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Table of contents:
Sr. No Contents Page no.
1. Introduction 3
2. Effectiveness of Group teaching strategy 3
3. Example 6
4. Effectiveness of Individualized teaching strategy 6
5. Example 8
6. Conclusion 8
7. Introduction 10
8. Components of Inquiry-based method 12
9. Application of Inquiry method in science teaching 13
10. Conclusion 16
11. Introduction 17
12. Valid questions are the driving force to stimulate the thinking process 17
13. Example of valued and effective question 20
14. Conclusion 21
15. Introduction 21
16. Main body 21
17. Critical evaluation of paper 25
18. Conclusion 31
19. References 32

Q-1 Discuss the effectiveness of Group and Individualized teaching strategies

by providing examples from local context.

Ans. Introduction:

A teacher and its way to deliver specific and planned content to students is very important in
teaching learning process. Successful teaching depends on the teachers as how they plan and use

effective strategies for effective delivery. Belief, experience and attitude of teachers is important
to improve learning and teaching process as it is vital to understand the individual needs and
differences and interests of students. They should be liked with planned teaching strategies by
teacher which is needed for holistic development of students. Science teaching purpose is not
only preparing the students for static but polished them to cope with the challenges of world so
its teaching is not successful through traditional strategies which give only mastery of subject but
not develop scientific attitude and skills. According to Plutarch:

“The mind is no a vessel that needs filing, but it is a wood that needs igniting.”

Active learning is needed especially for science teaching. There are lot of teaching strategies for
active learning include individual teaching, groupwork, collaborative strategy etc. Learners learn
better skills through these strategies. In this question, I am going to discuss the effectiveness of
group and individualized teaching strategies in science teaching.

Effectiveness of Group teaching strategy:

Groupwork is an instructional strategy in which students complete a task with common goal
working in small or large groups. There are two approaches included in group work that is
cooperative learning and collaborative leaning. Cooperative learning is working in a group in
which students sit in a group but work individually on different parts of group assignment and at
the end, join all parts of assignment and collaborative is working as a group in which all students
work in group for a common task and it is considered as real group work. Groupwork is an
effective strategy for learners as well as teachers as it provides flexible and active learning
environment. In groupwork, all students participate actively in learning situation and find
solutions with mental abilities to develop social interactions and positive attitude. Different
group teaching strategies include:

 Think Pair share

 Flash Cards

 Flexible groups

 Jigsaw or Snowball

 Brainstorming

 Group presentations

 Interview


 Group Discussion

Group teaching is most effective strategy in following respects:

1. Effective for motivation:

Groupwork is effective to create motivation among students as participants of group are different
in their intellectual skills and capabilities with individual differences. When group members
come with their unique ideas and share with each other and appreciated then their motivation
level increased and they try to participate more and enhanced their learning. They are able to
develop new approaches and can resolve conflicts and have social support to take risks.

2. Peer interaction opportunity:

Groupwork enables the students to establish peer interaction with other members and can find
effective peer to match and students try to develop their own views and ideas in relation to other
peers. Due to peer interaction, emotional development of students takes place and they are able
to develop self-confidence and self-esteem due to sharing with peers. They learn to respect the
views of others.

3. Multiple perspectives about problem:

Effective groupwork ensures multiple perspective as when students work in group then they can
observe any problem from different perspective because during discussion and negotiation they
are bound to listen ideas of their group fellows and when different perspective come under
consideration then students are able to see the problem in different point of views. In this way,
their thinking and views become broader because members of group not only listen the
perspective of group fellows but also compare and integrate their ideas with their own thinking.
Sometimes perspective of other fellows can change the mind of any student and find weaknesses
in his own ideas. At the end of group work, students become smarter and more insightful as
compared to before.

4. More creative to complete complex tasks:

Group work is a constructivist approach and proved to be effective for individua achievement of
student as they become more creative and innovative to complete complex tasks. During
groupwork, students learn high order problem solving skills, construction of new knowledge and
refinement of existing knowledge. As a result of this construction of knowledge, students
become able to sort out complex issues and complete complex tasks easily through collaboration
and have potential to show expertise and learning become enhanced.

5. Positive interdependence:

In group work, goal of whole group is same and they work together to achieve the goal as whole
group works on same problem and at the end success of one person is the success of whole
group. It is positive interdependence because all students rely on each other and they understand
that they must have to link with each other for success. They have belief that working together in
group is most effective to reach the decision as compared to individual work.

6. Effective to develop professional and social skills:

Groupwork is effective to improve oral as well as written communication and other professional
skills. Students have opportunity to work with each other to process information, evaluate and
solve problems, perform different roles according to demand of group, assess different views to
find final solution and learn all these skills critically. Students learn teamwork and all these skills
help them to develop in professional life.


In our local context, Group presentation and group discussions are mostly used. Teacher divides
whole class in to different groups according to the total strength and then assigned the topics to
every group. Students discussed these topics with their group members and then one participant
from each group, nominated as leader from group members, present his topic in front of whole
class or all members collectively present it and answered those questions asked from the side of
class fellows. In this way, more content has been presented in less time effectively.

