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Combined Oral and Topical Beta Blockers for the

Treatment of Early Proliferative Superficial Periocular

Infantile Capillary Hemangioma
Hatem M. Marey, MD; Hesham F. Elmazar, MD; Sameh S. Mandour, MD; Hany A. Khairy, FRCEd, FRCSG, MD

ABSTRACT ous local or systemic complications during treatment in

Purpose: To evaluate the safety and efficacy of com- either group.
bined oral and topical beta blockers for the treatment
of superficial periocular infantile hemangioma at the Conclusions: The results from combining topical with
early proliferative stage. oral beta blockers showed that topical beta blockers are
of additive value in treating superficial periocular infan-
Methods: This was a randomized, controlled comparison tile hemangioma in the early proliferative stage.
trial involving 25 patients. Patients were randomly enrolled
into two groups: the topical and systemic treatment and [J Pediatr Ophthalmol Strabismus. 2018;55(1):37-
systemic treatment only groups. The topical and systemic 42.]
treatment group was treated with oral propranolol (1 mg/
kg per day initially, increased to 2 mg/kg per day gradu- INTRODUCTION
ally in 2 weeks) and timolol maleate 0.5% gel. The systemic Infantile hemangiomas are benign vascular
treatment only group received oral propranolol (1 mg/kg endothelial neoplasms characterized by a bright
per day initially, increased to 2 mg/kg per day gradually in red surface and occur in up to 4% of children
2 weeks) and simple eye ointment to be applied to the le- by the age of 1 year. They are usually small at
sion. The Hemangioma Activity Score was used to record the time of birth and enlarge rapidly during the
the proliferative activity of the hemangioma. The main out- first few months of the newborn’s life, eventually
comes of the study were the change in the hemangioma shrinking slowly over time.1,2
size, the proliferative activity, and the treatment side effects. Therapeutic options include corticosteroids,
pulse dye laser, topical imiquimod, beta blockers,
Results: At the end of the treatment period, the Hem- and surgery, with recent emphasis on corticosteroids
angioma Activity Score was significantly improved in and beta blockers.
both groups from their values before treatment. How- The efficacy of propranolol, a non-selective
ever, the score obtained after treatment was significant- beta blocker, in the treatment of infantile heman-
ly better in the topical and systemic treatment group giomas has been investigated since 2008.3-5 Nu-
(P < .05). Regarding the response to treatment, 10 and merous reports have suggested that oral propran-
3 cases in the topical and systemic treatment and sys- olol holds high promise for infantile hemangioma
temic treatment only groups, respectively, showed a treatment,6-9 and other reports have focused on
good response, with a significant difference between the effect of topical beta blockers with promising
the two groups (P < .50). There were no recorded seri- results.10,11

From Menoufia University Hospitals, Menoufia, Egypt.

Submitted: February 14, 2017; Accepted: May 26, 2017
The authors have no financial or proprietary interest in the materials presented herein.
Correspondence: Hatem M. Marey, MD, Department of Ophthalmology, Menoufia University Hospitals, 6 Abu Baker Street, East Bank-Shebin el kom,
Menoufia, Egypt. E-mail:

