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1. In connection with government transactions involving public interest, which policy is adopted in the constitution to assure the public of
accountability and transparency?

a.  rural development and agrarian reform

b.  public enterprise and incentives to needed investments
c.  balanced and healthful ecology
d.  full public disclosure

2. The important factors which have contributed to the weakness in the internalization desirable social values are the:

a.  lack of models among the very people expected to exemplify these values.
b.  use of approaches which are mainly cognitive rather than effective
c. lack of follow up systems from one grade level to another

3. The term that refers to the class of Filipinos who were free and independent:

a.  timawa
b.  maharlika
c.  aliping namamahay
d.  aliping saguiguilid

4. The gallant champion of Filipino rights during the Spanish regime was:

a.  Father Diego de Herrera

b.  Father Martin de Rada
c.  Saint Francis Xavier
d.  Bishop Domingo Salazar

5. Who said that Rizal is the greatest son of the malay race?

a.  Antonio Ma. Regidor

b.  Ferdinand Blumentritt
c.  Don Pedro Paterno

6. At the bottom of the judicial system during the Spanish time were the:

a.  regional trial court

b.  municipal trial court
c.  justice of the peace court
d.  barangay court

7. It is an act of forgetfulness putting to oblivion the offense of which one is charged.

a.  pardon
b.  amnesty
c.  commutation
d.  reprieve

8. The earliest people showed their scientific ability when they:

a.  discovered the use of iron     

b.  began to use bronze     
c.  discovered the use of copper
d.  started using polished stone tools

9. The Persian empire was considered the most efficient government of all times because:

a.  the government had a well organized spy system

b.  the system of government was well organized
c.  all their rulers are strong minded
d.  the government had organized its provincial system

10. The social change that led to the development of towns and cities in Europe was;

a.  the slaves were able to buy their freedom

b.  the traders and business become rich
c.  the use of money as payment for service rendered
d.  the downfall of the monarchy
11. The worst effect of capitalism due to the Industrial Revolution was:

a.  low salaries of the worker

b.  the decreases in the employed workers
c.  the high priced of commodities
d.  the capitalist were getting richer and the workers poorer

12. The fundamental focus of ritual activities in a native culture is the:

a.  belief that the human body is ugly and must be healed
b. belief that the place or shrine for ritual gives a special protection for the family
c.  belief that it can drive away bad spirits
d.  belief that the more tools and charms the family possessed , more family will be protected

13. The law which has its applications where the military arm does not supersede civil authority but is called upon to aid in the execution
of its vital functions.

a.  martial law

b.  education act
c.  civil law
d.  national defense act

14. The cornerstone of all systems of effective administration of justice:

a.  rules of procedure

b.  judicial practice
c.  tenure of office
d.  executive clemency

15. The occurrence of the phenomenon like volcanic eruption can be studied by using ________ that shows when the eruption happened,
and order in which they happened.

a.  table
b.  diagram
c.  chart
d.  timeline

16. An increase in the price of gasoline affects the demand for cars:

a.  income elasticity of demand

b.  price elasticity of demand
c.  cross elasticity of demand
d.  none of the above

17. The first printed book, Christian doctrine had two translations.  These are:

a.  Nipongo and Filipino c.  Chinese and Filipino

b.  Sanskrit and Filipino d.  Chinese and Sanskrit

18. The university that was known as Escuela Pia during the Spanish regime was the:

a.  Dela Salle University              

b.  University of Sto. Tomas
c.  Ateneo de Manila University
d.  San Juan de Letran

19. The treaty that divided the world into two parts running form the north pole to the south pole a  distance of 370 leagues west of Cape
Verde islands;

a.  treaty of Paris

b.  Treaty of Demarcation 
c.  Treaty of Versailles
d.  Treaty of Tordesillas

20. The place where the first battle of Manila Bay was fought:

a.  Pasig     

b.  Tondo      

21. When Rizal was in Rome, his favorite places were:

a.  St. Peter Basilica and the Sistine Madonna Chapel

b.  The Appian way and the Arch of Constantine
c.  The Amphitheater and the Forum
d.  Different temple of Veste

22. The Batangueno priest who baptized Rizal and predicted that he will become a great man someday is:

a.  Father Rufino Collantes

b.  Father Jose Mateo               
c.  Father Jose Escudero
d.  Father Romualdo de Jesus

23. Who was the first woman in Panay to fight in the Philippine Revolution?

a.  Agueda Esteban

b.  TrinidadTecson
c.  Teodora Alonzo
d.  Teresa Magbanua

24. Which was well accepted by the Filipinos under the Spanish rule?

a.  representation in the cortes

b.  employment of reduccion
c.  payment of buwis
d.  the practice of polo

25. In Philippine history, who resisted the conversion to the catholic faith?

a.  the tribal groups in the highlands

b.  the Muslim separatists in the south
c.  the indigenous communities in northern Luzon
d.  ther tribal groups in the highlands and the Muslim separatists

26. The difference between a monopolistic competition and pure competition is:

a.  the number of sellers

b.  the number of buyers
c.  the product homogeneity
d.  none of the above

27. Greetings behavior in a variety of social contexts could be observed through:

a.  the way greeting behavior serves as an indicator of social standing

b.  inferring and abstracting a set of cultural traits relating to greeting
c.  through the manner of shaking hands, how touching and vigorous the handshake was.
d.  two person merely shaking hands.

