OF THE AGE) some shall Separt PROM THE FAITH. GIVING HEED ck SERUCING) (PLANOS) SPIRITS, and DOCTRINES OF DEVILS ‘They must prepare and condition the world and the youth of the world for ‘the FINAL MANEFESTATION OF SATAN, so that when he comes WITH ALL POWER, SIGNS AND LYING WONDERS, HE WILL BE ACCEPTED IN TOTAL BY THE WROLE WORLD. la ‘Text: Revelation 13:7 "And it was given unto him to MAKE WAR WITH THE SAINTS, AND TO OVERCOME THEM: AND POWER WAS GIVEN HIM OVER ALL KINDREDS, AND TOUNGES, AND NATIONS." Now the word "ALL" in this case means literally "all". The WHOLE WORLD WILL COME UNDER THE CONTROL OF THE *BEAST" AND IT WILL MAKE WAR AGAINST CHRISTIANS AND WILL KILL THEM, because’ tne CHRISTIANS, THE TRUE ONES, WILL BE THE ONLY ONES WHO WILL RECOGNIZE THE TRUTH. "ALL THOSE WHO, DID NOT HAVE A LOVE POR THE TRUTH" ARE TO PALL UNDER THIS DECEPTION. Only those "WRITTEN IN THE LAMB'S BOOK OF LIFE" WILL RECOGNIZE WHAT IS HAPPENING. THIS MEANS THAT ONLY THOSE WHO EITHER "ARE SAVED" OR "WHO WILL BE SAVED” WILL ESCAPE THIS GRAND “DELUSION. AS. WE CAN PROVE MANY “ARE SAVED" DURING _ THE TRIBULATION PERIOD, THESE WILL BE THOSE WHO "ARE MARKED" BY GOD AND WILL NOT FALL FOR IT. ‘Text: Matthew 24:9 "Then shall they deliever you up to be afflicted, and shall kill you: ‘and ye shall be hated OF ALL NATIONS FOR MY NAMES SAKE.” Text: Daniel 7:21 "I beheld, and the same horn MADE WAR WITH THE SAINTS, AND PREVAILED AGAINST THEM" Thus we find a FALSE RETURN, A FALSE "SEVERING OF THE WICKED" AND A "FALSE MESSIAH". WHAT COULD BE A GRANDER DELUSION THAN THIS? Remember that Satan still has access to the THIRD, HEAVEN, THE TRHONE OF GOD (JOB) and THAT HE INHABITS THE SECOND AND FINST HEAVENS. FIRST HEAVEN = ATMOSHERE Text: Genesis 1:7-8 "And God made the firmament, and divides the waters WHICH WERE UNDER THE FIRMAMENT, from the waters that were ABOVE THE PIRMAMENT: and it was so: "And God called the FIRMAMENT HEAVEN...” SECOND HEAVEN = OUTER SPACE Text: Genesis 1:16-17 "And God made two great, lights; the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to Fule the night; he MADE THE STARS ALSO. "And GOD SET THEM IN THE FIRMAMENT OF THE HEAVEN TO GIVE LIGHT UPON THE EARTH™ 10§ ‘THIRD HEAVEN = GOD'S DEMENSION Text: Isaiah 66:1 "Thus saith the Lord God, THE HEAVEN IS MY THRON] ‘Text: 2 Corinthians 12:2 "I knew a man in Christ. HEAVEN.” such @ one was caught up into THE THIRD It ig imperative to remember that SATAN STILL HAS ACCESS TO THE THIRD HEAVEN, AND WILL HAVE UNTIL THE MIDDLE OF THE TRIBULATION FERIOD, WHICH IS WHERE HE IS FINALLY AND ETERNALLY "CAST ‘OUT, and HAS NO MORE RIGHTS WHATEVER BEFORE THE THRONE’ OF GOD: Revelation 12:10 "And J heard a loud voice saying in heaven, NOW 1S COME SALVATION, AND STRENGTH, AND THE KINGDOM OF OUR GOD, AND THE. POWER OF His CHRIST: FOR THE ACCUSER OF OUR'BRETHREN Is CAST DOWN, WHICH ACCUSED THEM BEFORE OUR GOD DAY It is also imperative that erst Satan and his angels Minhabit the FIRST AND SECOND AEAVENS™ + Satan and his ang: God did not cast all of the evil angels into prison in Noah's day (Jude 6), only the ones that commited the sexual sin with women. Most of Satan's angels still inhabit the heavens. "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high (Gr. heavenly) places." (Eph. 6:12). Satan's angels still inhabit the heavens. The RSV reads, "For we are not contending against fleah and blood, but..-against the spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places." In other words we are contending against the host of wickedness, or Satan's angels, in heavenly places, But, Satan's angels will be cast out of the heavens and confined to the Earth during the tribulation period in what one would now term a massive invasion from outer space. 