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Penderita stunting tinggi, ironi bagi Indonesia berperairan luas.

Janin kurang protein, vitamin, dan zat-zat untuk perkembangan shg stunting (kerdil).

Masyarakat kurang edukasi tentang gizi, terutama ikan untuk mencegah stunting.

Sulawesi dan NTT terjadi stunting karena ikan dijual untuk membeli beras dan mie yang bergizi

Meskipun ikan murah, mudah dijumpai, dan bernutrisi tinggi masyarakat Indonesia sedikit makan

Pemerintah mempromosikan gaya hidup sehat dengan makan ikan karena kesadaran makan ikan
masih rendah.

Tujuannya untuk ibu hamil dan batita.

Stunting adalah masalah intergenerasi yang harus dipotong rantainya.

Hello, nice to meet you! I’m Yonda, a reporter from CNBCS. Good afternoon, dr. Zidan. I heard that
you are a paediatrician. Would you tell me your opinion about stunting in Indonesia?

Okay, stunting, particularly in Indonesia, is a very interesting topic. You see, Indonesia has the largest
ocean among other countries in the world, but ironically, stunting is still common. I mean, with vast
ocean, there must be plenty of resources too.

I see your point. But before we’ve gone too far, maybe most of our audiences is not familiar with the
word, “stunting”. Would you please explain what stunting really is and what causes it?

Stunting or we usually called it dwarfism is the condition where children unable to fully develop their
body. It started in the womb. Babies’ development is highly affected by the mom’s diet, it slowed
when they don’t receive sufficient protein, vitamins, and minerals.

Thank you for your explanation, Sir. Where exactly is the place of the most severe stunting case in

Indonesians, particularly those who are living in rural area, don’t understand the importance of
having enough nutrient. As long as they’re full, they’re happy.

This case reflected in West Nusa Tenggara and Sulawesi where fishermen sell fishes to buy rice and
instant noodles. I know those are their staple food, but their diet is just unbalanced. They even don’t
spare fishes for their family. Whilst actually, consuming fish can prevent children from stunting.

What about our government? Have they done something to overcome this problem?

To reduce stunting, government acts to promote healthy lifestyle by consuming fishes. Because even
though fishes are affordable and highly accessible, like I said earlier, Indonesian don’t include fish in
their diet.

To whom do you think this programme aimed to?

The programme should mainly focus on pregnant women and infants because stunting cases start at
the early years of children. So, the earlier, the better.

You have informed us with a lot of new information. Do you have anything to say about stunting?
Stunting is an intergeneration problem and its chain should be cut immediately.

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