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The things around us

Pada kesempatan kali ini kita akan mempelajari tentang benda – benda di sekitar kita,khususnya
tentang nama – nama ruangan dalam rumah dan benda benda di sekitarnya, selain itu kita juga
akan belajar mengenai nama - nama binatang dan activitasnya yang sering kita jumpai.

Observe the pictures below.( Amatilah gambar gambar dibawah ini )

Catatan :
Ungkapan untuk
seseorang kita bisa
pakai ungkapan
1. Bathroom 2. Bedroom (kamar 3. Kitchen (dapur )
seperti di bawah ini :
(kamar mandi) tidur)
1. Where is he?
2. Where is she?
3. Where are they?

4. dining room 5. living room 6. in the yard 7. in thebgarden

(ruang makan ) (ruang tamu ) ( dihalaman ) (dikebun )

8. garage ( garasi )

 Function of things
1 Sofa ( sofa ) It is to sit down. Make people comfortable.
2 Book ( buku ) It is to read. Make people know more
3 Spoon ( sendok ) It is to take or eat something.
4 Umbrella ( payung) It is to protect from the rain.
5 Handphone ( HP ) It is to comunicate with everyone.
6 Computer (komputer ) It is to make file or to help their works.
7 Grater ( parut ) It is to grate or shred food into small pieces.

8 Colander ( cething ) It is to drain (remove the extra water) from

cooked pasta.

9 sieve ( saringan ) It is to separate liquids from solids

10 whisk ( pengocok telur ) It is to mixing some ingredient
11 ladle ( sendok sayur ) It is used for serving soup
12 pan ( wajan ) It is used for frying food (cooking in oil).

13 Pot ( panci ) It is used for boiling food (cooking in water).

14 Bowl ( mangkuk ) It is to serve soup, salad, or fruit

15 Plate ( piring ) It is to serve food

16 Ladder (tangga ) It is to checking on the roof's shingles or
changing a light bulb in your home
17 Dustpan ( cikrak/engkrak ) It is to Sweeping leaves or dirty place.
18 bed ( kasur ) It is To sleep

19 Vase ( vas ) It is used as an ornament or to hold flowers

20 pillow ( bantal) It is to place our head when we are sleeping.

21 Shampoo ( sampo) It is to clean our hair

22 Blanket ( selimut) It is to cover our body when we are sleeping

23 bed sheet (sprei ) It is to cover our bed

24 Soap ( sabun ) It is to make our body clean and smell good

25 Tooth brush ( sikat gigi ) It is to clean our tooth

26 Sink ( wastafel ) It is a place to clean our hand

27 Fan ( kipas ) It is to keep the room a little bit cool

28 Clock (jam ) It is to know the time

29 Towel ( handuk ) It is to dry our body

30 Wardrobe ( lemari pakaian ) It is to keep our clothes

 Activity of Animals
No Animal Activity
1 Snakes Slither ( melata )
2 Dogs Walk (berjalan ),run (berlari), bark ( menggonggong)
3 Cockroaches Walk ( berjalan ),climb (mendaki ), fly ( terbang )
4 Turtles Walk (berjalan ), swim (berenang )
5 Cats Walk ( berjalan ),run ( berlari ), purr ( mengeong )
6 Horses Walk, run, neigh (meringkik)
7 Tigers Walk, run, roar ( meraum )
8 Buffaloes Walk, run, grunt (mendengus )
9 Kangaroos Jump ( melompat )
10 Birds Fly ( terbang )
11 Bat Fly, Sleep by hanging on the top of cave or tree branch.
12 Mosquito Fly, Suck blood from human.
13 Frog Jump
14 Butterfly Fly and seek nectar in flower.
15 Lizart Crawl
16 Roster Crow
17 Fish Swim
18 Cheetah Walk, run, roar
19 Ant Walk , collecting foods
20 Fish Swimming

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