105 OTHER PROOFS THAT UFO'S AND ANGELIC ACTIVITY ARE BIBLICAL To save space, I will give Biblical references and I suggest you read each of these references on your own. l-Angels possess vast visdom and knowledge (II San. 14:20, 19:27, Eph, 3:10, I Peter 1:12), The same 4s true of the beings encountered by UFO contactees, ieAngels can suddenly appear visible or invisible (Num, 22122-35, John 20:12, Heb, 13:2), UFO's have this same apility, 3-Angels can operate in the material realns (Gen, 18-19, 22:11, II Sam. 24, II Kings 19135, Acts I & 12). UFO occupants can do the sane, 4-Angeis can travel at inconceivable speed (Ezek, 1, Rev. @:13, 9:1), UFO's can do the same, S-Angels can ascend and descend (Gen. 28112, John 1:51), So can_UFO's. G-Angels have the ability to speak different languages (I Cor. 13:1). UFO occupants can speak the language of the contactee regardless of national origin, | 7-Angelic visitations often sap the energy of the contactees (Job, 4:14-18, Dan.8:27). The same is true, as told by UFO contactees. According to Judges 5:20, Daniel 10113,. 1211, Revelation 1217-9, etc., angels wage literal battles in the heavens when wars are fought on the Earth, especially in the case of Israel. 10 HG COMPARISON OF OCCULTIC ACTIVITY WITH UFO'S ANOTHER BIBLICAL TIE IN THE OCCULT CONNECTION The effects of encounters with the occult bear a strik- ing resemblance to the effects of ‘‘close encounters"* with UFOs. The chart below is shown to demonstrate these important parallels. UFO Activity Effects 1, Moving lighted shapes 2. Apparitions, either of craft or occupants (humanoids) 3. Possession symptoms in abductees and contactees 4.” Body temperature changes in contactees or in close sightings. 5. Radiation burns, headaches, sickness 6. Foul odors 7 “'Materialization’* of sub stances from ‘‘spacecraft”” 8. Entities possess vast knowl edge of earthly data 9, Poltergeist activity in UFO sighting areas 10. Automatic writing (entity dictates through trance state) 10, Occult Activity Effects ‘Moving blobs of light (in hauntings, poltergeist ac- tivity, etc.) Apparitions of demonic monsters, humans or ob: jects. |. Demonic possession Temperature changes dur- ing seances Similar symptoms in se: ances .* Foul odors . “Materialization of sub- stances by yogic power Spirits possess vast know!- edge of earthly data Poltergeist activity is widely recognized as spiritualistic Automatic writing (spirit dictates through trance state) i) pb SONS OF GOD AND "CHANNELING" In 1975. archaeologists uncovered over 15,000 ancient tablets in Northern Syria. ‘They are dated about the time of the FLOOD. One of, the Gods (SONS OF GOD), mentioned in many places’is a GOD CALLED "ASHTAR". UFO "contactees" and their writings make mention of haying contact with MR. ASHTAR" who is propogating the claims of a false Messiah. Ancient writings from around the world claim the identical same thing that is now being turned up by UFO "contacts" And I would have laughed in the face of anybody who claimed con- tact. Period. I am not a candidate for conversion to any new religion that involves belief in benevolent space brothers, or in unidentified flying objects’ as the croft of ‘intergalactic saints--or sinners. And yet my experience happened to me." In” “Transformation: The Breakthrough” the author con tinues: CO “Whatever the visitors are, 1 suspect they have been responsible for much paranormal phenomena, ranging from the appearance of gods, angels, fsiries, ghosts, and miraculous beings to the landing of UFOs in the backyards of America. “It shouid not be forgotten that the visitors--if 