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Hiroyuki C.



English 9

Major PT #1: VIDEO Viewing, Listening, Comprehending

Every new dispensation is an advancement of the previous one, because there is an increase in

knowledge. Innovative solutions are being introduced making seemingly impossible to become possible.

Everything in our world is changing there is a statement in the video about the industrial revolution

saying that “It doesn’t change what we are doing but it changing us” it means having a advancement is

not a bad thing it depend to the people how will they overcome it. Fourth industrial revolution is first

introduce in Swiss Mountain by the former professor and a founder of World Economic Forum Klauss

Schwab, he say that we are already entering the new era of technological revolution that is blurring the

lines between the physical, digital and biological spheres.

The first industrial revolution began in the late half of the eighteen century. This industrial

revolution saw humans advance from using hand as a way of production mainly in the factories using a

steam engine in a textile industry. But, in the second industrial revolution. This revolution saw a rapid

industrialization, advancement in technology and adaption of existing technologies (steel, oil, electricity

and telephone). Digital age also known as the third industrial revolution saw the transfer of analog to

digital technology like personal computer and internet. This revolution led as to discoveries of devices

like what we have right now like voice and face recognition and other intelligent devices that have

computing capabilities. And because of this technology is merging more and more with human life.
The fourth industrial revolution would have a negative and positive effect on the human life,

shareholder, innovators and investor will be the one who has the most benefit but the risk is making

inequality, which is already a big issue , even worse it likes winner takes all. High skilled will be having a

high pay and the rest workers will left out. Artificial intelligence will eliminate some jobs and create

demand for new skills that many workers have. Sharon Borrows, 2020 says that five million will lost their

jobs because of technology. Privacy concern is the customers worrying about because every company

will turn into a tech company wherein all the data the company have including the private lives will be

having access. Everyone will be traceable as their identification of everyone will be tied to one database.

As I conclude this statement the World Economic Forum has no confidence that the organization

are ready for the changes that the fourth industrial revolution will bringing up. So for the countries who

would choose to do without these intelligence, it means they have defined the peak of their invention

and it will hinder further development. While for the countries that will embrace, it will lead to their

rapid development. Making the saying of Albert Einstein, “It has become appallingly obvious that our

technology has exceeded our humanity.”

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