Journal of Pediatric Ophthalmology & Strabismus • Vol. 55, No. 1, 2018 37

The aim of this study was to evaluate the safe- Patients were randomly enrolled into two
ty and efficacy of combined oral and topical beta groups. The combined treatment group was treated
blockers for the treatment of superficial periocular with oral propranolol (1 mg/kg/d initially, increased
infantile hemangioma at the early proliferative stage. to 2 mg/kg/d gradually in 2 weeks) and timolol ma-
leate 0.5% gel (Timogel; Orchidia Pharmaceutical
PATIENTS AND METHODS Industries, Cairo, Egypt), with two drops applied
This was a randomized, controlled comparison to the lesion twice daily and gently rubbed against
trial involving 25 patients. Patients were recruited the entire surface with the little finger for 5 seconds.
from the Eye Outpatient Department at Menoufia Parents were instructed on how to apply the topical
University Hospital, Egypt, between August 2008 treatment during their visit before the start of treat-
and August 2011. ment. The systemic treatment only group received
Eligible patients were infants aged older than 4 oral propranolol (1 mg/kg/d initially, increased to 2
months. Inclusion criteria were a clinical diagnosis of mg/kg/d gradually in 2 weeks) and simple eye oint-
capillary hemangioma, clinical evidence of functional ment (Martindale Pharmaceuticals Limited, Buck-
visual impairment, otherwise normal eye examina- inghamshire, United Kingdom) to be applied to the
tions, and parents willing to attend the eye clinic at the lesion. The treatment was stopped when the child
timing required by the study design. Exclusion criteria reached 12 months of age in a tapering dose during
were evidence of eye pathology or chronic eye diseases, the course of 1 week.
a history of previous hemangioma treatment, a previ- Infants were admitted for the first week of ther-
ous ocular surgical treatment, deep hemangiomas, or apy, when potential complications such as bradycar-
a history of systemic medical conditions, including dia, diarrhea, hypoglycemia, or hyperkalemia were
asthma or cardiovascular disorder. monitored and managed accordingly. They were
Data collected from patients included age, ocu- then observed every 4 weeks at the eye outpatient
lar and medical history, medications, allergies, and clinic, where photographs were taken at each visit.
family history of eye diseases. Patients had baseline All examinations before and after treatment were
assessments during their visit before the start of performed by independent investigators who were
treatment, including pupillary reaction, preferential masked to the type of treatment used.
looking testing, assessment of eye movement, dilat- The main outcome of the study was the change
ed fundus examination with an indirect ophthalmo- in lesion size, the proliferative activity, and the treat-
scope, and cycloplegic refraction. ment side effects. Response to treatment was cat-
All patients had a full pediatric assessment, in- egorized as good (lesion decrease ≥ 50%), moder-
cluding complete physical examination, regional ate (lesion decreased < 50%), or poor (no response
ultrasonography, blood tests with a complete blood to therapy or increased in size). The Hemangioma
cell count and coagulation profile, and a computed Activity Score of 1 to 12 was also used to record
tomography scan if there was evidence of possible the proliferative activity of the hemangioma before
intracranial extension. treatment and at the end of the follow-up period, at
The randomization process used four opaque which point two independent investigators scored
envelopes in two containers. One container con- the proliferative activity of hemangioma by evaluat-
tained two envelopes marked with either “T” for ing the extent of deep swelling, color of the infantile
topical and systemic treatment or “S” for systemic hemangioma, and ulceration based on images cap-
treatment only. The other container contained two tured at the start and end of treatment (Table 1).
envelopes with the name of two patients eligible Statistical analysis was performed using SPSS
for treatment. The two patients were randomized software (version 16; IBM Corporation, Armonk,
to one of the procedures by asking an independent NY). A paired t test was used to detect the difference
person to choose one envelope from each container. between data obtained before and after treatment in
The study protocol was approved by the Ethi- the study groups, and the independent sample test
cal Committee of Menoufia Medical School and ad- was used to calculate the difference between both
hered to the tenets of the Declaration of Helsinki. groups in numerical variables. The Pearson chi-
The study protocol was explained to the parents and square test was used to calculate the difference be-
written informed consents were obtained. tween the groups in categorical variables.