Effectiveness of Individualized teaching strategy:

Individualized teaching is a strategy which focus on individual needs of students and learning
pace depends on these needs. Teacher guides the students and give them flexibility during
learning process as they can enhance their learning experiences along the way with their own
pace. Students are different in their intellectual skills, interests and have individual differences so
individualized learning takes in account their individual differences, capabilities and interests
during learning experiences. This strategy helps to improve learning process through the
adjustment of instructions according to behavior, cognitive abilities and aptitude of individuals.
It is based on the fact that students enter in the class with different learning rate, divergent skills,
culture and motivation. Some students are high achievers and some are low achievers so
students learn with their own learning rate and level in individualized teaching. “No child left
behind” is only possible through individualized teaching when we are concerned with the
uniqueness of every child. Different individualized teaching strategies include:

 Internet searching
 Portfolios
 Individual projects
 Direct reading
 Differentiation
 Minute Paper

Individual teaching strategy is so effective strategy in following respect:

1. Learning at individual pace:

Individual teaching strategy is more effective than traditional methods because by using this,
students can learn at their own pace. As students know that there is no any competition among
students in this strategy so they are more confident and motivated to learn effectively according
to their aptitude and learning pace.

2. Maximize growth of each student:

Individualize teaching strategy maximize the professional, holistic and overall growth of each
student. When teacher is concerned about individual difference of every student then it proves to
be effective for overall development of individuals. Teachers look for those areas in which
learners facing difficulty to learn and help them to overcome these difficulties, assist them
according to their needs and enhance their learning growth.

3. Reveal hidden capabilities:

When teachers are handling the class as a whole then some students ignored which are shy or
less confident than others. It is not possible to recognize the capabilities of individuals without
individualized teaching because in this teaching strategy each individual is considered as a whole
and come in front so it is possible to reveal their hidden capabilities.

4. Equally effective for high and low achievers:

Some students are high achievers and others are low achievers or slow learners. As in
individualized teaching, every student earns with his own pace so it is equally effective for high
as well as slow learners. When student complete his own task with his own pace then he can
move towards next in comfortable zone and can deeply understand and learn every topic with his
own learning rate.

5. Reduce ratio of failure:

Some students are more sensitive in class and requires more attention of teachers. In class, if they
are ignored then they are disappointed and loose his concentration in learning process. Similarly,
some students don’t ask questions and fails to clarify their concepts due to hesitation in front of

whole class which leads towards failure. Individualized teaching becomes effective for those
students as when they are treated individually and clarify their concepts and their issues solved
which reduce the ration of failure.

6. More responsible and active involvement:

In individualized teaching strategy, student beave as more responsible and show active
involvement because every student required to complete his own task individually with full
concentration and responsibility. Students show full involvement and concerned to complete
these tasks and hence their learning and critical thinking become enhanced.

7. Ensure fairness no competition:

Instructional teaching strategy is effective in term of fairness in learning as there is no

competition among students. In this strategy, learning of students assessed according to his
abilities, intellectual and social traits and no issue of biasness during evaluation as it is carried
out for actual account of learning and individual achievement.


Best example of individualized teaching strategy is Special education in which each student has
individual difference from other students. There is an individualized Education Program (IEP)
for special children in which teachers try to accommodate these children according to their
individual needs.


It is concluded that both group teaching and individual teaching strategies are effective in
learning and teaching process. Both has its pros and cons. We can say that in some situations
group teaching strategy is most effective and in other situations individualized teaching strategy
is beneficial. Teachers can assign complex and creative problems to group of students to tackle
effectively as they can solve these problems in novel way because there are lot of minds to think

about same problem and individual instructional strategy is effective for individual needs of


1. Alex Quigley. (2013). Top 10 group work start. Retrieved from:
2. Alison Burke. (2012). Group Work: How to Use Groups Effectively Southern Oregon
University, Ashland

3. Ali R. Rezaei. (2018). Effective Groupwork Strategies: Faculty and Student Perspectives
College of Education, California State University, Long Beach, USA

4. Attle, S., & Baker, B. (2007). Cooperative learning in a competitive environment: Classroom
applications. International Journal of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education, 19(1), 77-

5. Cooper, J. (2003). Group formation in cooperative learning: What the experts say. In J. L.
Cooper, P. Robinson, & D. Ball (Eds.), Small group instruction in higher education: Lessons
from the past, visions of the future (pp. 207-210). Stillwater, OK: New Forums Press.
6. Ginny Osewalt. (2018). Individualized instruction vs Differential instruction. Retrieved from:
7. Subhashini N. (2018). Individual Instruction Method. Retrieved from:
8. Tuba Aktas. (2017). Teaching strategies. Retrieved from:

Q-2 Explain the different components of inquiry method and its application
for teaching of science at secondary level.

