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Name: Guiller U.


Course Subject: GED 2 Purposive Communication


Answer the questions thoroughly.

1. With COVID-19 causing big and small businesses to adjust their method of
communicating, how do you think the pandemic affected communication
between seller and buyer? Are the principles of effective communication still
utilized? If yes, how?

All firms, big and small, are feeling the effect of COVID 19. Many trends
appeared. First, there were already mass layoffs and closures-just a few weeks into the
crisis. Secondly, the probability of closure was negatively related to the projected
duration of the crisis. In addition, organizations have widely differing opinions about
the possible length of disturbances associated with COVID. Third, many small
companies are vulnerable financially. And last the economy rate of country are
starting to decrease.

There would be a new norm where individuals have learned to do business in

various ways. The global coronavirus pandemic has contributed to advertisement,
marketing, promotional and media spending shifts, forcing corporations and brands to
re-evaluate their thinking about current and potential advertising and marketing
strategies in order to retain a steady stream of revenue as their way of communication
their customers.

The business industries started to shift in an online marketing strategy, all

services are done online and electronic ways. Many divisions of marketing and
advertising will be up to the challenge: to think about creative and inventive
marketing methods and practices that will manage this new normal through the
organization. For brands, this means grappling with shifts in the market due to the
global effect on all segments of industry; facing intensified competition given the
"new normal" of customers and society; Sustainability addressing; assessing
organizational options and challenges posed in an atmosphere of uncertainty by
strategic planning; examining brand reputation issues; identifying possible new
products and services needed to meet the needs and demands of consumers;
concentrating on innovative and strategic marketing strategies and targeted
advertising; and effectively utilizing social media.

With this kind of communication, they still utilize the effectiveness of

communication process but in more challenging ways such as shifting to online
services, strategic planning, delivery services and many more. When it comes to
utilizing effective communication, there will still be a problem, since not all can
access through online platform and physical interactions are prohibited in many ways.

Overall, it is a big challenge for an entrepreneur, businessman, corporate

bodies to deliver effective communication to their customers. Failure to do this will
lead to misunderstanding, information misleading and loss of trust. It is important to
use and apply principle of effective communication in order to meet the demands of
customers and to have a positive feedback in both parties.

2. During this pandemic, which is more applicable? Written communication or

verbal communication? Explain your answer.

The 2019 coronavirus disease outbreak (COVID-19) has created a global

health crisis that, given the need to sustain isolation and social distance, has had a
profound effect on the way we engage with each other. Communication in different
interactions must capitalize on both verbal and nonverbal aspects to be highly
efficient. During these times, good communication is crucial. Organizations that
invest time and energy in ensuring consistent communication can quickly create trust
with their staff and clients.

Based on my observation, Communication, such as messages, emails,

telephone calls, teleconferencing, voicemails and handwritten notes, may be verbal,
written and electronic are necessary in these times of pandemic. Although different
technology platforms allow us to remain connected, there is still one fundamental tool
that holds great power: the written word. Not only can effective written
communication provide critical data, it can also connect individuals within an
organization and promote a sense of community during trying times. For businesses
with remote offices and team members, this is highly important. Remote work
environments require extra focus without in-person meetings, activities, and casual
interactions to ensure that all team members feel linked to the purpose and values of
the company. Thoughtful written interaction will assist. An opportunity to cultivate
the link is given by each email, newsletter, or chat.

Written communication in the midst of pandemic will minimize the risk of

COVID-19, as we all know physical interaction is the root of COVID-19, it is there
way to survive and evolve. So, the solution is to get people back together again, but
doing this safely is the challenge. We need to find creative ways of conversing with
people, but in safe, socially distant spaces and written communication should not be
left behind. Written communication results to physical distance and it helps to limit
COVID-19's spread, which implies that we maintain a distance of at least 1 m from
each other and avoid spending time in crowded places or groups. A new etiquette has
been created by the pandemic; it's important to let people know why you interact in a
certain way with them.

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