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Do you find that you are living in a spiritual cage unable to get out,
repeating the same sin over and over again? Perhaps you are living out the
sinful tendencies of your parents instead of the destiny God has prepared
for you. If you are tired of taking two steps forward and three steps
backwards in your spiritual life, then Holy Spirit will use Break Free as a key
to get you out of that cage of limitation and stagnation and into a life of

Through powerful, vulnerable, and unforgettable storytelling, Vladimir

shares incredible moments in ministry and his personal life experiences that
taught him how to find freedom and live in it. What he has discovered, as
God has taken him through a journey of spiritual growth, is truly life

Break Free will…

• Remove the scales from your eyes about the reality of the spiritual world.
• It will give you the tools to stop simply dealing with the symptoms of
your problems but help you remove the roots of those problems.
• Challenge the belief that curses and demons are only problems in third
world countries.
• Show that demons come to build strongholds in the minds, as well as
destroy a person’s life.
• Define, once and for all, what freedom really is.
• Teach you the practical steps of how to stay free and never return to a
life of bondage.

This seven week video study guide is based on the book Break Free.

Enroll your small group into a 14 day Bible Reading Plan on YouVersion

Recommended Reading: Break Free by Vladimir Savchuk

Break Free PDF book can be downloaded for free on



Engage: What habits or characteristics (good or bad) do you have that have been passed
down from generation to generation in your family?

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Read Scripture: 1 Samuel 17:34-37

1. What are the chains that the devil uses to bind people?
2. On a scale of 1 to 10, with 1 being “totally in bondage” and 10 being “living in full
victory,” how much would you rate your current stance concerning freedom? Why
did you choose that number?
3. In which areas of your life are you currently facing lions and bears?
4. Have you ever been involved in the occult? Why?
5. After hearing about accursed things, does anything come to your mind that you
might possess that should be removed or prayed against?
6. What are some of the ways that people can get demons through unforgiveness?
7. True or False: Every person who wants to be used by God must first get
possessed by the devil so that he or she can relate better to oppressed people.

1. Lord, open my eyes to any chains that the enemy has used to bind me to himself.
2. I come against and break every curse over my life, over my family, over my finances
and over my health. Satan, I hold my authority in the name of Jesus and place you
under my feet.
3. I speak the light of God over my life and every area; FREEDOM is my portion and
blessing is my birthright.

Thoughts to Ponder:
• Before you can fight Goliath publicly, you must face lions privately.
• Deliverance is a process which involves identifying, confronting and resisting the enemy.
• The Devil wants to bind those God plans to use.
• The Devil is like a dog on a leash, he can only bark at Christians but cannot bite them if they stay
away from his territory.
• Getting into the occult is an open door for demons.
• Accursed things bring a curse into your life.
• Rejection breeds rebellion.

Enroll in Break Free Devotional Reading on YouVersion:

Recommended Reading: Chapters 1-2, Break Free by Vladimir Savchuk



Engage: Have you ever had anything stolen from you?

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Read Scripture: Ephesians 4:27-30

1. When we notice Satan’s activity in our lives, why is it necessary for us to check
for open doors?
2. What can create open doors in your life?
3. How is the nature of our enemy consistent with the profile of a thief?
4. Have you ever met someone who was bound by an addiction or demon, yet he
was certain that he was not in bondage? Why is that?
5. What does it mean to repent? Give an example from your life.
6. True or False: When you confess the sins of your forefathers, it gives them a
second chance with God if they went to hell.

1. Lord, reveal to me any open door in my life; open my eyes that I may see.
2. I come against every open door and whatever opened it. I remove Satan’s power
in my life, and I close the opened door, removing His access.
3. Lord give me the grace to walk in wisdom and strength and not to give any
access to the enemy to operate in my life.

Thoughts to Ponder:
• Authority of the believer is greater than access of the enemy.
• The Devil is a thief who operates at night and in secrecy.
• Bondage is deceptive; most people who are in bondage are convinced that they are free.
• Confessing sin opens the door for deliverance. Repentance from sin closes the door to demons.
• If you want to walk in authority, you must live under the authority of the Lordship of Jesus Christ.
• The process of deliverance involves recognizing the enemy, repenting from sin, rebuking the
enemy, resisting the enemy, replacing the enemy with God, and renewing our mind. They all begin
with the prefix “re.”

Enroll in Break Free Devotional Reading on YouVersion:

Recommended Reading: Chapters 2, 3, 5, and 6, Break Free by Vladimir Savchuk



Engage: Who was your first best friend? How has having friends affected your life?

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Read Scripture: Deuteronomy 7:26

1. What four principles from the story of Lazarus apply to walking in freedom?
2. What does the grave represent for us?
3. How is community, confession and accountability helpful in walking in freedom?
4. What is the real purpose for freedom?

1. Lord Jesus, help me to recognize that my salvation is the greatest miracle. I
thank you for this gift.
2. Help me, Holy Spirit, to leave my grave, every trigger point, toxic relationships
and bad places. Lead me away from temptation.
3. I declare today that my freedom is to help me be a friend of Jesus.