Ans. Introduction:

We know that this era is of science and technology and without science knowledge we are unable
to approach reality. Science is a practical knowledge which is not possible through rote
memorization so such methods are required which enable the students to learn by doing and they
can gain hands on experiences. One of these methods is inquiry-based method. Inquiry method is
a process in which teacher guides the students to look for problems, pose meaningful questions
and decide after investigation that how these questions can be answered. It is a student-centered
approach which discuss that how knowledge can be generated, transmitted and what can be the
contribution of teachers in the knowledge of learners. Teacher motivates the students to
investigate the material, asked questions about issues and then share their views. This method
used different approaches like small group discussion and guided and open inquiry learning.
Students explore the things, experience them and discussed to build their knowledge. In this
question, I am going to discuss components of inquiry method and its applications in science
teaching at secondary level.

Fig: Inquiry method

Components of Inquiry-based method:

Inquiry method is based on the philosophy of John Dewey as curiosity of learners initiate
education. This method gives the responsibility of learning to the students and motivates them to
gain the understanding of scientific concepts. We can say that it is an array of practices in class
that develops learning of students through guided inquiry, independent exploration of complex
and essential questions often has not any single answers. Teachers support the learners to
develop their abilities in learning like to probe good question, find out what is required to learn,
multiple resources required to answer these questions and how to share their learning with

There are five components of inquiry method. These are:

1. Orientation

2. Conceptualization

3. Investigation

4. Conclusion

5. Discussion

1. Orientation:

Inquiry method starts with orientation in which teacher introduced a topic and stimulate the
curiosity of students about that topic. Teacher required from students to define their problem
statements. They start initial exploration which initiate the formulation of questions and
hypothesis formation.

2. Conceptualization:

In this phase, question and hypothesis formulation takes place. Lesson starts with an essential
question which brings curiosity among students. Teacher motivates the learners to ask valued
questions. Answers of these questions must be constructed by students. These are such questions

whom answers ae not easily available in reading of a single line or paragraph but these can be
addressed in learning activity. These essential questions are based on high order of Bloom’s
taxonomy which required evaluation, analysis and synthesis to develop a complex thinking with
the help of skillful and valid questions. These questions are the basis of effectiveness of inquire-
based method because they develop reflective thinking. Characteristic of essential questions

 These questions help to develop course of action.

 They formulate on the base of previous knowledge.

 These are scientifically oriented which leads towards critical thinking.

 They help the students to take decisions.

 They direct the course of research of students as they initiate the research.

 Answers of these questions lead the students towards construction of new knowledge
from those information gain during research process.

 They directly measure the understanding of students when they find the answers of these

After questioning, students move towards hypothesis formulation after the acquisition of
experience about topic.

3. Investigation:

It is the third component of Inquiry based teaching which focus on the participation of students
in their own learning process and hands-on activities. It involves exploration, experimentation
and data interpretation. Characteristics of this element includes:

 Teacher play the role as facilitator and indulge student to plan and generate data.

 Students gain hands on experience to perform scientific experiments.

 Students are not passively fill the vessel of knowledge or answer these questions but
actively take part in the creation of knowledge and reflect their understanding.

 Students observe, evaluate, record information and use material to carry out activities.

 Sorting of information is carried by students to decide which information is important

and which is not.

 Students find changes, differences and similarities, detect sequencing through detailed
understanding of information and synthesize new knowledge.

4. Conclusion:

In this component, students draw findings from investigation. Students communicate with each
other in pairs or groups, discuss ideas and in this way, create learning environment. There is no
competition among students and reach to correct answer of question through cooperative

5. Discussion:

It involves communication, reflection and evaluation. Teachers formulate instruction to measure

the performance of students. It encourages student to demonstrate the comprehension level.
Teacher plans the following things:

 Student communicate their knowledge and create end product in the form of essay, slide
show, posters, videos, songs and graphs etc.

 Product of students should be based on high order thinking.

 Teachers used rubrics for evaluation.

 Reflection develops scientific skills, problem solving, and decision-making skills of


Students utilize multiple resources to give variety of responses selected by teacher. These
resources include posters, websites, videos, textbooks and expert opinion as supporting material
in learning.

Application of Inquiry method in science teaching:

Inquiry based method is widely used as compared to other traditional method of direct teaching.
It develops habits of mind and gives lifelong learning. It teaches the students to ask valid
questions and, in this way, fosters the desired skills to enhance knowledge. Students are owner of
their own learning and this method helps the students to connect their learning with real life. In
inquiry method, teacher used novelty to engage the interest of students and flourish their
curiosity through different activities during science teaching and allowed the learners to
investigate topic, give time to think critically about problem and then develop responses. Science
teachers always ensured that their lessons moved forward by using inquiry method and it can be
done through probing of questions, challenging the thinking of students and providing them
timely and meaningful feedback.

This method has vast applications for science teaching at elementary as well as secondary level
as it increases outcome of student learning, and their interest and preparation to study STEM in
near future. Its applications in science teaching at secondary level are as:

1. Enhancement of learning:

Science is a practical knowledge and it cannot be learnt through memorization, taking notes
during lecture or receiving information passively. Inquiry based method enhance the learning
experiences of students during science teaching because it required the students to explore the
information and facts themselves.

