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Lussier and Hendon, Human Resource Management, Second Edition Instructor Resource

Answers to Applying the Concept Exercises

Applying the Concept 15-1: Level of Moral Development

Place the letter of the level of moral development on the line next to the statement that illustrates

a. preconventional level
b. conventional level
c. postconventional level

1. I lie to customers to sell more products because the others sales reps do it, too.
B. Conventional. The person is lying, which is copying the behavior of others—conventional.

2. I lie to customers so that I can sell more products and get larger commission checks.
A. Preconventional. The person is only looking out for his or her own self-interest.

3. I don’t lie to customers because it is unethical to lie.

C. Postconventional. The person is not lying because it is not honest.

4. Carl says to John, “You’re not selling as much as the rest of us. You really should lie to
customers like we do. If the boss asks why you aren’t selling as much as the rest of us, you’d
better not tell him we lie, or you will be sorry.”
B. Conventional. Carl is using peer pressure to get John to be unethical.

5. Karen says to John, “Telling lies to customers is no big deal—we’re helping them buy a good
A. Preconventional. Karen is trying to convince John that lying is OK.

Applying the Concept 15-2: Justifying Unethical Behavior

Place the letter of the justification given for engaging in unethical behavior on the line next to the
statement exemplifying it.

a. Everyone else does it.

b. I did it for the good of others or the company.
c. I was only following orders.
d. I’m not as bad as the others.
e. Disregard or distortion of consequences.

6. Don’t blame me. It was the boss’s idea to do it. I just went along with it.
C. I was only following orders. The person is essentially blaming the boss.
Lussier and Hendon, Human Resource Management, Second Edition Instructor Resource

7. It’s no big deal that I lie to customers because no one gets hurt. In fact, I’m helping them buy a
good product.
E. Disregard or distortion of consequences. The person is minimizing the harm caused by the
unethical lying.

8. I changed the numbers so the department will look good on our quarterly report to top
B. I did it for the good of others or the company. The person is justifying the behavior by stating
it was done to help the department look good.

9. Yes. I do lie to customers, but it’s the way we do business here.

A. Everyone else does it. The person is essentially saying everyone lies to customers.

10. I do take some of the company product home, but I take a lot less than the others.
D. I’m not as bad as the others. The person is justifying the behavior by stating they take less
than others.

Applying the Concept 15-3: Ethical Approach

Place the letter of the approach to making ethical decisions on the line next to the statement that
illustrates it.

a. Golden Rule
b. Four-way test
c. Stakeholders’ approach
d. Discernment and advice
e. Code of ethics

11. I’m a member of Rotary International, and I use its approach when I make decisions.
B. Four-Way test. The Rotary approach is the four-step method.

12. When I make decisions, I follow the guidelines the company gave all of us to use to make
sure I’m doing the right thing.
E. Code of ethics. Companies have codes of ethics for all employees to follow.

13. I try to make sure that everyone affected by my decisions gets a fair deal.
C. Stakeholder’s approach. The person is trying to create a win-win situation for all
stakeholders involved.

14. I try to treat people the way I want them to treat me.
A. Golden rule. This statement is essentially saying Do unto others as you would want them to
do unto you.
Lussier and Hendon, Human Resource Management, Second Edition Instructor Resource

15. Hi, Latoya. What do you think of my decision about how to handle this customer’s
D. Discernment and Advice. The person is considering if the decision is ethical or not and
getting advice to determine if it is or not.

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