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CPR E 394: Ethics Essay

A code of ethics is a set of rules or standards that a specific group of organization will
follow. These rules define how the group will function in different conditions and what standards
the company will be held to. A code of ethics is very important because it defines in writing
what other groups can expect from the group. Following the code of ethics is equally, if not
more, important than having a code of ethics. If the company doesn’t fulfill the code of ethics,
then people will lose trust in the integrity of the company.
Lately a lot of ethical situations have surfaced involving the privacy of IoT devices such as the
personal assistants provided by many electronics companies. These devices are always
listening and sometimes pick up critical information in a trial or emergency situation. This
provides a huge ethical situation if anyone should be able to get information from these
devices. Many of these electronics companies have stated that they will not give out the
information recorded by these bots under any circumstances. They are ethically required to
hold this promise to uphold the integrity of their products and company alike. This becomes an
issue when a court trial or someone’s life might depend on information that could have been
recorded by one of these devices. Is there a situation where it is ethical to retrieve this
My opinion on ethics was very similar to the opinions stated in class. Ethics can be a very
slippery slope especially when it comes to information. One situation might benefit from a
violation of a company’s code of ethics. Whether the company should break their code of ethics
or to what extent a company should break its code of ethics is an opinion. If it is okay in one
situation, then why not the next. This is why it is usually beneficial to always uphold the code of
ethics to prevent from heading down this slope. This is why IoT companies are so reluctant to
release information picking up by their devices.
All 6 virtues of ethics (integrity, honesty, fidelity, charity, responsibility and self-discipline) relate
to the ethics situation on IoT devices. I think that integrity, honesty and fidelity are the main
points that are present in this issue. The owner of the device was told when the purchased the
device that they would not need to worry about the information that the device collects so it is
the responsibility of the company to maintain their promise. Releasing any information would
violate all three of the above.

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