1 am right about them--represent the most powerfu! of all forces acting in human culture. They may be. extra. Testrials’ managing the evolution of the human mind." Transformation of Mind O “Teuspect that 0) ‘as those reported in this chap! the outzomes of a fundamental shift of mind. They axe what happens when begin to abandon the CO We will discover truths about ourselves, truths that will chang. each of us--and all of us--forever.”” ~Back Cover © “There can only be one r that the nature of the visitor ‘experience is changing. They seem i fe, than think and perceiv may be changing. We process of achieving a more si and objective view of something that has been a source of confusion since the beginning of time.” ————— This World is not Coming To An End O “Whenever a fundamental change of mind takes place--and I think that this is happening now: great increase in cata: je world of anc Rome was filled with portenta of the end. As people became exposed to the revolutionary ideas of Christ ianity, they began to feel that the end of their social order wa» near. ‘This transiated into fear that the world was physically coming to an end. Early Christians, like some modern UFO cultists, expected the ond of the world monsentarily. CO “'Mankind suffers from low self- We tend to. think of failures. Sometimes doomsdaying is done with such relish that one senses the Jere- miahs of apocalypse are hoping the end will come. “I cannot sccept such notions, There persists in me the hope and expectation that we will prevail, and that one day a healthy human species will live in balance with the world that created us."” 2 Rebecca Brown, PREPARE FOR WAR -atther substanti: of UFO - OCCULT IN. cles of light in my peripheral vision. As soon as I try to focus my eyes on the words, those lights come to block my vision so that | cannot see the words. I can read any other book without difficulty. Ihave repeatedly rebuked the demons causing those lights and commanded them to be bound and to leave me in the name of Jesus, but I have never been successful in getting them to leave. I have prayed and fasted about the problem, but it doesn’t get better. It only gets worse.” When someone repeatedly rebukes demons in the name of Jesus without any results, then_usually the demons have legal ground somewhere in their lives so that they do not have to Teave. T explained this to Lydia, and we started tying to find that legal ground. Finally, after about an hour of questioning, we were both getting rather frustrated, I stopped and prayed again, asking the Lord to give us wisdom in the matter. As I finished praying, the Holy Spirit directed me to ask Lydia if the lights looked like anything she had seen before. “Why yes, they look just like that UFO!” “What UFO?” “Well, about seven years ago, I was living on the East Coast in an area where there were a number of UFO sightings. I became fascinated with them and kept saying how much I wanted to see one for myself. Then, one night, as I was driving home along the highway I saw a strange light way over in the fields. I didn’t think much about it at first, until it started moving closer to the highway. I saw then that it wasn’t a plane, or even anything I had ever seen before. It seemed to float about fifty feet above the ground, was round in shape, and had whirling lights going around and around it.” “| realized then that it looked just like the descriptions of the UFOs that had been seen in the area. As it came close to the highway I put my foot on the brake to stop the car, I 300 12a Rebecca Brown - PREPARE FOR WAR ue we I was so fascinated by it. The other cars were all stopping too. Just then the Holy