2. Development of cognitive and critical thinking:

As in inquiry method, students ask valued questions, explore the science, make connections
between ideas, apply knowledge in new domains, evaluate and synthesize new knowledge. These
all activities involve critical thinking and push the students towards development of cognitive

abilities. Students required to move out from comfort zone and decrease the perception about any
scientific concept to get it always right and in this way, increased ambiguity leads towards the
use of intellectual abilities.

3. Lifelong learning:

Inquiry based method ensures lifelong learning. Life has lot of uncertainty and we must face
unfamiliar and unexpected situations day by day. Similarly, innovations and inventions are there
in science continuously and we have to find the creative solutions for these unfamiliar situations.
In inquiry-based method, students indulge in different situations, explore and then learn new
knowledge. This knowledge makes them lifelong learners.

4. Triggers new approach about new problems:

Our main problem is that we are facing lot of wicked problems that we have not even faced
before like global warming, ozone depletion, pollution, hunger and sudden climate change etc.
there is need to develop dynamic and scientific attitude among our young generation to tackle
these issues. Inquiry based learning triggers the students towards new approaches and to find
new solutions with their critical thinking abilities in science subjects at secondary level.

5. Source of natural differentiator:

We know that inquiry-based learning is an autonomous way of learning in which students are
independent to ask, approach any activity and choose their learning pathway according to taste.
Students are free to learn in their own way. Teacher is free from heavy burden so he can easily
give individualized teaching to students where need arises. In science subjects, it is most
beneficial for slow learners. In this way there is natural differentiation occurs and low achievers
learn with high achievers successfully.

6. Reinforcement of content:

Inquiry based teaching method can be used to reinforce the important content of curriculum and
improve the comprehension of core concepts of learners. When a concept starts curiosity among

students then activity of their hippocampus increased which is a part of brain helps to create
memory. When students become more curious then normal and ask questions, think critically
and inquire activity then they are able to retain the different concepts effectively during exercise.
This happens as a result of curiosity created through brain.

7. Enhance engagement of students:

In inquiry-based leaning, students are allowed to ask questioning, explore ideas, involve in
activities, create their own knowledge and use variety of materials during lab work. In this way,
they are in direct content to the material and their active engagement with material and learning

8. Love for learning:

In inquiry-based method, students are free to work without any fear. They follow their own
learning process. They engaged in different activities which increased their passion and high-
level learning. In this way, they are able to understand the scientific concepts deeply and love to
work with science as science become interesting for them.


It is concluded that inquiry method is best used for science teaching at secondary level. It fosters
the critical thinking and high order skills according to Bloom’s taxonomy. It is not only carried
out in laboratory work but it can apply also during lecture method as pose question in this way
which provoke the students to think cognitively and ask valued questions. In this method,
students direct the learning process in the way which explains that how science relates to real
world. Sometimes this method I time consuming and messy but if it is used with proper planning
then it can give us best outcomes.


1. Dana Bulba. (2020). What is inquiry-based science. Retrieved from:

2. Enrichment. (2018). What is inquiry-based learning (and how is it effective). Retrieved from:

3. Lab 4u. (2020). 9 Reasons Why you should implement inquiry-based learning in your
classroom. Retrieved from:
4. Lee, V. S., Greene, D. B., Odom, J., Schechter, E., & Slatta, R. W. (2004). What is inquiry
guided learning. In V. S. Lee (Ed.), Teaching and learning through inquiry: A guidebook for
institutions and instructors (pp. 3-15). Sterling, VA: Stylus Publishing.

5. Marcus Guido. (2017). What Is Inquiry-Based Learning: 7 Benefits & Strategies You Need
to Know. Retrieved from:

6. Pedaste, M., Maeots, M., Siiman, L. A., de Jong, T., van Riesen, S. A., Kamp, E. T., Manoli,
C. C., Zacharia, Z., & Tsourlidaki, E. (2015). Phases of inquiry-based learning: Definitions
and the inquiry cycle. Educational research review, 14, p.47-61.

Q-3 Do you think that valid questions are the driving force to stimulate the
thinking process? Explain your view by giving relevant examples.

Ans: Introduction:

Questioning is an important teaching technique to enhance thinking process. There is no doubt

that engagement, outcomes, achievement and effective participation of students in learning
process depend on those questions which teacher asked during teaching. Questions are the
stimuli or cues in teaching process that ignite the learning process, convey content and tells what
students should do to learn. It is believed that questioning drive thinking and those students who
ask questions frequently learn better as compared to others who don’t ask questions because
questions encourage the learners to actively focus the attention, help to process information
deeply, guide the students about mastery of contents and practice to develop critical thinking.
Teachers should ask valid questions because these questions motivate the students to dig deeper
to give thoughtful response and assist them to create their own learning and thought. Good
questions show that what students feel and thinking about what they have listen and formulate a

balance between content and process. In this question, I am going to discuss that how valid
questions are the driving force for the process of thinking.