Enroll in Break Free Devotional Reading on YouVersion:

Recommended Reading: Chapter 4, Break Free by Vladimir Savchuk




Engage: What are you fighting in your life that you know you are called to overcome?

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Read Scripture: Ephesians 6:10-18

1. What are the three types of enemies?
2. How do we overcome our flesh?
3. How do we overcome the world?
4. How do we overcome the Devil?

1. God, give me the wisdom to identify the enemies in my life that Satan is using to
defeat me.
2. Give me the wisdom to feed my spirit with your word that I may overcome my
flesh, the wisdom to run from temptation that I may overcome the world, and the
strength to fight every demon in my life that I may overcome the Devil.
3. Lord, create within me a boldness of/for Christ. I stand in my authority as a child
of God and overcome every enemy in my life.

Thoughts to Ponder:
• Deliverance is God working for you; discipline is God working in you.
• Deliverance gets the demons out; discipleship keeps them out.
• You can’t be a disciple without discipline.
• We overcome the devil by fighting, the flesh by feeding the spirit, and the world by fleeing.
• Flee the world, not flirt with it.

Enroll in Break Free Devotional Reading on YouVersion:

Recommended Reading: Chapter 4, Break Free by Vladimir Savchuk




Engage: What’s been the hardest thought pattern you’ve had to change in your life?

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Read Scripture: 2 Corinthians 10:4-5

1. Why does Satan target to destroy your mind?
2. What is the difference between a strongman and a stronghold?
3. What are the two main ways Jesus offered freedom to come into your life, according to John
Chapter 8?
4. True or False: God created man for the purpose of being delivered.

1. Lord, break any thought pattern that is not in line with your word; liberate my mind.
2. Lord, give me the grace to stand on your word, to hold steadfast to the truth, and to consistently
feed my mind the truth.
3. I reject any lie of the enemy that aims to destroy my mind, in Jesus’ name.
4.Create within me, oh Lord, a mind that produces faith, love, and joy.

Points to Ponder:
• The strongman is a demon; a stronghold is a house of thoughts. The strongman comes quickly
and usually exits quickly. Strongholds that are built over time getdestroyed over time.
• You can control your mind, but your mindset controls you.
• Truth is like soap, it only works when it is applied.
• Our mind is like a ship-once it gets hit by the icebergs of life, it gets holes, andthe surrounding
water starts to slip inside, creating a stronghold.

Enroll in “7 Steps to Renew Your Mind” Devotional Reading on YouVersion

Recommended Reading: Chapter 9, Break Free by Vladimir Savchuk




Engage: How many thoughts does a person have a day?

Experts estimate that the mind thinks between 60,000 – 80,000 thoughts a day. That’s an average of
2500 – 3,300 thoughts per hour. That’s incredible. Other experts estimate a smaller number, of 50,000
thoughts per day, which means about 2100 thoughts per hour.[1]

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Read Scripture: Romans 12:1-2

1. Why does Satan target to destroy your mind?
2. What is the difference between a strongman and a stronghold?
3. What are the two main ways Jesus offered freedom to come into your life, according to John
Chapter 8?
4. True or False: God created man for the purpose of being delivered.

1. What are the seven practical steps described to renew your mind?
2. Which steps have you taken already?
3. Which steps are you currently struggling with?
4. True or False: Renewal of the mind is like salvation, it all depends on God
5. I submit to you as my Lord and Savior; I submit to your Lordship, in Jesus’ name.
6. I release any unforgiveness I am holding onto. I forgive those who have done wrong by/to me and
caused harm and pain. I forgive and I let go, in Jesus’ name.
7. Lord, you have proclaimed liberty to the captives. I stand on your word and receive the revelation
of your freedom.
8. God, thank you for my freedom. Give me the grace to walk in my freedom, change my mind, my
habits, and my circle so that I may sustain a life of freedom, amen!

Thoughts to Ponder:
• Where the mind goes, man follows.
• God wants to bring a miracle in your mind before He fixes the mess in your life.
• Renewing of the mind comes before transformation of life.
• Our mind is like a ship---once it gets hit by the icebergs of life it gets holes, and the surrounding
water starts to slip inside, creating a stronghold.

Enroll in “7 Steps to Renew Your Mind” Devotional Reading on YouVersion

Recommended Reading: Chapter 10, Break Free by Vladimir Savchuk





Engage: When was the last time you shared your faith? Share about that experience?

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Read Scripture: Joshua 1:3-6

1. From the story about the donkey, what do you think is the real purpose for our freedom?
2. What is your calling? Are you living toward it?
3. Why do we need to share our faith with others?
4. Why do so few Christians share their faith with others?

1. Lord, thank you for my freedom and salvation.
2. Pour your love and compassion into my heart for those who don’t know you.
3. Use me this week, Holy Spirit, to bring people to salvation

Thoughts to Ponder:
• You are loosed so that you can be used.
• Leverage your platform for salvation, not just mere inspiration.
• Your calling is an answer to the cry

Enroll in Break Free Devotional Reading on YouVersion:

Recommended Reading: Chapter 14, Break Free by Vladimir Savchuk


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