28. The choice of the nation’s economic system is important because it determines:

a.  the quantities of each good that will be produced

b.  the distribution of goods and services
c.  the manner in which goods will be produced 
d.  all of the above

29. The law of supply and demand is important in the Philippine economy because it is:

a.  a mix of economies

b.  a command economy
c. a dominant market oriented economy
d.  a traditional economy

30. An aspect of Philippine culture that does much to promote interpersonal communication beyond the community boundary is:

a.  fiesta celebration

b.  tagalog movies
c.  election
d.  zarsuela

31. An ownership in business vested in a separate legal entity:

a.  cooperative association

b.  corporatioin
c.  partnership
d.  sole proprietorship

32. The government tends to borrow foreign loans due to:

a.  the necessity to pay the interest of previous foreign debts

b.  its deliberate use of the budget to stimulate the economy
c.  its reluctance to raise taxes
d.  none of the above

33. Filipinos should be wary about the government foreign loans because of the:

a.  bigger interest payments that the government has to shoulder.

b.  imposition of new and higher taxes in the next fiscal year.
c.  burden of the loan payments that will fall on the next generation.
d.  all of the above/

34. Manufacturing is superior to agriculture in terms of trade because:

a.  it could be easily transported for trade to other countries

b.  it is not subjected to adverse weather conditions.
c.  it brings higher income
d.  all of the above

35. Was the forced labor for 40 days of men ranging from 16 to 60 years of age who were obligated to give personal services to
community projectsduring the Spanish period

a. bandala
b. polo y servicios     
c. tribute
d. cedula

36. What are the two known written codes during the pre-Spanish era in the Philippines?

a. Maragtas and Kalantiaw Codes

b. Panay and Subanon Codes
c.  Sumakwil and Sulayman Codes
d. Hammurabi & Ur Nammu Codes

37. Rajah Lakandula and Rajah Sulayman revolted against Governor Guido de Lavezaris, because of the abuses by the Spaniards. What
is the revolt called?

a. Pampanga Revolt 
b. Tamblot Revolt
b. Manila Revolt  
d. Itneg Revolt 

38. There were two rival factions inside the group he formed. What was the faction that Andres Bonifacio supported?

a. Magdiwang
b. Magdalo
c. Magtagumpay
d. Maglaban

39. The first political party in the Philippines organized on December 23, 1900 by wealthy Filipino Illustrados?

a. Federal Party
b. Liberal Pary
c. Nacionalista Party
d. Partido Nacional Progresibo

40. Who was the first president of the Katipunan?

a. Deodato Arellano
b. Ramon Basa  
c. Andrés Bonifacio
d. Teodoro Plata 

41. Who founded the guerilla force Hukbong Bayan Laban sa Hapon (Hukbalahap) 

a. Jose Abad Santos

b. Luis Taruc 
c. Casto Alejandrino
d. Pedro Abad Santos

42. Who was considered as the “Joan of Arc of the Philippines”?

a. Maria Rosa Luna Henson

b.Teresa Magbanua            
c. Geronima Pecson 
d.  General Agueda Kahabagan

43. This was the meeting held between the Magdiwang and Magdalo factions of the Katipunan at Cavite on March 22, 1897.

a. Tejeros Convention
b. Malolos Convention
c. 1934 Constitutional Convention
d. 1971 Constitutional Convention 

44. This law promised Philippine independence after 10 years, but reserved several military and naval bases for the United States, as well
as imposing tariffs and quotas on Philippine exports. It was also the first US law passed for the decolonization of the Philippines.

a. Tydings- McDuffie Act

b. Jones Law
c. Hare- Hawes- cutting Act
d. Treaty of Paris

45. What was the alleged root cause of the discovery of the Katipunan? 

a.  Discovery of Katipunan paraphernalia at the Diario de Manila 

b.  Discovery of the list of Katipunan members 
c.  Patino's disclosure of the secrets of the society.
d.  A quarrel between Patino and De La Cruz

46. Tourism creates positive and negative impacts on the landscape of a country.  One initiative to ensure sustainability and protection of
pristine tourist spots is through:

a.  medical tourism

b.  space tourism
c.  cultural tourism
d.  ecotourism

47. What was a United States federal law which provided for self-government of the Philippines and for Filipino independence (from the
United States) after a period of ten years?

a. Tydings- McDuffie Act

b. Jones Law
c. Hare- Hawes- cutting Act
d. Treaty of Paris

48. Who was the first president of the Republic of the Philippines when independence from America was granted on July 4, 1946?

a. Pres. Corazon Aquino c. Pres. Ferdinand Marcos

b. Pres. Elpidio Quirino d. Pres. Manuel Roxas

49. He had promised sweeping economic changes, and he did progress in the land reform, opening new settlements outside crowded
Luzon island. His death in an airplane crash in March 1957 was a serious blow to national morale.

a. Pres. Ramon Magsaysay/

b. Pres. Elpidio Quirino
c. Pres. Ferdinand Marcos
d. Pres/ Manuel Roxas

50. The following are state policies EXCEPT

a. Strengthening the family as a basic autonomous social 
b. Giving priority to the teaching of the English language
c. Freedom from nuclear weapons in Philippine territory
d. Giving priority to education, science, arts, culture and sports

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