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Volume 1 | Issue 1

Factory Workers
A day in the life of a Factory Worker
Today it was hot and humid in the factory. All the children were working as usually along with all
the women. I want to get out of here. Its dusty and hot and horrifying. Its not right that a child
should be working in a factory. I would rather be playing and going to school so I could have a
better job.

I started work at 5:30 in the morning. I ran to get to the factory to get there on time. I started
work as soon as I got here and haven’t had a real break. I wont be able to go home till late into
the evening. My whole body aches as I am on my feet all day bending over on the assembly line.

The factory is a hard place to work especially for the women. They came to work here as a
temporary job until they get married but didn’t realize it would be long hard days . They have
started to leave the factory and the owners have replaced them with migrant women from

I hope the conditions change so that my kids don’t have to work in the factory. I want them to
have a great life and not have the pain and injuries I have. I want them to go to school and be
able to be kids and play.

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