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Name: Subject: Year 3 History

Date: Sheet: Bronze Age

Cloze Exercise - Bronze Age

prehistoric small cooked copper

cooking tin hole boil
circles metal fire water
jewellery henges farming tombs

Fill in the missing words from the word bank.

The Bronze Age was a time in early human history when people
first started to use the _______________ bronze. Bronze is a
mixture of _______________ and _______________ and
replaced stone as the best material for tools. People were able to
use bronze to build stronger tools for _______________ and also began to produce weapons
and jewellery.

People in the Bronze Age built _______________ made of standing stones called
_______________. Stonehenge in England is one of the most famous _______________
monuments in the world. They also built new burial _______________ that were often found
under _______________ mounds called round barrows. Bronze, flint, and stone tools have
been found in the burials and also amber and bone _______________.

Houses in the Bronze Age were often built in a round shape and had a _______________ in
the centre for warmth, light, and _______________. When people cooked food they would
dig a _______________ in the ground and fill it with _______________. Large stones were
heated in a fire before being thrown into the water to make the water _______________. This
is how food was _______________.

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