Valid questions are the driving force to stimulate the thinking process:

Questioning is an important technique for meaningful and scientific learning. To ask valid
question is a creative art and is at the heart of teaching and learning process. This technique
belongs to Socrates which believed that best teaching is that in which teaching is carried out with
the help of valid, skillful and scientifically oriented questions which are driven force to ignite the
thinking process and improve understanding through exploration of ideas. Valid questions make
the thinking of students visible and guide about the teaching process in right direction. Those
questions which stimulates the response of learner and required complex mental ability can
enhance creativity like “What if” and “Why” questions activate the critical thinking and
cognitive abilities. A student which doesn’t ask question like a spoon-fed child which has not
deep understanding to develop during learning. Teacher should encourage the students to ask
valid and effective questions because:

 Questions enhance their curiosity about the content.

 Motivates the students to think deep and hard about topic.

 Integrate the understanding of learners with materials.

 Enhance engagement of students in learning process.

 Ensures multiple perspective of student about one topic.

 Help the learners to plan their own investigation to clarify things.

 Stimulate them to find answer.

Teacher should ask valid and effective questions and they should be based on high order thinking
skills as in hierarchal system of Blooms Taxonomy which orders the thinking skills from low to

high. Students moved from low to high order to achieve mastery at each level. This taxonomy is
a helping tool for teachers as well as students to develop thinking skills in order.

Fig: Questioning and creative thinking

Valid questions are meaningful, purposeful, promote thinking and shape the learning process.
Lessons that include though provoking questions raise curiosity and attain learning outcomes as
compared to those lessons without questioning. Valid questions stimulate the thinking process
because they are beneficial in many aspects as:

1. Direct thinking of learners in specific way:

Thinking and reasoning of learners is enhanced through valid questions because they start the
process of hypothesis formation, prediction, experimentation and explanation of facts thus
directs the learning and thinking in desired way. These questions stimulate the learners to explain
things that provoked the thinking and help to find solution for problems. They enable to know
that what learners already know, point out the gaps between content and understanding and
scaffolding occur to minimize the gaps between current knowledge and learning objectives thus
give direction to move towards new knowledge.

2. Motivate learners to construct Schema:

Valued and thought-provoking questions are generative activity which helps the learners to gain
and constructs the missing piece of information to resolve issues in their understanding. During
these questions, Cognitive function or schema rearrange the information and fit in existing
knowledge. Learners inspect their existing schema, experience new understanding, clarify
concepts and retained information. In this way, new schema is formed and construction of new
knowledge takes place as learners explain and try to answer these questions posed by the teacher.

3. Provide immediate insight:

Valued questions give insightful learning as when teachers probe high order questions, they
ignite the thinking of students and motivate them to think critically and increase their curiosity.
Learners try to find their answers by using cognitive thinking and move towards the answers.
This whole process provides them immediate insight and deep understanding of any phenomena.

4. Encourages engagement and interest:

Thinking of students develop from low order to high order due to effective questions, they
compel towards deep understanding, explore concepts, make connections and look for the big
picture of learning. They move from one level of Blooms taxonomy to next higher level of
thinking. Similarly, thought-provoking questions enhance curiosity and increase the motivation
and engagement of students. They take interest to find the answer of question and in this way
learn better.

5. Foster discussion in classroom:

When students work in group to share problems then effective questions stimulate the students
and their group members to use thinking strategy and different processes to find answers. They
help students to construct knowledge with group fellows or peers and fosters productive
discussion. During this productive discussion, students collaborate with each other and share
ideas then they enter in the zone of proximal development. This collaboration helps the students
to scaffold the ideas, motivates them to reflect their own ideas. During discussion, different
perspective comes under consideration and students are able to fin pros and cons of each

6. Encourage brainstorming and creativity:

When students faced a valued and scientific oriented question then they stimulate towards
thinking as they generate ideas and put these ideas in concrete form. It motivates them towards
brainstorming as they force their brain to come with new solutions and answers. They connect
ideas with each other and formulate a cohesive whole answer. Similarly, these questions foster
creativity as when students think logically and try multiple perspective about question then move
towards high order thinking skill and synthesize something creative.

These aspects show that questioning is an effective technique to foster the learning process and
valued questions are the drive to stimulate the thinking process as these questions enhance high
order thinking, cognitive abilities, brainstorming and give opportunity to see multiple

Example of valued and effective question:

There ae different approaches used by teacher to ask valued and effective questions because
these questions are at the heart of learning process. One of this famous approach is Pose, pause,
pounce and bounce approach. It motivates the engagement of students, differentiation and
indulge them in deep thinking. It enables the teachers to draw out the learning from students.
This approach works as:

 Pose: First step involved pose of a question from teachers to learners. Question should be
challenging, valued and scientifically oriented. For example: What is nucleus of cell?

 Pause: In this step, Teacher will pause and wait for the responses of students. Teacher will
give time to think about question. If students ae working in groups then teacher will allow
them to share their ideas with group members.

