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A Fashion Designer genius of the nineteenth century Charles Frederick Worth

Finding an old Journal containing a print with Charles Frederick Worth’s designs in it, set me on a
path never forgotten! Without a doubt this Englishman had a phenomenal impact on the whole
world with his stunning creations. In Paris he became the most important influence on this industry,
mostly from his enormous capacity to create an aurora around an empire spanning three
generations, and because of his unequalled brilliance in designing. His client’s were the rich and
famous ladies from Europe, America and even further afield.

He married Marie Augustine Vernet and her dates are 1825-1898.

Charles Frederick Worth commenced his own trading in 1857-1858, as a joint venture, and so was
named Worth & Bobergh.

Grand, l’Inimitable, l’incomparable


By 1860 Maison Worth‘s trade expanded with up to a thousand workers. In 1869-1870 he had the
Royals approval: The Empress of France, The Queen of Sweden and Norway were also wearing his
spectacular gowns, becoming his most highly prestigious Clients.

Continuing Family Line: His Son, Jean-Philip, 1856-1926, became a talent in his own right and was
the natural successor. He was employed by his father in 1875 – producing garments of the Worth
distinction, he continued taking the Fashions through a new exciting stage of design. was to become
the Finance/Business Manager and stayed with the Fashion House until his father’s death. The
House of Worth again subsequently passed down to the next generation of the family continuing
through some of the most historically turbulent times of the century. (Jacques Worth) report below.

1956 ended the chapter, with new fashion designers entering the arena.

2011 – We have a valuable legacy of costumes still remaining in museums and some are shown in
Exhibitions mainly in New York, and Boston. With the aid of photographs, trade fashion plates, and
paintings, we can only now imagine the extravagance and exclusive events where these gowns were
to be worn. Splendid Grand Royal Palaces, evenings of high entertainment, French gastronomic
banquets, the Theatre, Opera and Ballet evenings, Balls and Receptions. Most of this opulence is
now only a dream that we can imagine. Our first four images are extremely rare finds saved from
nearly disintergrated old books.

Checking the news – at the Chateaux. Two stunning gowns designed in 1887.
Reading the news gowns Worth

Every gown was an absolute masterpiece in it’s own right overflowing with rich silk materials,
trimmings of intricate embroidery, ruffles, frills and floating fine silk tulle. White, cream and gold
colours were some of his favourites.

An elegant Jacket with elaborate hand made front fastening toggles. 1887.

Rare 1887 Toggle fastened Jacket – Worth

The textile mills of Lyon set up many fabric looms to produce exquisite silk materials, which became
gowns of luxurious glimmering visions of iridescent swirling light, worn in the evenings and greatly
coveted. This created a thriving industry supporting the people of this region.
His brother – Gaston Lucian, 1853-1924, was a Finance/Business Manager and stayed with the
Fashion House until his father’s death. The House of Worth subsequently passed down to the next
generation of the family continuing through some of the most historicaly turbulent times of the
century. 1956 ended the chapter, with new fashion Designers entering the arena.

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