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In this image we have a girl that is running through fire.

She has a V shaped head ,

big eyes with black eyeliner. Her hair is black seems to be unwash for a while
because it is kinda curly and her ears are sharp like how elfs have. All over her
mouth she has blood because of her hand that is cut. I think she is trying to stop the
bleeding by sucking the blood. Her costume contains a shirt with a vest over and a
pair of jeans with high boots. Her shirt is low-cut neck and has red stripes on the
edges. Also it has two different models of the material on it , on the top side has
some lines that are arranged in a circle and on the lower zone the lines are straight.
All of this is tight together with a gray little belt. Her vest is red and it is a smaller
model that is designed to only protect her back. On the lower zone she has a pair of
blue jeans with a cape that has an interesting design on the corner edges. Before the
boots she has something like a protection that is made from a piece of wood or
leather around her leg that on top of it another piece of metal that has the role to
protect her knee. Around her hips she has a bigger belt than the older one and this
one has the goal to sustain her cape and also to hold the sword sheath. If we look
behind her we can see a lot of things that have taken place. Firstly outside it is a
solar eclipse and this is why the image has this tendency of darkness. We can see
that this village or city it’s on fire and that could mean that they are in the middle of a
fight. Also a thing that adds more certainty is that on the right side of the image is a
hostage that has a black material on over his head and a soldier holds a knife
around his neck like in a few seconds he will be assassinated. About her hand , here
could be multiple script options that could have taken place. Maybe in the middle of a
fight someone cut her hand with a sword or because of the solar eclipse some very
dangerous monsters attacked her and managed to cut her hand. But I think that the
first option is more plausible because she has a sword with blood on it and maybe
she fought with multiple soldiers at the same time and this is why one of them
managed to cut her hand.

achia and sparta (gods)

the zeus wedding ceremony (steal)
Eris (god of chaos) challenge - Hera , Athena , Aphrodite - gold apple.
Perus chose (army , warrior , love)
Helen marries Menelaus (how he wins) - Aphrodite strike.
Hide in the Trojan , menelaus anger , the army (Achilles the captain)
the decade wait , attack the nearby village (kidnap Perseus(Apollo daughter))
Apollo called helios for a plague.

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