 Pounce: In pounce stage, teacher will select the student to answer the question and noted his
response. Similarly, teacher will ask another student to give response and, in this way, will
collect different responses. For example: Different students will pounce and give response
but above question as one student says It is brain of cell. It contains genetic material. Another

student says that It controls all activities of cell. In this way, teacher will record different

 Bounce: Teacher will ask different students to comment on the responses of those students
who have answered in last stage or will say to them to add something in the responses of

Teachers must note that students of pounce and bounce stage should vary and teacher can ask the
bounce students that justify why they have chosen the answer of this specific pounce student.
This is a simple and useful approach used to ask valued and effective questions. In this approach,
teacher can use maximum students in pounce and bounce stage and increase the participation and
interest. When students required to justify their selection during bounce stage then they stimulate
to think critically and will take decision scientifically.


It is concluded that effective questioning technique is a key for successful teaching and learning
process. Way to pose effective and valued questions by teacher fosters the learning and thinking
capabilities of students, Question should be open ended and scientifically oriented which directs
the learning in desired way, motivates them to learn high order thinking skills to covers all levels
of domain. Questions provide the opportunity to the students to use cognitive abilities and look
for multiple perspective to reach answer of question.


1. Attika Etemadzadeha, Samira Seifi b, Hamid Rooh bakhsh. (2012). The role of questioning
technique in developing thinking skills: The ongoing effect on writing skill

2. Christine Chin & Jonathan Osborne. (2008). Students' questions: a potential resource for
teaching and learning science, Studies in Science Education, 44:1, 1-39

3. Clarke, S. (2001). Unlocking Formative Assessment. London: Hodder and Stoughton. Effective_Questioning.html

4. Elaine Gallagher. (2015). Questioning techniques, a skill to enhance by UNO Internacional .
Retrieved from: http://www.Internacional.html

5. Gary Hall. (2016). The Importance of Questioning

6. Vygotsky. (1992). Innovation and creativity: critical thinking in practice

Q-4 Select two research papers related to teaching strategies for science, write
critical review of each paper separately.

Review Article-I

Ans: Introduction:

Title of this article is” Teaching Science with Project Method: Problems & Remedies” by Dr.
Jyoti H. Pawade, Principal, K.M. Azhar Hussain, College of Education, Akola,
Maharashtra and Shobhana L. Dube. This paper explains the importance of project method
insightfully. Project method is a best method for science teaching as we know that the one of the

main objectives of science education is to develop critical thinking, create innovative sense and
inventiveness among the students. This article was written in Indian scenario in which
researchers explain that in socialistic test many brilliant students did very well but at creativity
and imagination level they are at very low level and average student show no inventiveness even
at country level. The reason of this poor performance is their education and examination system.
According to them, we provide students such environment which enhance their scientific
thinking through non formal way of teaching. Project, models and exhibitions can help to
enhance creativity and critical thinking. Many schools achieving good results with the help of
these creative activities. I am going here to write critical review of this paper. What are its merits
and demerits and to what extent it proves helpful for the readers? This paper looks interesting
and helpful to understand the applications of Project method.

Main Body:

Summary of the Paper:

This paper introduced the project method which is basically based on the philosophy of Dewey
and Kilpatrick who are the founder of this method. This method was initially introduced in
America and after that it is successfully employed in all over the world. The project method
consists of many steps like it starts with providing a situation, choosing the purpose of project
then planning on project and then execution on plan was done and after this, judging and
recoding takes place.

Merits of Project method:

In this heading, authors comprehensively discussed the merits of project method like it is based
on the learning laws such as readiness, exercise and law of effect. Its stress is on the problem-
solving thinking, correlate with other subjects, it is related to real life, gives direction to the
efforts, it also provides citizenship training and provides freedom to the students to solve the
problem and improves presentation skill.

Role of teacher:

In this heading authors highlighted the role of teacher in project method. They stated that the
project method is systematic approach and it moves step by step to execute the project as each
and every thing is pre planned in project method. The role of a teacher is guider and facilitator
who guides the student at each stage where student asked for help. It is the duty of teacher to
prevent the delay in project to minimizes the uncertainty and reduce the risk. The role of teacher
is significant in project method.

Objective of the study:

This study is based on the two objectives as first is to highlight the problems which a teacher
encounters while teaching project method in high school and other is to provide remedies of
those problems.

Research methodology:

The survey was conducted in this study and high school science teachers and experts were the
population of this study.

Sample for the survey:

In Pune city, 50 high school teachers along with five science subject experts are the sample of
the study.

Data analysis:

Data was collected through a questionnaire regarding project method problems and remedies was
filled by teachers and interview of field experts were also taken to find out clearer picture about
problem and remedies faced by teachers while executing project method.


Under this heading the authors find out that there were variety of problems like every student has
different IQ and these difference in IQ also create problem while executing project method.
Project method is not suitable for an overcrowded class because sufficient strength is required to
carry out this process effectively. Time plays an important role in project method as completion

of syllabus also a big hurdle in project method and last one is the economic problem as we know
that project required finance and many students are unable to afford these expenses.