38 Copyright © SLACK Incorporated

Twenty-five patients (13 males and 12 females)
Hemangioma Activity Score
were included in this study, 13 in the topical and
systemic treatment group and 12 in the systemic Variable Score
treatment only group. The mean age at the start Swelling score
of treatment in the combined treatment group Tense swelling 6
was 5.18 ± 1.12 months, and the mean treatment No tense swelling or < 50% reduction 4
duration was 6.92 ± 1.12 months. In the systemic during follow-up
treatment only group, the mean age at the start of ≥ 50% reduction during follow-up 2
treatment was 5.13 ± 1.11 months and the mean No swelling during follow-up 0
treatment duration was 7.53 ± 1.11 months. There Color
were no significant differences between the two
Bright/shining redness 5
groups regarding the gender of patients, the age at
Bright/shining red edges 4
the start of treatment, or the duration of treatment
(Table 2). Matte red or reddish purple 3
The mean value for the Hemangioma Activity Blue or shining deep blue 2
Score at the start of treatment was 4.59 ± 1.04 and Gray 1
4.80 ± 0.71 in the combined treatment and sys- Skin-colored after activity 0
temic treatment only groups, respectively, with no Ulceration
significant difference between the two groups (P = ≤ 1 cm2 0.5
.567) (Table 2).
1 to 2.5 cm 2
At the end of the treatment period, the Heman-
gioma Activity Score was 1.52 ± 1.36 and 3.40 ± 0.84 ≥ 2.5 cm 2
in the topical and systemic treatment and systemic
treatment only groups, respectively, with significant showed a good response, with a significant dif-
improvement in both groups from their scores ob- ference between the two groups. Three cases in
tained before treatment (P < .05). However, the score the combined treatment group showed a moder-
obtained after treatment was significantly better in the ate response, compared to 8 cases in the systemic
combined treatment group (P < .05) (Table 3). treatment only group. A poor response to treat-
Regarding the response to treatment, 10 ment was recorded in no cases in the combined
and 3 cases in the combined treatment and treatment group and one case in the systemic
systemic treatment only groups, respectively, treatment only group (Table 3).

Baseline Dataa
Combined Systemic Treatment
Variable Treatment Group Only Group P
Age (mo) 5.18 ± 1.12 5.13 ± 1.11 .912b
Sex .835c
Male 7 6
Female 6 6
Duration of treatment (mo) 6.92 ± 1.12 7.53 ± 1.11 .185b
Hemangioma Activity Score at 4.59 ± 1.04 4.80 ± 0.71 .567b
the start of treatment
topical and systemic treatment group = treated with oral propranolol (1 mg/kg per day initially, increased to 2 mg/kg per day gradually in 2 weeks)
and timolol maleate 0.5% gel (Timogel; Orchidia Pharmaceutical Industries, Cairo, Egypt); systemic treatment alone group = treated with oral pro-
pranolol (1 mg/kg per day initially, increased to 2 mg/kg per day gradually in 2 weeks) and simple eye ointment
Values are presented as mean ± standard deviation.
t test.
Chi-square test.

Journal of Pediatric Ophthalmology & Strabismus • Vol. 55, No. 1, 2018 39

Hemangioma Activity Score and Response to Treatment Comparison
Variable Combined Treatment Group Systemic Treatment Only Group P
Hemangioma Activity Score a
1.52 ± 1.36 3.40 ± 0.84 .001b
Response to treatment .03c
Good 10 (76.9%) 3 (25%)
Moderate 3 (23.1%) 8 (66.7%)
Poor 0 (0%) 1 (8.3%)
combined treatment group = treated with oral propranolol (1 mg/kg/d initially, increased to 2 mg/kg/d gradually in 2 weeks) and timolol maleate 0.5%
gel; systemic treatment alone group = treated with oral propranolol (1 mg/kg/d initially, increased to 2 mg/kg per day gradually in 2 weeks) and simple
eye ointment
Values are presented as mean ± standard deviation.
t test.
Chi-square test.

There were no recorded serious local or systemic Immunomodulators such as cyclophosphamide

