Managing Speech Anxiety

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Managing speech anxiety

These are some techniques to help you cope with and minimize your tension when you speech
in front of many people.

1. Identify what makes you anxious, then find a solution to face them. ex : you can't being the
center of attention. The solution is you just have to remember that everyone's human...
Nobody wants you
to fail; they’re not waiting on you to mess up. Also remember that all humans can make a
mistake, so don't worry.

2. Pinpoint the Onset of Nervousness

By pinpointing the onset of speech anxiety, you can address

it promptly with specific anxiety-reducing techniques.

3. Use Proven Strategies to Boost Your Confidence.

A number of proven strategies exist to help you rein in your

fears about public speaking, from meditation and visualization to other forms of relaxation
techniques. The first step in
taming speech anxiety is to have a clear and thorough plan
for each presentation and practice!.

4. Activate the Relaxation Response.

5. Use Movement to Minimize Anxiety.

6. Learn from Feedback.

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