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ng Task 1

The graph chart illustrates the number of students from UK and other countries and the amount of how
many of them had gained their second-class degrees or better in 2009.

Degree results show us that the biggest gaps for UK students and international ones are in two main
areas. Amount of British students comparing to students from other countries is the lowest in IT, where
the number of students having the degree in IT outside is at least a third higher than ones in UK.
However, British students have the biggest numbers in International law, where they have a huge 25%
increase against the international students.

It can be seen that the general number of UK students is somewhat higher than number of international
ones in such fields as English literature, Art history, International law and Sociology. The number of
equal amounts of students in certain areas such as Nursing and Accountancy is relatively low, around 70
and 60 percent respectively.

Overall, we can see a clear upward trend in the number of British students in Social sciences such as
Literature, History, Law and Sociology. Whereas international students are strong and intelligent in Exact
sciences such as Engineering, IT, Accountancy. This can be summed up as such. Each group of students
are proficient in their own respected areas.
Writing Task 2

Nowadays more and more people are discussing whether or not formal “pen and paper” examinations
are not the best method of assessing educational achievement. Some people suggest that they are while
others prove otherwise. Let us begin by discussing this issue.

In my opinion, it is crucial for educational system to hold written examinations. They help to equal the
testing ground for all students, by having a certain criteria or tasks for students to solve, in most cases
students will be specifically taught to solve such tasks. Furthermore, exams are made to test different
abilities of students, some tasks require students to write essays or other written work, or solve
problems or equations with the option to choose one of several given answers.

However, there are some people who oppose this point of view. They impose that this system is
outdated and it should be abolished or greatly changed. They say that system such as this must be
either digitalized and automated in order for it to be sufficient or that the system should remove all
human factor from the exams as in some cases the fault lies on the examinators themselves.

I strongly disagree with that opinion. I believe that the system hasn’t been changed since it was
implemented and in mind comes a certain saying “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it”

In summary, I firmly believe that examinations like this are crucial for educational system, as they can
provide a proper and objective assessment of students’ achievements. On that note, I also think that to
improve this system even further, the system needs to be modernized as well as have some other
varying forms of assessment during the term.

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