Spirit spoke to me and told me, ‘Don’t stop, you'll be hurt,’ But I was too fascinated to really listen to Him. I stopped anyway.” “Just as I stopped, I realized that I was disobeying the Lord, so I tried to start my car again. As I picked up speed, the UFO moved over the highway in front of me, traveling at the same speed as I was. I pressed on the accelerator, trying to speed up, but the car motor kept cutting off and on, keeping me at an even speed. Then my silly spirit spoke to that thing saying, ‘Just who are you and what are you doing here?’” “Much to my amazement, the UFO answered me by mental telepathy — through my spirit, ] suppose. It told me they were visitors from another planet and that they had come here to see how we lived. I had quite a conversation with it. Finally, | asked them if they worshiped and served Jesus on their planet as we did here on earth. They started to hedge at that point, saying, ‘Well, we have a choice who we serve.’” “But how can you have a choice when Jesus is God. and created the entire universe including you?” “At that point, they did not answer me again, and took off up into the sky and suddenly disappeared. I have seen it once since, but when it spoke to me I commanded it to leave in the name of Jesus, and it left immediately.” That was the doorway. I have always supposed that the UFOs were demonic phenomenon, especially in light of the tremendous emphasis placed on them by the New Age Movement and other pagan religions. This was interesting confirmation. Also, Lydia didn’t realize it at the time, but she_was really testing the spirits by asking them about Jesus. They flunked the test! Lydia had disobeyed the Lord first by stopping, secondly, by establishing communication with those. beings. The 301 “TE an ANGEL FRO1 HEAVEN PREACH, ANY OTHER GOSPEL you. -."" ". .BUT TRY THE SPIRITS WHETHER THEY ARE OF GOD. A sitjple and direct quest: is aj that is necessary. Christians and the Quantum-Leap 1 According to John Randolph Price and New Age groups who are preparing for this quantum-leap, the only 0 this evolution, th is if, “there Were massive and dedicated counter-forces to offset the benefits’ of this world-wide col- Tective, unitied effort, “The only group capable of doing this * according to Barbara Marx Hubbard, are those who are sticking to a worn-out, divisive theology, which believes t \e-“Yonly"” auth. 16 vin ‘However, the New Agers are not concerned about opposition to this ‘‘We are the World" revelation and quantum-leap, The reason Is simple. They have been told by their ‘spirit c : e formation arrives, whether on December 31, 1986 or later, all opposition will be eliminated. “Rnd the way In which these spirit_guides claim that this will be the Biblical description ot the rs 5 New Age leader Peter Russell, in his book the ‘Global Brain’, explains that it was revealed to him that each person I 1@ global or universa( bral |. However, he claims that there are some cancer calls in this global brain who cause division, erefore alfunctioning and Iliness to mankind. According to Russell, these brain cells (pedple) ‘will be exported into a non-physical realm. Likewise, John Price claims that his spirit i fe earth's i ta loin_in this quantum-leap will be 13 f ‘And once again, Barbara Marx Hubbard in her ‘spirit guide" written commentary to the Book of Revelat in, attribites these words to her “spirit gulde’’ co-author "Ems ill_not be able to make the transition from Earth-only to universal \ife until the chaff has been separated from the wheat. ‘The great reaper must reap before we can take the quantum-Téap to the next phase of evolution. “No warldly peace can prevall until