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SerialNo RegisterationNumber Name RollNumber

1 11918592 Md Musfiqur Rahman RD1907B30

2 11918495 Gabin Durant Leuko Happi RD1907B31
3 11918499 Yogesh Kumar RD1907B32
4 11918358 Md Mahir Sahariar RD1907B33
5 11919179 MD Rejwanul Islam RD1907B34
6 11919149 Aden Tahlil Aden RD1907B35
7 11918689 Ashish Bhandari RD1907B36
8 11919501 Rakesh Kumar Sahani RD1907B37
9 11914702 Chamith Vidusanka Weerasinghe Wanasinghe Mudiyanse RD1907B38
10 11914262 Ranvir Singh RD1907B39
11 11916688 Abhishek Kumar Arya RD1907B40
12 11916723 Farhan Rahman Ongkon RD1907B41
13 11916381 Kaushal Kumar Ganesh RD1907B42
14 11917477 Damandeep singh RD1907B43
15 11900156 Mohammad Robel RD1907B44
16 11900445 Ahmed Ali Ahmed Elamin RD1907B45
17 11900716 Md Shahadat Kabir RD1907B46
18 11900717 Seyram Adubah Asante RD1907B47
19 11908896 Rupesh Kumar Ray RD1907B48
20 11909341 Rakshit Deep Basotra RD1907B49
21 11909914 Kaushik Pathak RD1907B50
22 11911087 Gourav Sharma RD1907B51
23 11906552 Mohammad Musfiqur Rahman RD1907B52
24 11906556 Sk Ohiduzzaman RD1907B53
Set 1 Set 1
Set 2 1.     Write a program to create a mark sheet of a student using decision making statement and display t
Set 3 2.     Write a program to initialize array of 10 integers at compile time and declare one integer pointer. A
Set 4 3.     Write a program to accept two different integer arrays and merge them into third array.
Set 5
Set 1 Set 2
Set 2 1.     Write a program to print the table of any given number with proper format.
Set 3 2.     Write a program to insert an element in the specific position in the array.
Set 4 3.     Write a program to calculate total numbers of elements present in the array.
Set 5
Set 1 Set 3
Set 2 1.     Write a program to generate Fibonacci series till the given number n.
Set 3 2.     Write a program to create a dynamic block of n elements using calloc function, accept values for th
Set 4 3.     Write a program to accept array of 10 integers and accept one integer pointer that should point th
Set 5
Set 1 Set 4
Set 2 1.     Write a program create array with dimension 2*3 and traverse this array.
Set 3 2.     Write a program to accept string and calculate length of a given string without using string handlin
Set 4 3.     Write a program to create a structure called student having fields roll_no and two student type poi
Set 5
Set 1 Set 5
Set 2 1.     Write a program to get largest and smallest element of an array.
Set 3 2.     Write a program to delete an array element from given position.
Set 4 3.     Write a program to create a dynamic block of 5 elements using malloc function and accept values f
ng statement and display the result with respect to all possibility.
clare one integer pointer. Assign the address of array to the pointer and access all elements using pointer.
into third array.

nction, accept values for this block and display all entered elements.
ointer that should point the array. Now print Ist element of array then 4th followed by 9th element using addition operation into pointer v

ithout using string handling functions.

o and two student type pointers called previous and next. Now connect all three student and access data of all of them using previous and

nction and accept values for this block then update the size of block with 10 elements using realloc function and make sure previously ent
on operation into pointer variable.

of them using previous and next pointer.

d make sure previously entered values should not lost.

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