complications during treatment in either group. How- and interferon alpha-2a have also been tried system-
ever, transient hypoglycemia was recorded in 3 cases ically. However, the treatment course takes several
in the form of sweating, shakiness, and tachycardia in months, leading to significant adverse effects such as
the first week of treatment (2 and 1 case in the topical bone marrow suppression and hepatotoxicity.17
and systemic treatment and systemic treatment only Beta blockers, either applied topically or used
groups, respectively). The cause of hypoglycemia was systemically, constitute a new and promising treat-
relative deficient nutrition because of an upper respi- ment modality. The exact mechanism by which pro-
ratory tract infection that was managed by the pedia- pranolol shrinks infantile hemangioma is unknown.
tricians. Propranolol therapy was continued with the Various explanations have been proposed, including
same dose with no other reported hypoglycemic mani- vasoconstriction, decreased expression of vascular
festations later on. endothelial growth factor and beta fibroblast growth
factor genes, apoptosis of capillary endothelial cells,
DISCUSSION blockage of the G protein-coupled receptor kinases
Therapeutic options for the treatment of infan- Leu41, reduced matrix metalloproteinase-9, and ef-
tile hemangioma include intralesional injection of fect on differentiation of mesenchymal stem cells.18
steroids, systemic steroids, immunomodulators, and In several studies, oral propranolol has shown
most recently beta blockers.13-16 remarkable regression in patients with eyelid capil-
Each therapeutic option has its own benefits and lary hemangiomas up to 5 years of age.19-21
drawbacks. Systemic steroid therapy showed some Holmes et al.22 studied 31 consecutive patients
benefit in diffuse or orbital lesions; however, rebound with rapidly proliferating infantile hemangioma
growth after discontinuation and significant side ef- with visual functional impairment or cosmetic dis-
fects such as increased risk for growth delay, immu- figurement who were treated with propranolol as a
nosuppression, behavioral disturbances, and adrenal first-line treatment. All patients had cardiovascular
insufficiency made this therapy suboptimal.13,14 work-ups before treatment and began propranolol 3
Intralesional steroids have proven to be efficacious mg/kg/d. A rapid halt in hemangioma proliferation
in diminishing the size of the lesion rapidly within 2 was observed in 100% of patients and significant re-
weeks of injection in many cases; however, possible gression in 87% of patients. The treatment was well
side effects include corticosteroid particle embolization tolerated and had few side effects.22
due to high injection pressure, ophthalmic artery oc- In a study by Sans et al.,23 propranolol was ad-
clusion, retinal embolization and central retinal artery ministered to 32 children after clinical and ultra-
occlusion, eyelid hypopigmentation, linear subcutane- sound evaluations, with a starting dose of 2 to 3 mg/
ous fat atrophy, sclerodermiform linear atrophy, eyelid kg/d, given in two or three divided doses. Treatment
necrosis, periocular calcification, cushingoid features, was continued and the children were reevaluated af-
growth deceleration, and adrenal suppression.15,16 ter 10 days of treatment and then every month. Im-

40 Copyright © SLACK Incorporated

mediate effects on color and growth were noted in hemangioma volume change was also significantly
all cases. Objective clinical and ultrasound evidence less for treated infantile hemangiomas from week 16
of longer-term regression was observed in 2 months. onward when compared with the placebo group.24
Relapses were mild and responded to re-treatment. Hypoglycemia is the most frequent and insidious
Side effects were limited and mild.23 side effect observed with oral propranolol by most
Topical beta blockers have also been shown to be investigators.25 In the current study, propranolol-
effective for cutaneous capillary hemangiomas. The induced hypoglycemia occurred in 3 cases in both
major advantages of topical timolol are their availabil- groups at the start of therapy and was immediately
ity, cost, ease of administration, and minimal risk of managed by the pediatric team. There were no other
drug-related adverse events, especially when applied recorded complications during the follow-up period.
to the face and, in particular, the periorbital area.10 The limitations of this study included the small
Chakkittakandiyil et al.10 were the first to publish number of patients and the short follow-up period.
the results of a large retrospective cohort study involv- This was mainly because of the strict inclusion crite-
ing 73 patients from five centers. Patients were treat- ria. Cases with deep infantile hemangioma and cases
ed with timolol maleate 0.1% (15% of cases) or 0.5% that were exposed to previous treatment modalities
gel forming solution (85% of cases). All patients ex- were excluded from the study. A multi-center study
cept one improved. Results were better in cases of su- design would be the best option to overcome the is-
perficial hemangioma, with the use of 0.5% timolol sue of a small patient number.
and duration of treatment longer than 3 months.10 The results from combining topical with oral
Another small retrospective, consecutive, non- beta blockers showed that topical beta blockers are
randomized trial involving 23 cases was designed by of additive value in treating infantile hemangioma.
Chambers et al.11 to evaluate the efficacy of topical More studies are necessary to explore the possibility
0.25% timolol maleate gel for the treatment of peri- of using the same regimen, or even the topical treat-
ocular infantile hemangioma. Thirteen patients re- ment alone, in cases of deep and diffuse infantile
ceived timolol, and 10 were observed. In the treated hemangioma.
group, a good to moderate response was observed
in 92.3% of cases, compared to 10% of cases in the REFERENCES
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