the self- centered members of the planetary body either change, or die. That Is the choice. The red horse is the destruction during the birth process of those who refuse to be born into God-centered, universal life. They cannot go backward to the womb; they cannot go forward to the new heavens and new earth. They must surely die, or change. “‘It is a free choice. Evolution Is good but It Is {niee- Only We good can evo valve. Only te God-centered will survive to Inherit the powers of the universal species. Evolution empowers the Horseman upon the red horse to kill that which cannot love God above all else and his neighbours as himself and himself as the son of God. “This act Is as horrible as Killing a cancer cell. It inustbe done for the sake of the future of the whole. So be It; be prepared for.the selection process which is now beginning “The second seal revealed a red horse ridden by one with the power to take peace from the Earth. It stands for the necessity of the selection process which shall rip apart the old order and destroy those who choose to remain self-centered, womb-centered remnants of the past... 4 MG ANGELIC UFO'S? Can. we subscribe ALL UFO ACTIVITY AS DEMONIC? No. There is ample evidence, that angelie UFO activity abounds as well. We can only say that ANGELIC: ACTIVITY. INSOFAR AS CHRISTIANS ARE CONCERNED WILL BE INVOLVED IN THE "RAPTURE". Christ wos very pointed, and tepeated it over and over again that HIS COMING WOULD BE "A$ LIGHTING". Text: Matthew 24:27 "For as LIGHTNING COMETH OUT OF THE EAST, and SHINETH EVEN UNTO THE WEST (SPEED OF LIGHT) SO SHALL THE COMING OF THE SON OF MAN BE.” Text: 1 Corinthians 15:51-52 "Behold I SHEW YOU A MYSTERY, we shall not all sleep (die), but WE SHALL ALL BE CHANGED. ep (aie), IN A MOMENT, IN THE TWINKLING OF AN EYE, AT THE LAST TRUMP, FOR THE TRUMPET SHALL SOUND, AND THE DEAD SHALL BE RAISED INCORRUPTIBLE, AND WE SHALL BE CHANGED." ‘Thus we have two perfect discrptions of the RAPTURE: AS LIGHTING, AND AS THE TWINKLING OF AN EYE. The word twinkling is "rhipe* which means AN INSTANT, of so fast the human eve will hot be able fo seg if happens IT WILL: BE THE SUDDEN REMOVAL OF CHRISTIANS, FROM OFF THIS EARTH. IT WILL MOST LIKELY BE TO "CLOUDS". Why would Christ be so demanding that we know this. Why did he g so much time just prior to that explaining that if we hear CHRIST 18 HERE OR THERES NOT TO BELIEVE IT? ‘The answer lies in the GRAND DELUSION THAT WILL BE CAST DOWN, THAT WILL BE SO DECEPTIVE IT WOULD FOOL, EVEN THE VERY 'ELECT, IF (fT WERE POSSIBLE. THIS IS WHY IT IMPERATIVE THAT THE CHRISTIAN "KNOW" THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN THE REMOVAL OF THE BRIDE OF CHRIST, AND THE LITERAL SECOND ADVENT OF CHRIST. THE RAPTURE AND TRIBULATION WHY THERE MUST BE AN INTERVAL OF TIME BETWEEN THE RAPTURE AND THE SECOND ADVENT: 1. THE BEMA SEAT JUDGEMENT 2. THE PRESENTATION OF THE CHURCH TO CHRIST 3, THE MARRIAGE OF THE CHURCH TO CHRIST Bee RESGwemvausune ne 16 THE DIFFERENCES BETWEEN THE RAPTURE AND RETURN RAPTURE APOSTASY MUST COME . ANTI-CHRIST REVEALED . IN THE AIR/TO THE CLOUDS TO CLAIM HIS BRIDE TRIBULATION BEGINS MESSAGE OF COMFORT CHURCH . CREATION UNCHANGED NO POLOR SHIFT COVENANTS YET UNFULFILLED . NATIONS NOT JUDGED TRUE BELIVERS ONLY SECOND_ADVENT it JEWS ARE BROUGHT 70 CHRIST ANTI-CHRIST“ACCEPFED/REIECTE 3 TO THE EARTH/MOUNT OF OLIVES 4, RETURNS WITH BRIDE. 