Expert’s suggestions about remedies:

Every problem has a solution and different teachers used different strategies to overcome the
problem when they are using project method. The best way to execute project method that
project should be tie with the curriculum. The experts gave following remedies about project

 Teacher should take pre-test to determine the present skill and knowledge of student
about specific topic.
 Explain the students that project work is a group work in which collaboration is very
 Before starting the project, complete discussion should be done with students and also
discuss the advantages and benefits of group work.
 During project, teacher should monitor the task and note how students are working in a
group either they are complementing each other and how they are behaving weak
students in their group. Every individual in the group is taking the responsibility or not.
 Teacher should divide the class in normal manageable groups with a smaller number of
students and there should be balance in each group in term of gender IQ level and social
 Ensure complete check and balance on group during project work as this will make
teacher comfortable at the end of project.
 Encourage each individual in the group to present research question and also motivates
them to evaluate the questions of each other.
 It is the key duty of teacher to mentor, facilitate and monitor the students during group
work and assist them in group activities and instruct them to prepare reports after data
 Take opinion of students about the judgement of their own work what they have already
knew and what is the level of increase in knowledge after completion of project work.

Suggestion for teachers:

The teacher who wants to do project work must have theoretical and practical knowledge about
the project method before its conduction. Teacher has the experience how to classify, manage
and organize students from the different economic backgrounds and learning styles. Teacher has
the ability to assess the project work in according to time, resources and space. Teacher has to
develop ability to organize exhibition in which parents also visits and appreciate their children

Critical evaluation of paper:

This article is about effective use of Project method in teaching and learning of science. This
paper is very interesting and insightful. Authors used simple language which makes the paper
understandable for the readers. Title is attractive which gives a clear picture of paper. Authors
used the proper steps of research in comprehensive manner to write this article and used
qualitative approach by using survey method and questionnaire in which they ask teachers about
the problems while doing in project method and collect real time data about remedies from
experts in simplest way. This paper is especially helpful for teachers to understand the steps of
project method and to know about issues regarding the implementation of Project method.
Authors not only highlight the issues but also give recommendations to improve the situation.

Above all these merits, there are some demerits of paper as there is no date of publish mentioned
on the paper which gives negative impact about the paper for readers. Authors limited this study
only Pune city of India which decreased its effectiveness Only fifty teachers are involved in this
study as the sample size is very small. Moreover, in remedies section, training of teachers about
project method is not mentioned which plays a key role in improving teacher’s efficiency to use
any method. References are not given in proper manner.

It is concluded that the success of project work depends upon the teachers as teachers should be
innovative and experimental. If teacher lacks the critical thinking and scientific outlook, he will
never be able to execute project work successfully. This article is very informative that talks
about the problems and remedies of project method. It gives information about proper steps to
carry out the project method in more comprehensive and easy manner. At the end, this article

gives remedies to overcome the problems which a teacher faces in using Project method. All
these are the strong point of this article and I am strongly recommended for others to read this
article. Although there are some shortcomings but above all, this gives a clear picture about the
effectiveness of Project method in science teaching. This can be more improved if there are some
solutions taken from the teachers with experts as teachers can better explain their issues at
ground reality. This article should focus on the issues of students also. Its study should conduct
by taking data from other cities of India also. There should be proper publishing date which can
be make it more attractive.


Dr. Jyoti H. Pawade, Shobhana L. Dube. (n.d). Teaching Science with Project Method: Problems
& Remedies, K.M. Azhar Hussain, College of Education, Akola, Maharashtra

Review Article-II


This paper has title “Strategies of Teaching Science Using an Inquiry Based Science
Education (IBSE) by Novice Chemistry Teachers” by Nurshamshida Md Shamsudin,
Nabilah Abdullah and Nurlatifah Yaamat in 2013. This article examines that how inquiry-

based learning helps in provision of meaningful learning. Traditional methods focus only the
mastery of content rather than practical implications. Traditional methods pay less attention on
development of scientific behavior and attitude. In these methods, teacher delivers and students
receive passively and main aim of teacher is to achieve the school success to ensure the highest
grades of students through rote memorization as compared to inquiry method. In this article, it is
tried to explain the definition of inquiry and also explained the different methods of inquiry-
based teaching especially in science education and also compare the traditional teaching methods
with inquiry base teaching. firstly, it gives the definition of inquiry by Haing (2005) in which he
explained that inquiry includes the exploration of issue, search of knowledge, find out the truth
and draw conclusions and all these steps required to think critically. Authors talk about three
teaching methods for science education is discovery, experience and inquiry method. Inquiry is a
cycle of understanding the attributes of science through logical examinations. It is through
attempts, testing and additional data search that people started to see examples or associations,
frequently prompting disclosures. Discovery purpose is to get information, ideas and speculation.
Aksela (2010) expounds the significance of abilities improved through IBSE (Inquiry Based
Science Education) that are dynamic, basic reasoning, versatility, resistance and self-sufficiency.
I am going here to write critical review of this article. What are its merits and demerits and to
what extent it proves helpful for the readers? This paper looks insightful, attractive and effective
to understand the applications of Inquiry method.

Main Body:

Summary of the Paper:

In this paper, authors write the effectiveness of inquiry method in teaching of science especially
chemistry with different examples.

