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1.What does each person do at work? Use the phrases to tell the class.

Write the corresponding

number in the empty box.

1 make sure people obey the law A Camp counselor 6

2 follow and photograph tornadoes B Surgeon 8
3 put out fires C judge 7
4 look after passengers on a plane D Storm chaser 2
5 help customers E firefighter 3
6 supervise children at a camp F Flight attendant 4
7 apply the law in a court G Sales assistant 5
8 operate on people H Police officer 1

2.Which job do you think is: dangerous? demanding? interesting? well paid? easy? difficult?
Example: a storm chaser´s job is dangerous because they follow tornadoes.

1. A police officer´s job is demandig because they have to take care and protect people.
2. A Surgeon´s job is very demanding because they save lives.
3. A flight attendant´s job is interesting.
4. A firefigther´s is very difficult because put out fires.

3.OVER YOU! What do your parents do for a living? what would you like to do for a living?

My mother is a teacher and her work is very interesting because she teaches many things to her
students, I probably want to be an international financier, study communication or languages

In a minute,think of as many jobs as possible:
Doctor Artist Model Teacher
Lawyer Chef Florist Dancer
Vet Actor Bus driver Post man
Nurse Singer Plumber
Writer Dentist Pilot
Secretary Baker Farmer
Police officer
5.Look at the pictures and assign the corresponding letter in the empty box.

A Artist 1 Works with a team. He is paid well. B

B Sport coach 2 Usually works 9-5. She gets low wages. E

C Taxi driver 3 Works long hours/shifts/with a team. She gets low wages. D

D Nurse 4 Woks with a team. He is paid well. F

E Secretary 5 Works shifts/on their own/on the weekends. He gets low wages. C

F Smoke 6 Works on their own . Is paid well A


6. Copy the sentences and complete them with the suitable job:

1. A(n) Smokejumper has to brave;they do dangerous things at work

2. A(n) Secretary and sports coach has to be organzed;they need to plan their work well

3. A(n) artist has to be creative;they need to develop original ideas

4. A(n) nurse has to be carin;they need to look after sick people.

5. A(n) sports coach,taxi driver and secretary has to be patient;they need to stay caalm and not
get annoyed

6. A(n) taxi driver,secretary and nurse,has to be polite;they deal with people from different

7.Check these words and write their meaning:

1 Tough job Trabajo duro 2 Beat Derrotar

3 Elite Élite 4 Risk Riesgo

5 Remote areas Áreas remotas 6 Bravely Valientemente

7 Parachute Paracaídas 8 Put out Apagar

9 Duty Deber 10 Training Capactación

11 Fit En forma 12 Fire zone Zona de fuego

13 Padded Acolchado 14 Face mask Tapabocas

15 Helmet Casco 16 Backpack Mochila

17 Drop Soltar 18 Key Llave

8.Choose the correct answer





Camp counselor
Police officer

Delivery person

Sales assistant
Storm chaser

Secret shopper
Flight attendant
Taxi driver

Page taken from guide book i Discover 4

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