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Time – approximately 35 minutes

(including the reading of the directions for each part)

In this section of the test, you will have the opportunity to demonstrate your ability to understand
conversations and talks in English. There are three parts in this section. Answer all questions on
the basis of what is stated or implied by the speakers you hear. Do not take notes or write in your
test book at any time. Do not turn the pages until you are told to do so.

Part A

DIRECTIONS: In part A, you will hear a short conversations between two people. After each
conversation, you will hear a question about the conversation. The conversations and questions
will not be repeated. After you hear a question, read the four possible answers in your test book
and choose the best answer. Then, on your answer sheet, find the number of the question and fill
in the space that corresponds to the letter of the answer you have chosen.

1. A. He will borrow some typing paper from the woman.

B. He will lend the woman some typing paper.
C. He will type the woman’s paper.
D. He will buy some typing paper for the woman

2. A. the two classes meet in an hour and a half

B. the class meets three hours per week.
C. Each half of the class is an hour long.
D. Two times a week the class for an hour.

3. A. Send two transcripts to San Diego state.

B. Prepare two transcripts.
C. Give two transcripts to the man, and send one to San Diego State.
D. Give the man three transcripts.

4. A. He hasn’t yet begun his project.

B. He’s supposed to do his science project next week.
C. He needs to start working on changing the due date.
D. He’s been working steadily on his science project.

5. A. She like Dr. Taylor’s class.

B. She is not sure how Dr. Taylor feels.
C. She did not get an A on the paper.
D. She is not doing very well in the class.
6. A. The professor drowned the cells in a lab.
B. The lecture was long and boring.
C. The professor divided the lecture into parts.
D. The biologist tried to sell the result of the experiment.

7. A. The graduation list has an error on it.

B. The man had already graduated.
C. The man’s name is the same as that of another student.
D. The graduation will not be until next spring.

8. A. Housing within his budget is hard to locate.

B. it’s hard to find his house in New York.
C. He can’t afford to move his house to New York.
D. Housing in New York is unavailable.

9. A. she does not want to leave.

B. She must stay.
C. She does not like the dorm.
D. She is undecided.

10. A. The Boisterous students made the teacher mad.

B. The Teacher angered the students with the exam results.
C. The students were angry that the teacher was around.
D. The angered students complained to the teacher.

11. A. She wants to go to the bookstore.

B. She prefers to do the presentation alone.
C. She does not want a book.
D. She is not interested in the presentation.

12. A. It’s rained unusually hard this year.

B. There hasn’t been any rain for many year.
C. It’s been many years since it rained.
D. He doesn’t like rain.

13. A. Buy a ticket.

B. Go to room 27.
C. Take a test in room 32.
D. Show the man her ticket.

14. A. The agent was standing in line with his passport.

B. The line to get new passport is very long.
C. The woman must wait her turn to get her passport checked.
D. He can check her passport instead of the agent.
15. A. The man should rest.
B. The man’s health has improved.
C. The man worries too much.
D. The man is very ill.

16. A. All the lawyer’s preparation did no good.

B. The lawyer prepared nothing for the case.
C. It wasn’t work for the lawyer to prepare for the case.
D. The lawyer didn’t work to prepare for the case.

17. A. He is lost.
B. He needs a different course.
C. He will not withdraw from the class.
D. He doesn’t know what he will do.

18. A. He went to see the foreign student advisor.

B. He went to Washington
C. He wrote to the Passport Office.
D. He reported it to the Passport Office.

19. A. The man must stop working.

B. There is a little more time.
C. The test is important.
D. It is time for the test.

20. A. He liked Montreal in Winter.

B. He like Montreal spring, summer, and fall.
C. He liked Montreal all year around.
D. He did not like Montreal.

21. A. A teacher.
B. A Textbook.
C. An assignment.
D. A Movie

22. A. The repairs that the mechanic had indicated were already made.
B. The car is going to need a lot of repairs.
C. Buying a new car would be quite expensive.
D. The mechanic extended the repair warranty.

23. A. The class is too long.

B. The class is too small.
C. He does not like the subject.
D. He does not want to say.
24. A. Walter’s had a lack of success with his business.
B. Walter’s failed in his business.
C. Walter’s new company is doing rather well.
D. Walter hoped to succeed in business.

25. A. The result of the tests are not available.

B. The experiment had unexpected results.
C. He has not completed the experiment yet.
D. It is taking a lot of time to do the experiment.

26. A. She didn’t do the work.

B. She gave the assignment her best effort.
C. She finished the assignment even though it was difficult.
D. She gave the man a signal.

27. A. She already has an ID card.

B. She does not need her picture taken.
C. She is ready to leave.
D. She does not know where to go.

28. A. New employees are rarely initiated into the company.

B. New workers don’t generally undertake actions on their own.
C. New employees are initially rated.
D. It’s rare for employees to make new suggestions.

29. A. The coffee is much better this morning.

B. The coffee tastes extremely good.
C. The coffee isn’t very good.
D. This morning he definitely wants some coffee.

30. A. He is studying only at American Language Institute.

B. He is taking three classes at the university.
C. He is a part time student.
D. He is surprised.

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