Inquiry method Vs Traditional method in science:

In this heading, with the help of literature it is tried to explain how inquiry method has positive
effects on the leaning of students. Researchers tried to explain the benefits of inquiry methods as
compare to traditional methods and also critics the direct method in traditional approach. Inquiry
method improves the student behavior towards science and develop scientific attitude in learners.
Inquiry method used more hands-on activities and during activities teacher plays its role as

facilitator who enhances the critical thinking in students. This method also enhances the
student’s interest in science. Important point is that this method needs planning and time but
sometimes it was difficult to execute this method in some science topics. In direct method
teachers often faces less difficulties that’s why they adapt traditional method. Direct method
follows the step-by-step process but it restricts the student development and limits their abilities
as it is purely teacher centered method. Although direct method facilitates the teachers but it is
not so beneficial for student learning. That’s the reason students have to adopt inquiry instruction
while teaching science.

Inquiry based method used in science:

Under this heading authors discusses the different method of inquiry base teaching like
simulation, project work, Demonstration, experiment and field studied etc. Simulation is an
inquiry method which is an imitation of real world as games, role play and models. These are
used to clarify the concepts of students. Researches has shown that chemistry teaching with
computer simulations has shown better results as compared to traditional methods. Project work
allows the students to work in group collaboratively, engage in different activities and follow
social constructivism approach. Demonstration is an effective approach of inquiry method used
to clear the concepts with the help of evidences. Experiments are at the core of science studies as
it proves the theories and engage students effectively. Field study give the opportunity to work in
real setting.

Research Methodology:

In this study the authors opt qualitative research design. In this method the participants were
those teachers who are going through their pre-service teaching practice and become voluntary
as a part of this research. Observations, structured interviews and document analysis was used
for data collection in this study. Record books and reflective notes are specially used. In this
study, teacher trainers were used inquiry method in class room and used classroom observations
and classroom record to obtain data.

Data Analysis:

(Record Book, class room observations, Reflective notes, Interviews)

Data was analyzed through teaching documents and teaching activities. Lesson plan and
reflection notes were also taken as data. Triangulated data was also obtained through class room
observations. For understanding and discussion the data was also coded. In this heading,
different steps of data collection were also explained as total eight steps were followed in this
research study. In first step document collection was explained, in second step analysis of lesson
plan and reflective notes, in third step coding was there, in fourth step member of research were
explained and in fifth step Cohen test was explained, in sixth step how data was recorded and in
seventh step data analysis and at last discussion was made.

Findings and discussions:

In this chapter the finding and discussion were made under two research questions. In this
heading, interviews and observation of three participants were discussed. Their lesson plan and
activities were discussed, their reflective journal, how students participate and reacts at their
lesson plan was recorded. Under this heading comprehensively explained how teacher execute
his lesson in the class room what steps he followed and how he deals the student in the class
room and how student participated in classroom activities and help in developing students
critical thinking.

Summary and findings:

In this heading, overall view of the research was comprehensively presented.


This research paper also presented very effective recommendation in using inquiry-based
instruction in science education. Authors highly recommended the inquiry base method while
teaching science they also recommended the ZYL triangle method for teaching science in
classrooms. They said according to finding teacher must use demonstration, experimental and
simulation method because it gives very effective results. It would be highly beneficial for
student in science classrooms. The authors not only recommended ZYL triangle method but also
explained how this method will be used in class room and how a teacher gets maximum benefits
from this method and how it can be implemented and execute in the classrooms. They explained
this method through experiment, simulation and demonstration strategies and diagram was used
to explain the overall picture of this method.

Critical evaluation of paper:

This article explains the use of Inquiry method in teaching and learning of science. This paper is
very interesting and insightful. Authors used simple language which makes the paper
understandable for the readers. Proper date of publishing mentioned. Title is attractive which
gives a clear picture of paper. In short, this article presents the overall picture of inquiry-based
method while teaching science in classroom. The start of the literature is very good with the
basic word of inquiry then this article delimits the inquiry to three basic techniques of inquiry
method like project, discovery and experimental method then it compares the traditional method
and inquiry method. This is a qualitative study and three teacher trainees was selected.
Triangulation was used to select the data this is also very good technique which minimize the
error and increase the validity of data. In analysis chapter every participant view is given very
comprehensively which is very good and clear. The best point of this article is its
recommendation portion which perfectly explain how to use inquiry method. Authors tried to
explain ZYL method in very good manners by using diagram and chart.


It is concluded that inquiry method is more successful method for science teaching which
enables the students to learn concepts effectively. This article is very informative that talks about
the use of technology also in inquiry method. This article gives different methods for inquiry
approach which are helpful for students. All these are the strong point of this article and I am
strongly recommended for others to read this article as this gives a clear picture about the
effectiveness of Inquiry method in science teaching. This can be more improved if there are more
trainees are selected to get data.


Nurshamshida Md Shamsudin, Nabilah Abdullah and Nurlatifah Yaamat. (2013). Strategies of

Teaching Science Using an Inquiry Based Science Education (IBSE) by Novice Chemistry


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