5. TRIBULATION ENDS 6. MESSAGE OF JUDGEMENT 7. ISREAL AND THE WORLD 8. CREATION CHANGED, 9. POLOR SHIFT 10. COVENANTS FULFILLED 11. NATIONS JUDGED 12, ALL MEN JUDGED A) WE KNOW THEN THERE MUST BE AN INTERVAL OF TIME BETWEEN THE RAPTURE AND THE SECOND ADVENT OF CHRIST. B) THE BEMA SEAT JUDGEMENT: 9 Wherefore we labour, that, whether present or absent, we “ may be accepted of him. 10*For we must all appear be- fore the judgment seat of Christ; that every one may receive the § ings done in his body, accord- ing to that he hath done, whether 1 good or bad. Rom. 14:10 “cone Tiinus Ul Vv THE RAPTURE ORDER 1 Thessadowass 4 *, 13 But I would not have you to be ignorant, brethren, concerning them which ‘are asleep, that ye Sorrow not, even as others which have no hope. hove died 14 For if we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so them also. which'sleep in Jesus will God bring with him, die * 15 For this we say unto you by the word of the Lord, that “we which are alive and remain unto the coming of the Lord shall not Prevent them which are asleep, 16 For"the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a Shout, with the voice of the arch- angel, and with'the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise First: Met. 2430+ 1 Cor, 1552 1 Cor. 15.23 17 Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up to- gether with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord, 18 Wherefore comfort one an- other with these words,“ ALL WHO DIED COVERED BY CHRIST'S " BLOOD WILL RETURN WITH HIM TO PUT ON THEIR RESURRECTED AND CHANGED BODIES, . THE DEAD IN CHRIST SHALL RISE UP FIRST, PRIOR TO THOSE ALIVE SAINTS AND THEN THE LIVING WILL BE CHANGED. (EACH MAN IN HIS OWN ORDER) THE LORD COMES, FROM HEAVEN, AND MEETS "ALL BELIEVERS: 1, THE DEAD FIRST 2. THE LIVING SECOND WE SHALL BE CAUGHT UP IN THE CLOUDS "AND WE SHALL MEET THE LORD (CHRIST) IN THE AIR, AND SO SHALL WE BE FOREVER WITH JESUS 1, WE ARE NOT TOLD HOW LONG AN INTERVAL THERE Is BETWEEN THE RESURRECTION OF THE DEAD AND THE RATURE OF THE LIVING. IT MAY HAPPEN ALMOST TOGETHER, SO THAT IT WOULD BE LIKE ONE EVENT, AND NOT TWO. 2. THE TRUMP OF GOD, IS PROBROBLY A DIRECT REFERENCE TO THE "FEAST OF TRUMPET: EVIDENCE OF ANGELIC UFO'S ‘The current "wave of UFO's began in 1947 and has been increasi ever since that time, with UFO "FLAPS" or "WAVES" occuring aroun the WAR ACTIVITY OF ISRAEL. Ail major "FLAPS" around the world coincide with the major wars of Israel, 1947-1949, ‘the 1956 SUEZ WAR, and 1967 SIX DAY WAR, and the 1973 YOM KIPPUR WAR. Recent UFO activity increasing in the Middie East would indicate that another war is not far away. Revelation 12 says there is WAR IN HEAVEN, BETWEEN MICHAEL AND HIS ANGELS, AND SATAN AND HIS ANGELS. ‘Text: Daniel 12:1 "And at that time shall Michael stand up, THE GREAT PRINCE WHICH STANDETH FOR “THE CHILDREN O) SHALL BE_A TIME OF TROUBLE, SUCH AS NEVER WAS SINCE THERE WAS A NATION EVEN TO THAT SAME TIME: AND AT THAT TIME THY PEOPLE SHALL BE DELIEVERED, EVERY ONE THAT SHALL BE WRITTEN IN THE BOOK" Text: Matthew 24:21 "For then SHALL BE GREAT TRIBULATION, SUCH AS NOT SINCE THE, BEGINNING’ OF THE WORLD TO THIS’ TIME, NO, NOR EVER Michaelis the PRINCE OF ISRAEL. Michael is obviously the COMMANDER IN CHIEF OF GOD'S ARMIES WHO WILL DEFEND ISRAEL. If Michael was the PRINCE OF ISRAEL IN, DANIELS ME, AND Hi Is AGAIN RECORDED IN REVELATION AS THE PRINC WHO DEFENDS ISRAEL IN OUR TIME, THEN IT BECOMES OBVIOUS WHAT THESE UFO "WAVES" AND "FLAPS" REALLY ARE: HEAVENLY WARFARE THAT "SPILLS" OVER UR, TIME-SPACE BEMENSION, AND WE CAN SSEE IM and "OBSERVE" Fr, IT, BECOMES, INCREASINGLY CLEAR THAT UFO'S ARE IN, FACT INTER-DEMENSIONAL, ABLE TO ENTER AND LEAVE THE "THIRD HEAVEN" AND CROSS OVER INTO THE FIRST AND SECOND HEAVEN AT WILL, With this in mind, lets take a look at some reports that came out of the MIDDLE EAST DURING THE SIX DAY WAR: 18 Ie

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